- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 148

Comet ISON And its Full Perihelion Journey
NASA | Comet ISON's Full Perihelion Pass
After several days of continued observations, sci...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Comet ISON And its Full Perihelion Journey
Comet ISON And its Full Perihelion Journey
NASA | Comet ISON's Full Perihelion Pass After several days of continued observations, scientists continue to work to determine and to understand the fate of Comet ISON: There's no doubt that the comet shrank in size considerably as it rounded the sun and there's no doubt that something made it out on the other side to shoot back into space. The question remains as to whether the bright spot seen moving away from the sun was simply debris, or whether a small nucleus of the original ball of ice was still there. Regardless, it is likely that it is now only dust. Comet ISON, which began its journey from the Oort Cloud some 3 million years ago, made its closest approach to the sun on Nov. 28, 2013. The comet was visible in instruments on NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, and the joint European Space Agency/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, via images called coronagraphs. Coronagraphs block out the sun and a considerable distance around it, in order to better observe the dim structures in the sun's atmosphere, the corona. As such, there was a period of several hours when the comet was obscured in these images, blocked from view along with the sun. During this period of time, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory could not see the comet, leading many scientists to surmise that the comet had disintegrated completely. However, something did reappear in SOHO and STEREO coronagraphs some time later -- though it was significantly less bright. Whether that spot of light was merely a cloud of dust that once was a comet, or if it still had a nucleus -- a small ball of its original, icy material -- intact, is still unclear. It seems likely that as of Dec. 1, there was no nucleus left. By monitoring its changes in brightness over time, scientists can estimate whether there's a nucleus or not, but our best chance at knowing for sure will be if the Hubble Space Telescope makes observations later in December 2013. Regardless of its fate, Comet ISON did not disappoint researchers. Over the last year, observatories around the world and in space gathered one of the largest sets of comet observations of all time, which should provide fodder for study for years to come. The number of space-based, ground-based, and amateur observations were unprecedented, with twelve NASA space-based assets observing over the past year.- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 148

Comet ISON in The Lost Book of Nostradamus Three days of darkness decoded december 2013
Source: cloudkicker1000
NB: Don...
published: 09 Dec 2013
Comet ISON in The Lost Book of Nostradamus Three days of darkness decoded december 2013
Comet ISON in The Lost Book of Nostradamus Three days of darkness decoded december 2013
Source: cloudkicker1000 http://www.youtube.com/user/cloudkicker1000?feature=watch NB: Dont mind the Buddist rider in the end of vid. Mind the possible discovery. I think this could be a correct Interpretation of that picture drawn by Nostradamus. End Times: MUST SEE!!!! (watch in order to fully understand it all) 1: Explaining The End Times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0rTk9IAwwg 2: Alien Savior Antichrist and Return of the Nephilim Steve Quayle Tom Horn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WOj7m0AnPw 3: Operation High Jump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVNya68M7_Y Revelation: http://www.letusreason.org/proph21.htm The truth about Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2MelBr5VVE&list;=PLvy_IE4-psGGicKVfRUw6iDiursneVahS&index;=1 The truth about Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpcsZhPoU2I&feature;=youtu.be ----- Gulf Oil Spill - Revisited 2010-2013 - Full Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QUkzQINtKY&feature;=youtu.be or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6eisIoglJY&lch;=email&feature;=em-comment_received&lc;=QBZRoVbEDg0wqe6c84JJJemHg1V_A16aoVrA53qXbKA Playlist for videos since 2010 to 2013 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI-GrLGEPL6ff1GLKp26LKrGZl74hMKwa or http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhRGsKzQpZaKHBYl3k8_Fw61iguDXzspZ Maritime Port Louisiana USA - Why The Gulf Oil Spill were done. http://gnoinc.org/wp-content/uploads/REPORT-MATF_FIVE-YEAR_PORTS_AND_MARITIME_PLAN.pdf Fraking - Shale Gas Production http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/whats-fracking http://www.dangersoffracking.com/ Loop Current http://www.thelibertyman.com/downloads/GulfStream_Stopped.pdf Henning Kemner God Bless You- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 6556

ISON IS ALIVE, RED, AND NOT A COMET - December 6, 2013 news nibiru report died dead still survived
ISON is ALIVE, and according to our latest image, it's RED and NOT A COMET! Also watch the...
published: 08 Dec 2013
ISON IS ALIVE, RED, AND NOT A COMET - December 6, 2013 news nibiru report died dead still survived
ISON IS ALIVE, RED, AND NOT A COMET - December 6, 2013 news nibiru report died dead still survived
ISON is ALIVE, and according to our latest image, it's RED and NOT A COMET! Also watch the most important video of your life here, a must-see! http://youtu.be/hkihxyP00jk LieKillers on YouTube: http://youtube.com/LieKillers LieKillers on Facebook: http://facebook.com/LieKillers LieKillers on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LieKillers We are a brand new European YouTube channel. We are OFFICIAL & GENUINE GOD'S MESSENGERS. We don't earn any money from our YouTube channel. We don't do this for fun. We do this to spread the truth. We publish ONLY 100% TRUTH, our videos are meant 100% seriously. We can prove we are right, just wait and in the near future you will see it and hear it, but mainly FEEL IT. We are not what you think we are. This is real deal with real facts. We don't need you to believe us. We just want you to be informed. The King is coming with his Black Army soon. His Revelation will happen on Earth. His Black Army will come from Space in the day of his Revelation. Believe it or not. Just wait and you will see we never lied to you. Also watch the most important video of your life here, a must-see! http://youtu.be/hkihxyP00jk NOTE: English is not our native language. #ISONISRED #ISONISALIVE #ISONLIVES #ISONSTILLALIVE #ISON #ENDTIMES #NASALIED #666 #GOD #SATAN #SAVIOR #KING #FATHER #BLACKARMY #KINGANDBLACKARMYCOMINGSOON #NUNTIVSMORTIS #NUNTIUSMORTIS- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 5918

Comet ISON Incoming Debris Smashing Into The SUN!!
Huge explosions and eruptions are taking place on the Sun as ISON's Debris Trail http://ww...
published: 14 Dec 2013
Comet ISON Incoming Debris Smashing Into The SUN!!
Comet ISON Incoming Debris Smashing Into The SUN!!
Huge explosions and eruptions are taking place on the Sun as ISON's Debris Trail http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com also http://www.bpearthwatch.com also BPEarthWatch You Tube Channel- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 16165

Comet ISON Mysteries Continue | Space News
See also the full documentary, "The Electric Comet":
published: 08 Dec 2013
Comet ISON Mysteries Continue | Space News
Comet ISON Mysteries Continue | Space News
See also the full documentary, "The Electric Comet": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34wtt2EUToo In November 2013, skywatchers around the world eagerly awaited the approach of Comet ISON. Dubbed the "Comet of the Century" by several in the media, some astronomers had predicted a stupendous cometary display as Comet ISON approached its perihelion. The comet was also the subject of countless bizarre speculations. However, despite the heightened expectations, ISON ultimately proved to be somewhat of a fizzle. Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ETy41 Thunderbolts Project Home: http://www.thunderbolts.info Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thunderboltsproject Picture of the Day: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/daily-tpod/ Electric Universe (Wal Thornhill): http://www.holoscience.com/wp/ Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/eg-contents/- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 12725

Comet c/2012 s1 ISON WTF ??? - The Start
www.youtube.com/thornews As I was wrapping up with Part 50 of this never ending epic saga,...
published: 09 Dec 2013
Comet c/2012 s1 ISON WTF ??? - The Start
Comet c/2012 s1 ISON WTF ??? - The Start
www.youtube.com/thornews As I was wrapping up with Part 50 of this never ending epic saga, I felt it was best to look back and remember how, when and where it all began. 1. January, 2013 - NASA & Professional Astronomers & Science Media announce Comet ISON as the potential 'Comet of the Century'. 2. February 5th 2013 - NASA releases footage of Comet ISON taken from the Deep Impact Satellite. 3. March 27th, 2013 - I feel compelled to ask NASA to take a photo of ISON. and ask. Why can't we get a look at her? Which will be a running theme of the show. Thanks for watching! God Bless Everyone! This has been one wild and crazy ride. T Let's discuss! Want to talk about it? meet me on the facebook www.facebook.com/thornewsgo or tweet me on the twitter @NewThor- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 14596

Comet ISON - Heavy Debris Field Will We Witness Massive Meteor 'Showers'?
ISON is leaving a trailing 'rain' of comet debris, dust, particles, in space
According to ...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Comet ISON - Heavy Debris Field Will We Witness Massive Meteor 'Showers'?
Comet ISON - Heavy Debris Field Will We Witness Massive Meteor 'Showers'?
ISON is leaving a trailing 'rain' of comet debris, dust, particles, in space According to estimations, after ISON has sailed past us, earth is on an orbital trajectory which will pass through the comet's trail Will we witness massive meteor 'showers'? Will it rain down fire from the sky? Even if the chences are very little we have to keep an eye. Comet ISON Disintegrated ! http://astronomia.udea.edu.co/cometspage/DISINTEGRATION.xhtml Disintegration Distance of Comet ISON http://astronomia.udea.edu.co/cometspage/DISINTEGRATIONDATE.xhtml Perihelion & Distance: LIVE Information http://www.cometison2013.co.uk/perihelion-and-distance/- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 9110

It Turns Out Comet Ison is Planet X NIBIRU !!! MOST HUMAN LIFE WILL NOT EXIST After January 2014 ⌚⌚⌚
Based on the research we studied and dots that we connected you are simply not going to be...
published: 24 Aug 2013
It Turns Out Comet Ison is Planet X NIBIRU !!! MOST HUMAN LIFE WILL NOT EXIST After January 2014 ⌚⌚⌚
It Turns Out Comet Ison is Planet X NIBIRU !!! MOST HUMAN LIFE WILL NOT EXIST After January 2014 ⌚⌚⌚
Based on the research we studied and dots that we connected you are simply not going to believe this. Nasa knows PLANET X and it's moons are not the only thing coming. Comet wormwood is also coming along with the 70 pound space rock hailstorm. Check this out... THE UNITED STATES DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. is storing 700,000 vials of human, and animal DNA in an "apocalypse bank" just in case planet x burns the earth to a crisp ---- http://www.sott.net/article/264840-Why-is-the-USDA-storing-700000-vials-of-frozen-sperm-in-Colorado Nasa's deep impact spacecraft watches comet ison A.K.A. PLANET X http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/asteroids/news/asteroid20130205.html NASA GOES ON A MISSION WITH A BILLION DOLLAR FLYING "INFRARED" OBSERVATORY TELESCOPE BUILT MERGED TOGETHER WITH AN AIRPLANE IN SEARCH OF AN "INVISIBLE" WINGED RED DWARF PLANET. THEY STARTED BUILDING IT WAY BACK IN THE 1990'S RIGHT AFTER THE WASHINGTON TIMES RELEASED A REPORT ABOUT "THE SEARCH FOR PLANET X". AND THEY BARELY FINISHED IT THIS YEAR IN 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4jU6Q8tPko#at=10 SECONDLY,....NASA IS NOW ABOUT TO USE FALCON 9 ROCKETS TO TRY TO BLAST "SOMETHING IN SPACE" TO DIVERT IT'S PATH FROM COMING TO EARTH http://www.nbcnews.com/science/nasas-kennedy-space-center-wants-unload-its-rocket-launchers-6C10962830 http://text-symbols.com/ NASA TOLD A HUUUUUUGE LIE ABOUT A COMET. iF THEY DID IT ONCE THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN. http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/flamineagle/C_2002_V1_NEAT.htm STAR TREK COMING TO LIFE DURING THE SAME TIME ISON IS NOW INTO PLAY. THIS HAS PROJECT BLUEBEAM WRITTEN ALL OVER IT. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/08/15/laser-weapons-inch-closer-to-battlefield/?intcmp=features#ixzz2c4U5zmmn WINGED PLANET SPOTTED OVER NEW ZEALAND co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.co.nz/2013/08/the-winged-planet-1-views-of-nibiru.html NASA ADMINS. ARE LYING FREEMASONS http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/spacemason/ BOTH NASA AND THE VATICAN IS SHARING A HUGE TELESCOPE NAMED LUCIFER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_cqeaTE218 ZOOM IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF COMET ISON IS PLANET X http://hla.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/display?image=hlsp_ison_hst_wfc3_130430_f606w_v1&autoscale;=&title;=Ison%20130430%20WFC3%20F606W MORE REAL LIFE STAR TREK TELEPORTATION STUFF ON FOX NEWS http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/08/18/teleported-bits-vanish-here-reappear-there/ HOLOGRAMS REPLACING HUMANS http://www.digitaltrends.com/international/hologram-replaces-human-receptionist-at-council-office-in-london/ IMAGE OF PRINCESS DIANA SEEN "BLUEBEAMED" INTO THE CLOUDS http://dotmedia.ning.com/profiles/blogs/message-to-earth-s-children-from-lady-diana WHY DO THEY HAVE THIS BIG TELESCOPE YET THEY WILL NOT RELEASE THE TRAJECTORY OF ISON? A.K.A. PLANET X http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/scitech/display.cfm?ST_ID=2566 (NASA'S "DEEP IMPACT" SPACECRAFT IS WATCHING COMET ISON AKA PLANET X) CLICK THIS LINK HERE AND THEN....... CLICK THE FIRST RESULT THAT YOU SEE http://www.bing.com/search?q=NASA+COMET+ISON.PDF.WHITEHOUSE.GOV&form;=U018DF&pc;=U018&dt;=061313 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/deepimpact/index.cfm WE UPLOADED THIS VIDEO ON JUNE 12 2013 WAY BEFORE ANYBODY WAS TALKING ABOUT PLANET X AND WE WERE RIGHT ON THE MONEY. CHECK IT OUT. COINCIDENCE??? "I DON'T THINK SO". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9VUNQxBF-U PLANET X WILL NOT BE ALONE. GUESS WHO ELSE IS COMING TO DESTROY THE WORLD? Say hello to the DRAGON from the book of revelation http://www.realistnews.net/Thread-nasa-mission-captures-snake-like-object-soho-sees-giant-ufos-near-the-sun http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=NASA+FINDS+A+SNAKE+ABOVE+EARTH+&qs;=n&form;=QBIR&pq;=nasa+finds+a+snake+above+earth+≻=0-19&sp;=-1&sk;=#view=detail&id;=D47F0F0D31CCBD2C7606D6B9F29579157278D03E&selectedIndex;=0 nasa tries to block the sign of jesus on the sun http://www.atam.org/GiantCrossontheSun.html No more marine corps because they know planet x is coming. Please look through the lines and stop believing these stupid cover stories http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/page/2- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 14117

Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 11 Dec 2013 - Comet ISON, Gama Ray Bursts & Extreme Weather
Coast to Coast AM ALT Date:11 Dec 2013
Coast to Coast AM ALT Host:Doug Hagmann
Coast to Co...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 11 Dec 2013 - Comet ISON, Gama Ray Bursts & Extreme Weather
Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 11 Dec 2013 - Comet ISON, Gama Ray Bursts & Extreme Weather
Coast to Coast AM ALT Date:11 Dec 2013 Coast to Coast AM ALT Host:Doug Hagmann Coast to Coast AM ALT This Week Guests: Coast to Coast AM ALT Topic: Comet ISON, Gama Ray Bursts & Extreme Weather Coast To Coast AM Alternative Dark Matter Alternative Radio Broadcast on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DisclosurexXM- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 2818

This Satellite Is Landing On A Comet!
There's a satellite that's been traveling for nearly a decade in outer space, and it's abo...
published: 14 Dec 2013
This Satellite Is Landing On A Comet!
This Satellite Is Landing On A Comet!
There's a satellite that's been traveling for nearly a decade in outer space, and it's about to land on a comet! In this week's Space Friday, Trace explains how this amazing feat of engineering is going to be pulled off. Read More: THE ROSETTA SPACE PROBE'S LONG TREK TO COMET 67P/CHURYUMOV - GERASIMENKO http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta/The_Rosetta_space_probe_s_long_trek_to_Comet_67P_Churyumov-Gerasimenko "The countdown to Rosetta's rendezvous in space began on 1 March 1997." Europe aims for 1st comet landing Nov. 11 http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/b2f0ca3a594644ee9e50a8ec4ce2d6de/Article_2013-12-10-EU-Europe-Comet-Landing/id-29d8b61f947e4fe681dca58862da8d0b "The European Space Agency has set a tentative date for the first landing of a spacecraft on a comet." What is the Difference Between Asteroids and Comets http://www.universetoday.com/33006/ "The main difference between an asteroid and a comet is what they are made of. Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material." NASA Asteroid Landing Mission To Take Place In 2021 After Accelerated Obama Plan, Says Bill Nelson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/05/nasa-asteroid-landing_n_3023489.html "NASA is planning for a robotic spaceship to lasso a small asteroid and park it near the moon for astronauts to explore, a top senator said Friday." Mission to Land on a Comet http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/02feb_rosetta/ "Europe's Rosetta spacecraft is en route to intercept a comet-- and to make history. In 2014, Rosetta will enter orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkoand land a probe on it, two firsts." European Probe on Course for a Landing on a Comet http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/europe-aims-1st-comet-landing-nov-11-21158756 "It's been likened to a parachutist trying to land on a mountaintop. Or a person attempting to leap from one speeding car to another." Watch More: Launch Your Own Satellite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W_3x1wW7-M&app;=desktop TestTube Wild Card http://testtube.com/dnews/dnews-175-the-truth-about-diamonds?utm_source=YT&utm;_medium=DNews&utm;_campaign=DNWC How Fire Burns in Space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zdD7lfB0Fs&feature;=youtu.be ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube http://testtube.com/dnews Subscribe now! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dnewschannel DNews on Twitter http://twitter.com/dnews Anthony Carboni on Twitter http://twitter.com/acarboni Laci Green on Twitter http://twitter.com/gogreen18 Trace Dominguez on Twitter http://twitter.com/trace501 DNews on Facebook http://facebook.com/dnews DNews on Google+ http://gplus.to/dnews Discovery News http://discoverynews.com- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 34798

Comet ISON's Nucleus = BIGGER than Earth
www.youtube.com/thornews All in the name of Science & Scientific theory I formulate a ques...
published: 07 Dec 2013
Comet ISON's Nucleus = BIGGER than Earth
Comet ISON's Nucleus = BIGGER than Earth
www.youtube.com/thornews All in the name of Science & Scientific theory I formulate a question, how did NASA ProFFessional Science ESA & Higher Education Professors come up with the 2km or 1.5 mile estimate for the nucleus of Comet c/2012 s1 ISON? I make a hypothesis. ISON was larger than Earth. I test out my theory on Helioviewer & after analysis I for the conclusion that ISON's nucleus was larger than Earth. How could something 1.5 miles create such a large shape after emerging from perihelion? Using the data from Thanksgiving the 28th and the 29th, it's clear that the Nucleus was much bigger than 1.5 miles and probably larger than Earth. There is no way unless Scientists are asserting that the same relative relativity quantum mechanics that were used when nothing exploded into everything of the Big Bang theory. Or whatever. I'd like someone to explain how Professional Science is correct on their SWAG (Sweet Ass Guess) and how I am wrong. Though ISON may be a ghost, I really feel this story won't be over until mid January 2014. Keep your eye on the skies! Oh the post perihelion drama. I'm am trying to learn about the Heavens. Be cool. God bless everyone, Stay Cool, T http://www.herlioviewer.org http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/11/25/comet_ison_sudden_drop_in_ice_output.html?wpisrc=burger_bar http://spaceweathergallery.com/index.php?title=comet http://www.isoncampaign.org/Present http://brucegary.net/ISON/ http://digilander.libero.it/infosis/homepage/astronomia/c2012s1.htm http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ison/ http://solarimg.org/artis/ Want to talk about it? meet me on the facebook www.facebook.com/thornewsgo or tweet me on the twitter @NewThor- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 23829

4MIN News December 10, 2013 GHOST COMET ISON UPDATE
Interview NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center D A Biesecker [COMET ISON]
published: 10 Dec 2013
4MIN News December 10, 2013 GHOST COMET ISON UPDATE
4MIN News December 10, 2013 GHOST COMET ISON UPDATE
Interview NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center D A Biesecker [COMET ISON] http://www.tatoott1009.com/2013/11/20/interview-noaas-space-weather-prediction-center-d-a-biesecker-comet-ison/ Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) IS NOT NIBIRU http://www.tatoott1009.com/2013/09/02/comet-c2012-s1-ison-is-not-nibiru/ 3MIN Robo-News-Comet ISON May Be Breaking Up http://www.tatoott1009.com/2013/09/02/comet-c2012-s1-ison-is-not-nibiru/ Tat's Revolution http://www.tatoott1009.com/2013/10/19/all-blogs-links/ paypal http://tinyurl.com/ks99dhx FACEBOOK tatoott1009 https://www.facebook.com/pages/tatoott1009/257364000967517?ref=tn_tnmn Twitter https://twitter.com/tatoott1009- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 301

The question is, WHY are we being lied to? Tw...
published: 29 Nov 2013
100% PROOF THEY ARE LYING ABOUT COMET ISON The question is, WHY are we being lied to? Two videos below show screencasts taken at the exact same time of Comet ISON 2013: Perihelion & Distance: LIVE Information. Though each of these videos should show the exact same information, they don't. This certainly explains this thread at Godlike Productions where forum readers are arguing whether or not Comet ISON is speeding up or slowing down, getting closer to the sun or further away. TPTB are giving us different information on Comet ISON. Why? You can also check the screenshots below taken at the exact same second from our two separate locations. Why are the numbers so different? The first video below was taken by Susan Duclos on the West coast. Check out the numbers she's getting on ISON, then check out the 2nd video below, taken by myself on the East Coast, showing totally different speeds and distances from the sun. You can tell by the countdown to perihilion that these two videos were taken at the exact same time. Why are they giving us two different sets of data? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZe_EQCRoxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52nhhMzUb94 LET'S STOP PLAYING STUPID OKAY. SO TELL US....WHY ARE THERE NOW HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF CONFLICTING REPORTS ABOUT COMET ISON ?? FOR EXAMPLE LOOK AT THESE 2 STORIES BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBBlIBjobkU&feature;=c4-overview&list;=UUoLCwHWSCXeP3PoSfF90rFg YET...."ALL OF A SUDDEN" ISON IS NOT GONNA SURVIVE THE SUN?? HOW CAN A COMET GIVE MARS A COMA, THEN GROW WIINGS, THEN HAVE A 32,000 LONG NUCLEUS, THEN SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR? http://beforeitsnews.com/space/2013/11/nasa-stumped-as-ison-causes-cme-2470744.html NIBIRU IS COMING EVEN THOUGH THEY KEEP GIVING IT ALL THESE OTHER "CONFUSING" NAMES....THEY KEEP DESCRIBING NIBIRU'S ENVIRONMENT http://www.universetoday.com/106759/second-solar-system-like-ours-discovered/#more-106759 EARTH MAGNETOSPHERE IS GETTING WEAK BECAUSE OF NIBIRU http://www.universityherald.com/articles/5758/20131122/esa-satellites-launched-to-uncover-mysteries-of-earths-weakening-magnetosphere.htm http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2013/nov/swarm-launch.cfm- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 5835

Global Warmi...
published: 01 Dec 2013
COMET ISON REDIRECTED -- 1 DEC 2013 (BEST SEEN, FULL SCREEN!) MY PLAYLISTS: Global Warming Quiz 1: http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=A4FE7F9615C4B7A1 Global Warming Quiz 2: http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=B3464AB11B92424D Other Climate Videos: http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=23062464433DE63C Other Solar Videos: http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=8D1845B15598D5A3 For more details go to my channel: www.youtube.com/user/drkstrong?feature=mhee Where you will find links to earlier editions of "THE SUN TODAY" as well as other solar related videos and a series of quiz questions and answers on global warming (sometimes with tongue firmly planted in cheek!). Enjoy! If you liked this video please vote thumbs up and pass it on to friends and relations who might find it interesting. Subscribe if you want to track daily updates. If there is something you did not like either leave a comment or send me a PM and let me know how I can improve the service. These videos are a hobby for a retired scientist; I receive no funding for them. Also check out the excellent NASA solar information and videos at: http://www.thesuntoday.org http://www.facebook.com/thesuntoday http://www.youtube.com/thesuntoday For the CUA Space Weather Academy lecture series: http://www.youtube.com/user/cuaspaceweather For up to the minute websites go to the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ Also an invaluable resource, often with interesting pictures at space weather.com SolarActivity is a fun and informative group on Face Book - I recommend it There is a wealth of information and background on the various satellite and observatory websites (and links therein), e.g., http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/ http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/beacon/beacon_secchi.shtml http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/mpeg/ http://www.nso.edu/ If you want to play with the data you MUST check out: http://helioviewer.org/ Want to find your own comets: http://sungrazer.nrl.navy.mil/- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 301
Youtube results:

www.youtube.com/thornews Something is rotten in Denmark. It would appear that NASA turned ...
published: 30 Nov 2013
www.youtube.com/thornews Something is rotten in Denmark. It would appear that NASA turned the cameras AWAY from Comet c2012 s1 ISON and then declared it dead disintegrated eaten by the Sun or as Phil Plait was quick to say an Ex-Comet. The Mainstream media, who had been slow to report on the Comet ISON story all year was all over the 'COMET ISON IS DEAD' meme like stink on poop. We've heard that ISON is a headless comet, its tails are pointing in strange directions, and that all that's left is the debris field and its tail. Well the situation is SNAFU + FUBAR = SNAFUBAR and this Joker is Wild so who knows who to believe anymore? This story started insane and over the year has only grown increasingly crazy. Nothing like a wonderful government sucker punch on Thanksgiving! Crazy times, indeed. ISON has made it past Pluto Uranus Saturn Jupiter Mars Earth Mercury & Venus and is now going to do it all over again. The closest approach to Earth is said to be on Christmas. I sure hope the Holiday Comet doesn't ruin the Holidays. Oh the perihelion drama. I'm am trying to learn about the Heavens. Be cool. God bless everyone, Stay Cool, T http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/11/25/comet_ison_sudden_drop_in_ice_output.html?wpisrc=burger_bar http://spaceweathergallery.com/index.php?title=comet http://www.isoncampaign.org/Present http://brucegary.net/ISON/ http://digilander.libero.it/infosis/homepage/astronomia/c2012s1.htm http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ison/ http://solarimg.org/artis/ Want to talk about it? meet me on the facebook www.facebook.com/thornewsgo or tweet me on the twitter @NewThor This is part 48 of the THOR performed THORnews series Comet c/2012 s1 ISON WTF NASA - EARTH - Professional Science - Dude. It almost makes you feel like they ARE trying to cover up something.- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 8249

12/9/2013 - Today we reflect on new information regarding Comet ISON and the massive 40 mi...
published: 10 Dec 2013
12/9/2013 - Today we reflect on new information regarding Comet ISON and the massive 40 million mile wave of debris following it, now racing toward earth's direction. Will it lead to the much talked about extinction level event in January 2014, or will it pass over top of us in a dazzling show of lights? Only time will tell. Stay posted for new updates.- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 13844

Where Will Comet ISON Go If It Survives? - Exclusive NASA Interview
NASA Scientist Dr. Michelle Thaller talks to SPACE.com's @TarikjMalik about the possible '...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Where Will Comet ISON Go If It Survives? - Exclusive NASA Interview
Where Will Comet ISON Go If It Survives? - Exclusive NASA Interview
NASA Scientist Dr. Michelle Thaller talks to SPACE.com's @TarikjMalik about the possible 'comet of the century' two days prior to its Nov. 28th, 2013 date with the Sun.- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 129

Comet Ison and What's Coming Next - Here's Why NASA Hid the Fact that it Survived!
WARNING! Special report leaked from The Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon! Comet Ison to ...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Comet Ison and What's Coming Next - Here's Why NASA Hid the Fact that it Survived!
Comet Ison and What's Coming Next - Here's Why NASA Hid the Fact that it Survived!
WARNING! Special report leaked from The Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon! Comet Ison to bombard earth with HUGE fragments sometime in Dec-Jan! NASA predicted exactly what would happen to Ison when it went thru the sun, all the way down to what it did, to the shape of Ison when it came out the other side of the sun! FINALLY! I now know why NASA tried to hide the fact that it DID MAKE IT! It all makes sense now! The link below is to a video that will show you the newly changed shape of Comet Ison after going thru the sun. It's new shape is EXACTLY as predicted & described in this video! Ison also reacted to the sun as predicted, which can also be seen in the video by following the link below: http://youtu.be/kLUedB3B4gs- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 13250