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Thomas Morison

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Reality and personality. [Dec. 21st, 2012|06:00 am]
Well, I'm making a leap here. This post is NOT to say that my journal is going private, nor friends only - nor even to warn people of the gratuitous sex and violence in my posts.

I am making this forward to my journal to warn people; that the personality of this journal doesn't necessarily match up to who I am in person (even the name - I'm no longer a quiet type of person).

So yeah, whilst the basic info is correct (My age for instance, or photos of me), I believe that pumping aspects of my life into the digital format of the internet (particularly when I fell less-than-sane) irrevocably changes the manner and appearance of those aspects/acts. It's not that any of my journal is fiction, it's just that reality is never clear.

Of course, most of you will never know the difference between online me, and realtime me. So who really cares. All the same, this is a note to say that there IS a difference.


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Most dramatic youtube - EVER! [Sep. 6th, 2008|01:45 pm]
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Complaining and things I like. [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:39 am]
I'm not really down with society right now. The economy is depressed because people are believing their TVs. There's this add with a skinny blonde making shadows - telling women to love their shape (anti-discrimination against skinny blondes?). You can't get a good sauce anymore because they're all fat free (BUTT fat + germs = TASTE!). People are openly mean to each other. One guy plays the race card, another guy trys to trump it with the sex card. Value is measured in money not quality. I'll buy a new one because I don't have the time or energy to fix it. Every second advertisement seems to be about life insurance, and I'm not even dead yet.


Winrar gets to choose between me posting some reflecto porn, or a drawing of their choice (remember what happened last time). Also if it gets too hard, I will post a hint.

Re-watched Children of Men the other day - now have Ruby Tuesday stuck in my head.

Found out an Art Project I've been secretly working on these past 2 weeks may cost me a grand, and require a car. Will be worth it though.

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New Round About Ahead - old sign [Sep. 4th, 2008|03:49 am]

Updating at 4 in the morning, because I just stole a 1.8 something something meter wide steel sign home. Bloody thing must weigh 30 kilos. Took me 15 minutes just to work out (in my stoned state) how to lug the thing back home (on a bike, with only 2 bag straps cleverly bound together). Anyways 3 kilometers according to google maps.

Oh I had my shirt off as (you can tell by my cheeks) I was boiling by the time I got home and I had this red strap mark across my shoulder. Rode home to good music.

Side note: To all the girls and gays out there; do you think I could make money taking nude pictures of myself and putting them on interwebs? I needa money and can't get job!

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[Aug. 31st, 2008|02:37 pm]
Conspiracy update!

Last year I was blogging about Bush (and the incredibly smart/evil people behind him) extending government powers (and removing things like Habius Corpus et cetera) in a push to theoretically set up a martial law induced dictatorship. Well looks like he's going along with my conspiracy theory!!!!


So inline with her guessing my mini-guitar length, [info]oxymoronia got to tell me to draw something that scares me. I did two drawings because I couldn't decide which was more realistically scary:

Left: Physically scary (NSFW), Right: Emotionally scary.


I've done at least 2 updates a month since 2003 (back when [info]quietthomas was just lovey dovey crap to my then girlfriend [info]tegan. In the past 5 years, I've written 84 pieces I've classed as 'poetic' of those I now only like 11. Finally what I'm wearing today (if you're lame enough to be interested).

P.S Expect more guessing games, and drawing prizes in future.
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Back from job interview [Aug. 29th, 2008|08:20 pm]
All roads to hell (via bus):
my way home today

Told large man "bus in 10" - "yeah, the 411", then where he could buy a drink. Old lady stalls bus queue asking asian driver in greek accent "Altona Gate? Altona Gate?"

Another one queues up, complaining about the bus stairs, her heavy trolley. I lift it. Following her down the bus I ask "Where do you get off?" - yet another starts yelling "PIER STREET! PIER STREET!" driver returns fire "WHAT? WHAT?!". I yell "Pier Street!" - him "yeah!" She gets on. Trolley lady; "No I get off after that" (wasn't talking to you).

We all sit down. Bus leaves.

I get up, tell old bat "I'm on 'till the end". Sit back. Baldy man pipes up - "I'll help you if you tell me where you're getting off" (wasn't talking to you). Tuned out. Youths get on. Overly made-up young girls with no confidence try to sit on my lunch, but veer off, it's my deli sandwich's seat.

Large man from start comes down to sit near doors, sandwich barely saved. Ipod off, "Get that drink?" - "Nah, only got a dollar 10". I had OJ from Subway, so ask; "how far you got to go?" - "Just across from K-mart" - I don't bother with awkward drink offer.

The goodwill's catching, people bumble to give up seats and carry shopping (old bat gets more offers). Youths get winning bid. A couple get on without tickets, driver hears hard luck story, waves 'em through. Later they ask for directions, but think he can't talk good so get racist.

One of the veering girls asks youth where to get off for Roach Drive near small shops. They give her directions to big mall. I turn around, correct them, get glares like an asshole. Little shops appear - off she gets.

See a sign for home loans, get home, I didn't get the job.

I shoulda just punched that first fucking old lady square in the chops, shut up and just got on the damn bus.
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[Aug. 28th, 2008|10:40 pm]

John McCain left, being captured (with dark hair) - John McCain right, 5 and a half years later.

How John McCain got his white hair )


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Defriending: [Aug. 28th, 2008|01:26 pm]
Begone people whom never commented me, and/or people whom haven't updated this year, and/or russians, and/or dead journals. )

The trick is to defriend, then ban_set @ eljay's admin console. Now I just have to work out what to post, and where to post, something that will get me interesting active people to read about (along with the ones I already have - namely YOU!)
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SUGArape! [Aug. 28th, 2008|10:02 am]

So after all that mental crap with the fortune teller's drug accusations, and the shit before that with mum, and way before that the painfully slow break up (which I didn't write about here), well I thought it be time for art.

Riding back from the fortune teller in the dead of night, I found a big scrap of flat sheet metal. So Tuesday I started panel-beating it, yesterday I painted it, and last night I hung it. Here is what I now wake up to:

It's not the first, or only ape-art I've done - and I've more planned.

P.S Yes, this is outsider art.
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BOLD - abuse of Hemminway's star power. [Aug. 27th, 2008|10:08 am]
'Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” He is believed to have [jokingly] called it his greatest literary work ever. Can you write a story in six words?'

Source / Submit your own 6

My attempt:

Oh fuck: six words, answer - no.

P.S Can't work out whether I'm being incredibly funny here, or just wrong!
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Gay rights. [Aug. 26th, 2008|11:26 am]
Important enough to be re-posted from [info]ihaven0name:

"The AFA [a right wing "Christian" lobbying group] has created a website with an auto-email submission link for the purpose of letting visitors tell Hallmark Greeting Cards chairman Hall that they will be going to their competitors on the news that Hallmark has created a new line of cards for gay marriages.

Would it just be terrible if a whole bunch of people from the internets used it to tell Hallmark that they supported their decision?"

Click here to have your say.
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[Aug. 25th, 2008|07:01 pm]
WINRAR is [info]oxymoronia!! CONGRATU-MY-LAY-TIONS!

Also pictured; my homemade pick

P.S Sorry I look disgruntled all the time, I swear, it has nothing to do with the fact that [info]oxymoronia's guess was like - made of AWESOME!
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[Aug. 23rd, 2008|04:31 pm]
Assumption 1) There is a clear bifurcation and imposition of orderly behaviour onto people (it's called; The Law!).

Assumption 2) Humans need good sportsmanship in order to show interest in a sporting event (as without it there can be no humanisation of players).
My question is; how is A2 relevant to A1?
(Human nature, so weird)

...and is a lack of care for society and the opinions others, all it takes to break The Law? Because I don't feel I have a lot of either.


The LHC is HOT!
(by which I mean highly attractive to look at)


King of interactive live journaling?

Here is a pint-sized guitar I bought today. Special prize (of getting to tell me what to draw next) for guessing how tall it is:

Hint: I've put it next to weird sized things to confuse y'all.
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1 mb update [Aug. 22nd, 2008|03:38 pm]
[Current Music |Feist - Secret Heart (<3)]

So I cut my own hair. My ex would say it makes me look like a lesbian (which being male is kind of fun) - I can see what she meant, but this time I also have an overly neat light blonde mustache and faint goatee.

But onto larger, more amusing jpgs:

---back to boring things---

• Applied for a hospital cleaning job again (same one in as many months).
• Am off to buy some musical toys.
• Planning some costume making.
• Have written up some animations, but too busy to do.
• Got 43 emails yesterday, 30 of which were from eljay (having discussions all over the place, learning about the 4th dimension, see image below).

I've also been learning the Stenography of hiding images and messages in the binary code of image files.
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America: World Leader in Chemical Weapons. [Aug. 21st, 2008|10:39 am]

John McCain attacks gamers.
"It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered..." [and killed for capitalism in false flag bloodshed]

I like that attacking Obama supporters is slightly taboo. Keeps the debate civil on both sides for once. No one should be attacking anyone - they should be talking about what they're going to do. They should have actual messages and arguments - not rhetoric against citizens by name, or in groups (ie gamers).

In case you're wondering why I'm always on about America, it's because they have a liberal media (so unlike China or Russia, are easy to learn about), and are also scary as a nation (yet interesting as a peoples). For example they have 27,700 metric tons of deadly VX, and other nerve agents - and will most likely fail to meet the deadline for neutralization of this material. VX gas, of which a pin head is enough to turn an olympic body builder into a twitch heap of vomited blood.

Australia doesn't even have nukes, regardless of all our uranium. No one to shoot at I guess, and we've already decimated those we settled on. But yes, I should TRY learning interesting things about Australia.

P.S I currently hate facebook, as it's asking me to compare and rank my friends (eg. who is funnier, who is better, who is more successful).
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|03:04 pm]

Test results misplaced.
Will call again tomorrow.
Waiting is such fun.

Sad trees down the side.
Cut back by everyone.
Dying; over pruned.

In bound call center.
Applied then phone interview.
I want to be bought.

Friends do not email.
I even scare the weirdos.
Year: Will be homeless.

Sad little Haikus
Meaningless on internet
Best watch a movie.
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Parents can be so cruel. [Aug. 18th, 2008|07:05 pm]

Ever feel like everything has just gone so far wrong, that it will never be repaired? Never be comfortable again?

Last night mum wanted to show me a description of males born winter, as she thought I matched it. Whilst flicking though her magazine she started saying that there was also a list of symptoms to bi-polar she thought matched me better than depression (which is what I get).

I was very insulted, that she'd diagnosed me from some stupid magazine. I stopped her flicking, and explained this, and left the room. Felt bad, and came back to see the unrelated 'winter profile' that she'd been looking for. It essentially read "Males born in winter lack perseverance."

Being suicidally depressed (not bi-polar, as accused), I thought I was persevering at life just fine. She used my failure to finish my laboratory technologies course last year, as evidence that I have no perseverance, even though she knows I plan to go back next year. She also knows that when my exams were on, I was producing all the graphics for an underground magazine, my girlfriend at the time had found lumps on her neck, and she herself (mum) was coming home from work (she works at a Children's Hospital) and asking me why babies die. All this + exams + depression.

I'd banged my head against a door (literally) explaining this to her before. So for her to say these things. Well, they were very hurtful.

I was crying in my room when she tried to say sorry (much later after I'd told her I had to get blood tests for something I wouldn't tell her about - which is true - essentially I guilted her into saying sorry). But I was sobbing like a baby (some other things I can't talk about have gone wrong in my life lately), and that turned to rage. I screamed at her, to get out. It was fucked.

My brother was called over to play Dr. Phil, things were aired.


P.S The thing I hate most about the depression label, is that everyone thinks it gives them a right to comment on YOUR mind.
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[Aug. 18th, 2008|05:00 am]
Captain Disillusion is my hero. He goes around youtube debunking fake videos that get one too many believers commenting on them. Here's a slice of the action:

Subscribe to him now if you have a youtube account, because apparently he's going to be ramping up video production over the next few months.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:18 am]
People who say the news is depressing, must not get their news from a Science news aggregator. Which makes me wonder what genre of news the evening news is? Political pains + capitalist/cultural propaganda + sports and weather?

I recently decided to take up singing, and cropped this from some very new attempts at singing "Summertime". It's terrible, out of pitch, and what not... but I'm really just showing off to anyone whose heard my voice, how far down I've gotten it to sing (it's not incredible, just very low by my voice's standards).

Music lovers, watch at the risk of immediate torture (the immediate torture being listening).

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[Aug. 15th, 2008|01:01 am]
Sometimes the weird shit that happens to me doesn't make it to my eljay.

For instance, a little while ago I was berated by a friend whom at my age, was waiting out time in a french prison (he's now at least twice my age, and is done with french prisons, but still owes the french government mucho francs).

Or that the other day I stole borrowed 30+ kg of tent-frame from a large unnamed corporation known for screwing the little guy, to build chook houses with.

Today I flashed my neighbor and his gardener on purpose (they were cutting back trees, I thought I'd visually illustrate the trees multiple purposes by chatting with them about it nude).

Of course, today I also wrote one of the hardest emails I've ever written - somethings just aren't going to make it to LJ land. The details of that is one of them.
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