Jack W. Stone's Joyce/Lacan/SintHome Page

"There is a dynamic of knots; it serves for nothing (sert á rien), but, finally, it grips (serre)."
--Jacques Lacan, Le Sinthome 2/10/76--

Joyce Links

Lacan Links

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". . . I would hope, if he were here, to convince him that that he wanted to be Joyce the Symptom, in that, of the symptom, he gives us the apparatus, the essence, the abstraction . . . The symptom is purely what lalangue conditions, but, in a certain fashion, Joyce carries it to the power of language, without forasmuch any of it being analyzable; it is what strikes, and literally dumbfounds (interdit) . . . But we can call it something else, and it is here that I today crown what it is with the Name-of-the-Father at the point (degré) where Joyce testifies to it--with what it is appropriate to call the sinthome. It is inasmuch as the unconscious is knotted to the sinthome, which is what there is of the singular for each individual, that one can say that Joyce, as is written somewhere, is identified with the individual (in English in the original)."
--Jacques Lacan, Joyce le Symptome I, June 16, 1975 (my translation)--


Joyce Links

". . . lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through pyth of flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for he is noewhemoe. Finiche! Only a fadograph of a yestern scene."
--Finnegans Wake, p. 7--

"He has hidden his name, a fair name . . . in the plays, a super here, a clown there, as a painter of old Italy set his face in a dark corner of his canvas."
--Ulysses, Gabler edition, p. 172--


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Lacan Links

"I am not simply that punctiform being established at the geometric point where perspective is grasped. No doubt, in the depth of my eye, the picture is painted. The picture, certainly, is in my eye. But me, I am in the picture."
--Jacques Lacan, Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, p. 110-111 (my translation)--



Me, on the far left (sans beard or glasses), with the Ragland Group, Chicago, 1998 (click on image for full-color photo).

My Stuff

I believe
I might have become
A great writer
the chairs
in the library
were too hard"
--Diane di Prima, from "Three Laments"--


  • Papers
  • Annotated Tabulation of Lacan's Sexuation Formulas
  • The Latest in Stolentiling: Dynamic Joyce/Lacan/Sinthome 3D "World."
  • Lotsoffun mpe3 mash.
  • Winfract Fractal Animation.
  • Thunderword.
  • My C.V.
Wallpaper generated from a detail on this page of The Book of Kells using Silicon Mirror. Gif animations compiled using UnFreez 2.1.

"These images are . . . I can hardly believe my eyes! So many colors!" I said, drinking it all in.
"From a land that doesn't have many colors, a bit of blue and much green."
--Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose--

Last updated on 4/24/10.

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