Jack Dekort
Wave of the Day: Jackson Winter riding the green shoots of a new swell at Noosa
Stu Nettle

After an extreme cold snap, the US media are making claims that this event is linked to anthropogenic global warming. Sceptics suggest that it's clear evidence that global warming is nonsense, while believers explain the cold wave as another example of extreme weather forced by increased greenhouse gases.

The truth? Both are wrong.

Craig Brokensha

After one of the slowest starts to the Gold Coast surf season in recent memory, the first tropical cyclone for the year is expected to develop over the coming days in the Coral Sea.

Stu Nettle

The most striking footage of Pipeline this year came from Eric Sterman, a young videographer from Hawaii who perched cross-legged on the sand with a remote control in his hands as Kelly Slater paddled into a set during the Pipe Masters.

Nico Beighton
Wave of the Day: The pleasure of displacing water - Jack Reginato, Sunshine Coast
Ben Shepherd
Wave of the Day: Damien Hobgood with spit on his back and sunshine on his face - Pipeline

Taiwan Surf Report: Winter season, so far...

While the much-hyped Eddie swell failed to live up to expectations in Hawaii, we reveled in the early formation of this system before it slid east to Hawaii. And this has been but one of many.

It was a day for the record books on Saturday when perfect surf, blue skies and radical surfing combined into what many were calling the best conditions for a Jim Beam Surftag event in its 13 year history.

Gary Parker
Wave of the Day: Central American love scene

"The shark is five metres long, he's stuffed and his name is Frankie. My father caught him in a 3.5 metre dinghy when I was about four years old."

Steven Arklay
Wave of the Day: "Vicco doesn't barrel"
Grant Davis
Wave of the Day: Fade to jade, Duranbah

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