- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 132029
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church - Unmerited Favor
God the Father's Grace is always unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor, not just once b...
published: 25 Nov 2011
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Unmerited Favor
God the Father's Grace is always unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor, not just once but super abounding continuously!!! by NCC Singapore worship leaders Vocal by Pastor Daniel To purchase the DVD or CD album please visit www.gracehope.com or for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 132029
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church - Love's sacrifice
From New Creation Church Singapore, I Sing Hosanna Album A sample song of one of the anoin...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Love's sacrifice
From New Creation Church Singapore, I Sing Hosanna Album A sample song of one of the anointed song by NCC worship leaders Vocal by Adeline For purchase of the album or CD please visit www.gracehope.com Or for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 129197
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church - No One Else
Another great worship song by NCC Singapore. From the album "I see Hosanna" DVD only. Trul...
published: 06 Jan 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - No One Else
Another great worship song by NCC Singapore. From the album "I see Hosanna" DVD only. Truly, no one else is as wonderful, as beautiful, as lovely and good as our LORD Jesus. enjoy. You can show your support by to buy the album for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 93196
- author: kwekhc007

I See Grace - Worship Video
If you appreciate Joseph Prince and New Creation Church then Please subscribe to this chan...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: ReturnJosephPrinceCH
I See Grace - Worship Video
If you appreciate Joseph Prince and New Creation Church then Please subscribe to this channel... ty I see Grace,,, A Worship song sung by Karen Lim and the wonderful people at New Creation Church! This is a quick video i made one day for worship at our church. It was a blessed time of praise and still is every time we sing this anointed song. Thank you Karen, NCC and Joe.....
- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 273390
- author: ReturnJosephPrinceCH

New Creation Church - Until the End
From "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album Sing praise to the LORD till very end with anointed New Cr...
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Until the End
From "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album Sing praise to the LORD till very end with anointed New Creation Church worship team. Vocal: Sean Goh Please show your support by purchase the album for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 19 Feb 2012
- views: 74354
- author: kwekhc007

I See Grace - New Creation Church
Praise and worship in New Creation Church Singapore. This video is taken from UNmerited UN...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: kristanta
I See Grace - New Creation Church
Praise and worship in New Creation Church Singapore. This video is taken from UNmerited UNdeserved album. You can enable subtitle by clicking CC button in the video control.
- published: 04 Oct 2011
- views: 92468
- author: kristanta

New Creation Church - I Sing Hosanna
From New Creation Church, Singapore "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album lead by one of the most ano...
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - I Sing Hosanna
From New Creation Church, Singapore "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album lead by one of the most anointed worship team under God's Grace. This is the main theme of the entire album Please show your support to the New Creation Church Singapore and Joseph Prince ministry by purchase the album for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 16186
- author: kwekhc007

Rejoice O Israel - New Creation Church
Taken from bonus DVD of UNmerited UNdeserved album, the video is recorded live from New Cr...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: kristanta
Rejoice O Israel - New Creation Church
Taken from bonus DVD of UNmerited UNdeserved album, the video is recorded live from New Creation Church Singapore Sunday Service. Subtitle can be enabled by clicking the CC button.
- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 59275
- author: kristanta

Untill The End - New Creation Church
didn't find this on youtube so i thought i could do the honors......
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: Isaac Lawai
Untill The End - New Creation Church
didn't find this on youtube so i thought i could do the honors...
- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 50140
- author: Isaac Lawai

New Creation Church - Every Day of my life
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (Ps 23:6) From "I Sing Ho...
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Every Day of my life
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (Ps 23:6) From "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album with one of the most anointed worship team in this world. Vocal: Sean Goh Please show your support to the New Creation Church Singapore by purchase the album for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 37253
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church - Here
From New Creation Church, Singapore "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album lead by one of the most ano...
published: 19 May 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Here
From New Creation Church, Singapore "I Sing Hosanna" DVD album lead by one of the most anointed worship team under God's Grace. Let our LORD Jesus be the King of your heart. Please show your support to the New Creation Church Singapore ministry by purchase the album from for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 23258
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church - Beyond
From New Creation Church "I sing Hosanna" In country style of worship about our LORD Jesus...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: kwekhc007
New Creation Church - Beyond
From New Creation Church "I sing Hosanna" In country style of worship about our LORD Jesus Enjoy for international outside US you go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com For those who from US or Canada you can go to this website store.josephprinceonline.com
- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 19440
- author: kwekhc007

New Creation Church, MORE
V 1: Lord unveil Your face As I worship You Reveal Your majesty Touch my heart anew Lord u...
published: 06 Jan 2012
author: Amanda Kohli
New Creation Church, MORE
V 1: Lord unveil Your face As I worship You Reveal Your majesty Touch my heart anew Lord unveil my eyes To see Your glorious truths The love You give so free Has drawn my heart to You CHORUS: I can't help but love You more When more and more I see How much I mean to You, Jesus I can't help but want You more When more and more I see Your goodness unto me I fall in love with You more and more
- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 18979
- author: Amanda Kohli
Youtube results:

My Rest (with lyrics) - New Creation Church, Singapore
My Rest (with lyrics) - You Alone I Praise (New Creation Church, Singapore) Product info &...
published: 31 May 2011
author: ahgogoful
My Rest (with lyrics) - New Creation Church, Singapore
My Rest (with lyrics) - You Alone I Praise (New Creation Church, Singapore) Product info & excerpts: www.newcreation.org.sg
- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 40537
- author: ahgogoful

Joseph Prince - None Of Us, All Of Christ! - 14 Oct 2012
Not our sacrifices, but His sacrifice. Not our self-righteousness, but His righteousness. ...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: JosephPrinceOnline
Joseph Prince - None Of Us, All Of Christ! - 14 Oct 2012
Not our sacrifices, but His sacrifice. Not our self-righteousness, but His righteousness. And not our accomplishments, but His superabounding grace! Enjoy a panoramic view of the Bible with Joseph Prince as he shows you how throughout the Bible it's always been none of us and all of Christ. Whether it's salvation, righteousness or blessings, God wants us to depend on His unmerited favor a hundred percent, leaving no room for self-effort, which leads to stress and disappointment. Rest in Christ as your only identity, provision and refuge, and put an end to condemnation, comparison, insecurity and ineffectiveness today! Get the full message at: JosephPrince.com - bit.ly iTunes - bit.ly Amazon - amzn.to Find us at: www.facebook.com twitter.com
- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 43666
- author: JosephPrinceOnline

Grace Unrelenting w/ lyrics by New Creation Church (Singapore)
Grace Unrelenting by New Creation Church In Singapore Worship Team From the album " I Sing...
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: sonnque
Grace Unrelenting w/ lyrics by New Creation Church (Singapore)
Grace Unrelenting by New Creation Church In Singapore Worship Team From the album " I Sing Hosanna " This is an awesome CD ( I Sing Hosanna) .....If you enjoy Pastor Joseph Prince messages and like Hillsong, United kind of worship, you will enjoy this album. This music & lyrics do not belong to me. No copyright infringement intended. (CCLI:5745142) I made this video because I am truly blessed by it and wanted to share about Gods unrelenting everalasting grace.
- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 20030
- author: sonnque

Your My Glory w/ Lyrics by New Creation Church Singapore (NCC)
Your My Glory by New Creation Church Singapore (NCC) - {Joseph Prince Ministry} From the a...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: sonnque
Your My Glory w/ Lyrics by New Creation Church Singapore (NCC)
Your My Glory by New Creation Church Singapore (NCC) - {Joseph Prince Ministry} From the album, " I Sing Hosanna." I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS CD! This is an awesome CD ( I Sing Hosanna) .....If you enjoy Pastor Joseph Prince messages and like Hillsong, United kind of worship, you will enjoy this album. This music & lyrics do not belong to me. No copyright infringement intended. (CCLI:5748118) I made this video because I am truly blessed by it and wanted to share about Jesus Wonderful Glory! Hallelujah!
- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 25028
- author: sonnque