- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 21166
- author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew

Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 1
This is Frank Shaeffer talking about Orthodoxy....
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew
Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 1
Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 1
This is Frank Shaeffer talking about Orthodoxy.- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 21166
- author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew

Holy Orthodoxy: The Ancient Church of Acts in the 21st Century
The Orthodox Church may seem exotic, foreign, baroque, or worse-- "traditions of men" or "...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: ServantMichael
Holy Orthodoxy: The Ancient Church of Acts in the 21st Century
Holy Orthodoxy: The Ancient Church of Acts in the 21st Century
The Orthodox Church may seem exotic, foreign, baroque, or worse-- "traditions of men" or "works-based salvation," yet it sees itself as nothing more than pur...- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 9455
- author: ServantMichael

Why I Converted To Eastern Orthodoxy : Author Frank Schaeffer
This is Frank Shaeffer speaking about his conversion to Orthodoxy............................
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew
Why I Converted To Eastern Orthodoxy : Author Frank Schaeffer
Why I Converted To Eastern Orthodoxy : Author Frank Schaeffer
This is Frank Shaeffer speaking about his conversion to Orthodoxy........................... Here is the moderator speaking on AncientFaithRadio about his ow...- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 67035
- author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew

The Shocking Truth about Christian Orthodoxy - John Behr
Fr. John Behr takes on those who dismiss Jesus Christ on "historical grounds," by explaini...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: Augustine College
The Shocking Truth about Christian Orthodoxy - John Behr
The Shocking Truth about Christian Orthodoxy - John Behr
Fr. John Behr takes on those who dismiss Jesus Christ on "historical grounds," by explaining how historicism itself is problematic and, indeed, heretical. Th...- published: 01 Apr 2012
- views: 41779
- author: Augustine College

Orthodoxy And Other Faith Traditions (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston and Rev. Dr. Demetrios Tonias
published: 04 Nov 2013
Orthodoxy And Other Faith Traditions (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Orthodoxy And Other Faith Traditions (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston and Rev. Dr. Demetrios Tonias Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal education the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms. Additional information about Orthodox Christianity can be found on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website at http://www.goarch.org/ .- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 190

What Is Christian Orthodoxy? (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring Rev. Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald and Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis
Discussion Questions:
published: 30 Oct 2013
What Is Christian Orthodoxy? (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
What Is Christian Orthodoxy? (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring Rev. Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald and Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis Discussion Questions: 1. What am I when I proclaim that I am an Orthodox Christian? 2. How does my ethnic background affect and influence my Orthodox Faith? 3. When asked what faith I am, how can I give a comprehensible, concise answer? 4. Can an ancient faith be relevant in today's world; and if so, how? 5. How does the Church change over the centuries without sacrificing its core beliefs? 6. What role should Orthodox Christians play in their church/society? Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal education the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms. Additional information about Orthodox Christianity can be found on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website at http://www.goarch.org/ .- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 338

Revival of Orthodoxy In Russia (Exhibition in Moscow)
What happens when technology and big money work together for God's Glory? Just watch this ...
published: 06 Jan 2012
author: SlavaBoguVoveki
Revival of Orthodoxy In Russia (Exhibition in Moscow)
Revival of Orthodoxy In Russia (Exhibition in Moscow)
What happens when technology and big money work together for God's Glory? Just watch this great presentation of Moscow Exhibition The Revival, great New 2012...- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 67886
- author: SlavaBoguVoveki

What is Eastern Orthodoxy and Why Did I Decide to Become Orthodox?
Read title....
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: Joseph Olivares
What is Eastern Orthodoxy and Why Did I Decide to Become Orthodox?
What is Eastern Orthodoxy and Why Did I Decide to Become Orthodox?
Read title.- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 473
- author: Joseph Olivares

Orthodoxy In A New Media Age (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh and Theo Nicolakis
Discussion Que...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Orthodoxy In A New Media Age (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Orthodoxy In A New Media Age (Discovering Orthodox Christianity)
Featuring His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh and Theo Nicolakis Discussion Questions: 1. Discuss how the new media has helped or hurt the faith. 2. Is the Church using all media available? Are we using all media available? 3. How can we protect our children from the dangers of new media? Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal education the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms. Additional information about Orthodox Christianity can be found on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website at http://www.goarch.org/ .- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 319

Orthodoxy Is
Orthodox College Students Respond to the Question, "What is Orthodox Christianity" Discuss...
published: 09 May 2012
author: OCFVideo
Orthodoxy Is
Orthodoxy Is
Orthodox College Students Respond to the Question, "What is Orthodox Christianity" Discussion Questions for Use At OCF or Youth Group Meetings can be downloa...- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 13876
- author: OCFVideo

PART TWO: Archbishop Lazar interview "American Orthodoxy: Challenges"
Part TWO: this is the first segment of Archbishop Lazar's interview with Presbytera Irene ...
published: 19 Aug 2009
author: Judith Irene Matta
PART TWO: Archbishop Lazar interview "American Orthodoxy: Challenges"
PART TWO: Archbishop Lazar interview "American Orthodoxy: Challenges"
Part TWO: this is the first segment of Archbishop Lazar's interview with Presbytera Irene Matta, MTh, considering the state of American Orthodoxy and the pol...- published: 19 Aug 2009
- views: 1517
- author: Judith Irene Matta

Andrew Louth - Aquinas and Orthodoxy
"Aquinas and Orthodoxy" - a talk by Fr. Andrew Louth for the Oxford Orthodox Christian Stu...
published: 19 Aug 2012
author: Марко Ђурђевић
Andrew Louth - Aquinas and Orthodoxy
Andrew Louth - Aquinas and Orthodoxy
"Aquinas and Orthodoxy" - a talk by Fr. Andrew Louth for the Oxford Orthodox Christian Student Society, at the Danson Room, Trinity College, Oxford, on 20th ...- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 1310
- author: Марко Ђурђевић

Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 3
This is Frank Shaeffer talking about Orthodoxy....
published: 17 Aug 2011
author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew
Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 3
Frank Shaeffer : The Defense of Orthodoxy (Against Protestantism) : Part 3
This is Frank Shaeffer talking about Orthodoxy.- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 6047
- author: Mikhail Kolitwenzew

Orthodoxy & the West
The Orthodox Church is a bit of a mystery to most in the west. When a Greek Monastary bega...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: apologiamixer
Orthodoxy & the West
Orthodoxy & the West
The Orthodox Church is a bit of a mystery to most in the west. When a Greek Monastary began construction near Goldendale, Washington it caused more than a fe...- published: 03 Aug 2011
- views: 1548
- author: apologiamixer
Youtube results:

a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun
"Like" P...
published: 05 Nov 2013
a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pious Fabrications on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piousfabrications My Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/#!/DavidWithun Buy a copy of "Orthodoxy" by G.K. Chesterton and help support Pious Fabrications: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1492115487/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=390957&creativeASIN;=1492115487&linkCode;=as2&tag;=piousfabric-20- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 257

Eastern Orthodoxy & Mere Christianity
a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pi...
published: 05 May 2012
author: David Withun
Eastern Orthodoxy & Mere Christianity
Eastern Orthodoxy & Mere Christianity
a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pious Fabrications on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piousfabricat...- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 1045
- author: David Withun

Orthodoxy Profiles and Issues
Rev Jim Korda, a Roman Catholic priest, discusses the Orthodox Church with Orthodox priest...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Orthodoxy Profiles and Issues
Orthodoxy Profiles and Issues
Rev Jim Korda, a Roman Catholic priest, discusses the Orthodox Church with Orthodox priest Rev Thomas Hopko.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 34

05.17.13. Orthodoxy 101. Talk #1
Orthodoxy 101
Series of talks by His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen)
Talk #1
published: 18 May 2013
05.17.13. Orthodoxy 101. Talk #1
05.17.13. Orthodoxy 101. Talk #1
Orthodoxy 101 Series of talks by His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) Talk #1 Library of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St John the Baptist Washington DC May 17, 2013 Основы Православия Серия бесед Его Преосвященства Митрополита Ионы (Паффхаузена) Беседа #1 Библиотека Свято-Иоанно-Предтеченского Собора Вашингтон О.К. 17 мая 2013- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 336