
Barbary Corsairs - the Most Influential Pirates in History
Pictures about the Barbary Corsairs, the most influential pirates in history....
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: Farid Najafi
Barbary Corsairs - the Most Influential Pirates in History
Barbary Corsairs - the Most Influential Pirates in History
Pictures about the Barbary Corsairs, the most influential pirates in history.- published: 30 Apr 2010
- views: 8455
- author: Farid Najafi

WHITE Slaves of BLACK Masters Tell Their Story
Whites slaves tell their own story in their own words about how they were shanghaied and t...
published: 28 Mar 2013
author: TheSweetSarahize
WHITE Slaves of BLACK Masters Tell Their Story
WHITE Slaves of BLACK Masters Tell Their Story
Whites slaves tell their own story in their own words about how they were shanghaied and taken back to North Africa as slaves. Over 2 million whites are repo...- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 11634
- author: TheSweetSarahize

Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates - Past is Present (2009)
Pirates prowl the seas again, challenging the world's strongest navies - just as they did ...
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: Strange as it Seems
Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates - Past is Present (2009)
Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates - Past is Present (2009)
Pirates prowl the seas again, challenging the world's strongest navies - just as they did when President Thomas Jefferson ordered America's first marines to ...- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 7162
- author: Strange as it Seems

Whilst the Arabs have been acknowledged as a prime force in the early usage of slaves from...
published: 02 Apr 2013
Whilst the Arabs have been acknowledged as a prime force in the early usage of slaves from Africa, very little has been written about their usage of White slaves, whether they were part of the Russian slave trade or those kidnapped by Arab pirates. However, in recent years, the research of some authors has been bringing this issue to light The origins of African slavery in the New World cannot be understood without some knowledge of the millennium of warfare between Christians and Muslims that took place in the Mediterranean and Atlantic and the piracy and kidnapping that went along with it. In 1627 pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa raided distant Iceland and enslaved nearly four hundred astonished residents. In 1617 Muslim pirates, having long enslaved Christians along the coasts of Spain, France, Italy, and even Ireland, captured 1,200 men and women in Portuguese Madeira. Down to the 1640s, there were many more English slaves in Muslim North Africa than African slaves under English control in the Caribbean. Indeed, a 1624 parliamentary proclamation estimated that the Barbary states held at least 1,500 English slaves, mostly sailors captured in the Mediterranean or Atlantic. Millions European Christians were kidnapped and enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 -- a far greater number than had ever been estimated before. One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature -- that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true, We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people. Slavery in North Africa has been ignored and minimized, in large part because it is on no one's agenda to discuss what happened.The enslavement of Europeans doesn't fit the general theme of European world conquest and colonialism that is central to scholarship on the early modern era, he said. Many of the countries that were victims of slavery, such as France and Spain, would later conquer and colonize the areas of North Africa where their citizens were once held as slaves. Maybe because of this history, Western scholars have thought of the Europeans primarily as "evil colonialists" and not as the victims they sometimes were. Between 1580 and 1680. That meant about 8,500 new slaves had to be captured each year. Overall, this suggests nearly a million slaves would have been taken captive during this period. Using the same methodology, Davis has estimated as many as 475,000 additional slaves were taken in the previous and following centuries. The result is that between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast. Enslavement was a very real possibility for anyone who traveled in the Mediterranean, or who lived along the shores in places like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and even as far north as England and Iceland.from 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were probably taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas, Pirates (called corsairs) from cities along the Barbary Coast in north Africa -- cities such as Tunis and Algiers -- would raid ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, as well as seaside villages to capture men, women and children. The impact of these attacks were devastating -- France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships, and long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants. At its peak, the destruction and depopulation of some areas probably exceeded what European slavers would later inflict on the African interior. We have lost the sense of how large enslavement could loom for those who lived around the Mediterranean and the threat they were under," he said. "Slaves were still slaves, whether they are black or white, and whether they suffered in America or North Africa- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 3993

Vic Reeves Pirates Barbary Pirates-part1
The comedian reveals tales of the ferocious Barbary pirates operating from north Africa, w...
published: 02 Sep 2009
author: AnthonyFJG
Vic Reeves Pirates Barbary Pirates-part1
Vic Reeves Pirates Barbary Pirates-part1
The comedian reveals tales of the ferocious Barbary pirates operating from north Africa, who terrorised the Bristol Channel and the Atlantic and Mediterranea...- published: 02 Sep 2009
- views: 5869
- author: AnthonyFJG

The Pirates of Barbary Coast (Barbary Corsairs) (Pikas Project)
This is a project I did for history class. It's about the Barbary Corsairs. I don't own th...
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: FluffyNinja85
The Pirates of Barbary Coast (Barbary Corsairs) (Pikas Project)
The Pirates of Barbary Coast (Barbary Corsairs) (Pikas Project)
This is a project I did for history class. It's about the Barbary Corsairs. I don't own the audio or the pictures.- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 404
- author: FluffyNinja85

The Barbary Corsair - Trailer
A young boy watches as his village is ravished by pirates....
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: Dylan Allen
The Barbary Corsair - Trailer
The Barbary Corsair - Trailer
A young boy watches as his village is ravished by pirates.- published: 20 Jul 2011
- views: 72
- author: Dylan Allen

Nimcha-Algerian Barbary corsairs sword
A Nimcha is a single-handed sword from northwestern Africa, especially Morocco. These blad...
published: 28 Aug 2010
author: izkormvach
Nimcha-Algerian Barbary corsairs sword
Nimcha-Algerian Barbary corsairs sword
A Nimcha is a single-handed sword from northwestern Africa, especially Morocco. These blades are usually from the late 18th century onwards and are notable f...- published: 28 Aug 2010
- views: 1533
- author: izkormvach

The First War on Terror: The United Sates and the Barbary Coast
A documentary I made for National History Day 2011 about the First Barbary War. If you'd b...
published: 14 Mar 2011
author: Conor Reid
The First War on Terror: The United Sates and the Barbary Coast
The First War on Terror: The United Sates and the Barbary Coast
A documentary I made for National History Day 2011 about the First Barbary War. If you'd be so kind as to take a look, be sure to tell me what you thought of...- published: 14 Mar 2011
- views: 6126
- author: Conor Reid

Barbary Pirates And White Slavery
Whilst Jewish Hollywood producers like the Weinstein brothers constantly love to remind Wh...
published: 05 Jan 2014
Barbary Pirates And White Slavery
Barbary Pirates And White Slavery
Whilst Jewish Hollywood producers like the Weinstein brothers constantly love to remind Whites of their role in the transatlantic Slave trade, by producing yet another anti-White retribution movie named, Django unchained -- who have the intention of instilling more White guilt, opening new wounds between Whites and Blacks, and covering up their role in that particular slave trade -- most Europeans are totally unaware of the enslavement of millions of Whites enslaved in what was to be called the Barbary Coast slave trade. Millions of White European Christians were to be kidnapped and enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 -- a far greater number than had ever been estimated before. One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature -- that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true, We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people. Between 1580 and 1680. That meant about 8,500 new slaves had to be captured each year. Overall, this suggests nearly a million slaves would have been taken captive during this period. Using the same methodology, Davis has estimated as many as 475,000 additional slaves were taken in the previous and following centuries. In 1617 Muslim pirates, having long enslaved Christians along the coasts of Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, and even Iceland captured 1,200 men and women in Portuguese Madeira. Down to the 1640s, there were many more English slaves in Muslim North Africa than African slaves under English control in the Caribbean. Indeed, a 1624 parliamentary proclamation estimated that the Barbary states held at least 1,500 English slaves, mostly sailors captured in the Mediterranean or Atlantic. In 1627 pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa raided distant Iceland and enslaved nearly four hundred astonished residents. Millions European Christians were kidnapped and enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 -- a far greater number than had ever been estimated before. One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature -- that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true, We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people. Slavery in North Africa has been ignored and minimized, in large part because it is on no one's agenda to discuss what happened.The enslavement of Europeans doesn't fit the general theme of European world conquest and colonialism that is central to scholarship on the early modern era, he said. Many of the countries that were victims of slavery, such as France and Spain, would later conquer and colonize the areas of North Africa where their citizens were once held as slaves. Maybe because of this history, Western scholars have thought of the Europeans primarily as "evil colonialists" and not as the victims they sometimes were. The result is that between 1530 and 1780 there were almost in the region 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslim moors of the Barbary Coast. Enslavement was a very real possibility for anyone who traveled in the Mediterranean, or who lived along the shores in places like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and even as far north as England and Iceland.from 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were probably taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas. Pirates (called corsairs) from cities along the Barbary Coast in North Africa -- cities such as Tunis and Algiers -- would raid ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, as well as seaside villages to capture men, women and children. The impact of these attacks were devastating -- France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships, and long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants. At its peak, the destruction and depopulation of some areas probably exceeded what European slavers would later inflict on the African interior. We have lost the sense of how large enslavement could loom for those who lived around the Mediterranean and the threat they were under," he said. "Slaves were still slaves, whether they are black or white, and whether they suffered in America or North Africa.- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 0

Michael Savage Savages the Barbary Pirates and Pays Tribute to the US Navy
Michael Savage Savages the Barbary Pirates and Pays Tribute to the US Navy....
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: FightJihadi
Michael Savage Savages the Barbary Pirates and Pays Tribute to the US Navy
Michael Savage Savages the Barbary Pirates and Pays Tribute to the US Navy
Michael Savage Savages the Barbary Pirates and Pays Tribute to the US Navy.- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 73
- author: FightJihadi

Ango-Turkish Piracy Alliance In The Mediterranean Sea
Anglo-Turkish piracy or the Anglo-Barbary piracy refers to the collaboration between Barba...
published: 11 Jan 2014
Ango-Turkish Piracy Alliance In The Mediterranean Sea
Ango-Turkish Piracy Alliance In The Mediterranean Sea
Anglo-Turkish piracy or the Anglo-Barbary piracy refers to the collaboration between Barbary pirates and English pirates against Catholic shipping during the 17th century. The Protestants and the Muslim "Turks and Berbers", more precisely the Barbary pirates, collaborated during that period against their common enemy, Catholic Europe. This collaboration has to be seen in the context of the wars of religions and the ongoing mortal battle between Protestantism and Catholicism. At that time, Spain, Portugal, and France, which were implementing anti-Protestant policies, were the target of this Anglo-Muslim collaboration. It also seems that English pirates, who had been active against Spain until 1604 when peace was signed with England, were still inclined to continue the fight and the depredations, although under the protection of a different state, to the embarrassment of the English Crown. Piracy in the ranks of the Muslim pirates of Barbary was also a way to find employment, after King James I formally proclaimed an end to privateering in June 1603. Further, abandoning England as well as their faith was often a way to financial success, as fortunes could be made by attacking Christian shipping. By 1610, the wealth of English renegade pirates had become so famous as to become the object of plays, and the king offered Royal Pardon to those who wished to return. Not only the English corsairs participated to this collaboration, but also the Dutch, who shared the same objectives. Catholic ships were attacked and prisoners taken to Algiers or other places of the Barbary Coast to be sold as slaves. The number of these English pirates was significant. Jack Ward, Henry Mainwaring, Robert Walsingham and Peter Easton were among such English pirates in the service of the deys of the Barbary coast. Some of the most famous Dutch pirates were Zymen Danseker, Salomo de Veenboer and Jan Janszoon. Some of them, such as Ward and Danseker, were "renegades" who had adopted Islam. Mainwaring attacked the Spanish preferentially, and claimed that he avoided English shipping, but generally ships of all nationalities seem to have been attacked. Walsingham is known to have freed Turkish captives from Christian galleys, and to have sold Christian captives on the North African slave market. Janszoon led long-ranging raids such as the Turkish Abductions in Iceland to sell his slaves on the Barbary Coast. A contemporary letter states: "The infinity of goods, merchandise jewels and treasure taken by our English pirates daily from Christians and carried to Allarach, Algire and Tunis to the great enriching of Mores and Turks and impoverishing of Christians" —Contemporary letter sent from Portugal to England. Beyond the shared religious antagonism towards Catholicism, the Barbary States probably offered economic advantages as well as social mobility to Protestant pirates, as the Barbary States were a very cosmopolitan environment at that time France, which had a tradition of alliance with the Ottoman Empire, placed a formal protest with the Ottoman Sultan in 1607, complaining that English and Dutch pirates were allowed to use North African harbors as bases to raid French shipping. For France, it was a clear conspiracy against Catholicism, described at the time as "Turco-Calvinism". In order to curb these actions, Spain made a proclamation against piracy and privateering in 1615. England probably became ambivalent about this sort of piratical collaboration as it attacked Algiers in 1621 in order to free Christian captives there. In 1629, Louis XIII attacked Salé to free 420 French captives. Louis XIV also later bombarded Algiers in retaliation. Catholic religious orders, especially the Trinitarians and the Lazarists under Saint Vincent de Paul, himself a former slave, accumulated donations to ransom and liberate Christian slaves. It is estimated that the missionaries liberated 1,200 slaves until the death of Saint Vincent de Paul in 1660, for a total of 1,200,000 livres.- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 1

THE BARBARY POWERS WARS Guest: Dr. Chuck Harding
WE ARE AMERICANS by Sam Gipp http://hosted.homeserver.com/warneveryone/we_are_americans.ht...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: Dave Flang
THE BARBARY POWERS WARS Guest: Dr. Chuck Harding
THE BARBARY POWERS WARS Guest: Dr. Chuck Harding
WE ARE AMERICANS by Sam Gipp http://hosted.homeserver.com/warneveryone/we_are_americans.htm Barbary slave raids Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were captu...- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 428
- author: Dave Flang
Youtube results:

Barbary Pirates Movie
For my history class. Skip to 8:05 for outtakes. Disclaimerish thing- the "annoying" kid i...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: walkthroughsnstuff
Barbary Pirates Movie
Barbary Pirates Movie
For my history class. Skip to 8:05 for outtakes. Disclaimerish thing- the "annoying" kid isnt actually annoying hes pretty cool.- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 142
- author: walkthroughsnstuff

Barbary Pirates (Part 3)
And so it ends......
published: 06 May 2008
author: Clovis Brovis
Barbary Pirates (Part 3)

Barbary Pirates and Trouble with Britain
A movie about The Barbary Pirates and Trouble with Britain. We made this for our history t...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: KittyLovesKats
Barbary Pirates and Trouble with Britain
Barbary Pirates and Trouble with Britain
A movie about The Barbary Pirates and Trouble with Britain. We made this for our history teacher as our 100 point project. We know it kind of sucks but we ha...- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 172
- author: KittyLovesKats

Barbary Pirates (Part 2)
Part two of what you were previously watching. Unless it wasn't anything related to what y...
published: 06 May 2008
author: Clovis Brovis
Barbary Pirates (Part 2)
Barbary Pirates (Part 2)
Part two of what you were previously watching. Unless it wasn't anything related to what you are watching now.- published: 06 May 2008
- views: 355
- author: Clovis Brovis