- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 647
Akira may refer to:
Wicked Priest (Hebrew: הכהן הרשע; Romanized Hebrew: ha-kōhēn hā-rāš'ā) is a sobriquet used in the Dead Sea scrolls pesharim, four times in the Habakkuk Commentary (1QpHab) and once in the Commentary on Psalm 37 (4QpPsa), to refer to an opponent of the "Teacher of Righteousness." It has been suggested that the phrase is a pun on "ha-kōhēn hā-rōš", as meaning "the High Priest", but this is not the proper term for the High Priest. He is generally identified with a Hasmonean (Maccabean) High Priest or Priests. However, his exact identification remains controversial, and has been called "one of the knottiest problems connected with the Dead Sea Scrolls."
The most commonly argued-for single candidate is Jonathan Maccabaeus, followed by Simon Maccabaeus; the widespread acceptance of this view, despite its acknowledged weaknesses, has been dubbed the "Jonathan consensus." More recently, some scholars have argued that the sobriquet does not refer to only one individual. Most notably the "Groningen Hypothesis" advanced by García Martinez and van der Woude, argues for a series of six Wicked Priests.
音・人・旅【oto na tabi】 New Album 『Glocal Happiness Departure』(2016) https://www.amazon.co.jp/Glocal-Happiness-Departure-OGGI-1003/dp/B01J5HOC52/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1474562281&sr;=8-1&keywords;=%E8%8D%BB%E9%87%8E%E3%82%84%E3%81%99%E3%82%88%E3%81%97 All Guitars and Composition by Yasuyoshi Ogino ギタリスト/ソングライター 荻野やすよし Recording Member Sax 栗田洋輔 Yosuke Kurita (all songs) Trumpet 谷殿明良 Akira Tanidono (2,5,6,7,8,9,11) Violin,Viola 辺見康孝 Yasutaka Hemmi (1,3,4) Cello 平山織絵 Orie Hirayama (2,5,6,7,8,9,11) Cello 竹中裕深 Hiromi Takenaka (3) Oud 常味裕司 Yuji Tsunemi (4) Bass 関谷友貴 Tomotaka Sekiya (2,5,8,9,11) Bass 藤村竜也 Tatsuya Fujimura (1,3,4,10) Percussion 村尾コージ Koji Murao (6,7) Darbuka 森内清敬 Kiyotaka Moriuchi (4,6,7) Drums 松田“GORI”広士 Hiroshi“GORI”Matsuda (all songs except 6,7) Engineer 三輪卓也 Takuya Miwa
Go Behind the scenes with Johnny Michael & Da Funkyard for the making of "The Feel Good Song" Music video! Shout out to 50/50 Konlive, Qwes Kross, Akon and the Konvict Muzik family! MUSIC VIDEO COMING SOON~~~! CREDITS: Video production: Akira Production Music production: Ahmed Al-Kalby Green Screen lighting: Eddie Chavez Visual Effects: Philly Phil @ Inconsistent Pictures Green Screen Location: Haruki Murao Cheerleadrers: Desirae Sanchez & Latika Castillo SPONSORS: Vlado Footwear.com Red Monkey Xzavier Planet8clothing.com Rekixx Footwear
In the near future, the world is at war: the USR (the Undersea Silence Revolution or the Underwater Silence Revolution) a mysterious organization led by Admiral Red and his powerful submarine UX, wants to stop human exploitation of the seas, having torpedoed many ships and ports. The world's navies unite and form the Peace Keeping Navy, or PKN, to fight the "terrorists". Every major UN member contributed a submarine, though the Japanese entry is an old clunker, the 707, and it is running late to the inaugural meeting. When the meeting finally begins, Admiral Red and the UX come to spoil the show with a spread of torpedoes. Arriving late in the battle, Captain Youhei Hayami steers the 707 into the way of a torpedo launched at the supercarrier that serves as the PKN's flagship. His ship is d...
Action packed Kempo (karate) movie that was a big influence on Wang Yu when he wrote and directed the Chinese Boxer. Gorey, direct fighting and Wayakama chases the women as well. Maybe a little creepy and definitely sexist, this comes from a period where men could be ugly, but being masculine was sexy to women.
Sequel to the first film, five in all. Wayakama wanders the land again, kicking ass, seducing women and making things right with a little bit of tragedy thrown in. Shinkai must return a child to his uptight grandfather, a Judo master. Lots of action in this one!
第60回 全日本東西対抗剣道大会 男子 18将戦 平成26年9月22日(日)・【島根県】島根県立浜山体育館 60th All Japan TOZAI-TAIKO KENDO TAIKAI MEN 18-SHO 22, Sep, 2014 (Sun) SHIMANE HAMAYAMA TAIIKUKAN [赤](茨城)鍋山 隆弘 コメ- 杉山 彰(広島)[白] [Red](IBARAKI)NABEYAMA TAKAHIRO KM- SUGIYAMA AKIRA(HIROSHIMA)[White]
東映ビデオオンラインショップ http://shop.toei-video.co.jp/shop/ProductDetail.do?pid=DSTD03578 日本任侠史上最大の花会!鶴田浩二・高倉健の黄金コンビで放つ任侠超大作!舞台は昭和37年の関西と関東。時の政治を憂いて日本全国の名だたる親分衆が集結し、団結をはかるべく「大日本同志会」が結成されようとしていた。だが、折しも関西地区代表の神戸の組長が急死して...。関西の新しい利権に目をつけた関東博徒、関西二大勢力の一方がそんな関東と手を組み、一方は関西博徒の意地を貫いて相闘い、迎え撃つ物語。野望渦巻く闘いを背景に、義理と愛情に血を吹く男たちの姿を描きながら、鶴田浩二と高倉健の黄金コンビが義兄弟の盃を分かち、日本博徒の頂点に戦いを挑む任侠超大作。 ■脚本:村尾 昭■監督:山下耕作■出演:鶴田浩二/高倉 健/安部 徹/金子信雄/小山明子/山本麟一/名和 宏 ■映像特典(予告編/フォトギャラリー) ■カラー108分(本編)/ニュープリント・コンポーネントマスター/1.主音声:モノラル/片面1層/16:9 LB(シネスコ)/1969年4月公開作品 ■DSTD03578 ■ 4,725円