- published: 04 Jul 2017
- views: 350
Zlate is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.
In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1355.
The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 14.332 km². It has a population of about 745 people.
Coordinates: 49°20′N 21°12′E / 49.333°N 21.200°E / 49.333; 21.200
Who Looks for Gold? (Czech: Kdo hledá zlaté dno) is a 1974 Czechoslovak film drama directed by Jiří Menzel. Filmed during the construction of the Dalešice Dam, it is one of Menzel's least well-regarded works. It concerns a young man (Jan Hrušínský) who works on the construction of a dam after his return from military service. The film was entered into the 25th Berlin International Film Festival.
Vítěz Zlaté hokejky: Běhání v letní přípravě nahrazuju fotbalem, tenisem nebo hokejbalem
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy
Najväčšie tragédie Slovenska - Havária IL 18 Zlaté piesky
Kdo hledá zlaté dno Drama Československo 1974
Levné Jednoduché Zlaté Líčení | Zlaté Vánoce 2016
Zlaté časy ve Spessartu (Herrliche Zeiten im Spessart) czech dubbing
Hodová zábava Zlaté Klasy (18.9.2016)
SESTŘIH: Zbrojovka - Zlaté Moravce 1:1
O zlaté růži pekelné Audio pohádka
Celé video najdete na zbrusu novém webu www.hokejkatv.cz ►http://www.hokej.cz/tv/hokejka/video/2505 David Pastrňák je vítězem Zlaté hokejky 2017. Pojďte s námi nahlédnou do jeho letní přípravy. V tělocvičně nebo na atletickém oválu je to větší dřina než na ledě. Útočník Bostonu s tím ale problém nemá. Dokáže si přípravu naplánovat tak, aby ho bavila. Podívejte se, čím nahrazuje nepopulární dlouhé běhy, a kdo má podle něj největší sílu v NHL?
Film Československo, 1977, krimi...Policie přijíždí do bytu manželů Nejtkových, kde najdou mrtvou ženu, Evu Nejtkovou, a jejího zraněného manžela Zdeňka v bezvědomí, který se podle všeho postřelil brokovnicí. Vyšetřování se ujímá kapitán Hora, který s kolegy začíná zajišťovat stopy, které by pomohly případ objasnit. Zajímavá je pro Horu například skutečnost, že vrah, který zabil ženu úderem do hlavy a rozbil přitom velké akvárium, pečlivě posbíral zlaté rybičky a umístil je do malého akvária. Správný směr, kterým se má vyšetřování ubírat, policistům přihraje náhoda, když se jim podaří zadržet muže, který dodával Nejtkové přímo z výroby kartony přísně evidovaných léků, psychofarmak, která je pak prodávala narkomanům. Protože se však v bytě nenajdou ani drogy, aby peníze, které Nejtek krátce...
Kdo hledá zlaté dno Drama Československo 1974 Kdo hledá zlaté dno Drama Československo 1974 celý film komedie, celý film romantický, celý film česky, celý film 2014, celý filmy, celý filmy cz komedie, ledové království celý film, pohádky celý film, celý film česky, ledové království celý film česky, mrazík celý film česky celý film cz,
www.getthelouk.com Je libo každodenní look lehce protkaný zlatou nitkou? Tohle líčení můžete nosit v klidu do práce či do školy, ale furt mi trošku připomíná Vánoce. Zvlášť s červenou rtěnkou to bude super vánoční look! PRODUKTY, KTERÉ UKAZUJI: Sephora Glitterguard Eyeshadow Primer 24hr [Sephora, 290,-] Gabriella Salvete 10 Shades Palette (01 Rose) [Rosmmann] * Gabriella Salvete 10 Shades Palette (02 Nude) [Rosmmann] * Nocibé Intense Eyes Palette (LE) [Německo] NYX Matte Liquid Liner [www.nyxcosmetics.cz] Dermacol Devilash MASCARA [www.dermacol.cz] * Trend It Up Expert Illuminating Fluid & Base [DM, 129,-] * Rimmel Fresher Skin Foundation (103 True Ivory) [DM, 249-] * Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (01) [www.boots.uk.co] Dermacol Invisible Fixing Powder (light) [www.dermacol.cz...
Poslední z trilogie komedií o Spessartských strašidlech z roku 1967.
Sestřih přípravného utkání FC Zbrojovka Brno - FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce (1:1). Branky: 53. Jakúbek - 41. Gešnábel.
Morocco Travel Guide 2016, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2016, Morocco Trip 2016 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. It is just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Gibraltar. See in Morocco ================== At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning mosques, white-washed sea side to...
With one week in Prague, we hit the ground running trying to see and experience as much as we could in the Golden City. We had high expectations and Prague's beauty and charm managed to exceed all of them. It's a city we thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to share with you. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsam...
Get a copy of my things to do in Bangkok travel guide - http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/ "This eBook is a treasure for everyone in Bangkok" - Colleen Bowen Also, if you love Thai food, get a copy of my Eating Thai Food Guide here: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/ Bangkok is one of the most thrilling cities in the world to visit. With such a diversity of different attractions and a fascinating mixture of traditional fused with modern culture, the city offers something interesting for everyone. This video includes 25 of what I think are the absolute best things to do in Bangkok. I put together a range of different activities that consist of everything from Bangkok's zoo, its most revered temples and golden palaces, to the culinary options th...
North Korea lies somewhere between a 1930′s Soviet Union frozen in time and a dark, futuristic vision of society... as imagined back in the 70′s. "Land of Whispers" invites you to visit arguably the most unique and isolated travel destination in the world - not to criticize, but to observe and listen. Aside from usual highlights such as Pyongyang or Arirang, this unique one-man documentary brings you to areas such as Chongjin or Wonson, still virtually unknown to even google or wikipedia. There, I attempt to pierce through the ever-present 'national mythology' and as much as possible, I try to connect with people - such as the waitress mesmerized by tablet computers, or a tour guide cautiously fascinated by modern pop culture. * Third World Indie Film Festival 2013 (San Francisco, USA)...
Ouro Preto and Mariana are cities in the Minas Gerais state, near to which were big discoveries of gold. In both cities are located numerous churches with stunning golden decorations. In the mines around those cities, so much gold was mined, that in the 18th century they were one of the biggest gold producers to Portuguese kingdom. Nowadays this past wealth is reminded by rich decorations inside numerous churches of Ouro Preto and Mariana and by the Mina da Passagem, which is the biggest gold mine opened for tourists in the world. Ouro Preto with its pleasant atmosphere is a right city to learn something more about Brazilian history and to relax over a local meal or cachaca.
http://davidsbeenhere.com David's been here bring you to Zlaté Hrušky, an amazing restaurant in the Castle Quarter of Prague serving up top-notch international cuisine. DBH Unplugged heads into the kitchen to talk with the chef about the infamous duck plate, and David confirms the rumors- delicious! Check out Zlaté Hrušky and all Prague's top restaurants in the DBH Guide: Czech Republic.
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DIY clothes life hacks! In this life hacks video I show DIY clothes from old clothes, perfect for fashionable teenagers, kids or anyone else! DIY clothes for summer fashion video includes 10 DIY life hacks on how to recycle your old jeans, shirts into new amazing crafts. Check out Maddie's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG4jy2T_iw4 DIY clothes from old jeans are probably my fave. Patched jeans and denim jackets are a huge trend this season. Buying those in store can be pretty expensive. Luckily DIY patched jeans are super easy to DIY. I found my jeans in a thrift store for very cheap. Jeans patches can be bought on-line or in a craft store. All you need to do is iron your patches on the jeans or a denim jackets and you are finished! A donut floppy hat is a great way to revamp ...
Spend the day exploring Bratislava with Heels to Hiking Boots. Go into old town, take the free walking tour, eat some holusky and garlic soup and finish up the day with a trip to Zlate Piesky!
No te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste
un ingrato con mi pobre corazón,
porque el fuego de tus lindos ojos negros
alumbraron el camino de otro amor.
Y pensar que te adoraba tiernamente
que a tu lado como nunca me sentí,
y por esas cosas raras de la vida,
sin el beso de tu boca yo me vi.
Amor de mis amores!
Vida mía...
que me hiciste
que no puedo
sin poderte contemplar?
ya que pagaste mal a mi cariño tan sincero,
lo que conseguirás
que no te nombre nunca más...
Amor de mis amores!...
si dejaste
de quererme,
no hay cuidado
que la gente
de esto no se enterará...
qué gano con decir que un gran amor cambió mi suerte?
se burlarán de mí.
Que nadie sepa mi sufrir...