published: 28 Apr 2012
author: bargavach
ԳԱԳԻԿ ԾԱՌՈՒԿՅԱՆԻ ՀԱՐՑԱԶՐՈՒՅՑԸ «ՌՈՍԻՅՍԿԱՅԱ ԳԱԶԵՏԱ»-ԻՆ Ռուսաստանյան հեղինակավոր «Ռոսիյսկայա գազետա» օրաթերթն իր ապրիլի 26-ի համարում «Հույսի գարուն» վերնագրով ...- published: 28 Apr 2012
- views: 88
- author: bargavach
Rusia no aceptará ninguna resolución de la ONU para iniciar una guerra contra Irán
El canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, no descarta un escenario militar en Irán y la principal...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: RT en Español
Rusia no aceptará ninguna resolución de la ONU para iniciar una guerra contra Irán
Rusia no aceptará ninguna resolución de la ONU para iniciar una guerra contra Irán
El canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, no descarta un escenario militar en Irán y la principal tarea de Rusia en ese contexto es asegurarse de que "ninguna resol...- published: 24 Oct 2012
- views: 1961
- author: RT en Español
Renewable energy kit made by the children of Kaliningrad city
Youngsters at the Kaliningrad Station of Young Technicians have installed a device to obta...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: RussiaNowTV
Renewable energy kit made by the children of Kaliningrad city
Renewable energy kit made by the children of Kaliningrad city
Youngsters at the Kaliningrad Station of Young Technicians have installed a device to obtain renewable energy. Device consists of two solar panels and one wi...- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 183
- author: RussiaNowTV
Lipetsk townsfolk celebrate "festival of lard"
Credit: Gennadiy Orekhov/Rossiyskaya Gazeta Read more about Russia: www.rbth.ru....
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: RussiaNowTV
Lipetsk townsfolk celebrate "festival of lard"
Lipetsk townsfolk celebrate "festival of lard"
Credit: Gennadiy Orekhov/Rossiyskaya Gazeta Read more about Russia: www.rbth.ru.- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 112
- author: RussiaNowTV
Writer Zakhar Prilepin about the culture of reading
Credits: Rossiyskaya gazeta Read more about Russia: www.rbth.ru....
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: RussiaNowTV
Writer Zakhar Prilepin about the culture of reading
Writer Zakhar Prilepin about the culture of reading
Credits: Rossiyskaya gazeta Read more about Russia: www.rbth.ru.- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 194
- author: RussiaNowTV
Justice for Journalists: Who assaulted Oleg Kashin?
Dmitry Medvedev has promised to find and punish those who severely beat up journalist Oleg...
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: RussiaToday
Justice for Journalists: Who assaulted Oleg Kashin?
Justice for Journalists: Who assaulted Oleg Kashin?
Dmitry Medvedev has promised to find and punish those who severely beat up journalist Oleg Kashin a few days ago. In his statement, the Russian president ack...- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 5008
- author: RussiaToday
'Paris Bound' by Mikhail Volokhov (english subtitles)
www.volokhov.ru Production of 'Paris Bound' by Mikhail Volokhov with Mik Salov and perform...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: mvolokhov
'Paris Bound' by Mikhail Volokhov (english subtitles)
'Paris Bound' by Mikhail Volokhov (english subtitles)
www.volokhov.ru Production of 'Paris Bound' by Mikhail Volokhov with Mik Salov and performed by Salov and Dmitri Petukhov. Lion Novogonov, Rossiyskaya Gazeta...- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 378
- author: mvolokhov
Innovation Day: New Russian drones, robots, nano-armor put on display
Cutting-edge military equipment and hardware -- some of it too secret for the public eye -...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Innovation Day: New Russian drones, robots, nano-armor put on display
Innovation Day: New Russian drones, robots, nano-armor put on display
Cutting-edge military equipment and hardware -- some of it too secret for the public eye -- was featured at the Russian Defense Ministry's Innovation Day fair in Moscow. Androids, drone prototypes, and thin impenetrable armor were revealed to visitors. More than 260 design bureaus, research institutes, and student labs presented their pet projects during the Tuesday fair. The ground-breaking technologies were often described as bearing hallmark Russian features -- smart, reliable, and robust. While the US is considered to be world's drone leader, boasting a fleet of combat UAVs, each of these machines are costly for the country's military budget. Such limitations did not hinder Russian students from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), who designed a low-cost, easy-to-use unmanned attack helicopter. The rotorcraft drone prototype, dubbed "Raven-333" in the MAI, has a simple robust design, but it can actually be turned into a deadly remote-controlled machine equipped with a Kalashnikov assault rifle and grenade launcher. It also comes with thermo visors, gas, and hyperspectral sensors to detect targets within a 10km radius. Russia's prominent jet manufacturer, MiG, also presented its latest drone model "Skate" - named after the marine animal. The drone is said to be an improved stealth aircraft with combat capabilities. "Skate" is catapult-launched, and does not need a remote pilot, as the built-in software allows it to operate in automated mode. The design bureau says it is at the same time working on detection technologies which would enable the Russian army to intercept any drone species in its airspace. Other unmanned hardware at the fair included multipurpose robotic tanks which can travel at a speed of 80km per hour, work in groups, and operate in standalone mode. An innovative robot-mine hunter developed by a sixth grade school student was also present. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, exhibition stands belonging to Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU) were of particular interest, as they displayed armor technologies which "have no parallel in the entire world." Not only can the lightweight ballistic armor vest developed in the university's labs withstand a shot from a sniper rifle, it is also said to be superior to all classic kevlar vests. If hit by a bullet, the special material of the vest bends inside for three to five millimeters, instead of the usual two to three centimeters. According to the developers, the vest deflects a projectile and shrugs off all or most of the impact force, ruling out blunt force injuries. Another game-changing technology presented by Bauman MSTU was a protective cloth made of a special nanoscale material. Despite being light and thin, the university-developed armor is said to be able to withstand an explosion of a 250 kilogram bomb, serving as an ideal cover for military hardware and soldiers. A tent made of such nanomaterial can deflect bullets of a large-caliber machine gun, while a trivially looking 'nanobag' will hold a kilogram-strong explosion without being torn apart, the presenters told onlookers at the fair. Several prototypes of humanoid robots also attracted the visitors. A talking android who greeted Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on his arrival was of particular interest to those attending the event. Shoigu reportedly ordered several of the fair's exhibits to be taken for army tests, and announced defense procurements for some of the design bureau models already tested. However, much of what the defense minister reviewed during the event remains undisclosed. The reporters noted that a large portion of the new hardware and technologies could have been placed in a separate exhibition area that ordinary visitors were not allowed to enter. http://rt.com/news/russian-defense-innovation-fair-803/- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 60
Las autoridades penitenciarias rusas disponen de todos los documentos para dejar en libert...
published: 19 Dec 2013
Las autoridades penitenciarias rusas disponen de todos los documentos para dejar en libertad a la encarcelada Nadezhda Tolokónnikova, integrante del grupo punk Pussy Riot, en virtud de la amnistía general que entrará en vigor esta semana, aseguró su marido, Piotr Verzílov. "La administración penitenciaria de la región de Krasnoyarsk (donde cumple condena Tolokónnikova) está formalizando todos los documentos y los consensúa con la fiscalía. Creo que si no es hoy, (la puesta en libertad) será en los próximos días. Sería razonable que fuera antes de que termine la semana", dijo Verzílov. Poco antes, la portavoz del Servicio Federal Penitenciario (SPF) ruso en Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterina Brotsman, recordaba que para confirmar que Tolokónnikova puede beneficiarse de la amnistía aprobada el miércoles por el Parlamento "se requiere una serie de documentos". 20 aniversario de la Constitución rusa En el caso de la integrante de Pussy Riot, que puede ser amnistiada tanto por el delito por el que fue condenada (gamberrismo) como por ser madre de un menor de edad, uno de tales documentos podría ser una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo. "Todos los documentos ya están en el expediente de Nadezhda. Tanto la copia compulsada del certificado de nacimiento del niño como una serie de otros documentos necesarios. Además, creo que el SFP no tiene ninguna intención de ralentizar el asunto de la puesta en libertad", apuntó el marido de la condenada. Tanto Tolokónnikova como su compañera del grupo María Aliójina, también encarcelada, ya han cumplido prácticamente la pena a dos años de prisión que les impuso un tribunal de Moscú por "gamberrismo motivado por odio religioso". Ambas fueron juzgadas junto con una tercera joven, Yekaterina Samutsévich, que quedó en libertad con cargos, tras escenificar una plegaria punk contra Putin y la cúpula eclesiástica rusa en el mayor templo ortodoxo de Rusia. Greepeace en libertad El Parlamento ruso aprobó ayer una amnistía general con motivo del 20 aniversario de la Constitución rusa que se extiende a los condenados y los imputados por gamberrismo, por lo que beneficia tanto a las Pussy Riot como a los activistas del rompehielos "Arctic Sunrise" de Greenpeace. Las autoridades tienen seis meses para dejar en libertad a los amnistiados después de que la amnistía entre en vigor al publicarse el texto en el periódico "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", algo que sucederá esta misma semana, según adelantó la propia publicación. Hasta 25.000 personas saldrán en libertad, entre ellos los treinta tripulantes del rompehielos de Greenpeace "Arctic Sunrise", en libertad bajo fianza tras pasar dos meses en prisión preventiva y que no pueden abandonar Rusia hasta la conclusión del proceso judicial por intentar encadenarse a una plataforma petrolífera en el Ártico ruso.- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 50
Novojenov: The dramatist Volokhov - his new play Paris Bound
Lion Novogonov ( Rossiyskaya Gazeta). We're fine as we are. When Prince Hamlet said all of...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: mvolokhov
Novojenov: The dramatist Volokhov - his new play Paris Bound
Novojenov: The dramatist Volokhov - his new play Paris Bound
Lion Novogonov ( Rossiyskaya Gazeta). We're fine as we are. When Prince Hamlet said all of Denmark was a prison this dealt a blow to our national pride. Even...- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 72
- author: mvolokhov
Arirang-KF Global Media Forum: East Asian Security and Global Media
Arirang-KF Global Media Forum
● Theme: Bridging the Divide
● Date: February 21(Thu)-24...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Arirang-KF Global Media Forum: East Asian Security and Global Media
Arirang-KF Global Media Forum: East Asian Security and Global Media
Arirang-KF Global Media Forum ● Theme: Bridging the Divide ● Date: February 21(Thu)-24(Sun), 2013 ● Venue: The Grand Hilton Hotel(Seoul, Korea) ● Host: The Korea Foundation, Arirang TV Panel 1 East Asian Security and Global Media • Moderator Steven Herman (Bureau Chief, VOA News) • Panelists Atahualpa AMERISE(Bureau Chief, EFE) Kang CHOI (Dean of Planning and Assessment, Korea National Diplomatic Academy) Eui-Hwa CHUNG (Member of National Assembly of Korea) Ki-Jung KIM (Professor, Yonsei University) Oleg KIRIYANOV (Bureau Chief, Rossiyskaya Gazeta) For more information of the Global Media Forum, please visit KF website as follows: http://www.kf.or.kr- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 3
Life behind bars sad records from Russia
Russian authorities acknowledge that the poor state of the prison system requires urgent a...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: primetimeru
Life behind bars sad records from Russia
Life behind bars sad records from Russia
Russian authorities acknowledge that the poor state of the prison system requires urgent action and the layout of such action is already in the works. Russia...- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 315
- author: primetimeru
2 Bird Flu Cases Hidden Before Official Release
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews
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published: 04 Apr 2013
2 Bird Flu Cases Hidden Before Official Release
2 Bird Flu Cases Hidden Before Official Release
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/chinaforbiddennews H7N9 bird flu virus is being spread across China. Will the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities conceal the truth as it did with SARS in 2003? On April 3rd Zhejiang Provincial Health administration confirmed two H7N9 bird flu cases in Hangzhou city. A netizen revealed that these two infections had been previously covered up. In March, a widely circulated microblog post talked about some unknown disease being spread in Hangzhou. "A couple from Suzhou had persistent high fevers after returning from a sightseeing tour in Hangzhou. The husband has died in hospital, his body could not be taken home. The wife is still in the hospital, but in critical condition. She is there with her poor two-year-old child." In response, Hangzhou local CCP accused the microblogger of spreading rumours and detained him. After the official release of Hangzhou's two H7N9 infections, someone said the authorities are the real source of rumors. Russian Officials: Declare Assets Or Be Fired On April 2nd Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, requiring Russian officials to declare their assets or be sacked. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the deadline for declaring personal income and spending was postponed to July 1st. The original deadline was April 1st. The decree bans Russian officials from holding bank accounts and assets abroad, or else they will loose their jobs. Putin's anti-corruption decree has sparked a heated discussion, involving over 8 million microblog posts. Someone said this news is like slapping the CCP leaders. Others called on Xi Jinping to follow Putin's action. China's Civilians Holds Public Mourning For June 4th Victims On April 1st Zhengding County, Hebei province, a group held a public memorial service for victims of 1989 June 4th Massacre. They included participants of June 4th pro-democracy movement and some academics. This is the first public memorial service held by civilians in China since 1989. Memorial messages and a list of the victims' names were read out at the ceremony. The message stated that during the June 4th Massacre, the victims died under crazy tanks and merciless bullets. This is a misfortune for the entire country and the nation. Chen Wei and Yu Shiwen initiated this public mourning. Both were the sponsors and organizers of the 1989 pro-democracy movement in Guangzhou. After the June 4th event in 1989, they were arrested and jailed for a year and a half each. Chen and Yu revealed the reason why they chose Zhengding as the venue. This was because the place was the birthplace of Xi Jinping entering politics. They hoped this would remind Xi not to forget the wound left on the Chinese nation in history. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) didn't stop the ceremony at the scene. However Yu Shiwen was detained and questioned by the police, but released 24 hours later. 《神韵》2013世界巡演新亮点 http://www.ShenYunPerformingArts.org/- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 120
Entretien avec le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov
Sergueï Lavrov, ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, à propos de la situation en Syrie,...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: LaRussieTV
Entretien avec le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov
Entretien avec le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov
Sergueï Lavrov, ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, à propos de la situation en Syrie, du système de défense antimissile américain et des ennemis étrange...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 495
- author: LaRussieTV
Youtube results:
Как записать видео с экрана
YouTube — сервис, предоставляющий услуги видеохостинга. Пользователи могут добавлять, про...
published: 18 Jul 2013
Как записать видео с экрана
Как записать видео с экрана
YouTube — сервис, предоставляющий услуги видеохостинга. Пользователи могут добавлять, просматривать, комментировать и делиться с друзьями теми или иными видеозаписями. Благодаря простоте и удобству использования YouTube стал популярнейшим видеохостингом и третьим сайтом в мире по количеству посетителей. В январе 2012 ежедневное количество просмотров видео на сайте достигло 4 млрд. На сайте представлены как профессионально снятые фильмы и клипы, так и любительские видеозаписи, включая видеоблоги. По данным «Российской газеты», 2 % аудитории сервиса, или 51 миллион человек, составляют россияне. YouTube - a service that provides video hosting services. Users can add, view, comment and share with your friends by certain videos. Due to the simplicity and ease of use of YouTube has become the most popular video hosting site and the third in the world in the number of visitors. In January 2012, the number of daily video views on the site reached 4 billion represented on the site as a professionally shot movies and clips and amateur videos, including video blogs. According to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 2% of the audience of service, or 51 million people, are Russians.- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 827
Colazione con l'ambasciatore
Articolo integrale sul sito www.russiaoggi.it Il rappresentante dell'Italia in Russia, Ant...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: RussiaOggiTV
Colazione con l'ambasciatore
Colazione con l'ambasciatore
Articolo integrale sul sito www.russiaoggi.it Il rappresentante dell'Italia in Russia, Antonio Zanardi Landi, ospite della redazione della Rossiyskaya Gazeta...- published: 19 Sep 2011
- views: 317
- author: RussiaOggiTV
Republicans Hang Tough in Standoff Over USA Govt Shutdown - Zee 24
Republicans Hang Tough in Standoff Over USA Govt Shutdown - Zee 24
Subscribe for more News...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Republicans Hang Tough in Standoff Over USA Govt Shutdown - Zee 24
Republicans Hang Tough in Standoff Over USA Govt Shutdown - Zee 24
Republicans Hang Tough in Standoff Over USA Govt Shutdown - Zee 24 Subscribe for more News: http://goo.gl/q4o6uS Like us on FB@ https://facebook.com/Zee24GantaluTeluguNews Follow us on Twitter@ https://twitter.com/Zee24TeluguNews The world's leading superpower doesn't have a fully operating government but, for the time being, the rest of the planet doesn't seem too alarmed. News of the U.S. shutdown has yet to crack the front pages of many major newspapers around the globe. Iran's two major state-run news agencies, for instance, have barely mentioned it. The same goes for Pakistan's major English-language paper, Dawn, and leading Urdu outlet, Jang. In London, The Times and The Guardian did not feature U.S. shutdown news on front pages Friday. But around the world, the budget stalemate is beginning to generate some negative headlines for the U.S. political system, economy and currency. Here's a look at some of them: GERMANY: Der Spiegel rounds up criticism of the shutdown. GERMANY: In its subheadline, Handelsblatt warns of "irreparable loss of confidence in the dollar" if spending and the debt limit aren't dealt with. The headline translates to "U.S. dollar budget dispute accelerated decline," according to Google. FRANCE: An editorial in Le Monde warns, in its headline: "Jefferson, wake up, they became fools!" ISRAEL: Haaretz shows an Associated Press photo of a woman protesting at the U.S. Capitol. SRI LANKA: As evidence of the shutdown's global embarrassment, the U.S. State Dept. has pointed to this Sri Lanka Daily News editorial warning that, "For a country that advocates good governance and cautions leaders of other nations about elections not ensuring democracy by themselves -- that advice must be packaged and returned to sender." RUSSIA: Government-owned daily newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes that President Obama is convinced of American exceptionalism and was left with no means to keep the government funded, according to a Google translation. CHINA: An op-ed in state-run news agency Xinhua posits that America's shutdown has "made the outside world uneasy." CHINA: The state-run China News Service reports that "many Chinese tourists are sad and their tour guides are nervous." U.S. shutdown,U.S. congress,Obamacare,Obama administration,Democrats-Republicans standoff,U.S. healthcare,Foreign Affairs,Immigration,Media and Culture,Khalid Sheikh Mohamme,dSafety and Security,Ground Zero Mosque,9/11,Terrorism,terrorist,pakistan,pakistan Terrorism,pakistan terrorist,pakistan attack,al qaeda,osama bin lasden,laden,barack obama,obama,usa,united states,united states of america latest Telugu news, Andhra politics, telugu movie news, Telugu Movies , Economic news, Telugu news, India Daily News, Today Headlines, Indian News Sites, Tollywood News, political updates, ap political updates, AP Political News, News in Telugu, Telugu Cinema News, Telugu Headlines, ap election news, andhrajyothy, abn andhrajyothy, Andhra News, Film News, Latest Andhra News, Telugu Live News, telangana news, chandrababu naidu, ys jagan, jagan, jagan scam, ap politics, India political news, andhra pradesh news, breaking news, ap popular news, andhra pradesh popular news, andhra state news, current affairs,ap business news, Telugu Political News, latest ap news, ap updates, south india news, Hyderabad news, Andhra Pradesh Tourism, AP political parties, Telugu News Updates, Zee tv, Zee 24,TV9, NTV, Sakshi TV, ABN Andhrajyothi, TV5, Mahaa, Studio N, HMTV, TV7, ETV2, YS Jagan Bail, YSR, TRS, TDP, YSRCP, Congress, Jagan, Vijayamma, Andhra Pradesh local news,Zee,Zee tv, Zee 24, Zee 24 news channel,Zee 24 gantalu,Zee 24 ghantalu,Zee 24 news,Zee 24 telugu news,Zee 24 telugu,Zee 24 gantalu telugu news,Zee 24 ghantalu telugu news,Zee 24 gantalu news,Zee 24 ghantalu news,Zee 24 telugu,24 gantalu,24 ghantalu,zee news,24 telugu news,telugu news,- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 16
Russian Fires Confirmed Worse than Reported(Pakistan to Starve)RSOE 13Aug2010
http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/woalert_read.php?cid=27371&cat;=dis〈=eng Situation Update ...
published: 14 Aug 2010
author: NibiruMagick2012
Russian Fires Confirmed Worse than Reported(Pakistan to Starve)RSOE 13Aug2010
Russian Fires Confirmed Worse than Reported(Pakistan to Starve)RSOE 13Aug2010
http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/woalert_read.php?cid=27371&cat;=dis〈=eng Situation Update No. 2 On 12.08.2010 at 03:29 GMT+2 Russian forestry officials confi...- published: 14 Aug 2010
- views: 780
- author: NibiruMagick2012