The NFL Today is an American sports television program on CBS that serves as the pre-game show for the network's National Football League (NFL) game telecasts under the NFL on CBS brand. The program features commentary on the latest news around the NFL from its hosts and studio analysts, as well as predictions for the day's games and interviews with players and coaches. Originally debuting as Pro Football Kickoff on September 17, 1961, the program airs before all NFL games broadcast by CBS (usually on Sundays at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time), and generally runs for one hour (except for Thursday prime time games during the first half of the season, during which a 45-minute edition airs, as well as on Thanksgiving and during the postseason).
The NFL Today broadcasts from Studio 43 at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City; however, if CBS is only scheduled to air a single game that day, the program broadcasts from the game site (as is the case for Thursday night regular-season games, Conference Championship games, Saturday night playoff games, and the Super Bowl).
The NFL Today is an American sports television program on CBS that serves as the pre-game show for the network's National Football League (NFL) game telecasts under the NFL on CBS brand. The program features commentary on the latest news around the NFL from its hosts and studio analysts, as well as predictions for the day's games and interviews with players and coaches. Originally debuting as Pro Football Kickoff on September 17, 1961, the program airs before all NFL games broadcast by CBS (usually on Sundays at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time), and generally runs for one hour (except for Thursday prime time games during the first half of the season, during which a 45-minute edition airs, as well as on Thanksgiving and during the postseason).
The NFL Today broadcasts from Studio 43 at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City; however, if CBS is only scheduled to air a single game that day, the program broadcasts from the game site (as is the case for Thursday night regular-season games, Conference Championship games, Saturday night playoff games, and the Super Bowl). | 24 Dec 2018
The Times of India | 24 Dec 2018
Inquisitr | 24 Dec 2018 | 24 Dec 2018 | 24 Dec 2018