General strike!

If there’s one thing, politically, that I want to happen in 2014 it’s for leftists to drop the demand for a 24 hour general strike from above and start building for an all out general strike from...

A column by Liberté Locke on some of the hurdles and frustration one encounters in workplace organizing.

A reply to an article that appeared in the Industrial Worker newspaper, titled 'The contract as a tactic'.

occupy the ballot?

This blog post raises some questions posed by the election of Kshama Sawant to Seattle City Council and related developments, questions for people who are pro- and who are anti- this kind of...


Enrique Flores Magón with IWW members and family, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexi

An article by J Pierce on the history of the Mexican IWW.


Complete first issue of Viewpoint Magazine, an autonomist Marxist influenced online publication.