The Wayback Machine -
'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in
Pamkutya - Őszinte rapper
Wisin & Yandel - Pam Pam
Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery
Siri en Español -
'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid  Balti 2014
True Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05
Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
NFL Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets
Mc Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)


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Found (2012)


FOUND is a short film about a young woman trapped on the floor of a cabin who must escape the bonds of a serial killer. This footage is presented through the lens of a seemingly sentient camera, working by itself to capture as much of the horror as possible.

Keywords: experimental, found-footage, independent-film, long-take



The camera is watching...

Love on the Sly (2012)


Sean and Louise are spatting on-camera during their cooking show, Blokes in the Kitchen. Sean has gone too far this time when he accuses Louise of being an expert on cocks - and he's not talking poultry. What flipped him into a serious meltdown? What did he see in the spa when he visited his lover, Ben? Sean is ready to kill someone. But is it Louise or Ben? And who does Ben want - Sean or Louise? Maybe both. Set in the beautiful Hawkesbury River valley, near Sydney, this Australian short is from one-time Santa Fe resident, Derek Fowell.


Pam Filmography

Pam Filmography

Make changes yourself !

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'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:55
  • Updated: 29 Jan 2014

'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
  • published: 29 Jan 2014
  • views: 29820'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:40
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in "Scary Movie 3"

Hot scene with Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in "Scary Movie 3" Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in "Scary Movie 3"
Pamkutya - Őszinte rapper
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:54
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Pamkutya - Őszinte rapper

FACEBOOK: Pam-póló rendelés: Pam, Béla és Pista most nem parodizálnak, hanem az életükről ra...
  • published: 16 Dec 2012
  • views: 485868
  • author: PamKutya - Őszinte rapper
Wisin & Yandel - Pam Pam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Wisin & Yandel - Pam Pam

Music video by Wisin & Yandel performing Pam Pam. (C) 2006 Machete Music. & Yandel - Pam Pam
Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:51
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery

While vacationing in Hawaii, we got a picture of Rick Salomon and Pam Anderson, but where is Pam in this picture? Oh ...
  • published: 17 Aug 2013
  • views: 24441 Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery
Siri en Español -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:13
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Siri en Español - " Pam vs Siri "

Por fin Siri en español!!!! ¿Os gusta mi fondo de pantalla? SÍGUEME EN TWITTER: SÍGUEME EN FACEBOOK :
  • published: 20 Sep 2012
  • views: 89903
  • author: Desahogada en Español - " Pam vs Siri "
'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid  Balti 2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:55
  • Updated: 29 Jan 2014

'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid Balti 2014

  • published: 29 Jan 2014
  • views: 9841'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid Balti 2014
True Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:16
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013

True Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05

  • published: 15 Jul 2013
  • views: 511 Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05
Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:43
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2013

Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)

R U guys ready for the warm and exciting carols with Sexy 7 Santa Claus? 7 stylish girls' back with hiphop Christmas carol "La Pam Pam Pa", which is whole new interpretation for the song "Little Drummer Boy"! The song contains Wa$$up's unique shouts and thoughts, and also the rapping of rookie rapper Pharaoh and Gem. 힙합 걸그룹 와썹이 크리스마스 시즌에 맞추어 섹시한 산타로 변신한다! 힙합 넘버 "라팜팜파"는 북치는 소년의 새로운 해석으로 와썹만의 톡톡튀는 스타일에 신인 랩퍼 Pharoh, Gem의 스타일리쉬한 랩핑이 가미되어 신나면서도 따뜻한 크리스마스가 느껴지는 분위기의 곡이다. Youtube Facebook Twitter Music video by Wa$$up performing La Pam Pam Pa. (C) 2013 Mafia Records, Sony Music Entertainment Korea.
  • published: 19 Dec 2013
  • views: 2635$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke

MC Pam visszatért és keményebb, mint valaha... Zenei alap:
  • published: 24 Apr 2011
  • views: 444086
  • author: PamKutya 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
NFL Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:05
  • Updated: 01 Feb 2014

NFL Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets

Fox Sports NFL sideline reporter Pam Oliver talks to the Wall Street Journal's Lee Hawkins about her journey to the top of the sports journalism field, the recent firestorm of negative social media comments about her hair, the advice she gives to women who aspire to become sports reporters, and covering the NFL and the Super Bowl.
  • published: 01 Feb 2014
  • views: 164 Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets
Mc Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 27 Oct 2013

Mc Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)

Senta em min xerekão kika em min xerekinha (88' ADC ou Segue ae"
  • published: 27 Oct 2013
  • views: 41497 Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)
Jolly Pam-Pam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Jolly Pam-Pam

Jolly Pam-Pam. Pam-Pam
Pam Ann : easyJet, Air France & British Airways
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:37
  • Updated: 22 Dec 2013

Pam Ann : easyJet, Air France & British Airways

Pam Ann live from Paris reacting on easyJet, Air France and British Airways. Check out Pam Ann on Alitalia :
  • published: 22 Dec 2013
  • views: 269 Ann : easyJet, Air France & British Airways
  • 'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
    'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
  • Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in
    Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy in "Scary Movie 3"
  • Pamkutya - Őszinte rapper
    Pamkutya - Őszinte rapper
  • Wisin & Yandel - Pam Pam
    Wisin & Yandel - Pam Pam
  • Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery
    Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon's Underwater Mystery
  • Siri en Español -
    Siri en Español - " Pam vs Siri "
  • 'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid  Balti 2014
    'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid Balti 2014
  • True Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05
    True Blood Pam, Tara, Jessica 6x05
  • Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
    Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
  • Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
    Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
  • NFL Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets
    NFL Reporter Pam Oliver on Her Career & Mean Tweets
  • Mc Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)
    Mc Magrinho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamento 2014)
  • Jolly Pam-Pam
    Jolly Pam-Pam
  • Pam Ann : easyJet, Air France & British Airways
    Pam Ann : easyJet, Air France & British Airways

'Pa pam Pa pam', nouveau single de Balti!
  • published: 29 Jan 2014
  • views: 29820

'Pa pam Pa pam', nou­veau sin­gle de Balti!
www.​mosaiquefm.​net www.​facebook.​com/​mosaiquefm...​
pub­lished: 29 Jan 2014
Pamela An­der­son and Jenny Mc­Carthy in "Scary Movie 3"
Hot scene with Pamela An­der­son and Jenny Mc­Carthy in "Scary Movie 3"...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2012
au­thor: stal­lion4life
Pamkutya - Ősz­inte rap­per
FACE­BOOK: http://​www.​facebook.​com/​pamkutya Pam-póló ren­delés: http://​www.​pamkutya.​hu/​shop....​
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2012
au­thor: PamKutya
Wisin & Yan­del - Pam Pam
Music video by Wisin & Yan­del per­form­ing Pam Pam. (C) 2006 Ma­chete Music....
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2010
Pam An­der­son and Rick Sa­lomon's Un­der­wa­ter Mys­tery
While va­ca­tion­ing in Hawaii, we got a pic­ture of Rick Sa­lomon and Pam An­der­son, but where ...
pub­lished: 17 Aug 2013
Siri en Español - " Pam vs Siri "
Por fin Siri en español!!!! ¿Os gusta mi fondo de pan­talla? SÍGUEME EN TWIT­TER: https://tw...
pub­lished: 20 Sep 2012
'Pa pam Pa pam', jdid Balti 2014
pub­lished: 29 Jan 2014
True Blood Pam, Tara, Jes­si­ca 6x05
pub­lished: 15 Jul 2013
Wa$$up (와썹) - La Pam Pam Pa (라팜팜파)
R U guys ready for the warm and ex­cit­ing car­ols with Sexy 7 Santa Claus? 7 stylish girls' ...
pub­lished: 19 Dec 2013
Pam 21. rész - MC Pam feat. MC Csirke
MC Pam vis­szatért és keményebb, mint vala­ha... Zenei alap: http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=...​
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2011
au­thor: PamKutya
NFL Re­porter Pam Oliv­er on Her Ca­reer & Mean Tweets
Fox Sports NFL side­line re­porter Pam Oliv­er talks to the Wall Street Jour­nal's Lee Hawkins...
pub­lished: 01 Feb 2014
Mc Ma­grin­ho - Senta em Mim Xerecão hey ♪ [Pam pam pam pam hoy] (Lançamen­to 2014)
Senta em min xerekão kika em min xerek­in­ha (88' ADC ou Segue ae" http://​www.​facebook.​com...
pub­lished: 27 Oct 2013
Jolly Pam-Pam
Jolly Pam-Pam....
pub­lished: 04 Feb 2013
Pam Ann : easy­Jet, Air France & British Air­ways
Pam Ann live from Paris re­act­ing on easy­Jet, Air France and British Air­ways. Check out Pam...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2013
Youtube results:
Pam Ann - ABC Spoof [HD]
Pam Ann - ABC Spoof....
pub­lished: 15 May 2013
Pam 23. rész - Az Utolsó Kutya
Pamkutya és Béla első Hol­ly­wood-i film­je. A film­ben használt zenék: http://​www.​youtube.​com...
pub­lished: 23 Jun 2011
au­thor: PamKutya
PIM! PAM! TIRA­CO!! - c/ Alex y sTaXx | Garry`s Mod (Trou­ble in Ter­ror­ist Town) #39
Ep An­te­ri­or: http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=EDld1HBG3Ww ►►► Te ha gus­ta­do el Video? Suscri...
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2014
EL PAM PAM by Ce­cil­ia Gayle Of­fi­cial Chore­og­ra­phy 2014 (Ballo di Grup­po)
EL PAM PAM: core­ografia uf­fi­ciale di uno dei clas­si­ci e più popo­lari balli di grup­po balla...
pub­lished: 24 Jan 2014
photo: WN / RTayco
Malaysia Airlines booth at the 18th PTAA Travel and Tour Expo 2011 at SMX Mall of Asia, as seen in this February 20, 2011 photo.
The Times of India
12 Mar 2014
BEIJING/SINGAPORE. Shot down by a military jet. Blown up by terrorists. Hijacked by elves. Ranging from the barely believable to the wildly absurd, popular theories about the fate of a missing Malaysian airliner circulate widely even as anguished relatives wait for news of its 239 passengers and crew ... While they still cannot rule out a hijacking or bomb, officials seem increasingly sceptical that foul play caused its disappearance ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
photo: Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, 5 March, 2014, Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region, Russia.
13 Mar 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Just after Vladimir Putin replaced Boris Yeltsin as Russia's new leader, he shared an insightful story concerning his political mindset. Growing up in one of Russia's many post World War II poverty-stricken communes, he would often chase hordes of rats around with sticks ... Surprised and frightened, the rat was now chasing Putin ... Since 1783, Russia has had a naval presence in Crimea ... 3/5/14....(size: 5.4Kb)
photo: AP / Bebeto Matthews
Firefighters continue to investigate and remove debris from an explosion in Harlem, Wednesday, March 12, 2014 in New York.
ABC News
13 Mar 2014
Share. ABC Entertainment News . ABC Business News Copy. The death toll in Wednesday’s suspected gas explosion and building collapse in New York City has risen to six, with three additional victims found early this morning. Investigators found the bodies of two adult males and one adult female this morning, ABC News has confirmed. Several people are reported missing and have not yet been found, FDNY officials said ... ....(size: 2.4Kb)
photo: AP
Vietnamese Air Force Col. Pham Minh Tuan uses binoculars on board a flying aircraft during a mission to search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Gulf of Thailand over the location where Chinese satellite images showed possible debris from the missing Malaysian jetliner, Thursday, March 13, 2014.
BBC News
13 Mar 2014
China's Premier Li Keqiang has pledged to continue search efforts for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight "as long as there is a glimmer of hope". His comments came as Vietnam and Malaysia investigated satellite images released by China that appeared to show possible debris in the South China Sea. However, previous sightings of possible debris have proved fruitless ... China's civil aviation chief Li Jiaxiang said ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Heri Juanda
A member of Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) uses a binocular to scan the horizon during a search operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 conducted on the waters of the Strait of Malacca off Sumatra island, Indonesia, Wednesday, March 12, 2014.
Yahoo Daily News
12 Mar 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — The last message from the cockpit of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight was routine. "All right, good night," was the signoff transmitted to air traffic controllers five days ago. Then the Boeing 777 vanished as it cruised over the South China Sea toward Vietnam, and nothing has been seen or heard of the jetliner since ... Air force chief Gen ... about 200 miles (320 kilometers) northwest of Penang....(size: 7.9Kb)

14 Mar 2014
(Source. Logan City Council). Published. 14 March 2014. Jude Munro, Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen and Mayor Pam Parker will head to the nation's capital, Canberra, to argue for greater support in Logan. When you need to get your views across, quite often the best plan is to go directly to the source. That is exactly what Logan Mayor Pam Parker and a representative of the City of Choice Leadership Team are doing this month....(size: 2.8Kb)
The Daily Mail
14 Mar 2014
Late morning, April 2003, and for the tenth time in two hours I called my cousin Pam's mobile. Again there was no answer, and I was beginning to worry writes SALLY JONES. ....(size: 0.2Kb)
Times Union
14 Mar 2014
For the first time in a good while, the howling in the corridors of the state Capitol Thursday wasn't all human ... Honored were. ... •Pam Burns and her dog Brick, who helps train other dogs to ensure they're suitable for Homeland Security work. ....(size: 1.4Kb)
The Hollywood Reporter
14 Mar 2014
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Email Print Comments. The role is in second position to the Fox's critically praised but low-rated freshman comedy. FOX. Geoff Stults. Enlisted star Geoff Stults has set up a contingency plan.our editor recommends ... 'Enlisted' EPs on Getting Military Attention, Working With Vets and Shipping Out ... FanFare's Jamie Tarses is also on board to exec produce alongside How I Met Your Mother's Pam Fryman, who is set to direct ... 0 ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
14 Mar 2014
(Source. Logan City Council). Published. 14 March 2014. More than 300 entries have already been received in Logan City Council's Hidden Gems photo competition, just one week since it opened. The photos, submitted by both semi-professional and amateur photographers, reveal some of the community's favourite people, places and activities. Mayor Pam Parker said she was thrilled with the positive feedback received from the community ... (noodl....(size: 2.5Kb)
San Francisco Chronicle
14 Mar 2014
Q. I'm looking for information about ground cherry, whether it is possible to grow it in Northern California, and if so, how to do it. My friends and I ate it all the time in my childhood back in Burma. I read about ground cherry growing successfully in The Chronicle's rooftop garden, so I'm writing to ask for your advice ... A ... Pam Peirce is the author of "Golden Gate Gardening" and blogs at http.//golden ... ....(size: 4.4Kb)
The Miami Herald
14 Mar 2014
TALLAHASSEE -- With their bill to suspend Florida’s new education benchmarks stalled in the Legislature, opponents of the Common Core State Standards are pursuing a new strategy. They are turning the heat up on Gov. Rick Scott ... conservative families and Tea Party groups ... They pushed state Rep ... And Education Commissioner Pam Stewart is expected to select the new state assessments that will accompany the benchmarks later this month ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
New York Post Online
14 Mar 2014
Partying on St. Patrick’s Day doesn’t have to mean swilling astringent Irish whiskey or cheaply dyed suds. Instead, use the holiday as an excuse to explore some unusual green concoctions. Think herbaceous gin and cucumber or tequila with celery juice ... Sláinte! The Close Haul ... Astrid Stawiar ... This festive punch is a perfect beverage to celebrate St ... “We wanted to really show off its versatility,” says Dead Rabbit bartender Pam Wiznitzer ... ....(size: 5.4Kb)
Seattle Post
13 Mar 2014
Pam Harrington Exclusives, a full service real estate company serving Charleston, Kiawah Island and Seabrook Island, South Carolina, launched a new responsive website that offers a great experience on desktops, tablets and mobile phones ... The site’s new capabilities will allow Pam Harrington Exclusives to better understand how their visitors are engaging with the site and cater content and features to suit visitors’ needs and desires....(size: 2.9Kb)
York Press
13 Mar 2014
Pam Grimmond in her Markington studio ... Pam Grimmond felt compelled to paint them, and so began an artist’s life that has flourished since those Stoke-on-Trent childhood beginnings ... It was at school that Pam’s talent was first spotted....(size: 1.2Kb)
13 Mar 2014
ADVS), a leading provider of software and services for the global investment management industry, today announced that Advent Portfolio Exchange® (APX) has been named "Best Technology Platform" at this year's Private Asset Management (PAM) Awards held on Monday, February 24th ... "PAM is excited to present this year's best technology platform award to Advent Software....(size: 3.1Kb)
13 Mar 2014
One of the biggest names behind Hooters in Southwest Florida has died ... "He just was a great guy ... Pam and Tom Cronin met Lageschulte before his success ... "He would do anything for anybody and just had more friends than anybody I know," Pam Cronin said ... Advertise. Advertise. Advertise ... Shortly after, Hooters exploded ... "He was just as full of life and fun, and he just stayed the same right on through," Pam Cronin said ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
13 Mar 2014
ADVS), a leading provider of software and services for the global investment management industry, today announced that Advent Portfolio Exchange® (APX) has been named "Best Technology Platform" at this year's Private Asset Management (PAM) Awards held on Monday, February 24th ... "PAM is excited to present this year's best technology platform award to Advent Software....(size: 3.6Kb)

Pam or PAM may refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967) is a Canadian actress, model, producer, author, activist, and former showgirl, known for her roles on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatch, and V.I.P. She was chosen as a Playmate of the Month for Playboy magazine in February 1990. For a time, she was known as Pamela Anderson Lee (or Pamela Lee) after marrying Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee. She maintains dual American and Canadian citizenship.

Anderson was born in Ladysmith, British Columbia, the daughter of Barry, a furnace repairman, and Carol (née Grosco) Anderson, a waitress. Her great-grandfather, Juho Hyytiäinen, was Finnish, a native of Saarijärvi, and left the Grand Duchy of Finland (which was a part of the Russian Empire at the time) in 1908, changing his name to Anderson when he arrived as an immigrant. Anderson also has Russian ancestry on her mother's side.

After graduating from Highland Secondary School in 1985, Anderson moved to Vancouver and worked as a fitness instructor. During the summer of 1989, Anderson went with her friends to a BC Lions game at BC Place, and during the game she was shown on the stadium screen wearing a Labatt's t-shirt, causing the crowd to cheer for the 21-year-old Anderson. She was taken down to the field to receive an ovation from the crowd. Her photographer boyfriend Dan Ilicic produced the Blue Zone Girl poster on his own. In October 1989 she appeared as the cover girl on Playboy magazine. At this stage in her modelling career, she had decided to live in Los Angeles to further pursue her career ambitions. She became a centrefold for Playboy when the magazine chose her to be their Playmate of the Month for their February 1990 issue. She then chose to get breast implants. Anderson has since appeared in Playboy several times in the 1990s and 2000s.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Jennifer Ann "Jenny" McCarthy (born November 1, 1972) is an American model, comedian, actress, author, activist, and game show host. She began her career in 1993 as a nude model for Playboy magazine and was later named their Playmate of the Year. McCarthy then parlayed her Playboy fame into a successful television and film acting career. Most recently, she has written books about parenting, and has become an activist promoting the claims that vaccines cause autism and that chelation therapy helps cure it—both claims are considered false by the medical community.

McCarthy was born in Evergreen Park, Illinois to a middle-class Catholic family of Polish and Irish descent. She lived in the West Elsdon neighborhood of Chicago. She is the second of four daughters; her sisters are named Lynette, Joanne and Amy. Her cousin is Academy Award-nominated actress Melissa McCarthy of Bridesmaids and Mike and Molly. McCarthy's mother, Linda, was a housewife and courtroom custodian, and her father, Dan McCarthy, was a steel mill foreman.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Richard Allan "Rick" Salomon (born January 24, 1968) is a film producer, celebutante, and online gambling website owner known for his relationships with various female celebrities, including E.G. Daily, Shannen Doherty, Paris Hilton, and Pamela Anderson.

Salomon was born in Neptune, New Jersey, the son of a former executive vice president at Warner Bros., Robert Jess Salomon. He grew up in Wayside, New Jersey. He owned an online gambling site.

Salomon appeared on season two of PokerStars Big Game during week two.

In 2003, a sex tape featuring Salomon and then-girlfriend Paris Hilton was leaked onto the Internet. Shortly after the tape leaked, Salomon filed a lawsuit against the company distributing the tape and the Hilton family, whom he accused of tarnishing his reputation by suggesting that he had exploited Hilton. Salomon further claimed in his $10 million suit that representatives of the Hiltons tried to discourage media outlets from playing excerpts of the tape by saying that Hilton was underage when the tape was made (which would have made showing the tape illegal), and were attempting to crush him to preserve the image they had created for her. Hilton later sued the company that released the tape, Kahatani Ltd., for $30 million for violation of privacy and emotional distress.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Pamela Donielle "Pam" Oliver (born March 10, 1961) is an American sportscaster known for her work on the sidelines for various NBA and NFL games.

Oliver was born in Dallas, Texas. With her father being in the U.S. Air Force, Oliver and her family moved several times during her childhood, Texas, Michigan, Washington, California and Florida. Instead of watching children's shows, Oliver preferred watching sports.

As a teenager, Oliver lived in Niceville, Florida, where she attended Niceville High School. In high school, Oliver excelled in tennis, basketball, and track and field. After graduating, Oliver enrolled at Florida A&M University, where she continued her track endeavors, becoming a college All-American in both the 400-meter and the mile relay. Oliver earned a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism and graduated in 1984.

Oliver began her broadcasting career at WALB in Albany, Georgia in 1985 as a news reporter. The next year, Oliver moved to WAAY-TV in Huntsville, Alabama. After that stop, Oliver moved to WIVB-TV in Buffalo, New York in 1988. Two years later in 1990, Oliver moved to WTVT in Tampa, Florida, where she began her career as a sports anchor in 1991. Oliver moved to KHOU-TV in Houston, where she continued to be a sports anchor. In 1993, Oliver joined the sports television network ESPN. In 1995, Oliver joined Fox Sports, where she worked as a sideline reporter at NFL games. In 2005, Oliver joined TNT as a sideline reporter for their NBA Playoffs coverage. Pam Oliver also has her own dressing room at the new Cowboys Stadium with her name on a star on the door.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
