At the beginning there was love and we thought it was
We saw no farther than each other's arms
And though the roof leaked o'er our heads just a blanket
for our bed
But then we had our love to keep us warm
But the winter winds blew cold our new love was growing
And our words were filled with anger and regret
Our bills were more than we could pay and we both longed
for the days
Of the freedom that we knew before we wed
But there was something greater still than all our fights
and monthly bills
It was the knowledge of a child well on its way
And though we both longed to be free we talked it over
and we agreed
That we'd wait till baby came to seperate
Then at last the day arrived and the tears filled both
our eyes
As we held our newborn baby in our arms
And the love we thought was gone lived there three times
as strong
It's not the end it's the beginning of our home
I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.
Of course you are my bright little star,
I've miles
And miles
Of files
Pretty files of your forefather's fruit
and now to suit our
great computer,
You're magnetic ink.
I'm more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be.
There you go man, keep as cool as you can.
Face piles
And piles
Of trials
With smiles.
It riles them to believe
that you perceive
the web they weave
(Fred Wise - Kay Twomey - Dorcas Cochran)
In the beginning
The Lord made the Earth
The Heavens the hills and the seas
Then He created
The sun and the stars
The land the blue the trees.
He made all creatures
That lived in the earth
And taught them to live by His plan
Then as He rested
The Lord sanctified
The Seventh day for man.
Molded in the image of his maker
Man shall have dominion over all
But because we're nothing more than human
Sometimes we stumble somethimes we fall.
In the beginning
The world was so right
Perfection was there for all men
So pray and believe Him
The Lord's Holy life
And we'll have perfection again...
In the beginning
Good always overpowered the evils
Of all man's sins.......
But in time
The nations grew weak
And our cities fell to slums
While evil stood strong
In the dusts of hell
Lurked the blackest of hates
For he whom they feared
Awaited them.......
Now many many life times later
Lay destroyed beaten beaten down
Only corpses of rebels
Ashes of dreams
And blood stained streets.......
It has been written
"Those who have the youth
Have the future"
So come now children of the beast
Be strong
And Shout at the Devil
Ocean of motion
Squirming around and up and down
Pushing together
Scattering mountains all around you
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Thrashing with violence
Hurling its lava up and down
Furnace of frenzy
Burning with power uncontrolled
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Is that the chariot with stallions gold?
Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?
Is that the roar of a thunderflash?
This is my world and it's waiting to be crowned
Father, son, looks down with happiness
Life is on its way
Ocean of motion
Squirming around and up and down
Pushing together
Scattering mountains all around you
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Is that the chariot with stallions gold?
Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?
Is that the roar of a thunderflash?
This is my world and it's waiting to be crowned
Father, son, looks down with happiness
Life is on its way
piano music, then this song should now turn into "Fireside Song"
missing song-not on your tape
Fireside Song
As daybreak breaks the mist upon the earth
It came to pass that beauty settled there forever more
And as the steam clings close to things to come
It came to pass that solid rock did part for humble life
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Forever drifting slowly towards a hazy emptiness
Whilst water slips into the sea
The father's sad to see it free
As shadows creep towards their master night
It came to pass that trees defied the wind who shook their leaves
And as the peace descended all around
It came to pass that nature's creatures came to face the world
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Forever drifting slowly towards a hazy emptiness
Whilst water slips into the sea
The father's sad to see it free
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
drums start and this song goes into "The Serpent"
In the beginning the Lord made the earth
The Heavens, the hills and the seas
Then He created the sun and the stars
The land, the fruit, the trees
He made all creatures that lived in the earth
And taught them to live by His plan
Then as He rested the Lord sanctified
The seventh day for man
Molded in the image of His maker
Man shall have dominion over all
But because we're nothing more than human
Sometimes we stumble, sometimes we fall
In the beginning the world was so right
Perfection was there for all men
So pray and believe Him, the Lord's holy life
I have a good mind
take into my head
to start of singing
began reciting
We seldom get together
and meet each other
on these poor borders
the luckless lands of the north
Those words we have got
from the North's furthest fields,
In the beginning, the beginning, quiero sentir las cosas de siempre. Quiero
saber si tu aun me quieres. Quiero volver a empezar.
In the beginning, the beginning, quiero saber que fue de tu vida. Quiero
saber si todo se olvida. Para volver a empezar.
Yo que siempre jugue con tu amor hasta el final y seguro yo estaba que tu
aun me querias. Hoy al ver que ya todo acabo, que no daria para volvover a
Dia a dia te hacias querer un poco mas, quien me iba a decir que una vez te
perderia. Y hoy al verme tan solo sin ti que no daria, para volver a
In the beginning, hmmm, the beginning, quiero sentir las cosas de siempre
Quiero saber si tu aun me quieres, para volver a empezar.
Pages were written turn yellow the age of the rhyme
sadly confused by us with the passing of time
oh no I tell you no lie no madman am I
give me another chance and another way
give me another time and another day
give me a part in another play
silken the hand that has touched me and helped me till now
torment replaces the feelings the faces somehow
oh no I tell you no lie no madman am I
give me another chance and another way
give me another time and another day
give me a part in another play
words that are whispered surround me and call to my ear
courage embrace me though tears may forsake me I fear
oh no I tell you no lie no madman am I
give me another chance and another way
give me another time and another day
give me a part in another play
will someone take my place
I'm the prince of dreams but no one knows my face
I've come to rest my mind
help me understand and see what I can find
what's this before me now
what's that behind
it's the prophet of the morning star
he's not so blind
he calls to me so clear
saying very soon sorrow will be here
but before they pull you down
there's just one chance for you to stay around
or else a war to end all wars
sink without a trace
I am the prince of dreams
and you shall know my face
find the light that shines on everyone
someone shines the light for me
look inside yourself to understand
the questions answered now I see
I am your light, I am your light,
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
In the beginning there was love around our lives
In the beginning there was you
Then we found out that to get you've gotta give
And our worlds collided into blue
But I want you
I still want you
As we got stronger we went our separate ways
That's what we needed and we craved
Time has no mercy, when our days went blue to gray
Still a journey come what may
But I want you
I still want you
Every day finds us searching
For the right words to say
Every night we're still giving
Our love away
In the beginning, there was beauty, there was pain
In the beginning we were free
Now we're surrounded by the castles that remained
These fortress walls are all we see
But I want you
I still want you
I want you
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, "Let there be light", and there was light.
Blood clot...
Yo what I'm about to do
Is explain how the elements came together
Formed the Disciples and the Sunz of Man
[Shabazz The Disciple]
I was chained, and thrown in the tombs
With 85 people in a long dark room
Christ appeared with a robe and a beard
We had a deep conversation, and then he disappeared
He told me I was chosen to be one of his Disciples
I must find a certain man to complete the cycle
He told me he shall dwell on the house on fire
So they I dwellin, and they I met Messiah
The Killah Priest, The Iron Sheik from the Middle East
My raps cause torment, lay dorment in the beat
[Outro: Killah Priest]
So let's now open up the scrolls
And let's jot down the names of each apostle
We have the Killah Priest
Shabazz, the Holy Wizard
Reality, the Hell Razah
Ramel, the Prodigal Sunn
Demonic, Kavalier, the wise one Isalimit
Dreddy Kruger, Lochness Monster (Skitsafranic)
Holy Ghost, 60 Second Assassin
The Wu-tang Clan, Gravediggaz
Cousin Bumpsta, Jah
Old Man, don't forget all the Prophet's out there
Goes on to all the Prophets (Biologic)
12 Disciples, The Sunz Of Man (Disciples)
The Sunz Of Man (Disciples) repeated
The cycle of life
Going through each chapter
Goes on
Mark the scannin
Big Clint
Master Wu
Big Herb
In the beginning there was a spark
Like two great cymbals clanging
We met head on
There was no time
All of life suspended
And when you spoke one heart jumped into action
This the oldest story
This the finest tale
Our time, our question awaits
Will we seize it
Can we catch it, our reel to reel
Our reel to reel
My only chance at this
I will take hold of it
This glorious day the earth is shaking
Hallelujah, hallelujah
And I will join the unending hymn
Hallelujah, hallelujah
No matter no matter no matter what
This glorious day the earth is shaking
Hallelujah, hallelujah
And I will join the unending hymn
Hallelujah, hallelujah
It's just a matter of attitude
What I'm going to talk about
You may not believe it
But you have the right to doubt
You think you are a made man
Who knows the mighty truth
Who reached what so many
Never reached in their youth
You spread garbage on the street
You break bottles on the ground
Thinking you already know
All that in life can be found
You think you are a made man
Who knows the mighty truth
Who reached what so many
Never reached in their youth
I'm not here to preach on you
Or tell you what things to do
I just try to make you understand
There's so many things to live for... "man"
In the beginning I am
Trying just to be a better man
In the beginning I am
See what you are and take a stand
Doesn's matter if you're young
Not even if you're old
You'll never but never know
All that's going in this world
In... the... beginning... I... am
From this you'll reach a better day
From a child to man you'll find the way
Seeing how much we can do
To live a life that's passing through you
You'll see to many times
Different truths in just one life
I'm not here to preach on you
Or tell you what things to do
I just try to make you understand
There's so many things to live for... "man"
In the beginning I am
Trying just to be a better man
In the beginning I am
in the beginning
there was a hum
from a poet whose pulse fell
He would perform prayers and all
till one day he heard a voice call
Sus'pi'cious he moved
with vicious caution
he thinks is a little often
People get held back
by the void inside 'em.
The void said,
I'm poised to speak inside you...
"Rejoice then ...please let me invite you
...To evil, greed and lies too."
Confused and dazed
he moved in ways
he soon became "Hakuna"
A knock on his door, his heart is no more
A knock on his door, his soul is no more
That was in the beginnin'
As the story goes on...
So -
The poet’s got a proposal
he would always hope but never know
what it feels
to be free
He would be the frozen
imposed as the chosen,
all laws oppose him
But it would be greed
That’s got him there
he's power-hungry,
and proud too
People don’t care, he will just care
Evil don't care, he will just prayer...
That was In the beginning..
there was a hum
...then things changed
They say-
it is better to light a candle than to curse the dark
in the eyes of the youth
there are question marks
like freedom
freedom for the mind and soul,
we don't see them
see them for their worth at all,
that’s why we lead em
lead em to these wars
and what is it we feed em
feed em our impurities
and who it is we treat em
treat em like the enemy
humanity will need em
need em like the blood we spill
and we're freedom
freedom for the hearts we fill
we mislead em
they hunger for the love we give
but we cheat em
the guys beat him and all he wants
is his freedom,
so they defeat him,
whatever spirit he’s got
"beat him"
and they teach him
the rest of the world don’t need him
and he believes
in the disease that he’s heathen
Put up your fists if all you want is freedom
Put up your fists if all you want is -
That was in the beginning...
then things changed..
and we keep holdin' on,
and we keep bein' strong...
and we keep goin' on
In the beginning was the Word
The Word was God
And put on flesh to dwell with us
In Him was the life
And the Life was the light of men
And it shines in the darkness
Even as the rain and snow come down....
And do not return empty....
Making it bear fruit and sprout....
So Your Word will be
For the Word is living and active
Like a sword, piercing the division
Of soul, marrow, and spirit
A light unto my path....
Strength to carry on....
The treasure I have found within....
In the beginning
There was nothing but rain
Then came the people
Then came the crane
Up rose the buildings
To rival the sun
The is the first day
Now we have begun
This is the first day
Now we have begun
This is the first day
No one remembers
The day that things changed
But something left us
No one else to blame
All of the things that
We made to make us free
Took away all that
Was meant to be
This is the first day
Now we have begun
The is the first day
This story ends
In bloodshed
The face I love
The city I'm from
The persons I've met
The persons I've let down
But a hero never turns around
It's nice to see you're moving on
I know it's hard to carry on
But it's just never what it was
In the Beginning
How did this start?
And where did we begin
In a ball of fire
And stars and suns
And that brings me here, now
Where my heart's caving in
A tornado whips in around the poles
And it's raining
In a Ball of Fire
You're not above
and nothing is real subtle
when you speak.
You let them in quick
with so much to offer,
but wasn't for them to have.
What you fought so hard for
wasn't so unique,
but you won't just stand still,
won't go silently?
It's back.
The fight.
So is anyone giving way?
It's just like in the beginning.
The tears.
Their eyes.
Why isn't anyone giving way?
It's just like in the beginning.
Yes you led them nowhere,
plus you forgot where you should be.
Can't assume that you're safe with
the same falsified reasons.
Yes you led them nowhere
plus you forgot where you should be.
Next time you try
to relate to others,
I hope you're more successful than this?
It's back.
The fight.
So is anyone giving way?
It's just like in the beginning.
The tears.
Their eyes.
Why isn't anyone giving way?
It's just like in the beginning.
Yes you led them nowhere,
plus you forgot where you should be.
Can't assume that you're safe with
the same falsified reasons.
All your faults don't prove that
once you were real and now you're less,
and we all hope it's soon over.
This should have never began.
It's back.
The fight.
So is anyone giving way?
It's just like in the beginning.
The tears.
Their eyes.
Why isn't anyone giving way?
In the desert of silence
Walks a man beyond the grave
In his heart many worries
About the world he must save
And now the time has come
You will feel the heat
He`s the man with the mighty power
He`s the man that you`ll need
It was a time when destruction was near
The world lived with pain and fear
In times like these
We got a command
Ban evil
From this wicked land
Evil things that you can do
That`s all you ever knew
But now these things are gone
You still feel very strong
The man overwhelming you
Now you know who is who
If you gonna take him by his hand
You`re gonna build a perfect land
But now the road will end
You`re feeling safe holding his hand
You walk the land, the sea
It all began just like a whisper on the wind, the silent echo of the past
The world is changing you can feel it everywhere, since the lost have been found
The cruel and evil spirits rising once again in the land of the doom
A golden circle is the key he awaits to put the world in a gloom
Hear out, hear out a promise was deceived
Beware, beware a warning was received
In his tower the dark lord is forging plans to fulfil
And if his will can be done his kingdom will come
Now fire and battles everywhere his spies and puppets cross the land
All free races have to answer to the threat and fight for their freedom
The missing pieces to this riddle must be found make this bane come undone
For those of knowledge signs would lead them on the way to break the spell they were under
Ride out, ride out follow the traces
Beware, beware bring light to dark places
Just remember when the end is near we must stand for the call
By the dawn that is rising his kingdom must fall
Beware, beware still after so much time
Get down, get down danger’s all around
Evil forces is on the move his spirit raises to try
This story ends
In bloodshed
The face I love
The city I'm from
The persons I've met
The persons I've let down
But a hero never turns around
It's nice to see you're moving on
I know it's hard to carry on
But it's just never what it was
In the Beginning
How did this start?
And where did we begin
In a ball of fire
And stars and suns
And that brings me here, now
Where my heart's caving in
A tornado whips in around the poles
And it's raining
In the beginning man wondered to himself, Why, oh why are we here?
And yet with each asking of this question the answer would become even less clear.
Overwhelmed by fear, distraciton took its place,
And so its was in the world's first shelter that we began the human race,
The human race to fill up more and more empty space.
Oh how we loved the human race.
Until one day this one guy said to this other guy,
He said, "Hey you see that guy over there?
"He's got more than everybody else has got.
"To me that don't seem fair."
Well the second guy agreed with the first guy.
Everybody else did too.
'Til they all got so worked up
They figured there was something they just had to do:
Divide his things up among each other,
After they killed him of course,
For they could see no real good reason
Not to just take what they wanted by force.
But when they found him he said, "Hey wait a minute, fellas.
"I wouldn't kill me just now.
"You can see that I've got more than any of you have ever got;
"Wouldn't you first at least like to know how?"
And with that he had their attention,
And with that he went on loud and clear.
He said, "You all know how long we've all wondered
"Why, oh why are we here?
"Well today I'm gonna tell you all about it,
"I'm gonna teach you about suffering and bliss,
"I'm gonna teach you a little about heaven and hell
"And the god that gave me all this.
"God gave me this because I'm humble,
"And He can do the same for you, too,
"But if you're seeking His love and affection,
"What you're doing is the last thing I'd do.
"He sends killers to hellfire,
"Both here and eternally;
"The good live forever in a place called heaven.
"God told me this personally."
Who ya gonna trust if you can't trust me?
"So unless you want suffering and heartache,
"Unless you want trouble and fear,
"You better find some kind of way to humble yourself.
"May I suggest helping me clean up around here?
"Course I could pay you a little bit of money
"But more importantly God would see,
"And if He sees you working humbly
"Someday He may give you what He's given me."
Well the crowd just didn't know what to do with that,
Nor could they prove what he said wasn't true.
And since he had what everyone else thought they wanted,
It seemed like a thing to do.
And with that we rolled into the future,
And ain't it a son of a bitch
To think that we would still need religion
To keep the poor from killing the rich?
You seem to want it just like it was in the beginning You want me without the ambition, just like before But oh no that's not the idea That's not the way I see it at all Now you ask me, "Can't you relax for a minute?" But I have far better things to do
Listening to the silence for all the answers Travelling the world, trying hard not to touch the ground and it's so appealing, this mind over matter Somebody save me from myself
The truth won't hurt a bit
Time's running out and I've no time for anyone Don't give me that look, I know what's best for me The truth won't hurt a bit The truth won't hurt a bit
It's so appealing, this mind over matter somebody save me, from myself.
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
In the beginning
there was a hum
from a poet whose pulse fell
He would perform prayers and all
till one day he heard a voice call
Sus'pi'cious he moved
with vicious caution
he thinks is a little often
People get held back
by the void inside 'em.
The void said,
I'm poised to speak inside you...
"Rejoice then ...please let me invite you
...To evil, greed and lies too."
Confused and dazed
he moved in ways
he soon became "Hakuna"
A knock on his door, his heart is no more
A knock on his door, his soul is no more
That was in the beginnin'
As the story goes on...
So -
The poet's got a proposal
he would always hope but never know
what it feels
to be free
He would be the frozen
imposed as the chosen,
all laws oppose him
But it would be greed
That's got him there
he's power-hungry,
and proud too
People don't care, he will just care
Evil don't care, he will just prayer...
That was In the beginning.
there was a hum
...then things changed
They say-
it is better to light a candle than to curse the dark
in the eyes of the youth
there are question marks
like freedom
freedom for the mind and soul,
we don't see them
see them for their worth at all,
that's why we lead em
lead em to these wars
and what is it we feed em
feed em our impurities
and who it is we treat em
treat em like the enemy
humanity will need em
need em like the blood we spill
and we're freedom
freedom for the hearts we fill
we mislead em
they hunger for the love we give
but we cheat em
the guys beat him and all he wants
is his freedom,
so they defeat him,
whatever spirit he's got
"beat him"
and they teach him
the rest of the world don't need him
and he believes
in the disease that he's heathen
Put up your fists if all you want is freedom
Put up your fists if all you want is -
That was in the beginning...
then things changed.
and we keep holdin' on,
and we keep bein' strong...
and we keep goin' on