The Slave Market in Nigeria - SHOCKING
Where the sandy bank juts out into the blue waters of the lagoon is still described as the...
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: BattaBox
The Slave Market in Nigeria - SHOCKING
The Slave Market in Nigeria - SHOCKING
Where the sandy bank juts out into the blue waters of the lagoon is still described as the "Point of No Return" - its beauty offset by its nightmare past. Th...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 7975
- author: BattaBox
Slave Market in Charleston SC
published: 14 Jan 2012
author: AreYouAwake9
Slave Market in Charleston SC
Foteviken Viking Market 2010 Slave Trading Third Catch
Foteviken Viking Market 2010 Slave Trading Third Catch....
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: MrGamalon
Foteviken Viking Market 2010 Slave Trading Third Catch
Foteviken Viking Market 2010 Slave Trading Third Catch
Foteviken Viking Market 2010 Slave Trading Third Catch.- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 167600
- author: MrGamalon
Stahlwerk AG - Slave-market (Part of the Beginner Version)
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: deathliner1
Stahlwerk AG - Slave-market (Part of the Beginner Version)
Stahlwerk AG - Slave-market (Part of the Beginner Version)
- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 1550
- author: deathliner1
Borrowed bits from all over the place here, I'm afraid! With thanks to all those, includin...
published: 03 Mar 2012
author: Murray Simmonds
Borrowed bits from all over the place here, I'm afraid! With thanks to all those, including "Civ Army", "Vintorix" and "Archive 3D" contributors who made the...- published: 03 Mar 2012
- views: 46909
- author: Murray Simmonds
Dan Green Hentai: Slave Market
published: 13 Jan 2013
author: bluerulesgreensucks
Dan Green Hentai: Slave Market
Dan Green Hentai: Slave Market
DIE BASTARDS.- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 4324
- author: bluerulesgreensucks
Joseph King of Dreams The Marketplace
Behold the glory behold the wonder, What we have made shall not be torn asunder, Such vast...
published: 13 May 2012
author: AzrielSword100
Joseph King of Dreams The Marketplace
Joseph King of Dreams The Marketplace
Behold the glory behold the wonder, What we have made shall not be torn asunder, Such vast achievement stone and papyrus, Beneath the gaze of Isis and Osiris...- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 38478
- author: AzrielSword100
Beautiful Slave
27 million people in the World are enslaved...Human Trafficking is happening in every coun...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: cscvideoproduction
Beautiful Slave
Beautiful Slave
27 million people in the World are enslaved...Human Trafficking is happening in every country in the world, it's happening in yours. "Never forget that justi...- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 6004
- author: cscvideoproduction
Key & Peele: Auction Block
The slaves in Lot A are popular with these plantation owners. Subscribe to Comedy Central'...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: comedycentral
Key & Peele: Auction Block
Key & Peele: Auction Block
The slaves in Lot A are popular with these plantation owners. Subscribe to Comedy Central's channel for more videos by clicking this: http://on.cc.com/ohkMav...- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 5631435
- author: comedycentral
gregory isaacs - slave market
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: shootthepump
gregory isaacs - slave market
Slave Market Scholar: Sales of Enslaved Humans in Antebellum New Orleans
Harvard University Professor Walter Johnson leads a walking tour of the former sites of sl...
published: 30 Dec 2012
author: NewOrleansHistorical
Slave Market Scholar: Sales of Enslaved Humans in Antebellum New Orleans
Slave Market Scholar: Sales of Enslaved Humans in Antebellum New Orleans
Harvard University Professor Walter Johnson leads a walking tour of the former sites of slave markets in New Orleans during the early and mid-1800s. His tour...- published: 30 Dec 2012
- views: 319
- author: NewOrleansHistorical
The Slave Market - Badagry Slave Museum, Nigeria
BattaBox reports from the Badagry Slave Museum in Nigeria which is currently undergoing re...
published: 23 Sep 2013
The Slave Market - Badagry Slave Museum, Nigeria
The Slave Market - Badagry Slave Museum, Nigeria
BattaBox reports from the Badagry Slave Museum in Nigeria which is currently undergoing rehabilitation and you can see the well that was dug by the slaves in 1847. Over 600,000 africans were captured and shipped to USA.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 13
Vimeo results:
Olly Moss - OFFSET2012
Join us in reliving Olly Moss OFFSET2012 presentation...pretty good for a first public lec...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: OFFSET
Olly Moss - OFFSET2012
Join us in reliving Olly Moss OFFSET2012 presentation...pretty good for a first public lecture !
Best known for his re-imaginings of film posters, Moss makes images that are true to the heart of the movie, but filtered through a worldview that assumes intelligence and a wry understanding of pop culture from the audience. Clever and a little retro, Moss’s work makes the art slaves in Hollywood marketing departments weep with envy at his brilliance. It’s not only fan boys who’ve taken note. Sony, Lucasfilm, Apple, Penguin Books, Nike, Mondo Tees, Studio Ghibli – Moss counts them among his client list.
Placebo – Slave To The Wage
Music video for the Placebo single ‘Slave To The Wage,’ taken from their third album Black...
published: 12 Jun 2009
author: Placeboworld
Placebo – Slave To The Wage
Music video for the Placebo single ‘Slave To The Wage,’ taken from their third album Black Market Music.
The praying mantis playing a metaphorical marketing slave - attracted to objects like a bu...
published: 03 Dec 2008
author: Splurj
The praying mantis playing a metaphorical marketing slave - attracted to objects like a bug is to light!!
Music http://www.myspace.com/ninjacolumbo
ceci n’est pas de l’histoire | dag 5
Dries Verhoeven | Ceci n'est pas...
10 uitzonderingen op de regel
16 t/m 25 mei op de Sta...
published: 21 May 2013
author: Dries Verhoeven
ceci n’est pas de l’histoire | dag 5
Dries Verhoeven | Ceci n'est pas...
10 uitzonderingen op de regel
16 t/m 25 mei op de Stadhuisbrug, Utrecht
Dag 5
Ceci n’est pas de l’histoire*
Het Nederlands slavernijverleden kwam na bijna 350 jaar ten einde in 1863. Rond diezelfde tijd dook de knecht ‘Pieter’ voor de eerste keer op in een kinderboek. Eén van de verhalen over zijn herkomst is dat hij op de slavenmarkt van Myra (Turkije) werd gekocht door de heilige Nicolaas. Nederlanders koesteren warme gevoelens van nostalgie voor Zwarte Piet.
Veel van hen zien de discussie over aanpassing van de huidskleur als een vorm van doorgeschoten politieke correctheid. Om protesten uit de gekleurde gemeenschap tegemoet te komen werden verwijzingen naar het slavernijverleden de afgelopen jaren wel gereduceerd: De knecht verloor zijn Surinaamse accent en gouden oorbellen. Zwarte krullen kwamen in de plaats van kroeshaar. Ook de roe verdween. Wat bleef was zijn talent in acrobatiek en zijn zwarte huid.
* Dit is niet de geschiedenis
. . .
Day 5
Ceci n’est pas de l’histoire*
Dutch slavery was abolished in 1863, after approx. 350 years. Around the same time, helper 'Peter' was introduced for the first time in a children's book. One of the stories about his origins states that he was bought at the slave-market in Myra (Turkey) by Saint Nicholas. The Dutch feel very nostalgic about Zwarte Piet (meaning Black Pete).
Many of them feel the discussion about changing his skin colour is some kind of exaggerated political correctness. In order to respond to protests from the coloured community, some attempts were made to reduce references to slavery: The manservant lost his Surinam accent and golden earrings. Afro-hair was replaced by black curls. His roe (a chimney sweep's broom made of willow branches), disappeared. What remained was his talent for acrobatics and his black skin.
*This is not history
Youtube results:
Gudvangen Viking Market 2013 Slave Trading First Catch
Gudvangen Viking Market 2013 Slave Trading First Catch...
published: 28 Sep 2013
Gudvangen Viking Market 2013 Slave Trading First Catch
Gudvangen Viking Market 2013 Slave Trading First Catch
Gudvangen Viking Market 2013 Slave Trading First Catch- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 665
Colosseum Road To Freedom Walkthrough Day 38 The Slave Market
STATS NEW STATS 130 STR 160 STR 35 DEX 55 DEX 35 AGI 70 AGI 120 VIT + 35 180 VIT 100 STA +...
published: 18 May 2012
author: fatibal
Colosseum Road To Freedom Walkthrough Day 38 The Slave Market
Colosseum Road To Freedom Walkthrough Day 38 The Slave Market
STATS NEW STATS 130 STR 160 STR 35 DEX 55 DEX 35 AGI 70 AGI 120 VIT + 35 180 VIT 100 STA + 32 187 STA CAP :184 CAP :211 Female Slave price 400.000 gives: 20 ...- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 497
- author: fatibal