Liberty - Protecting civil liberties, promoting human rights

  • Season of Goodwill?

Immigration Bill

The "Go Home" van may be off the road, but unfortunately the Immigration Bill fell out the back.

This irresponsible and unworkable assortment of proposals would create a bureaucratic nightmare of border control in the wider community.

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  • No Snoopers' Charter

How would you feel if the content of your emails, texts, calls, social media messages were routinely stored and processed by the Government and retained for future use?

Well, it seems they are.

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  • Bill Tracker

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    Liberty Bill Tracker, image UK Parliament

Liberty News

10 December 2013

Human Rights Day: Growing public support for human rights protections

Today Liberty celebrates Human Rights Day by releasing polling data that shows growing public support for a law that protects rights and freedoms here in Britain. The ComRes polling, commissioned by the human rights group, revealed that 98 per cent of the public think it is “important” that there is a law protecting rights and freedoms in this country...

6 December 2013

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013

"To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." Nelson Mandela, 1918 - 2013. Nelson Mandela's death is an incredibly sad moment for the whole world and our thoughts are with those closest to him. He gave his life to the struggle for equality and human dignity, and his actions sent ripples of hope around the world that can still be felt today...

5 December 2013

Double your donation

It’s been a turbulent year for lovers of freedom. Revelations of shocking infringements on our individual privacy have shaken our trust. Unprecedented attacks on our legal system have undermined proud principles of open and accessible justice and the negative rhetoric surrounding human rights has escalated to an extraordinary scale...

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