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Jobless numbers up in UK

By J L Samboma

Yesterday’s depressing news, that unemployment in Britain had increased yet again, arrived with a dose of comic relief to soften the impact, thanks to the BBC and UK top dog David Cameron.

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Malcolm X, Black Liberation and Pan-Africanism *

By J L Samboma

- I am speaking of a ruthless criticism of everything existing, ruthless in two senses: The criticism must not be afraid of its own conclusions, nor of conflict with the powers that be [1]. 

The new book by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the American Socialist Workers Party is a great disappointment; it raises expectations it is ill-equipped to satisfy, fomenting discord where there need be none.

As a consequence this essay, originally conceived as a “simple, straightforward review” of Malcolm X, Black Liberation & the Road to Workers Power[2] (henceforth Workers Power), is instead going to be a “ruthless criticism” a la Marx.

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Bankers’ bonuses hit £7bn as austerity bites UK 

By Julian Samboma

As Britain's coalition government slashes spending and jobs in a widely-criticised austerity drive, the nation’s bankers are set to award themselves £7 billion in bonuses this year.

There has been hardly a pipsqueak form the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition which, incidentally, is chock full of millionaires. They say sacrifices have to be made to get the economy back on track, but it seems it is ordinary people who are shouldering the burden.

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The London student demo, violence and bourgeois hypocrisy

By Julian Samboma

Conservative co-chairman Baroness Warsi, speaking to the BBC hours after a student demo against the raising of tuition fees, said the violence which erupted outside her party HQ yesterday “certainly doesn't take the debate any further.”

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Unemployed to be hit with unpaid work in benefits cuts – the latest from the “nasty party”

By Julian Samboma

Ian Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary will this week unveil plans to force the long-term unemployed to do unpaid work or have their benefits stopped.

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Is Western-style democracy suitable for Africa?

By Julian Samboma

I was involved in a discussion on the above subject yesterday on the BNVillage discussion board.  Following is my contribution to this very important subject:

Of course, Western-style democracy is not suited to Africa. That's what has been on the menu since independence, with the important exception that successive political leaders chose to ignore the positions of opposition parties - or got rid of them when they became too meddlesome.

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Spending cuts, job losses, housing benefit crisis – the “nasty party” returns

By Julian Samboma

Theresa May (right) lambasted her Conservative party in 2002 for being "nasty"; fast-forward eight years and many people would attach the same adjective to the Coalition she now serves as Home Secretary.

Chancellor George Osborne has announced spending cuts that will lead to half-a-million job losses.  Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron signalled changes in the housing benefits system which could see thousands forced out of major British cities.

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God, Tony Blair and mass murder

By Lahai J Samboma

The news today that Tariq Aziz, Saddam’s former deputy Prime Minister, is to hang brought to mind one yet-to-be convicted mass murderer responsible for his downfall – Tony Blair, the world’s most famous christian after Jesus.

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African Liberation is not a done deal (Beyond Mandela, part deux)

By Lahai J Samboma

Like most “normal” people, I like a good laugh. And, as luck would have it, I had an exceptionally good one today, both during and after reading a think piece in a leading London “liberal left” daily. And then, I cried. And laughed some more, in the process almost choking on my food.

Mandela%20statue.jpgThe article, “Beyond Mandela” was published in the Guardian and written by a “bro” by the name of Onyekachi Wambu. I do not believe the writer is a comedian, nor that his intention, as he put fingers to keyboard, was to be a source of mirth or stimulant to the left lacrimal gland of yours truly.

Shorn of all its accoutrements, and the red herrings about development and dignity for Africa and Africans, Mr Wambu’s thesis is simply this: post-Mandela, African and black liberation has been won and what is needed now on the continent are what he calls “leaders of development”.

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Misinformation, the media and the foiled terror plot

By Lahai J Samboma

airport terror plot.jpgSoon after the alleged terror plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights last week, one of the first things that became apparent was that the so-called independent media were being far from independent in their reporting of this alleged plot foiled by the British police and security services, for long plagued by accusations of being inept and trigger-happy.

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