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The Science of Fear: Why We Fear the Things We Shouldn't--and Put Ourselves in Greater Danger The Science of Fear: Why We Fear the Things We Shouldn’t–and Put Ourselves in Greater Danger by Dan Gardner

My rating: 3 of 5 stars  (audio)
How did a nation who prided themselves on “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” become a nation of people who are afraid of their own shadows even though we are safer than ever before in history?

The book handles the question of fear is three sections.  First is the neuroscience of how the body reacts to fear and how the body learns to continue to react to fearful stimuli.  Then media depictions of scary and highly unusual events is discussed.  Round the clock coverage of a few deaths under extraordinarily unlikely circumstances makes people believe that these events happen commonly.  The third component is the marketing of fear by companies and governments for their own gain.

While listening to this book I just wanted to smack people and tell them to use their brains.  I’m not a worrier.  I don’t really understand people who are afraid of everything and worse – people who teach their kids to be afraid of everything.  I’ve had that problem with Z.  She thinks that she will be kidnapped if she isn’t with an adult at all times.  I informed her that she is the singularly most violent person I’ve ever met and that if she is kidnapped in a few hours her meds will wear off.  At that point she should just do whatever her brain tells her to do.  The kidnappers will be offering to pay us to take her back. Knowing that actually seemed to help her decrease her fear.

Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before by Tony Horwitz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

James Cook made three voyages from England to the Pacific Ocean.  He was the first Englishman to find Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica, and Hawaii among other islands.  He was a hero in England.  The mission of his third voyage was to find the Northwest Passage above Canada from the Pacific side.  After a rough summer in the Arctic, he headed to Hawaii to winter.  He was killed there during a fight over a boat stolen by the natives.

Tony Horwitz retraces Cook’s voyages.  He sails on a replica of Cook’s ship briefly.  He visits the islands that Cook opened to Western influences and discusses the repercussions.  He follows him to New Zealand and goes to Cook festivals in Australia and England.  He sails in the Bering Sea and finishes in Hawaii on the anniversary of Cook’s death.

Usually when I read books about travel I want to go everywhere they go.  This is the only book I’ve read that makes me want to avoid places.  Tahiti – no thanks.  Aleutians – right out.  I’m still ok with New Zealand.  I was in Hawaii near the bay where Cook was killed this summer.  I can’t find my pictures of the bay but it is a beautiful place.  I can see why he’d want to hang out there.  Legend has it that his bones were taken to the Waipo Valley to be buried by the natives.

This is the Waipo Valley.

There are no roads.  This is a view from the end of the road.  No wonder the graves have never been found.

This book is funny.  Horwitz travels with his hard-drinking Australian friend Roger.  Most of their research is done under the influence in bars and at festivals.


Saturday Snapshot

For Saturday Snapshot this week I have more photos from the Cleveland Museum of Art.

This is my favorite.  I think the guard statue is getting sassy and mimicking the Buddha statue behind his back.

Shiva dancing in front of the snow

There are large statues for each of the Chinese zodiac signs.

This goddess of compassion in from the 1000s.

I loved this Japanese scroll of horses.

I’m still looking for a new place to host photos for the blog. What do you use?

Quilting Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

With the holidays I’ve had more time off than normal so I’ve gotten a few things done.

I made this easy flag quilt.  I’ve had it pinned for a while.  I needed to add one extra strip to make it wide enough to be a QOV.

I got my St. Louis 16 patch back from the long arm quilter.  I like the pattern she did.  Now I have to get this bound because it has a home to go to.

I decided that this stack of fabric was going to be a Giant Star quilt but it rebelled. The center seam won’t come together. I’ve taken it apart 3 times and retrimmed blocks to make sure they are all the same size. I’ve pinned. It still is off so this one is in time out for a while.

I worked on my swoon quilt. I made the block in the upper right corner.  I don’t mind sewing these together but the cutting is mind-numbing.  I think I’m going to cut the rest of the blocks out next to get that out of the way.

Now I have a blogging question.  What do you use to host photos on your blog? I’ve always used Flickr but they’ve been changing it around and I’m having problems even getting on the site without it crashing my computer and I hate the new code for embedding pictures that makes it scrollable.  I don’t want to self host and have to pay for more space if there is another option.  I’m trying out Smugmug but it is relatively expensive once the trial is over.


Fitness Tuesday


We worked on pull ups which I can’t do but which always makes my back muscles sorer than anything else.

The workout afterwards was 3 minutes of:

  • 3 Power Cleans – I did 75 lbs
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 air squats

Then you rest one minute and then repeat for a total of five times.  I did 3 rounds each set.

Friday and Sunday

There was swimming.   Due to my absolutely inability to count laps I can’t tell you how much swimming there was on Friday.  The husband says we did a 500 m warm up, 500 of a bit faster, and 250 m of slow swimming on  Sunday.  He can count.


I decided to rebel.  I was not getting up before dawn on an especially frigid day to go work out.  I announced I wasn’t going on Facebook too and my coach said she didn’t blame me.

So now I’m going to do this:


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Cleveland Museum of Art

We went to the Cleveland Museum of Art today.

I loved this 1800s silk embroidery.


The colors are so vibrant.


Look at this close-up. You can see the artist drew the design in ink around the white flowers for the embroiderers to fill in.

Cabin Fever

We have a wee bit of snow.

It is causing much cabin fever among the inmates here. Look at all the sad that has fallen down and almost crushed Freckles in the back of this picture.

There is so much sad that all she can do is lay around and sigh. Sometimes she can manage a wag or two but they are slow, sad wags. She can go outside and play in the snow but then she realizes that it is freaking cold out even with a built in fur coat and she hustles back.

Riley is about out of his brain. He needs to get outside to chase and kill. He is trying to cope by killing things like garland in the house. We are being tolerant. Better garland than us. The other day Powder was walking past him and he grabbed her hind leg and fake bit it like he was a lion taking down a zebra. We all stared at him until he let go.

He sits and stares out the back door and then looks at me reproachfully because I won’t make it better. We stop him from going out but you can’t always stop stupid. He rushes out between the dog’s legs when she is coming inside.

Five minutes later:

I call this one “STFU and Let Me In!”

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Happy New Year!

I’m not much for resolutions because January 1 never feels like a time to be starting something new to me.  But, I did have yesterday and today off so I resolved to make a quilt top.

I’ve had this pinned for a while.

So I made a version of it.

This fabric stack is going to be my next quilt.

Fitness Tuesday

Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday

These were swimming days.  Thursday was pretty normal but then I talked to my father about a mutual friend who swims 100 laps several times a week.  I believe I’ve mentioned my unfortunate tendency to competitiveness.  So, Saturday I decided to take it up a bit.  I decided to swim 1000 meters.  That’s 20 laps.

The husband questioned this plan when I admitted what I was doing.  He may have had a point seeing that my previous unbroken breaststroke maximum distance was 2 laps.  But, I was already on lap 15 by that time and there is nothing like composing celebratory blog posts in your head to keep you going.

I went back on Sunday and did it again.  I may have done more.  I suck at counting laps.  I honestly got confused at, “Was that lap 2 or 3?”  So every time I was confused I took the lower number.  I did 20 laps.  I may have done as many as 25.  I get confused a lot.


Back to the gym for a special 25 minute long New Year’s Eve workout.

  • Row 2014 meters

In the remaining time (15 minutes for me) do as many rounds as possible of:

  • 20 box jumps
  • 14 front squats  – I did 75 lbs since we had to pick the bar up off the floor.
  • 20 ball slams – 20 lb ball
  • 14 kettle bell swings – 35 lbs

I got through 2 rounds and was on the front squats in round three.  I freely admit I cheated on this one.  I cut the number of squats and slams short a few times.  I was dying.  Rowing kills my legs.  I was also on round 2 before I realized that the number of reps referred to 2014 so it should be easy to remember how many to do and I shouldn’t have to look at the board each time.

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The Lace Makers of Glenmara by Heather Barbieri

After her mother’s death and a professional failure, Kate heads to Ireland to get away from her life.  While wandering she comes across a group of lacemakers in a depressed town.  While most of the town welcomes her, some members aren’t so friendly and see her as a bad moral influence when the group starts to make lacy lingerie.

This book was cute but not very probable.  It was a fun read though.

When It's A Jar When It’s A Jar by Tom Holt

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

From the book because I can’t improve on this description – “Maurice has just killed a dragon with a bread knife. And had his destiny foretold… and had his true love spirited away. That’s precisely the sort of stuff that’d bring out the latent heroism in anyone. Unfortunately, Maurice is pretty sure he hasn’t got any latent heroism.
Meanwhile, a man wakes up in a jar in a different kind of pickle (figuratively speaking). He can’t get out, of course, but neither can he remember his name, or what gravity is, or what those things on the ends of his legs are called… and every time he starts working it all out, someone makes him forget again. Forget everything.”

Tom Holt’s books are fun to read but I have no idea what happened when I finish them.  These are books that are purely about the ride.

The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner’s Semester at America’s Holiest University by Kevin Roose

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kevin Roose was an intern/slave for A.J. Jacobs while he was writing A Year of Living Biblically.  Kevin was sent to visit Liberty University, a Christian college started by Jerry Falwell, as part of that assignment.  He decided to follow up by enrolling for a semester. He transferred from Brown, a very liberal Ivy League school, to Liberty, a school known for its strict moral code.  This is his story.

Kevin’s liberal family and friends are scared that he is going to be either lynched or converted.  He doesn’t think that will happen but he isn’t prepared to truly like most of the people he meets.  He also isn’t expecting to start to be influenced by their ways of thinking.

He isn’t converted and he stays disturbed by parts of the conservative evangelical worldview.  I noted a few quotes that stuck with me because they are things that I have often thought but haven’t heard expressed as well as this. Emphasis mine.

After he visits a support group for men who want to stop masturbating -

“On the walk back to my dorm, I start to feel a number of the same emotions I felt after I went to see Pastor Rick about his conversion program for gay Liberty students…

…. Frustration with a religious system that gives issues of personal sexuality higher spiritual priority than helping the poor or living a life of service.”

Discussing the undercurrent of antiintellectualism he notices:

“Another worrisome statement came during a guest lecture in my Evangelism 101 class by one of Liberty’s campus pastors. At the end of the lecture, the pastor addressed the two hundred-plus students in my class this way:  ‘I just want to say this, Liberty students.  My biggest worry about you, about all of you, is that you’ll become educated beyond your obedience.”

YES!  I’m stealing that!  That is exactly what happened to me but I’ve never been able to put it that succinctly.  The more I studied my religion, the less I could believe it.  I was educated beyond my obedience.

I loved this book.  The writing is very well done for this type of memoir.


Quilting Wednesday

I have my own version of a Christmas miracle.  I actually finished a few things! I don’t know when the last time that happened was.

I finished by St. Louis 16 Patch top. It has been mailed out to a long armer. This is going to be a Quilts of Valor quilt.

I did part of the Fandom in Stitches Doctor Who stitch along. But, I don’t know anything about classic Doctor Who so I don’t care about the early doctor blocks that I made. I work with someone whose husband is a big fan though so I made them a pillow with the first four doctors. This is my first pillow too.

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Fitness Tuesday

I went swimming again a few times this weekend. I worked on upping the number of lengths I do in the breast stroke. I passed the husband again which made him switch from the breast stroke to freestyle to go lots faster. Good thing we aren’t competitive.


The 12 days of Christmas workout:

  • 1 rope climb or 2 pull to stands
  • 2 burpees
  • 3 handstand push ups or 6 pikes
  • 4 thrusters – bar at chin, squat and then stand and push bar overhead
  • 5 chest to bar pull ups or body rows
  • 6 russian twists with a 25 lb plate
  • 7 kettle bell swings
  • 8 toes to bar
  • 9 wall balls
  • 10 calorie row
  • 11 kettle bell halos
  • 12 deadlifts

When I looked at that I wondered why they were being so nice to us.  That’s nothing.  I mean, this is Crossfit.  We never ever EVER do only two burpees.  Then I got worried.

Turns out that the workout is done like the freakin’ song.  So it really goes – 1 rope climb – 2 burpees and 1 rope climb – 3 handstand push ups, 2 burpees and 1 rope climb – 4 thrusters, 3 handstand push ups, 2 burpees and 1 rope climb – etc.

I got to the 12th round in the 30 minutes allowed.  I was on the row.

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I should subtitle this one, “Holy Cow, I actually read a book!” or “Forgive me book bloggers for I have sinned. It has been 1 month since my last finish.”

It isn’t that I haven’t been reading.  I’ve just been slogging my way through gigantic books and not getting drawn into anything I’ve taken out of the library.  I think I am just a form of entertainment for the books.  I check them out and then drive them around in my car for a few weeks to give them a bit of a vacation before taking them back.

While driving around in my car, the books got to listen to:

One Summer: America, 1927 One Summer: America, 1927 by Bill Bryson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Who cares about the summer of 1927?  If the author was anyone other than Bill Bryson, I would have been skeptical.  He uses the summer of 1927 as a jumping off point for well-researched stream of consciousness discussions about topics as diverse as air travel, boxing, baseball, fear of immigrants, economic policy, crime, and Herbert Hoover.  Herbert Hoover is always around.  It is sort of creepy.

I love all of Bill Bryson’s books and I especially like listening to them on audio.

The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sookie Poole has earned a rest.  She just finished her last daughter’s wedding.  Now she only has to deal with her overbearing mother, Lenore, who gives the impression that Sookie has never measured up to fine Southern family legacy.  Then Sookie finds out that Lenore has been keeping a secret from her.  Investigating it leads Sookie back to Wisconsin in the 1940s and a family of women who run a gas station and fly planes for the Army.

Fannie Flagg is always entertaining.  I found Sookie tedious in her indecisiveness and paralyzing self-effacement but I loved the stories from the 1940s about the women who flew domestically for the Army with no recognition or benefits.


Fitness Tuesday

I had a swimming breakthrough this week.

Last Tuesday I was swimming laps with the husband. I usually do 3 lengths of backstroke and then one of breaststroke. I have to start the breaststroke from the deep end so if I get tired by the end of the length I can put my feet down in the shallow end. I’m paranoid like that.

I was ready to start a breaststroke length and the husband was about 2 body lengths in front of me in the next lane. I decided to see if I could keep pace with him because he’s a much better swimmer than me. I did the length and then turned around to see how far ahead of me on his next length he was. Turns out I had passed him and he came up sputtering.

“….moving like a destroyer through the water and I’m like a lumbering aircraft carrier.” I’m not sure where the naval similes came from. I was still in shock.

“You know what your problem is? You get good at whatever you try.”
“Do not.”
“Yes, you are a perfectionist.”
“Am not!”
“You are a closet perfectionist. You study.”
Ok, so maybe I’ve watched a few videos just to understand how I was supposed to be swimming.

After that I went back to my 3 backstroke/1 breaststroke routine. One time I got tired on the breaststroke and stopped halfway and then restarted. He was sputtering about that too. Turns out he was trying to catch me and I stopped. He thought it was to let him catch up. He should know I’m not that nice. I tried to explain that I get excited when I can go the whole length of the pool without stopping and he can swim all day long but he’s not having it. He was muttering about need to concentrate on his form more for speed. I thought about offering him some video links but didn’t want him to drown me. LOL.

So after that I decided to work harder on swimming since I seem to be getting the hang of it. (And I’m not competitive. Not at all!) My left leg still doesn’t want to cooperate but my other 3 limbs are good. I’m doing 1 length backstroke/ 1 length breaststroke for a harder workout and a few times I did full laps of the breaststroke.


Today was one of the long time member’s birthday.  He got to design the workout.  We now hate him for the day.  He hates himself too so it is ok.

He’s 32 today so it was as many rounds as possible in 32 minutes of:

  • 17 box jumps
  • 15 back squats – I did 85 lbs.
  • 17 burpees
  • 15 front squats with the same weight
  • 17 GHD sit ups

I did 2 full rounds and got all the way through the front squats on a third round.  I kept hoping that I wouldn’t get to the front squats again since they hurt my arms but no such luck.


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Hexy Progress

hexy mf

I spread out the hexagons I have done for Hexy MF to see what they would look like together. I like it so far. Just a gazillion more to go!

For new people here – I’m starting a monthly hexy swap. You can find all the details here. Briefly, we are swapping sets of basted 1″ hexagons with a monthly color scheme.  You don’t have to sew them together so it is fast to swap and if you don’t make flowers with you can make whatever you like.  So far we have 6 people signed up to play but we’d love to have more.  It starts in January.


I’m linking up to


Fitness Tuesday


We worked on snatches – bar from hips to overhead. The weight was fairly light to work on form. I did 65 lbs.

After that we did two sets of 500 m rows with a 3 minute rest in between. My times were 2:30 and 2:21.

The workout was 2 rounds of:

  • 25 wall balls
  • 25 sit ups with the ball
  • 25 walking lunges with the ball overhead

I was using a 20 lb ball and it whooped me.  It was especially hard for me to do the lunges and keep the ball overhead.

I was out of town all weekend so I didn’t work out.


We did a 300 m row to start the warm up and then grabbed a sandbag.  I don’t know how much they weigh.  We did 3 rounds of:

  • lunges the length of the gym
  • 10 squats
  • 10 pushups with our hands on the bag

Then we did 30 squat cleans with the bag.

Our strength work today was farmer’s carry.  I ended up doing 100 m with 90 lbs in each hand.  I could probably carry more but I don’t have the grip strength.

The workout was as many rounds as possible of:

  • 6 stones to shoulder lifts.  I used a 75 lb stone.
  • 10 GHD sit ups

I did 2 full rounds and the stones again plus 3 sit ups.

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Christmas in the Pines

Christmas in the Pines

I was out playing in the woods this weekend.  I flew down to Pensacola FL for a competitive trail ride.

This was the weather on Friday.

Christmas in the Pines

On Saturday it dropped 30 degrees.  It was cold and misty and very windy.  I was wearing 2 shirts and 2 coats and was still cold.  On Sunday it was t-shirt weather again.


Christmas in the Pines

There were four all together.  These guys were safety patrol on Saturday and the other 2 lived at the campground.

There were antlers. Some matched their owner’s.

Christmas in the Pines

Others were quite embarrassed that their mom was making them wear antlers.

Christmas in the Pines

See the difference between Saturday rider’s attire and Sunday rider’s attire?

Christmas in the Pines

Christmas in the Pines

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Going Social

I’ve decided to move farther into the 21st century and actually embrace my Instagram account and try out Twitter.  So, who should I follow?  I’m taking suggestions.  I’m @dvmheather on both.

Quilting Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I worked on more hexies this week.

Look – hedgehogs!


Hedgehogs all marching the same direction make me happy. I’m simple.

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Fitness Tuesday

Thursday and Sunday

Swimming before leaving for Thanksgiving and then more swimming on Sunday. I’m doing better at swimming forwards. I can do a breaststroke for a full length now without drowning. I haven’t been brave enough to try a full lap yet. I still do mostly backstroke.


Holy freaking squat day! The warm up was 2 rounds of 10 wall balls, 20 situps, and 40 squats. That’s 100 squat moves in the warm up.

Then we did 50 kettle bell complexes which is a kettle bell swing which you catch at the top, squat, and then stand and press it overhead. I was doing 35 lbs.

After that we did 5 sets of 3 hang cleans – bar from knees to shoulders. I did 80 lbs.

The workout was as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 10 back squats – I started at 105 and then dropped to 85.
  • 20 pike pushups
  •  66 jump ropes

I did 6 full rounds and all but 6 of the jump ropes in the seventh.  That adds up to 220 squats this morning.  I have a lot of driving and sitting to do today so I fully expect to not to be to move soon.

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Reindeer Games

I’ve been known to pose with all manner of cervidae.

This is a big blue moose in Niagara Falls just because.


This is Rudolph.


And these are Angel and Trey.  My mother’s 4-H club is taking care of them for the weekend while they are on display at a Christmas Festival.  This morning was our shift.


I finally understand the line – “They wouldn’t let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.”


Apparently reindeer games involve running up behind you and tugging on your coat and then bopping you in the butt with antlers. They get a giggle out of it.



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