Leading Headlines

Cliff climb to safety

Clutching his unconscious baby nephew in one arm, and fighting the pain of his own injuries, Sandeep Singh grasped blackberry vines in a desperate attempt to scale a…

Jetboater dies in crash

The partner of a jetboater killed after hitting a tree is traumatised after a shocking high-speed tragedy marred a summer outing on a Hawke's Bay river yesterday.

Deals on wheels idea takes off

Motorists are turning their cars into mobile billboards - with hopes of being paid up to $1k a month .CarAds began operating in Auckland this week, connecting advertisers…

Harden up, stung pop star advised

Lorde has confessed she has been hurt by social media barbs about her and boyfriend James Lowe, but a man singled out for criticism says she needs to "harden up" and…

Long summer days amid fickle weather

A "massive" high-pressure system will bring up to 10 days of settled summer weather in NZ - but Kiwis will have to wait another week for heat to roll over from baking-hot…

Cheeky Biggs has the last word

Defiant to the end, train robber Ronnie Biggs was laid to rest yesterday at a funeral complete with a Dixieland band, an honour guard of Hells Angels and a cheeky floral…




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Herald Poll

6300–6350 votes

Should pregnant women be offered a voucher to quit smoking?

Editorial: Voucher scheme worth trying

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Good outlook for job-seekers

The number of jobs advertised on Seek grew only slightly last year, but the employment website says NZ ended 2013 in an 'extremely healthy position' and that 2014 is…

NZ needs Aussies to play drums

Transtasman rivalry is wide-ranging but only rarely does New Zealand relish comparing itself economically with Australia. This, however, is one of those times. HSBC…



What 2014 may have in store

The year 2012 was a vintage one for science. It was the year that the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars, and the Higgs boson was finally smoked out.


Oil-drilling support slipping - poll

There is increased opposition to the Govt's plans for oil, gas and mineral exploration in the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey - although nearly 60% of respondents still…

Foreign buyers snapping up NZ land

Sales of land to overseas investors have hit a seven-year high, just as a Herald -DigiPoll survey shows the issue remains a worry for a majority of New Zealanders.


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