- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 2349869
- author: kimny5380

こちらの動画は【ZONE】secretbase 男だって歌いたい! Type-A(カラオケ)の 原曲verとなっております。この曲の世界観を存分にお楽しみください♪TYPE-Aとは...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: kimny5380
こちらの動画は【ZONE】secretbase 男だって歌いたい! Type-A(カラオケ)の 原曲verとなっております。この曲の世界観を存分にお楽しみください♪TYPE-Aとはエンデングが若干異なります。 TYPE-A(カラオケ)はこちら http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfL1...- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 2349869
- author: kimny5380

The Weeknd - The Zone ft. Drake
The wait is over. Get your copy The Weeknd "Trilogy" today. iTunes: http://smarturl.it/The...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: TheWeekndVEVO
The Weeknd - The Zone ft. Drake
The Weeknd - The Zone ft. Drake
The wait is over. Get your copy The Weeknd "Trilogy" today. iTunes: http://smarturl.it/TheWeekndTril Amazon: http://smarturl.it/TheWeekndTrilogyAmz Amazon w/...- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 8213126
- author: TheWeekndVEVO

ZONE FINAL in 日本武道館(secret base 〜君がくれたもの)
ZONEのMIYU(長瀬実夕)ちゃんのアメーバプログ☆ http://ameblo.jp/nagasemiyu/...
published: 15 Feb 2009
author: pandacyan7
ZONE FINAL in 日本武道館(secret base 〜君がくれたもの)
ZONE FINAL in 日本武道館(secret base 〜君がくれたもの)
ZONEのMIYU(長瀬実夕)ちゃんのアメーバプログ☆ http://ameblo.jp/nagasemiyu/- published: 15 Feb 2009
- views: 2113019
- author: pandacyan7

Our A Cappella cover of the show that taught us violence solves everything, Mighty Morphin...
published: 02 Oct 2013
Our A Cappella cover of the show that taught us violence solves everything, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! Happy 20th Anniversary! Subscribe for new videos at 10am PT, 5 days a week! http://bit.ly/Sub2TWZ MONDAYS: Troll Patrol TUESDAYS: Let's Play WEDNESDAYS: Music Videos & Sketch Comedy FRIDAYS: Food Truck Friday! SATURDAYS: Between Two Nerds ALT SUNDAYS: Bonus! - The Warp Zone - Videos 5 Days a Week! http://youtube.com/TheWarpZone Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/TheWarpZone Follow us on Twitter! http://twitter.com/WarpZoneTweets Follow us on Instagram! http://instagr.am/WarpZoneGrams- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 92779

Battlefield 4 Flood Zone Multiplayer Gameplay + Levolution Moment!
This map is awesome! Exclusive Battlefield 4 Flood Zone footage I recorded this week in St...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Battlefield 4 Flood Zone Multiplayer Gameplay + Levolution Moment!
Battlefield 4 Flood Zone Multiplayer Gameplay + Levolution Moment!
This map is awesome! Exclusive Battlefield 4 Flood Zone footage I recorded this week in Stockholm. Flood Zone Gameplay using a variety of new weapons and gadgets. http://bit.ly/HgjTOa Recorded in 1080p and rendered on an Alienware laptop, click here for more info: http://bit.ly/HgjTOa Leave a rating and a comment, let me know your thoughts! Will have my BF4 preview up tomorrow if all goes to plan :) Thanks for watching guys! Go 1080P and put a decent headset on before you watch! Connect with me: http://www.facebook.com/jackfragsofficial http://www.twitter.com/jackfrags http://www.twitch.tv/jackfrags- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 166401

China sends warplanes into disputed zone
CNN's Barbara Starr reports China is sending its warplanes into a disputed area of the Eas...
published: 28 Nov 2013
China sends warplanes into disputed zone
China sends warplanes into disputed zone
CNN's Barbara Starr reports China is sending its warplanes into a disputed area of the East China Sea.- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 10378

Lamar Odom -- Back in the Danger Zone
Lamar Odom threw himself back into the lion's den last night ... arriving at LAX, where sw...
published: 29 Nov 2013
Lamar Odom -- Back in the Danger Zone
Lamar Odom -- Back in the Danger Zone
Lamar Odom threw himself back into the lion's den last night ... arriving at LAX, where swarms of photogs are always on the lookout for celebs ... and he NEARLY lost his cool.- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 17854

O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (Ultra Music)
Ever felt the thrill of flying a plane? Or how about recording a hit single? O-Zone do bot...
published: 03 Jul 2007
author: UltraRecords
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (Ultra Music)
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (Ultra Music)
Ever felt the thrill of flying a plane? Or how about recording a hit single? O-Zone do both in the video for their catchy song, incorporating cartoon graphic...- published: 03 Jul 2007
- views: 30005780
- author: UltraRecords

China deploys fighter jets in disputed air zone
China has deployed fighter jets in the disputed air zone in the East China Sea igniting mo...
published: 29 Nov 2013
China deploys fighter jets in disputed air zone
China deploys fighter jets in disputed air zone
China has deployed fighter jets in the disputed air zone in the East China Sea igniting more friction within the region.- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 3762

US defies China's air defence zone
It flew two B-52 bombers from a US base in Guam over the disputed area - claimed by both C...
published: 27 Nov 2013
US defies China's air defence zone
US defies China's air defence zone
It flew two B-52 bombers from a US base in Guam over the disputed area - claimed by both China and Japan. The expanded zone was announced by Beijing on Saturday.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 1

China's Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands Air Defense Fun Zone! | China Uncensored
As if tensions between China and Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands weren't high enough...
published: 27 Nov 2013
China's Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands Air Defense Fun Zone! | China Uncensored
China's Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands Air Defense Fun Zone! | China Uncensored
As if tensions between China and Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands weren't high enough, China has decided to establish an air defense identification zone over a huge chunk of the East China Sea, including, you guessed it, the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. Now nationalistic fervor is out of control and neither side is willing to back down. If push comes to shove, the US military has vowed to back Japan. But will things escalate to outright war? Let's hope not because they're just UNINHABITED ISLANDS!!! http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision Subscribe for more China Uncensored: http://www.youtube.com/ntdchinauncensored Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NTDChinaUncensored/ ______________________________ MOBILE LINKS: Taiwan vs. China - The One China Policy http://e.ntd.tv/1czOinI Hostile Foreign Forces Threaten China! http://e.ntd.tv/1dKWSxf China Prepares for War http://e.ntd.tv/ZN6oqV Kim Jong-Un Named Sexist Man Alive http://e.ntd.tv/TpUUHt Are Western Media in China All a Bunch of Wusses? http://e.ntd.tv/19b9UXJ No More Confessions Through Torture! http://e.ntd.tv/1emwpuH Why Does China Hate Japan http://e.ntd.tv/19b9WP5- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 17618

Welcome to the Warp Zone (Official music video)
Celebrate the finest moments in video game history.
An original song by Eric Fullerton
published: 27 Nov 2013
Welcome to the Warp Zone (Official music video)
Welcome to the Warp Zone (Official music video)
Celebrate the finest moments in video game history. An original song by Eric Fullerton DOWNLOAD THIS SONG ♪ ITUNES http://goo.gl/qqDvEQ ♪ AMAZON http://goo.gl/YvgdTL ♪ CD BABY http://goo.gl/7kmKWH ♪ GOOGLE http://goo.gl/SNrAV4 ♪ SPOTIFY http://goo.gl/okTIaj ♪ RDIO http://rd.io/x/QDoyPnlBNQ/ MORE MUSIC VIDEOS http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL164FAD9B3159808B FOLLOW US ● http://twitter.com/deadworkers ON REDDIT ● http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1rlks2/finest_moments_from_video_games_throughout_history/ ====== LYRICS ====== Stay a while, and listen It's dangerous to go alone Do a barrel roll You spoony bard and welcome to the warp zone You must construct additional pylons, just to be with me tonight. Would you kindly Save me Stay frosty Wake me when you need me. They call me Gato, I have metal joints. Beat me up and win 15 silver points. Welcome to your doom Hadouken Sonic Boom Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. C-C-C-Combo breaker Fus-ro-dah Boomshakalaka M-M-Monster kill Blue Wizard is about to die. War. War never changes. By the gods, what have I become? I feel asleep Get over here You were almost a Jill sandwich. Congraturation. This story is happy end. You and your friends are dead.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 10741

China claims new air defense zone, U.S. says 'snap!'
It's China vs Japan and the U.S. again, and China isn't winning.
China thought all it nee...
published: 27 Nov 2013
China claims new air defense zone, U.S. says 'snap!'
China claims new air defense zone, U.S. says 'snap!'
It's China vs Japan and the U.S. again, and China isn't winning. China thought all it needed to do in its diplomatic dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands with Japan is to just draw lines around the area and claim it as its new air-defense identification zone. "Not so fast" said the U.S. Air Force, which just flew two unarmed B-52s straight through the middle of the zone without notifying China, totally ignoring Beijing's warnings of military action against aircraft that did so. While China has deployed a semi-operational aircraft carrier into the South China Sea in a separate maritime dispute with the Philippines, the U.S. made sure to send not one, but two fully-operational carrier battle groups to the other side of the air-defense identification zone to honor its treaty with Japan. Japan, meanwhile, ordered Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airlines to not follow the instructions China demands of aircraft that enter the zone. Speaking of Japan, the recent change in tax policies that was ushered in when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office last year is helping fund uptick in military spending. Along with drumbeating about changing Article 9 in the Japanese constitution from a clause that calls for pacifism to a clause that supports maintaining a standing military, Abe was also seen this past summer christening a new advanced battleship for the JSDF Naval Fleet in Yokohama. It all makes us here at NMA wonder what other technology will the Japanese employ to protect their claims to the disputed territory in the East China Sea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daily videos brought to you by THE Taiwanese Animators behind the infamous Tiger Woods animation. We got the funniest animations on the web to help you stay in-the-know on all the trending stories, so sit back, relax, and watch a few. Visit our channel for your daily dose of Taiwanese Animations: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomoNewsUS Wish all your news was animated? Subscribe now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TomoNewsUS Can't get enough of Taiwanese animations? Connected with us here: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NMAtv Twitter @nmatv http://www.twitter.com/nmatv Tumblr http://nmatv.tumblr.com Google+ http://gplus.to/NMAtv Web http://us.tomonews.net/category/usa/category_usa/lolmode_usa/- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 1560

China's airheaded 'air-defense zone' angers neighbors
China has unilaterally declared an "air-defense identification zone" (ADIZ) over a vast ar...
published: 26 Nov 2013
China's airheaded 'air-defense zone' angers neighbors
China's airheaded 'air-defense zone' angers neighbors
China has unilaterally declared an "air-defense identification zone" (ADIZ) over a vast area of the East China Sea, covering disputed islands that are also claimed by Japan and Taiwan. China's ADIZ also brings China into conflict with Korea and Japan China's defence ministry said that military aircraft entering the zone must obey its rules or face "emergency defensive measures." Japan refers to the islands as the Senkaku while Taiwan and China call them the Diaoyutai islands. Japan has lodged a strong protest over what they call an "escalation." "Setting up such airspace unilaterally escalates the situations surrounding the Senkaku islands and has danger of leading to an unexpected situation," Japan's foreign ministry said in a statement. Taiwan expressed regret at the move and promised that the military would take measure to protect national security. The Chinese defense ministry said aircraft must report a flight plan, "maintain two-way radio communications," and "respond in a timely and accurate manner" to identification inquiries. "China's armed forces will adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions," the statement said. The Chinese claimed that the zone came into effect last Saturday, November 23. Defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said China set up the area "with the aim of safeguarding state sovereignty, territorial land and air security, and maintaining flight order." "It is not directed against any specific country or target," Yang said. He also added that China "has always respected the freedom of over-flight in accordance with international law." So basically he just lied and wasted everyone's time. Experts agree that China just wants to test its neighbors and the US. China's greed is boundless - it probably even has its eye on the new volcanic island that formed in Japanese waters last week. What do you think? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daily videos brought to you by THE Taiwanese Animators behind the infamous Tiger Woods animation. We got the funniest animations on the web to help you stay in-the-know on all the trending stories, so sit back, relax, and watch a few. Visit our channel for your daily dose of Taiwanese Animations: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomoNewsUS Wish all your news was animated? Subscribe now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TomoNewsUS Can't get enough of Taiwanese animations? Connect with us here: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NMAtv Twitter @nmatv http://www.twitter.com/nmatv Tumblr http://nmatv.tumblr.com Google+ http://gplus.to/NMAtv Web http://us.tomonews.net/category/usa/category_usa/lolmode_usa/- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 7243
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BBC News US B 52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone
Two US B-52 bombers have flown over disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of ...
published: 27 Nov 2013
BBC News US B 52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone
BBC News US B 52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone
Two US B-52 bombers have flown over disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of new Chinese air defence rules, officials say. The islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, are a source of rising tension between Japan and China. Taiwan, which also claims the islands, expressed regret at the Chinese move to introduce an "air defence identification zone". Emily Thomas reports.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 6434

Chinese No-Fly Zone Gets Rebuke From Caroline Kennedy
US Ambassador to Japan calls for China to rethink policy that could increase tensions in t...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Chinese No-Fly Zone Gets Rebuke From Caroline Kennedy
Chinese No-Fly Zone Gets Rebuke From Caroline Kennedy
US Ambassador to Japan calls for China to rethink policy that could increase tensions in the region.- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 1458

U.S. B-52s Fly Over China's Defense Zone, and More
What's News: American B-52 bombers flew into China's new air defense zone. Pope Francis ...
published: 26 Nov 2013
U.S. B-52s Fly Over China's Defense Zone, and More
U.S. B-52s Fly Over China's Defense Zone, and More
What's News: American B-52 bombers flew into China's new air defense zone. Pope Francis criticizes economic inequality and tyranny of markets in manifesto. Critics see red over giant Louis Vuitton suitcase in Moscow's Red Square. Joanne Po reports. Click here to subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjlive Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJLive Visit the Wall Street Journal: www.wsj.com- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 22