Thursday, June 15, 2006

A brief history of President Eems

Whilst studying American history at University I read an intriguing snippet of information that made me do some extra curricular research into one of the most colourful but least known of all the American Presidents. I was reminded of this guy when I found out the lolly pop man near my house that I say hello to most mornings is called Percy Eems (although the president was called Flannery Eems)

I'll keep it short as a lot of people think history is boring and in truth there is not a great deal of info available on the man. I have got most of my facts from just three books so apologies for the narrow reference points.

In 1809 a heavily pregnant Pernilla Eems and her husband Aymon (later spelled Eamon) arrived at Ellis Island as immigrants from Dublin looking to make a new start in the land of opportunity. A 4 month voyage that saw 121 of the 700 passengers on board die had taken a real toll on Pernilla and there were genuine fears for the well being of her unborn child. Due to her delicate nature and faint links to English aristocracy (the history is very difficult to trace here but she always claimed that her ancestors - the Sneddons - had been granted lands in Ireland from the restored Charles II) the young couple were housed in a relatively well developed area of New York. The key to the story of President Eems was that he was born on his parents very first day in the States and thereby qualified to run for president some 40 years later as an American citizen.

I will jump ahead now to the actual terms of his presidency and then back fill some of the earlier details as this is fascinating stuff.

President Flannery Eems held office for a total of 17 days. During that time he replaced two supreme court judges, relocated the White house and was alleged to have assaulted 9 members of his staff including the then Attorney General Anthony Slice. The year was 1851.

In 1850 President Zachary Taylor died in office after choking on a fish bone. Taylor was the darling of the north and personally held the union together when the southern state leaders threatened to withdraw over rows concerning slavery in the Mexican states. In February 1850 President Taylor had held a stormy conference with southern leaders who threatened secession. He told them that if necessary to enforce the laws, he personally would lead the Army. Persons "taken in rebellion against the Union, he would hang ... with less reluctance than he had hanged deserters and spies in Mexico." He never wavered. His death in office caused great distress as some predicted it pre-empted the death of the union itself.

Enter Flannery Eems, a low level congressman representing the Lower East Side of New York (which in those times was the congressional ticket of New Conway). His staunch anti - southern speeches had raised his profile beyond his immediate area although his weekly column in the New York Shouter newspaper had won him few friends within the Senate. One memorable tirade in the paper saw Eems naming 25 fellow congressmen as "leaving unpleasant and fetid stench in the tea rooms due to poor hygene and a negro's diet".

But cometh the hour cometh the man. The Irish community foisted him towards running for leadership and the nervousness of the northern state leaders, rightly concerned about the economic devastation of a southern secession, allowed him a clear run for President. He had only two rivals on the ballot, incredibly one of these rivals was subsequently declared inelligible as he had 3 prosecutions for animal molestation. Eems took great joy in declaring "now the pig stroking, horse loving, dog kisser is out - let the nation decide between the good sense of the Irish and the flip flopping, question dodging Canadian"!!! The other rival, Stephen Penn, was not infact a Canadian but he was commonly referred to as such due to his many public appearances in which he insisted on carrying his axe. The party did indeed choose and Eems was given office on a vote of 12 - 6.

And so to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Construction ha begun on the White house when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President had made his own changes and additions. The White House is, after all, the President’s private home. The changes made by President Eems were perhaps a little overstated to say the least. He moved it to New York!!!! Of course he didn't physically move the White House but after just 5 days in office he claimed "not to care for the Washington way" and after knocking three state rooms into one to house his planned indoor zoo decided that home was where his heart was and packed up the entire contents and staff to be relocated to New York. He declared New York to be the capital of the Federal states and housed himself in the City's convention centre.

Those 12 days in the convention centre were referred to as "the twelve days America wants to forget" by Douglas Chops in his book "Americas forgotten leaders from Van Buren to Taft". The assaults on staff became commonplace and Eems seemed more keen to host lavish parties than run the country. He had been raised Catholic but held a deep resentment of organised religion (this only came out after he had been sworn in as religion still dominated American lives at this time). The hilariously named Cardinal Puppy, after a meeting with Eems in the convention centre, decared "God has seen fit to punish America by letting the callous lead the hopeful! This man is a charlatan of the highest order and his holding of office will set us back a year for every day". Eems responded to this by using $1,500 dollars of public money to put up the worlds's largest sign on the convention centre which read 'Eems can come true' which had been the slogan on which he had run for President.

The replacing of the judges would have been less controversial had Eems not ousted Lloyd Fairwater, a judge with 20 years experience and the respect of his peers, with his father. Eamon Eems was 73 and had not been legally employed in the 40 odd years that he had been in America. He was also Irish and medically insane both of which technically dis-barred him. Eems ran roughshod over these rules and threatened to use armed force if necessary if any group or individual attempted to stop his father becoming a judge. It is the only example in U.S. history of a declaration of war being drawn up against one man - a Chad Parnellow who vowed to 'heckle every case the man presides over'.

Assaults were commonplace and his staff turnover ran at 375% as so few interns lasted even one shift. It is not fully known whether it was one of these disgruntled staff members that pushed Eems to his death. His death certificate reads death by mis-adventure. America did not need an assisination to deal with and no post mortem was ever taken. Three eye witnesses were 'found' who saw President Eems walking along the railings of the 4th story balcony and is was reported that he fell when startled by a large swallow flying by.

So what a period of time. And massively under reported. I must admit even I hadn't heard of him before university. And there are so few books on him as America seems almost embarrassed by him.

All in all I am just glad to have brought this fascinating guy to your attention. If any of it were true it would be even better but you can't have everything! Now there's 7 minutes of your life wasted.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The armchair shouter

If you have never shouted at the television - piss off. I don't want your sort here. Weirdos.

Ideally I am now addressing telly shouters - if you throw beer cans I'm not entirely sure this is for you either, I mean, throwing beer cans, that's like one step away from beating your wife. And pull your vest down over your gut you fat can throwing wankers.

Good now that's them gone too.

Well I promised in the 10 tips and factoids post that I would provide you each with some solid racial stereotypes to get you through the world cup. I often disappoint (just ask the ladies) but not today!!! Today is all about supplying the good stuff. So much so you may well fart.

The comments are designed to help you with your shouting at the box. They are not exhaustive.

Germany - organised, efficient, prone to war.

Ecuador - As you would expect from a country that has the equator running through it - these boys are generally warm. They would sell their own mothers for a gun and ammo though.

Costa Rica - Just shout He'll Costa Packet at their good players. Just shout Costa Coffee at all other times.

Poland - A rubbish Germany. Also prone to invasion and then moaning.

Argentina - sulky, swarthy, skillfull. "you don't roll about if you are genuinely hurt" Are there no barbers in Argentina?

Holland - druggy porn barons. They'll fuck anything.

Ivory Coast - exciting to watch but I wouldn't want my daughter marrying one.

Serbia - nasty pieces of work. Or were they the goodies? Who cares.

Czech Republic - Germany with a less chequered past. (Czech-ered past)

Italy - Do use the term wop

Ghana - probably dirty, might not know the rules

USA - keep saying overtime or period - that'll show people you are funny.

France - Ah the frogs. Remember they smell, they are good lovers, their women don't shave, they like to protest.

South Korea - Be careful not to mix them up with their war mongering neighbours to the north, these are the funky easy going yank lovers.

Togo - Yeah...Togo...Erm...Good luck to 'em. I'll take my sandwich to go

Switzerland - Chocolate, clocks and army knives. And cheese.

England - no comment
Trinidad & Tobago - Anything goes here, just add "man" to whatever you shout. And make it about drugs cos they are all on drugs. They love their drugs.

Paraguay - Latin tempers, fiery characters. They are not Uruguay apparently.

Sweden - Say hoodle boodle. And then go on about Porn.

Mexico - Do use the term Gringo when doing your impression. And don't trust them.

Portugal - It's like Spain's conservatory. They used to own a lot of the planet and were right bastards. Compare Ronaldho to a giraffe.

Angola - Just wish them well and be on your way. It's nice that they're not fighting for a few weeks. Don't accidently make a reference to sweaters - that's Angorra you spoon.

Iran - Careful - they may soon have the bomb. The word plucky must be used.

Australia - They already have poisonous spiders and snakes, sharks, dingos, excessive heat, abo's and mad max to deal with - you aren't going to upset them any further. Try "what the hell was that you boomerang throwing boat sinker"

Brazil - refer to playing barefoot on the streets of Sau Paulo, beach soccer and samba spirit. But please be quiet when the camera finds the dancing ladies - often their nipples are visible through their shirts. This is to be applauded.

Croatia - Haven't I done this one? No that was Serbia. They are all the same. Nasty people.

Japan - They are tryers. God love em. They have vending machines on the streets selling soiled panties you know - this says it all.

Spain - they sulk, they disappoint and they sulk some more. I love these guys. For shouting purposes stick with Spic.

Tunisia - Camels, sand and towels. Anything else? Oh yeah dying in boats trying to get to mainland Europe. I say boats they often sail in bath tubs, on li-lo's or even just by trying to shout their way across.

Saudi Arabia - they'll chop your hands off if you touch their women. I'd chop your head off you are obviously a fool. Their women are unpleasant.

Ukraine - They breed them hard in the Ukraine. Be careful. Snow, Chicken Kiev, oil. They don't wear short shorts as they know that if you wear short shorts there is a chance that Chernobyl Fallout.

This has not been a funny post. I am sorry. There are too many teams and I have held back on my xenophobia. Just don't look at me.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Citizen Clive and his funny face

There is no Clive.

The title was mis-leading. I have used words that would draw in the reader such as Clive and funny and face and Clive. And now the reader is here and reading I can give them important information that they may otherwise have avoided or ignored. I call them 10 tips or factoids from Patrick Duffy that you ought to know.

Tip or Factoid 1
  • Placing a plastic bag over the head of a mop or brush does not disguise it or make it easier to carry. It is a common practice used by hardware stores to assist the customer with proof of purchase. A keen security guard knows to 'stand down' upon seeing a plastic bag over the head of a mop or brush as it has been purchased rather than stolen. Lazier cashiers sometimes just tape a bag around the handle. I disapprove of this practice.

Tip or Factoid 2

  • All words are anagrams of themselves. Scary but true.

Tip or Factoid 3

  • If you have trouble remembering telephone numbers then all you need to do is create a picture association story in your head. This comes from all leading memory experts. For example my local sexually transmitted disease clinic has the telephone number 02084347892. I used to find this difficult to remember until I linked it to the following: I woke up this morning and said no to drugs (the 0 and the 2 you see). My dealer said in that case he is leaving so I shouted Oh wait (the 0 and the 8 you see). I actually want 43 ecstasy pills (the 4 and the 3 you see) and 47 wraps of speed (the 4 and the 7 you see). My dealer agreed and we decided to have breakfast. For a dare my dealer consumed just under ten weetabix, so as not to be left out I ate nine too (the 8, the 9 and the 2 you see). Such an easy way to remember the phone number for the STD clinic. However it often takes so long that by the time I make the call the eggs have hatched and the little fellas have made their own way out.

Tip or Factoid 4

  • If you need to cry whilst filming an emotional scene do not think about war, famine or dead relatives. Picture yourself crying. This emotional vision will be enough to make you cry. Nobody can bare to see themselves cry. I mean it's you, you're a nice guy, and you're crying. That is so moving. For realism have snot drip from your nose.

Tip or Factoid 5

  • There are at least 4 seats in every theatre or cinema that are kept off sale just in case of emergency. They are usually called 'house seats'. Therefore full is never full and if you hold your ground against a weak manager you will always get in. Strong managers will not relent and once you start to make a scene will infact refuse you entrance point blank and kick you out and cut you up in the car park. You lie there bleeding and scared on the wet floor just because you were adamant that you were going to see George of the Jungle. You idiot.

Tip or Factoid 6

  • Save time in the mornings by not brushing your teeth or washing your face. Simply eat a polo mint, or foxes glacier mint, or extra strong mint, or trebor mint, or a soft mint, or a mint imperial, or jaffa cake and you will be fine. As for the face wash....gents should grow a beard and the ladies go arab!

Tip or Factoid 7

  • The polar ice caps are melting. As a result polar bears and penguins are getting wet heads!!!!!! hahahahaha (because their ice - caps are melting....caps as in hats....hahahaha)

Tip or Factoid 8

  • During the upcoming World Cup stick rigidly to well established racial stereotypes only. This is not the time to start indroducing your own you loon. I will post shortly with ALL of the permitted stereotypes.

Tip or Factoid 9

  • There are 10 tips or factoids in total. This is a factoid.

Tip or Factoid 10

  • Men - If you keep your eyes open when sneezing your cock flies off. Women...your fanny bursts. Do not ruin your life trying to prove me wrong.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Full Metal Jacket Potato

hahahahahaha - Full Metal Jacket Potato, I've made a food out of a film. There are probably others I could do...let me think...erm...I'm thinking of food and then trying to get a film...lasagna...chicken and vegetable pie...hmmm...maybe tink of a film and then get the food...erm...Dr. Vs Kramer....oh.

The loneliness of the long distance runner bean - yes.

So how are you all? I ask foolishly assuming there's anybody out there.

It's not easy being green - sang Megadeath in 1983 and let me tell you it isn't. I have come to work naked and painted green today and you should see some of the looks I've been getting. People seem to treat me differently due to being green. Racists. Now I know how Martin Luther King felt - cold.

Reservoir Hot Dogs - yes.

To me the idea of a wallet is to keep my money in, keep my credit cards in and to keep a condom in. The condom is for emergency use - possibly involving a child who needs a balloon model of a puppy, or if they are just fit! However a man on the tube this morning used his wallet as a pillow!!!! Seriously he leant his head back against the window and didn't like it so he balanced his wallet 'tween head and window and seemed a little happier. Or at least pretended to be happier - I mean you're not going to admit to being wrong on that call are you? "yeah I was uncomfortable so balanced my wallet behind my head...but it didn't work...oddly" So it was probably more lies in an already deceptive world.

Curly Soup - yes.

Well this was only a quick piss. Not some sort of long piss. Or a poo and piss. So I'm leaving. And I'm not washing my hands.

Saving Private Sausage, Egg, Chips and Beans -

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This ain't Patrick's day

Do you see what I've done there!!! This ain't Patrick's day - it's like saying The Saint Patrick's day. It's almost exactly the same. But different. And it was all done for your amusement and pleasure. The title is actually a fib - as I believe it is Patrick's day!!! Not Saint Patrick's day you understand - that was the 17th of March - but Patrick Duffty's day. And I'm Patrick Duffy.

And the reason it is my day? Well it just is. Don't begrudge this you nasties, let me enjoy it.

Okay I'll tell you. I have been made the sovereign leader of an island near Fiji. As King I have total control over the island and both it's inhabitants. A man called called Petrol and his wife Pete. I also have my face on a stamp and I'm composing a new national anthem. If I can't think of anything good I'm just gonna use Rock Me Amadeus by Falco.

I am lobbying to become a part of the United Nations, if only to meet Hans Blix and party in Luxemburg. I hope they accept my country. Weirdly it is called 17.

The island (well Petrol and Pete) survives economically by exporting bilge pumps - and every boat needs a bilge pump. Being an island it has an obvious affinity with the sea and shipping. Petrol can build a bilge pump using only coconuts and luck in 15 minutes flat. Pete is good at holding his coat. When I first met the inhabitants we laughed and laughed about bilge pumps. I said that their business was 'sinking' Petrol replied that he hoped that their profits would 'sail' away when he 'floated' the company. Pete just sang 'pump' up the jam. Happy days. I think it was the bilge mockery that convinced me life there could be great. That and Pete's radio controlled car which was brilliant.

So if my posts here suddenly stop it is because I am sitting on my throne - overseeing life on the island of 17. And probably smiling.

Obviously if anything goes wrong I will be back - hahaha I sound like that movie star...Denholm Elliot - "I'll be back"!!! Or was it Meryl Streep?

Anyway live long and prosper losers - I am king of an island and you are not!!!


That's it.

I'm outta here.


Thursday, March 30, 2006

I am the Walnut goo goo g'joob

Oh those Beatles, always singing about nuts. They should team up with Marc Almond (almonds), tour Brazil (brazil nuts) and shoot dead a woman called Hazel (Hazel nuts). The police would shout "oy beatles we'll Cashew (Cashew nuts) if it's the last thing we do". The Beatles could hide in a nightclub called Chio's. They could have a few drinks and end up pissed at Chio's (pistachios). They would ask some people to help them but they are engrossed in some sort of strategy game. "Help us" pleads Ringo, "we are busy" replies a seated man, "can't you see we are all chess nuts (chestnuts). "I'm bursting for the loo" moans George "and this club only seems to have tins to go in". "Oh I've heard about these pee cans (pecans) says John. Three of the fab four then noticed that Paul was missing. They found him holding a sword and touching it against the shoulders of an old lady. "I knight you in the name of the Beatles" says Paul. "Stop man, you can't make a Dame 'ere (Macadamia) - it's a nightclub" screams Ringo.

Do you see what I did there? I eased the names of the Beatles into a story about nuts!!!!!!

So how the devil is everybody? I am 43% satisfied with my life today.

How deep do you reckon the deepest puddle in the world is? A doctor on his way to Gloucester famously fell into one up to his middle and even if he were only of average height that's a pretty deep puddle. When does a puddle become a pond? I mean, up to his middle!!!!! That's outrageous. And the man was a doctor. Only trying to help people and that happened. Fuck you Karma. Unless he was one of those bad doctors....dentists I think they are called.

I might go swimming at the weekend. I like swimming. Obviously I might not - it's my weekend and who the funk are you to make demands of me?

Well it's time for my nap. Alan Sugar is coming round my house later to fire my wife and I want to look my best for him.

Live long and prosper...wazzocks


Friday, March 24, 2006

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head...

..."What's the weather like up there", "did your mum put you in a grow bag?", it's a good job you're not scared of heights", "freeeeeeak" hahahahahaha- being tall is so funny, you get to hear shite like this all the time, hahahahaha it's so fucking funny. Until I innocently retort...

"why don't you shut the fuck up or I'll rip out your tongue and shove it so far up your arsehole it will need it's own hat. You self absorbed piece of fucking shit. There's a trolley at the other end of the car park - aren't you supposed to put it with the others for £3.50 an hour you unsightly stain of a man. Your roll ups are all loose and that hair is worthy of it's own tv channel. And die."

Then the mood seems to change.

I like being tall sometimes, I love seeing over walls and stuff. Mostly it's not good though. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade it for being a stump. A diddy little pointless cough drop always having to get help when I want pickle from the shop. Why do they stock the pickle so high? Is it adult pickle? It says "now with smaller chunks for sandwiches" that doesn't sound rude. Unless the chunks are spunk drops and the sandwiches are two women. No three. No two. Three is too would just have to entertain themselves - I'm not comfortable with that. Probably just one actually. I can survive a bored look in two eyes but four would be hurtful.


Today was an odd day. I was being stared at on the tube by a middle aged frumpy lady. I thought 'what's she staring at?' Then I remembered that I was strangling a dog for charity. It probably looked a bit strange to her so I tried to mouth the word charity to her but I think I mouthed the word 'burrito' instead. She got off at Balham.

The dog strangling raised £17 for Allied carpets - the ailing carpet superstore. I enjoy charity work. I ate peanuts for children in need once and even tutted for comic relief. Lenny Henry said I was "alright" by him. You can't buy pride like that. When an action is endorsed by a celebrity it feels so amazing. John Sessions once endorsed my socks on a night bus and Adam Hart Davis endorsed my sideburns at a funfair. Proud moments all.

Well no time for love Dr. Jones as the annoying oriental kid says in Temple of Doom. And by that I mean I'm outta here. And by that I mean I'm leaving.

Goodnight sports fans.