- published: 03 Jan 2011
- views: 86000
- author: Ivan Boryagin

David Icke, Revelations of a Mother Goddess (full version)
FULL VERSION, NO PARTS, WATCH IN A SINGLE VIDEO & URL This program presents the staggering...
published: 03 Jan 2011
author: Ivan Boryagin
David Icke, Revelations of a Mother Goddess (full version)
David Icke, Revelations of a Mother Goddess (full version)
FULL VERSION, NO PARTS, WATCH IN A SINGLE VIDEO & URL This program presents the staggering story of human sacrifice and satanic rituals involving the most fa...- published: 03 Jan 2011
- views: 86000
- author: Ivan Boryagin

When I Met the Mother Goddess
An older video filmed over a year ago, but one that Kitty wanted to share here with you al...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: Wisteria Witches
When I Met the Mother Goddess
When I Met the Mother Goddess
An older video filmed over a year ago, but one that Kitty wanted to share here with you all. Feel free to ask questions or post VRs to this video. Blessings ...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 156
- author: Wisteria Witches

African Woman: The Mother Goddess Concept - Part 1: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan
Here's a classic lecture by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan about the importance of the female pri...
published: 24 Mar 2010
author: mjrob1914
African Woman: The Mother Goddess Concept - Part 1: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan
African Woman: The Mother Goddess Concept - Part 1: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan
Here's a classic lecture by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan about the importance of the female principle. For more information on African History and to purchase DVD...- published: 24 Mar 2010
- views: 4962
- author: mjrob1914

Evoking The Mother Goddess - Isis
In this video, Helen teaches a short prayer to connect with the Mother Goddess whenever yo...
published: 16 Mar 2010
author: Helen Demetriou
Evoking The Mother Goddess - Isis
Evoking The Mother Goddess - Isis
In this video, Helen teaches a short prayer to connect with the Mother Goddess whenever you are feeling low or in need of love. The love of the Mother Goddes...- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 7637
- author: Helen Demetriou

A tribute to The Great Mother (Gaia/The Goddess)
A tribute to The Great Mother, Gaia, The Goddess, Mother Earth. Music by Medwyn Goodall - ...
published: 09 May 2008
author: hs956
A tribute to The Great Mother (Gaia/The Goddess)
A tribute to The Great Mother (Gaia/The Goddess)
A tribute to The Great Mother, Gaia, The Goddess, Mother Earth. Music by Medwyn Goodall - "The Gold Talisman"- published: 09 May 2008
- views: 161935
- author: hs956

Mother Goddess - Chptr 1
Anyone remember a certain insane Zelda fan named Jen? Well, she and I have some unfinished...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: manwithoutabody
Mother Goddess - Chptr 1
Mother Goddess - Chptr 1
Anyone remember a certain insane Zelda fan named Jen? Well, she and I have some unfinished business. This is another story she wrote, where three more awful ...- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 4341
- author: manwithoutabody

**Ancient Mother, Mother Goddess** (§1)
A slide show with Mother Goddess pictures. I wish to thank to all my Sister in the world. ...
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: cristinabarberis
**Ancient Mother, Mother Goddess** (§1)
**Ancient Mother, Mother Goddess** (§1)
A slide show with Mother Goddess pictures. I wish to thank to all my Sister in the world. Blessed Be. I do not any copyrights. For entertainment purposes onl...- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 1397
- author: cristinabarberis

IOSYS - Mother Goddess
Song: Mother Goddess Album: Touhou JeuXinTerdiTs Track: 4 Circle: IOSYS Origin: Native Fai...
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: SonicShadowLuver93
IOSYS - Mother Goddess
IOSYS - Mother Goddess
Song: Mother Goddess Album: Touhou JeuXinTerdiTs Track: 4 Circle: IOSYS Origin: Native Faith Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?e1rm30ksqn0pc6y Weeeell, ter...- published: 14 Mar 2010
- views: 23092
- author: SonicShadowLuver93

Millions descend upon Rio de Janeiro to Worship Voodoo Mother Goddess
The Largest celebration in the world gathering in Rio de Janeiro is not to worship God or ...
published: 01 Jan 2014
Millions descend upon Rio de Janeiro to Worship Voodoo Mother Goddess
Millions descend upon Rio de Janeiro to Worship Voodoo Mother Goddess
The Largest celebration in the world gathering in Rio de Janeiro is not to worship God or Jesus or even Allah. it is to Worship the Mother Goddess of the World spoken of in Scripture as the Abomination of the Earth. The basic teaching of this religion is simple. You let yourself go into trance and with dancing and pleasures you open your body as a home for any Spirit that will enter. This same religion, which practices animal sacrifice and voodoo curses and spells. Was practiced in many countries for thousands of years. It was also know as cannibalism, they ate human flesh to attract even more wicked spirits and caused great darkness and suffering upon the nations where it has been practiced for centuries. May God help Brazil open it's eyes, as it opens this Satanic door again to thrust the world back into spiritual darkness and suffering, If you know anyone about to go down to this event, please speak to them and pray for them.- published: 01 Jan 2014
- views: 2907

Creation of Man by Mother Goddess
Incomplete tablet of the Babylonian creation story....
published: 06 Dec 2007
author: helvis213
Creation of Man by Mother Goddess
Creation of Man by Mother Goddess
Incomplete tablet of the Babylonian creation story.- published: 06 Dec 2007
- views: 6245
- author: helvis213

Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 1/17
Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was mind-programmed from birth, to become one of...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: 7lovol4
Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 1/17
Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 1/17
Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was mind-programmed from birth, to become one of the three most important female conductors of Satanic rituals on t...- published: 21 Apr 2009
- views: 16797
- author: 7lovol4

Mother Goddess - Salve Regina
http://thegic.org Hail Holy Queen enthron'd above, O Maria Hail Mother of Mercy and of lov...
published: 24 Feb 2007
author: Bernard Alvarez
Mother Goddess - Salve Regina
Mother Goddess - Salve Regina
http://thegic.org Hail Holy Queen enthron'd above, O Maria Hail Mother of Mercy and of love O Maria Triumph all ye Cherubim Sing with us ye Seraphim Heav'n a...- published: 24 Feb 2007
- views: 122338
- author: Bernard Alvarez

Obscure Sphinx - The Presence of Goddess (Void Mother 2013)
Band - Obscure Sphinx
Song - The Presence of Goddess
Album - Void Mother
Year - 2013
published: 21 Nov 2013
Obscure Sphinx - The Presence of Goddess (Void Mother 2013)
Obscure Sphinx - The Presence of Goddess (Void Mother 2013)
Band - Obscure Sphinx Song - The Presence of Goddess Album - Void Mother Year - 2013 Country - Poland No copyright infringement intended, for listening purposes only. Enjoy.- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 523

Mother Goddess & the Dragon | From "Remembering the End of the World"
Film clips from the documentary "Remembering the End of the World," reviewing the lifelong...
published: 06 Apr 2008
author: ThunderboltsProject
Mother Goddess & the Dragon | From "Remembering the End of the World"
Mother Goddess & the Dragon | From "Remembering the End of the World"
Film clips from the documentary "Remembering the End of the World," reviewing the lifelong work of David Talbott in his explorations of world mythology.- published: 06 Apr 2008
- views: 34322
- author: ThunderboltsProject
Youtube results:

Mother Goddess
Reading from, "The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light," by William Irwin Thompson. Understa...
published: 10 May 2010
author: Jeremy Johnson
Mother Goddess
Mother Goddess
Reading from, "The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light," by William Irwin Thompson. Understanding our cultural ecology: ancient paleolithic spirituality, shama...- published: 10 May 2010
- views: 924
- author: Jeremy Johnson

Revelations of a Mother Goddess 04/17 *PL* rewelacje bogini matki
Wywiad przeprowadzony przez Davida Icke z Arizoną Wilder. Twierdzi ona, że uczestniczyła w...
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: pomarancza2012
Revelations of a Mother Goddess 04/17 *PL* rewelacje bogini matki
Revelations of a Mother Goddess 04/17 *PL* rewelacje bogini matki
Wywiad przeprowadzony przez Davida Icke z Arizoną Wilder. Twierdzi ona, że uczestniczyła w rytuałach odprawianych przez istoty które znamy pod postacią ludzi...- published: 17 Sep 2009
- views: 6318
- author: pomarancza2012

The Mother Goddess
Mother goddess is a term used to refer to a goddess who represents motherhood, fertility, ...
published: 08 Sep 2013
The Mother Goddess
The Mother Goddess
Mother goddess is a term used to refer to a goddess who represents motherhood, fertility, creation, or who embodies the bounty of the Earth. When equated with the Earth or the natural world such goddesses are sometimes referred to as Mother Earth or as the Earth Mother. Many different goddesses have represented motherhood in one way or another, and some have been associated with the birth of humanity as a whole. Others have represented the fertility of the earth.The Mother Goddess, or Great Goddess, is a composite of various feminine deities from past and present world cultures, worshiped by modern Wicca and others broadly known as Neopagans. She is considered sometimes identified as a Triple Goddess, who takes the form of Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes. She is described as Mother Earth, Mother Nature, or the Creatress of all life. She is associated with the full moon and stars, the Earth, and the sea. "When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation." Edain McCoy "- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 140

Rediscovering the Mother Goddess in Spirituality with Angela Pritchard
Angela Pritchard speaks to host Jenny Haase about the importance of the universal Mother G...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Rediscovering the Mother Goddess in Spirituality with Angela Pritchard
Rediscovering the Mother Goddess in Spirituality with Angela Pritchard
Angela Pritchard speaks to host Jenny Haase about the importance of the universal Mother Goddess, her role in ancient religions and myths throughout history, and how she was effectively censored from orthodox Christianity. They discuss how this censorship has now come to light through a number of recently discovered ancient Christian texts, and what impact this restoration of the mother goddess could have on our own spiritual journey, and society throughout the world. Original article: http://belsebuub.com/articles/reestablishing-the-feminine-in-godhead-the-role-of-the-mother-goddess-in-divinity Image Attribution: 9:36 Nag Hammadi Library photo copyright Institute for Antiquity and Christianity 15:11 Dendera_relief 1989 copyright by Bernard Gagnon 15:33 Hathor_y_Nefertari - copyright cris.real293 2012 16:17 Mother Earth-Father Sky copyright Rosabelle Ben 17:56 Trinità_Castelletto_Cervo relasead by Laurom under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License v. 2.5 18:01 Ignoto_XVI_secolo_Trinità_Benna relasead by Laurom under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License v. 2.5 25:31 Romuvan wedding photo copyright Flickr user Mantas LT 2009- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 409