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The Cesar Chavez Taskforce, a coalition headed by LULAC and Alberto Ruiz held a press conference on Monday, June 16 in the Flag Room at Dallas City Hall, to address the controversy caused by the selection of the name Cesar Chavez to replace that of Industrial Blvd. by a clear majority of respondents in a poll and by the city council's inexplicable reluctance to heed the call of the people. Many Hispanic leaders addressed the press, most stressing the position that Chavez is a great American who deserves to be honored by having a street named after him, and the clearly expressed preference of the people also deserves to be honored. Reverend Peter Johnson, who brought the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to Dallas, spoke of the long brotherhood between Chavez's United Farmworkers and the SCLC.

In response to questions, speakers said that the task force will not accept the compromise of changing the name of Industrial Blvd. to Riverfront/Industrial Blvd and naming another major street, such as Jefferson Blvd., after Chavez. They want Industrial Blvd named Chavez Blvd.

A lot of the questioning had a hostile undertone to it. One reporter mentioned Chavez's commitment to nonviolence, and asked what he would think of the divisiveness caused by the task force. A member of the task force responded that she and a large number of the older people there had marched with Chavez, and the reporter should refrain from trying to teach them Chavez's philosophy.

One of the inspiring things about the conference was the presence of young people. Many elementary school kids were holding flags and banners and learning how (or whether) democracy works.

After the conference, this reporter spoke with Joe Wells, the Dallas County Treasurer, who characterized himself as an activist who had marched with Chavez. He reminded me that Chavez was a Union organizer and wondered "Where is labor? Why aren't they here?'"

The task force will meet Wednesday, June 18, at the LULAC Center, 345 S. Edgefield Ave.. They ask that anyone willing to contribute to their efforts please attend.

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They came to Dallas, the fat cats with their fat purses and their love of flatulent refineries and chemical processing plants, which along with their noxious clouds of toxicity produce even more lard in the tightly clutched purses. They came in their stretched cars whose voracious appetites provide ever more lucre for the monster off of whom they all feed.

Outside were those who live downwind from their plants. Locked outside with a line of police between them and the doors were those whose children are forced to breathe the foul exhalations of the luxurious conveyances. These 60 to 80 people came equipped with the dedication of the Dallas Peace Center, the stubbornness of North Texas for Justice and Peace, the enthusiasm of UNT's SDS and the clout of nationwide organizations, such as the hard won moral authority of Iraq Veterans Against War, the Wobblies' disdain for the corporate establishment, Consumers for Peace's tenacity in opposing Exxon Mobil, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's firm belief that right will prevail.

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Protest Exxon-Mobil May 28 in Dallas

ExxonMobil shareholders will gather at the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, Texas on May 28. The media extensively covers this event, and it is a good time to voice concerns about how the largest energy company in the world is affecting people's lives and the planet.

A coalition of environmental, faith and peace organizations are planning environmental justice hearings, news conferences and a demonstration to increase shareholder and public awareness about ExxonMobil's irresponsible pollution and how it is causing illness and death, and destroying quality of life for people living in the Texas Gulf Coast.

The news conferences and demonstration also will seek to hold ExxonMobil accountable for it's contribution to global warming and lack of efforts to move toward clean, renewable energy. War profiteering and excess profits while consumers pay outreageous prices for gas also will be addressed.
Key messages: It's time to tell ExxonMobil . . . enough!

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The Longest Walk 2 Reaches Oklahoma
People Marching to Preserve the Past and Improve the Future.

"The new AIM will not be totally native. The new AIM will be young whites. The new AIM will be young blacks. The new AIM will be young Asians." ---- Dennis Banks

Activists in North Texas have had a part in planning the Longest Walk 2, which is going through Oklahoma in May, 2008.(see the full feature article, link below)

In February, 2007, Dennis Banks, co-founder of the American Indian Movement (AIM), visited Camp Casey at the invitation of Carl Rising-Moore. Banks was trying to plan a route from Alcatraz, in San Francisco Bay, to Washington, DC. A group visited from nearby Dallas, to spend an evening sitting around a campfire and speaking with Banks. The next day, some of the group participated in a sweatlodge.

Don Hatch (white hair) with Dennis Banks to his left, flanked by 2 Longest Walkers from Poland

While sitting around the campfire, Dennis told the group why he was planning a cross country route. In 1978, a group of Native American activists had walked from Alcatraz to DC. That trek was called the Longest Walk. Now, there was to be a "Longest Walk 2" to commemorate the first walk. The second walk would leave Alcatraz thirty years after the first one on February 11, 2008 to arrive in DC on July 11. They would divide into two groups, one taking a northern route, while the others take a southern route. Besides commemorating the first Longest Walk, Longest Walk 2 would also pick up trash across the country and work to draw attention to sacred sites and the need to protect them. More regarding the current group's movement through Oklahoma....

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Stop "Plan Mexico" (Merida Initiative)
We can stop expansion of the repression of dissent.

We need YOU to take action to stop Plan Mexico now!


The NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs and restricts U.S., Mexican, and Canadian governments' options to address URGENT health care and environmental problems. Under "NAFTA-plus - the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) - trinational negotiators continue to chip away at our rights and living standards, but now without even public knowledge of the procedures and the decisions that affect our lives.

The U.S. Congress and President Bush - in bed with corporate interests - have ignored popular opposition and passed more Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)! And, under Plan Mexico, Bush wants to send more lethal aid to the Mexican security forces involved in beating and murdering anti-globalization activists.

Take action today to stop Plan Mexico:

Other NTIMC news stories following the murder of Brad Will by "undercover" mexican officials:
Memorial for murdered IndyMedia journalist Brad Will
Groups Protest Mexican Governors in Dallas
Protest of Mexican Governors' Meeting in Dallas
The Spirit of Resistance in Mexico City
Electronic Blockade of Mexican Embassies and Consulates
Update on Oaxacan Protests
IndyMedia Journalist Killed by Governor's Goons in Oaxaca
NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will Shot Dead by Government Forces in Oaxaca

For the remainder of this article:

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Jim Goodnow's "Yellow Rose" Bus Destroyed by Suspicious Fire
Owner hopes good will come of this experience

Jim Goodnow and his bus, the Yellow Rose, both have suffered a terrible tragedy.

In recent months, Jim has been providing transportation to Iraq Veterans Against the War for their various tours and other activities. Last night, Jim escaped a fire of suspicious origins that destroyed the bus. Luckily Jim is all right.

This message was passed on by Bill Perry, a vet, anti war activist and member of Delaware Valley Veterans For America.

Bill Perry wrote:

The bus in this photo, is the Yellow Rose. It was totaled by fire, around 9:30 pm, Friday night, 1/11/08

This bus, often mired in controversy since the IVAW "Dirty South"tour that left Philly in June, and had Active Duty BBQ's @ Ft Meade, Ft Jackson, Camp Lejeune, Ft Benning, and other Southern Military Posts (Including an IVAW benefit by Tom Morello, of Rage Against the Machine, and AudioSlave, in Virginia) as well as backdrop for many a Demonstration, and Ft Drum, NY, organizing parties, has suffered much damage.

This photo shows the huge "Don't Attack Iran" and "Impeach Bush" logos, that let everybody on the highway know just how the occupants felt about the state of the state.

Owner~Operator~Driver and member of Veterans For Peace, Jim Goodnow pulled into a South Jersey Truck Stop, to catch a 3 or 4 hour nap. Jim saw, in retrospect, some suspicious activity outside the bus, and about 20 minutes later, the entire engine compartment, and back of the bus was engulfed in flames.

Mr Goodnow speculates that the cause could have been anything from ARSON, to ATTEMPTED MURDER. He plans to notify the ATF Arson Squad on Saturday morning.
Stay tuned....
Bill Perry
Delaware Valley Veterans For America
Disabled American Veteran, VVAW, VFP, VFW, VVA


A fund has been set up and is tax deductible:
Checks can be made out to:
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 106 (please spell this out) Put in memo line: BUS FUND
Mail to:
Bernie Jezercak
1804 Tree LIne Drive
Carrollton, TX 75007

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These are pictures from the Fur Free Friday demo outside of the flagship Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas, TX on November 23rd, 2007. Local animal rights activists and members of the Animal Connection of Texas (ACT), the Vegetarian Network of Dallas (VegNoD), In Defense of Animals (IDA), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and the North Texas Animal Rights Network (NTARN) were joined by reality TV star Lacey Conner (of VH1's "Rock of Love") to protest the cruel fur industry.

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The demonstration on Prairie Chapel Road at the Bush Ranch and a panel discussion that followed at the Crawford Texas Peace House.

More photos in full article.

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(TYLER, Texas, November 15, 2007) – Eight student activists demonstrated against John Bolton outside the R. Don Cowan Fine and Performing Arts Center at the University of Texas at Tyler Thursday.

Mr. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a neoconservative stalwart and Project for a New American Century signer, was the featured speaker of the University’s Louis and Peaches Owen Lecture Series.

The students defiantly held up banners reading “No War on Iran,” “Down with Empire” and “Bolton Supports Torture” and handed out literature to attendees of the lecture describing Bolton’s hotly controversial record as a diplomat and neoconservative political pundit as the attendees walked into the Cowan Center.

“John Bolton is not a good man,” said Justin Brown, a co-founder of the Live Free or Die Society, the organizers of the protest. “The Bush administration has worked hard for years to follow the Project for a New American Century’s manual for empire and aggression and to pull the U.S. out of every international agreement and treaty they could in their effort to dominate rather than collaborate on global issues – and John Bolton exemplifies that attitude.”

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Cheney Finds Dallas, Dallas Finds Cheney (Guilty)
Jobs with Justice joins in protest of Cheney November 2

Our Jobs with Justice "Stop Corporate Greed" sign joined about a hundred other signs and banners at a protest against Vice President Dick Cheney outside the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Dallas on the morning of November 2. Cheney was telling a group of supporters that the United States needs to keep up the occupation of Iraq and add another project: invading Iran! Protesters outside were chanting, "Are you crazy?"

Even though activists from the Dallas Peace Center, a Jobs with Justice member organization, organized the action primarily for anti-war reasons, a goodly number of young environmentalists joined in.

The Jobs with Justice position was explained over a bullhorn thusly: War is only carried out against countries that refuse to sign so-called "free trade" agreements with American corporations. If Iraq, Afganistan, or Iran had signed one, they wouldn't be threatened today. In other words, gobblelization is the root cause of war.

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