The Real Value In Having Life Insurance Is Having Coverage That Makes A Difference

The financial needs of family are the sole purpose for securing a good life insurance policy. In the event of unfortunate disability or death of a loved one that brings money into the home, a family’s lifestyle can change drastically. Losing a loved one is quite devastating as it is. Not being able to pay the light bill or put food on the table only makes an already bad situation worse.

The costs of funeral services have become so expensive over the years that the thought of not having life insurance can be frightening. Most families do not have thousands of dollars to spend at the drop of a hat. They also may not have anyone that could or would be willing to foot such a bill. The loss of transportation or a place to live becomes threatened when the finances dry up. The small monthly life insurance payments are well worth it.

Knowing the importance of life insurance, it is safe to say that there is no better time to find the right policy that can best meet future needs. Studying the differences between the two policies that are available will help consumers make an informed decision. The two policies, “whole life” and “term life”, have been around for many years and you can get quotes and information at for both types of life insurance.

A consumers household income is a good place to start when determining the coverage that is needed. Taking into account the many “what-ifs” that seem to arise in emergency situations, more coverage may be needed which means a higher payment each month. The more expensive of the two policies is whole life because it can be used prior to death.

Age and current health status can affect the price of coverage. An ill and/or aged individual can expect higher rates than someone younger and healthier.

Insurance agents are more than happy to answer any questions a consumer may have. A well prepared agent will know the details of the policies and how a consumer can benefit.

The Basics Of Medicare Supplemental Insurance

Medicare supplemental insurance can benefit people of all ages.  While Part A and Part B of the Medicare plan covers many health costs, it does not cover everything.  Treatments and procedures that are not covered by Medicare must be paid for out of an individuals own pocket.  This is where supplemental insurance can be useful.

People who are on a fixed income are unlikely to have extra money to cover unexpected medical expenses.  Without supplemental insurance, workers and retirees may have to get a loan for their medical treatments.  This can be avoided by purchasing supplemental insurance for a nominal fee.

A Medicare supplemental insurance policy simply covers the medical treatments that Medicare does not cover.  Due to the nature of this product, it is commonly called a “Medigap” policy.  Medigap policies can be purchased from private insurers.  There are currently 10 types of Medigap policies available.  For this reason, consumers need to assess all their options before they purchase a policy.  This is most easily done by getting a set of Medicare supplement insurance quotes from, a great site that gives personalized medigap quotes.

Some supplemental policies will charge a deductible for every claim.  Consumers who think it may be difficult to cover the deductible themselves should speak to an insurance salesperson.  These professionals can help consumers find the best plan for their financial situation.

A small amount of policies include dental and vision coverage.  However, most do not.  Another issue that consumers should be aware of is that their spouse will need to purchase individual coverage.  As most couples will have different medical needs and concerns, it is best to consult an insurance professional when purchasing a policy.

The ideal supplemental policy will save the insured money in the long run.  Consumers should look for a policy that gives them the most coverage at an affordable price.  Consumers can do this by discussing their options with several insurance companies.

Buying Life Insurance With Pre-Existing Conditions

downloadWhen you purchase life insurance, you will be asked to provide a wide range of details about your health status. Some of these relate to your age and gender, and others will relate to your height, weight and lifestyle factors. In addition, you may be asked if you have an underlying medical condition, which prescription medications you take regularly and other related questions. Some issues pertaining to your physical health may affect the cost of your life insurance, and others may affect your ability to obtain coverage at all. Understanding what these factors are and how they can relate to your ability to obtain coverage is imperative to finding the right coverage for your needs with a low rate.

Pre-existing conditions, such as smoking or drinking alcohol regularly, are two common factors that can affect your ability to obtain life insurance. Rates for life insurance coverage are affected by your estimated longevity, and both drinking and smoking can decrease longevity. When buying life insurance, it may be worthwhile to improve your lifestyle factors for maximum benefit. Many life insurance questionnaires ask if you have smoked within a certain period of time or how much alcohol you drink regularly. By reducing alcohol consumption drastically and eliminating smoking for a period of time before you apply for coverage, you can easily improve your rates for even the best life insurance.
With other pre-existing conditions, such as heart conditions, diabetes and more, you may not qualify for the lowest rates on coverage. These and other health conditions can decrease a person’s life span, so they can affect insurance rates. However, you can shop around for coverage that provides you with the lowest rates. Furthermore, you can obtain affordable rates on your life insurance coverage with pre-existing conditions by choosing a term policy that most closely meets your needs and that has death benefits that meet your needs without exceeding them.Buying life insurance with pre-existing conditions can be challenging to do. Some life insurance companies will not consider individuals for coverage if they have certain pre-existing conditions. Others will increase insurance rates significantly for certain pre-existing conditions. While these challenges are present, adopting the right strategy to improve certain pre-existing conditions where possible before you apply and shopping around for coverage that most closely meets your needs can be beneficial. By taking these steps, you can most easily find the right life insurance policy for your needs at the best price.

Why Everyone Should Have Life Insurance

life insuranceMany people wonder whether or not purchasing life insurance is necessary. Most people will agree that having health insurance, auto insurance and homeowners insurance are all essential, however, when it comes to life insurance, many people will put off investing in themselves. It is easy to delay purchasing life insurance, however, life insurance provides both you and your family with many vital benefits.

Just like other forms of insurance can offer you peace of mind and protection against unpredictable unfortunate events, so can life insurance. Life often confronts one with unexpected events. For example, should a fatal accident occur and you die prematurely, life insurance can be used to pay off your outstanding debts or provide your family with a financial buffer. Accruing financial debt from the death of a loved one can be extremely devastating and burdensome to deal with. Life insurance can also be used to help mitigate some of the costs of the funeral and burial; the costs of which can sometimes exceed $10,000. Life insurance rates for a policy of that size can be affordable for nearly anyone.Many people wait until they become terminally ill to realize the benefits of having life insurance. Unfortunately, at this point, it is unusually no longer possible to purchase life insurance. By planning ahead and selecting a life insurance plan ahead of time you will be well prepared for the future.

Aside from the practical functions of having a life insurance policy, being insured provides invaluable peace of mind, both to you and your family and loved ones. Although thinking about or discussing the idea of needing life insurance can be difficult, it is an important step in responsibly planning for the future. It is important to take into consideration how much you should should be insured for. In addition, you can choose between whole life or term insurance. Ideally, you want to be insured for a large enough amount that should you pass away suddenly, your family would be able to continue with the same standard of living.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance

medicare-moneyObviously, part of any sound financial plan is going to be proper health insurance. Seniors qualify for Medicare coverage, but there are a lot of costs that Medicare does not cover. These gaps in coverage can be a drain on one’s finances.

Did you know that Medicare supplemental insurance plans, also known as Medigap plans, allows Medicare beneficiaries working on a budget to make the most out of their current plan? Unfortunately, many Americans are painfully unaware of the copious benefits that Medicare supplemental insurance can offer them. In fact, most people don’t even know exactly what Medicare supplemental insurance does. Simply put, Medicare supplemental insurance, is a special type of insurance that is used to cover the things that your initial Medicare plan does not, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Although they are similar in nature, these types of plans are different from Medicare Advantage Plans, and the two should not be confused.

Because of the myriad benefits that Medicare supplemental insurance plans can offer you, they aren’t available for just anyone. Depending on your current situation, you may find yourself eligible, or ineligible for different types of Medicare supplemental insurance plans. In order to receive this sort of treatment, you must already have Medicare Parts A and B. You must also pay a private insurance company a monthly premium for your supplemental policy, in addition to the premium that you are already paying Medicare. Finally, it is important to understand that Medicare supplemental insurance is only capable of covering one person, and a spouse will be forced to purchase their own plan if they wish to reap the benefits.

When all is said and done, Medicare supplemental insurance is a great way for individuals working on a budget to make the most out of their current Medicare plan. Most people opt for Medicare Plan F, because it covers nearly all of the gaps left by Traditional Medicare, and it really is not that expensive. Not only is Medigap a great way to save money on those costly copays and deductibles, it’s also an excellent method of guaranteeing yourself financial security in the event of an accident. Whether you’re interested in saving money, or saving your life, Medicare supplemental insurance is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. If you’re looking for a way to maintain your current standard of healthcare while still working on a budget, make it your mission to seek out one of your state’s many affordable Medigap plans today.

It All Starts With a Budget

budgetYou can lay out all the financial plans and goals you want, but in order to have any hope of growing your finances from a mustard seed to a great mustard tree, it has to start with setting and sticking to a budget. This is the first step, yet it is one that so many fail to do. Many start and quickly abandon the idea. If you are going to have any hope of achieving your financial goals, a budget is something you must master.

I’m not going to sit here and lecture to you and tell you to do this, then do this, etc. I am going to give you a couple of quick tips on setting and sticking to a budget that will help you to avoid many of the pitfalls that cause people to abandon their budget. I will readily admit, that the convenience of debit cards, providing instant access to cash in your checking account like never before, has made it more difficult in recent years for many people to break out of their bad spending habits and get themselves on a budget. I will give you a solution that will help even those who have no idea how to use a checkbook register to track transactions.

First, though a few logistics. Everyone knows that you have sit down and budget money for each of your bills. That is pretty obvious. You need to look at the things you have to pay each month. Electric, phone, rent, mortgage, insurance, car payment, etc. Many of these are going to be the same amount each month, which makes them very easy to plan for. You know how much your car payment is every month. Your rent may change, but not more than once a year, normally. These things are easy to fit into a budget. What about things like your electric bill and gas bill. They can fluctuate wildly month to month. In the summer, if you have air conditioning, your electric bill might double or even triple. Gas heating can see your gas bills increase even more than that in the winter months. So how do you plan for these?

Luckily, your electric and gas providers have already come up with a solution. Nearly all of them will offer a budget plan if you ask for it. What this does is averages out your bills over the past year and charges you the same amount every month. Some months, your actual usage might be higher than that. Other months it might be substantially lower. In this way, you have a bill that you can count on with no surprises.

Obviously, you need to plan for other things too. Groceries, gas, clothing, etc. What is typically recommended is to track your spending for a month or two to get an idea of how much you are spending on these items. Look for areas where you could cut back comfortably. One mistake I believe that many people make in creating a budget is that they try to cut back their expenses drastically. Now if you have a short-term savings goal, you are saving for a vacation abroad next summer for example, that is okay to do. You have that goal in mind, you will be motivated to stick to the budget and save. However, cutting back too much for the long haul is what often causes many people to give up on their budget.

We all waste money on things we do not need, and there are certainly places that it makes sense to bring in your spending. Just do not do it in a way that it completely changes your lifestyle. You will not like it and will be likely to do back to old habits.

I mentioned earlier that in today’s economy many people use debit cards regularly. In fact, many use them as if they are cash. What they often do not do such a good job of though is tracking what they are spending on using their card. In addition to out of control spending, this can cause unneeded banking and overdraft fees. The solution, of course, is to use a register and track your spending. Most people these days have trouble sticking to that though. I have another solution, that might be more practical for most people. It is called It’s free to sign up. They do offer some premium services, but in all honesty, the free options will be sufficient for most people. The program integrates with your bank account(s) and tracks your spending.

It doesn’t just track spending though. It categorizes it. Go out to eat at a restaurant, it tracks that. Pay a car bill. It tracks that. It then lets you set a budget each month for each spending category. You can receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of your spending and accounts emailed to you for review. You can also have the system text you when you get close to a spending threshold for the month. Mint is extremely easy to use. I encourage you to sign up and give it a try.