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View our Tracking and Targeting Policy

Privacy policy

In this privacy policy, "us", "we" or "our" means Pty Ltd (ABN 86 067 935 737).

This policy relates to our services offered through (the "RSVP Sites"). It sets out how we use your personal information and explains:

We are a subsidiary of Fairfax Media Limited. This policy applies in addition to any privacy policy that otherwise applies in relation to the Fairfax Media group. To the extent of any inconsistency, this policy will take precedence.

We may, from time to time, review and amend this privacy policy to take account of new laws and technology and changes to our operations. Please review this policy periodically to check for amendments. All personal information held by us will be governed by the most recent policy posted on the RSVP Sites.

What information we collect and how we collect it

In general, the personal information we collect about you includes (but is not limited to) your name, email address, other contact details and possibly financial information, including credit card information.

We collect personal information from a variety of sources, including from you, members of the public, advertisers, mailing lists, contractors and business partners.

We obtain most personal information through the membership registration process and updates to membership details. The personal information that you provide as part of your RSVP member profile includes your age, gender, nationality, interests, marital status, and location.

You may also provide information to us when you request or acquire a product or service from us or our related companies, provide a product or service to us, complete a survey or questionnaire, enter a competition, participate in forums or when you communicate with us by e-mail, telephone or in writing (for example if you contact customer service to make a complaint or provide feedback).

We also obtain personal information that you otherwise post or transmit on an RSVP Site, and personal information provided to us via an RSVP Site or otherwise by any other person.

We also collect information about you that is not personal information. For example, we may collect data relating to your activity on our website (including IP addresses) via tracking technologies such as cookies, or we may collect information from you in response to a survey. We generally use this information to report statistics, analyse trends, administer our services, diagnose problems and target and improve the quality of our products and services. To the extent this information does not constitute personal information, the National Privacy Principles do not apply and we may use this information for any purpose and by any means whatsoever.

We endeavour to collect personal information about an individual only from that individual. In some circumstances we may obtain personal information from a third party. If you provide personal information about another person to us, we require that you inform that person you have done so and provide them with a copy of this policy.

Why we collect it?

The primary purpose for which we collect information about you is to provide you with products and services you have requested (including to post your member profile on RSVP and transmit your messages to other members). We also collect information about you for the purposes outlined below.

We may state a more specific purpose at the point we collect your information.

In most cases where we ask you to provide information about yourself, if you do not provide us with that information, we will not be able to provide you with the requested product or service.

How we use the information we collect

In addition to the primary purpose outlined above, we may also use the information we collect:

  • to provide you with news and information about our products and services and opportunities that we believe you may be interested in;
  • to personalise and customise your experiences on RSVP;
  • to help us manage and enhance our products and services;
  • to communicate with you (including transmitting messages from other members);
  • to conduct competitions or promotions;
  • to give you the opportunity from time to time to receive e-mail and 'e-newsletters' from us;
  • to investigate any complaints about or made by you, or if we have reason to suspect that you are in breach of the RSVP terms and conditions of use or that you are or have been otherwise engaged in any unlawful activity; and/or
  • as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

You agree that personal information that you provide and/or we obtain as part of your RSVP member profile, or that you otherwise post or transmit on any public area of an RSVP Site, is non-confidential. You agree that we will be entitled to use such personal information for any purpose.

How we disclose the information we collect

We may disclose personal information to other companies in the Fairfax Media Group (in which case, your personal information will be collected, used, disclosed, managed and stored in accordance with this policy). We may also provide your information to third parties:

  • engaged by us to perform functions on our behalf, such as processing credit card information, mailouts, debt collection, marketing, research and advertising;
  • that are our agents, business partners or joint venture entities or partners;
  • that sponsor or promote any competition that we conduct or promote via our services;
  • authorised by you to receive information held by us (including other members);
  • as part of any investigation into you or your activity, for example, if we have reason to suspect that you have breached the RSVP terms and conditions of use or have otherwise been engaged in any unlawful activity and we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary to the Police, any relevant authority or enforcement body, or your Internet Service Provider or network administrator); and/or
  • as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

You agree that personal information that you provide and/or we obtain as part of your RSVP member profile, or that you otherwise post or transmit on any public area of an RSVP Site, is non-confidential. You agree that we may disclose such personal information to any third party for any purpose.

You agree that we will be entitled to track your activity on the RSVP Sites, including by making a record of the member profiles that you view, and display such usage information to other members (provided that, in that case, we only ever disclose personal information that you provide and/or we obtain as part of your RSVP member profile, or that you otherwise post or transmit on any public area of an RSVP Site).

How we treat sensitive information

"Sensitive Information" means information relating to a person's racial or ethnic origin, membership of political bodies, religion, membership of a trade union or professional or trade association, sexual preferences, criminal record and health.

We may use and disclose Sensitive Information only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose or as allowed by law unless you have agreed otherwise.

Management and security of your information

The Fairfax Media Group, of which we are a member, has appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee the management of personal information in accordance with this policy and the Commonwealth Privacy Act.

We protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by various means including firewalls, pass word access, secure servers and encryption of credit card transactions.

Updating your information

We endeavour to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Members of an RSVP Site can update their membership information via the website (through the my account page). Where personal information is no longer required by us, it will be destroyed or de-identified.

Seeking access to your information

Subject to certain exceptions set out in the Privacy Act, you have the right to seek access to and update the personal information we hold about you.

Members of an RSVP Site can access their membership information via the website (through the my account page) at any time. If you would like to seek access to personal information we hold about you, please contact us on the details below.

If you make an access request, we will ask you to verify your identity and specify what information you require. We may charge a fee to cover the costs of meeting your request.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or complaints about how we collect, use, disclose, manager or store your personal information, please contact us in any of the following ways:

(61) 2 8596 4444
Write to:
RSVP Support (Privacy Officer)
GPO Box 506
Sydney, NSW 2001


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