Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I have moved!

The blog now has a new location,

New RSS feed here

I started this blog in 2003 during my first year at art school, that's now 11 years ago! It has done me well and I have avoided leaving it in the past. But it's time to finally set up a better website for myself. You can read a little about it here over at the new blog.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bloop mini comic has began online

I begun posting my mini comic I started last year for the mini comic challenge on my tumblr account. The best way to see it is if you click this link, which lists the pages in the correct order.

The project is tentatively called 'Bloop' however I don't know if this is the final title. The artwork is all completed and I have scanned all the pages in. I am currently working my way through adding the text and grey tones digitally in illustrator. I love the freedom this approach affords me even though I am well aware of the pitfalls of using a digital font.

This is an experimental comic for me. I went completely, or maybe as much as I could bear, out of my comfort zone for this one. Using different materials, tools, scale, writing method the whole shebang. The other thing I should mention is that I'm writing the dialogue from a loose outline, there is no definite script as such. I had a few shots at writing the word for word dialogue out and it didn't really get me that far. I seem to really like the idea of winging it and making it up as I go along. For that reason you mind find some inconsistencies or factual errors along the way, but I'm hoping for it to be a work in progress and weed them out as I go along.

I have faced many doubts over the production of this comic, even more so than the usual lot due to the new methods. But I had a consistent mantra to just keep going with it despite that nagging voice, just get it done.
I listened to the WTF podcast the other and there was a great interview with the actor Andy Samburg, he had some good advice to just complete projects no matter what, so then you can at least learn from them and move on. I really need to take that advice!

I imagine, and hope, that I will be posting a new page online every 1-3 days over the coming weeks, as I'm creating the final pages I making sure to get them print quality also so I doing all the prepress stuff as I go.

Link to comic

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Adventures of Tintin : Contact

Finally getting around to posting the finished Tintin comic online. I had it finished last year and had not managed to post it.
Head over to Tumblr to check it out. You will have to click twice to enlarge it to a readable size.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013