
Democracy, Human Rights and Religious Freedom in East Asia | 17th Forum 2000 Conference
——In which East Asian countries are the most serious
human rights violations taking place ...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Democracy, Human Rights and Religious Freedom in East Asia | 17th Forum 2000 Conference
Democracy, Human Rights and Religious Freedom in East Asia | 17th Forum 2000 Conference
——In which East Asian countries are the most serious human rights violations taking place and which rights are most repressed? ——Which countries are making the most progress in improving the human rights situation and can serve as an inspiration? ——What position does freedom of religious expression hold in a society's democratic transition? Moderator: Jan Urban, Journalist, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, Czech Republic Panel Discussion: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Spiritual Leader, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Forum 2000 International Advisory Board, India/Tibet Tomáš Halík, Sociologist, President, Czech Christian Academy, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, Czech Republic Chen Guangcheng, Lawyer, Civil Rights Activist, China Steven Gan, Editor, Malaysiakini, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, Malaysia In cooperation with Faculty of Arts, Charles University- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 621

East Asian Religions and Other Cultural Traditions
This video is reposted from McGraw Hill - A History of the World - extra materials. You ma...
published: 20 Jan 2014
East Asian Religions and Other Cultural Traditions
East Asian Religions and Other Cultural Traditions
This video is reposted from McGraw Hill - A History of the World - extra materials. You may NOT use it for profit or repost it.- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 39

World Religions: Confucianism
Stephen Prothero, the New York Times bestselling author of Religious Literacy, makes a fre...
published: 17 Jan 2011
author: Faith Reason
World Religions: Confucianism
World Religions: Confucianism
Stephen Prothero, the New York Times bestselling author of Religious Literacy, makes a fresh and provocative argument that, contrary to popular understanding...- published: 17 Jan 2011
- views: 43359
- author: Faith Reason

REL 501 - World Religions - Robert S. Ellwood: University of Philosophical Research
Website: http://www.uprs.edu This course offers a review of all the great spiritual tradit...
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: uprsedu
REL 501 - World Religions - Robert S. Ellwood: University of Philosophical Research
REL 501 - World Religions - Robert S. Ellwood: University of Philosophical Research
Website: http://www.uprs.edu This course offers a review of all the great spiritual traditions of the world. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism...- published: 19 Nov 2010
- views: 724
- author: uprsedu

Asian Religions Mini Projects
Here is my Asian Religion Mini Project....
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: Nachobigdaddy
Asian Religions Mini Projects
Asian Religions Mini Projects
Here is my Asian Religion Mini Project.- published: 14 Oct 2011
- views: 196
- author: Nachobigdaddy

CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 8, 2013
Professor Jason Blum "East Asian Religions" Lecture 16 The religions of the world have pla...
published: 18 Apr 2013
author: AUC
CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 8, 2013
CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 8, 2013
Professor Jason Blum "East Asian Religions" Lecture 16 The religions of the world have played a pervasive and profound role in shaping human history. They ha...- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 68
- author: AUC

World Religions Statistics With Historical Spread time to time
World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Budhism Spread of Religions by...
published: 29 Dec 2009
author: testpoints
World Religions Statistics With Historical Spread time to time
World Religions Statistics With Historical Spread time to time
World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Budhism Spread of Religions by time from 3000 BC to 2000 AD. Discover the origin of religions Per...- published: 29 Dec 2009
- views: 32741
- author: testpoints

A2 Sociology - Religion & Development
Modernisation undermines religion
The importance of science and technology in economic de...
published: 10 Oct 2013
A2 Sociology - Religion & Development
A2 Sociology - Religion & Development
Modernisation undermines religion The importance of science and technology in economic development is seen as destroying belief in the supernatural On the other hand, religion may contribute to development WEBER argued in the case of the protestant ethic; sociologists examined what role religion may play in today's developing globalising world. 'God and Globalisation In India' Globalisation has overall brought a rapid economic growth and has seen India become a more important player on the world political stage. Meera Nanda's book in 2008 'God and Globalisation' examines how the role of Hinduism the religion of 85% of the population, in legitimating both the rise of a new Hindu 'ultra-nationalism' and the prosperity of the Indian middle class 'Hindu and Consumerism' Globalisation has created a huge and prosperous, scientifically educated and specialise in IT; which has created a middle class in India -- secularisation theorists predict these are the people who will abandon religion due their newly secular worldview Nanda observes that the majority of this class in India still believe in the supernatural. A survey was carried out by the centre for the study of developing societies (2007) It found that Indians are becoming more religious than before, with only 5% said their religiosity had declined in the last five years; whilst another 30% said they have become more religious. The survey also showed that urban educated Indians are more religious (this goes against secularisation theorists would believe they will eventually abandon religion) Evidence of this is that also increased interest and dramatic growth of religious tourism e.g. visits to shrines. Nanda also notes that it is also becoming fashionable to be religious and to be seen to be religious. Nanda also then examines what motivates the upper classed Indians t continue to believe in the supernatural beings and miracles. She rejects poverty insecurity as an explanation for this, because they are NOT poor. Nanda says they are optimistic about the opportunities that globalisation brings them; their increased religiosity is the result of their ambivalence about their new wealth 'Capitalism in East Asia' 'East Asian tiger economies' South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan have become successful industrialised & are now momentous players in the global economy -- China is also a new addition to this, becoming a major global industrial power. The success of capitalism in east asia has led to some sociologists to argue that religion has played a role similar to the one Calvinism played In the development of capitalism in the 16th and 17th century Redding (1990) says the spirit of capitalism amongst Chinese entrepreneurs in the tiger economies He sees their post-confucian values which encourages hard work, discipline and self-improvement. (this is a traditional belief system); the effect of this Chinese value system is similar to the protestant ethic -- both lead to economic productivity and the accumulation of capital. Pentecostalism in Latin America BERGER (2003) argues that Pentecostalism in latin America acts as a 'functional equivalent' to WEBER'S protestant ethic. He says it encourages the development of capitalism today the same way that Calvinism back in the 16th and 17th century. Berger agrees with Weber in saying that Protestantism is necessary to promote economic development and raise society out of poverty. Pentecostalism: Global and Local Christianity has globalised itself Lehmann (2002) differentiates between two phases in this expansion • In the first phase, Christianity accompanied colonisation and was imposed on the indigenous populations, often forcibly suppressing local religions • The second phase consisted of the spread of Christianity as it has gained a popular following E.g. in brazil there were 80million Pentecostalists in Brazil alone Pentecostalism has also been successful in developing countries because it is able to appeal particularly to the poor- it also uses global communications media to spread its message, along with 'road shows' and world tours by celebrity preachers- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 3

CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 11, 2013
Professor Jason Blum "East Asian Religions" Lecture 17 The religions of the world have pla...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: AUC
CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 11, 2013
CREL 210 | Religions of the World | April 11, 2013
Professor Jason Blum "East Asian Religions" Lecture 17 The religions of the world have played a pervasive and profound role in shaping human history. They ha...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 27
- author: AUC

MUST KNOW: Confucianism and East Asian Countries?
Simple short explanation about how Confucianism, a philosophy AND/OR religion, has influen...
published: 09 Feb 2010
author: Rhaime Kim
MUST KNOW: Confucianism and East Asian Countries?
MUST KNOW: Confucianism and East Asian Countries?
Simple short explanation about how Confucianism, a philosophy AND/OR religion, has influenced East Asian countries and their culture. IMPORTANT in UNDERSTAND...- published: 09 Feb 2010
- views: 1485
- author: Rhaime Kim

Religions, Politics and Culture in South Asia - 18 June 2012
Dr. Ali Riaz discusses how globalization and the perceived failure of the secular state ar...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: ISN Zurich
Religions, Politics and Culture in South Asia - 18 June 2012
Religions, Politics and Culture in South Asia - 18 June 2012
Dr. Ali Riaz discusses how globalization and the perceived failure of the secular state are just two of the factors influencing the complex interplay of reli...- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 409
- author: ISN Zurich

Mark Unno - Shin Buddhism in Interreligious Dialogue: A World of Teaching and Learning
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the UBC Buddhism a...
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: UBC
Mark Unno - Shin Buddhism in Interreligious Dialogue: A World of Teaching and Learning
Mark Unno - Shin Buddhism in Interreligious Dialogue: A World of Teaching and Learning
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the UBC Buddhism and Contemporary Society Program. Based on the religious thought of ...- published: 19 Oct 2010
- views: 2120
- author: UBC
Vimeo results:

Inspired by East Asian religions and ancient Chinese philosophy. & the tutorial by Kieran ...
published: 02 Jan 2011
author: Calvin Wu
Inspired by East Asian religions and ancient Chinese philosophy. & the tutorial by Kieran Mithani

Midnight's Grandchildren
John Pandit from Asian Dub Foundation and RichMix, Anita Sharma from Inquest, and The Sam...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: Pakistan Calling
Midnight's Grandchildren
John Pandit from Asian Dub Foundation and RichMix, Anita Sharma from Inquest, and The Samosa’s Anwar Akhtar discuss their experiences as second generation Asians growing up in Britain and wider issues of nationhood, identity, religion, migration in Britain today.
They look at relations between British Islam, Hindu and Sikh communities, and Britain’s changing links with South Asia in today’s globalised connected world. Is the local now global?
Filmed at www.richmix.org.uk East London

Confucian-Islamic Dialogue with Tu Weiming and Seyyed Hossein Nasr
The Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies sponsored the final talk and luncheon i...
published: 29 Jul 2010
author: Ali Vural Ak Center for Global I
Confucian-Islamic Dialogue with Tu Weiming and Seyyed Hossein Nasr
The Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies sponsored the final talk and luncheon in the conference, Korean Confucianism in the Global Context: In Honor of Tu Weiming's Contributions. This talk features Dr. Weiming in addition to Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Tu Weiming, Harvard-Yenching Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy and of Confucian Studies at Harvard University, was born in Kunming, China in 1940. He received his B.A. in Chinese Studies at Tunghai University (Taiwan), M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard University. He has taught at Princeton University and University of California at Berkeley. Since 1981, he has been on the Harvard faculty. He was the director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute from 1997 through 2008. He is a member of the "Group of Eminent Persons" invited by Kofi Annan to facilitate the Dialogue Among Civilizations and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has published six books in English and four in Chinese. His five-volume collection of works was published in China in 2001. He is the recipient of three honorary degrees and three honorary professorships. He is on the editorial board of the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies and Philosophy East and West. His research interests are Confucian humanism, Chinese intellectual history, philosophies of China, and Asian and comparative religious thought.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University Professor of Islamic Studies at the George Washington University, and an internationally renowned Islamic philosopher and scholar of the Islamic intellectual tradition. With degrees from MIT and Harvard, he taught for many years at Tehran University, before coming the U.S. He has lectured throughout the world, and has addressed many prominent academic and international venues, including the United Nations. He is the author of over 50 books and 500 articles on Islamic thought, comparative religion and philosophy, the philosophy of art, and the philosophical and religious dimension of the environmental crisis. His many publications include: The Heart of Islam, The History of Islamic Philosophy, Knowledge and the Sacred, Science and Civilization in Islam, Islamic Art and Spirituality, Traditional Islam in the Modern World, and Religion and the Order of Nature.
Recorded on June 06, 2010

Abbos Kosimov (ACTA 2009 Master Artist) Uzbek Doira Solo Improvisation
Abbos Kosimov has been a participant with dancer and apprentice Tara Catherine Pandeya in ...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: ACTA
Abbos Kosimov (ACTA 2009 Master Artist) Uzbek Doira Solo Improvisation
Abbos Kosimov has been a participant with dancer and apprentice Tara Catherine Pandeya in ACTA's 2009 Apprenticeship Program in an apprenticeship in Uzbek doira. Their apprenticeship focused on doira rhythms, reinforcing the connection between Uzbek percussion and dance, and allowed Pandeya to develop proficiency in interpreting doira rhythms and understanding Uzbek music composition and improvisation.
Trained from age ten with Ustad Tuychi Inagomov, Kosimov is one of few honored artists who have been officially recognized by the Uzbek head of state. Bearing the same illustrious title as Inagomov, Abbos arrived to the United States in 2005 having performed alongside artists including Zakir Hussain, Giovanni Hidalgo, Simon Shaheen, and Hassan Hakmoun at the World Music Institute.
The doira is a frame drum with brass rings made from cow or horse hide that is used to accompany both popular and classical music from Iran, the Balkans, and many Central Asian countries such as Tajikistan, East Turkestan (Uighur Autonomous Xinjiang, China), and Uzbekistan. Regarded as one of the most ancient percussive instruments from Central Asia, it was originally played only by women during shamanic rituals.
Of the doira, Kosimov notes, "Uzbek culture and national identity is deeply rooted in its music and dance traditions. As such, doira paired with dance has grown with the country over time and evolved to play a deeper role in reflecting Uzbek history, religion, heritage, and cultural traditions... Doira is my life and I cannot live without it."
In Uzbekistan, the doira is supported as a national art and it can be heard at most festivities, rites of passage, seasonal celebrations, and religious ceremonies. This instrument in particular has always been an essential staple and inseparable element of traditional Uzbek dance because its specific rhythm patterns serve as a foundation for Uzbek dance vocabulary and play an integral role in expressing storytelling within choreography.
In this video, shot at the Knights of Columbus studio in San Anselmo where the ACTA apprenticeship at times took place, Kosimov plays the doira and the handheld two-piece percussive instrument called qayraq, each piece made of metal and stone respectively. Similar to Spanish castanets, they accompany doira and other melodic instruments, and are used by tradtional dances in the Uzbek region of Khorezm.
Kosimov improvises in several rhythms including 6/8, 7/8 and 4/4 for his solo, all rhythms which the most popular foundations for traditional Uzbek doira. His playing of multiple drums simultaneously has its foundation in innovation of the form in the mid-20th century as a form of virtuosic showmanship and competition between doira artists, demonstrating their technique and athletic skill. This was played one on one with a dancer (in the same manner which Kosimov and Pandeya have been working together) or within a large ensemble or community gathering of drums, in older times led by women only.
Special thanks to Tara Pandeya.
Youtube results:

"Vision and Insight in Classic Japan" a Princeton Global seminar
Designed for students interested in traditional East Asia, religion, and the interaction o...
published: 27 Sep 2013
"Vision and Insight in Classic Japan" a Princeton Global seminar
"Vision and Insight in Classic Japan" a Princeton Global seminar
Designed for students interested in traditional East Asia, religion, and the interaction of texts and the arts—or any combination of these subjects—this seminar will explore traditional Japanese culture with a particular emphasis on vision and it's relation to aesthetic, religious and ethical insight. Studies of the essential aspects of Japanese history, the mechanics of East Asian writing systems, and Mahâyâna Buddhism will be complemented by visits to celebrated gardens; opportunities to practice Zen meditation; and experience of traditional theater, music, and the tea ceremony. In addition, students will learn how the science of vision helps us understand the aesthetic achievements of garden designers, architects, and painters. The seminar examines how traditional Japanese arts have found a role in the world of modern Kyoto. Students will visit many important heritage sites around Kyoto, including the Nanzenji, Ryôanji, and Daitokuji temples; the National Museum; and "Philosopher's Walk." Longer excursions include a day trip to Nara and a weekend trip outside Kyoto to a traditional inn or hot spring.- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 31

Man possessed by ghost caught on cctv at convenient store
What do you think? Fake? Look at the glass door at the end of the video. Spirit possession...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: makaveli ilevakam
Man possessed by ghost caught on cctv at convenient store
Man possessed by ghost caught on cctv at convenient store
What do you think? Fake? Look at the glass door at the end of the video. Spirit possession is a paranormal or supernatural event in which it is said that spi...- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 2105829
- author: makaveli ilevakam

Buddhism New Religion Theravada Thailand Asia Meditation Relaxation Music Angel New Age Laos Music
http://BuddhismIsis.com non-profit community http://www.BuddhismIsis.com ENJOY ZOOM THE 40...
published: 14 Mar 2009
author: pawangtugte
Buddhism New Religion Theravada Thailand Asia Meditation Relaxation Music Angel New Age Laos Music
Buddhism New Religion Theravada Thailand Asia Meditation Relaxation Music Angel New Age Laos Music
http://BuddhismIsis.com non-profit community http://www.BuddhismIsis.com ENJOY ZOOM THE 40 PICTURES YOU JUST NEED A MOUSE Buddhism Religion Theravada Thailan...- published: 14 Mar 2009
- views: 38068
- author: pawangtugte

Asian Civilization-Part26-Review of Asian Civilization
Different Asian Regions and Religions, South Asia, East Asia, and South-East Asia....
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: Abdul Karim Khan
Asian Civilization-Part26-Review of Asian Civilization
Asian Civilization-Part26-Review of Asian Civilization
Different Asian Regions and Religions, South Asia, East Asia, and South-East Asia.- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 126
- author: Abdul Karim Khan