
Peyote To Lsd A Psychedelic Odyssey
Peyote To Lsd A Psychedelic Odyssey Public Domain From Archive.org....
published: 23 May 2013
author: HumanSpaceGoat
Peyote To Lsd A Psychedelic Odyssey
Peyote To Lsd A Psychedelic Odyssey
Peyote To Lsd A Psychedelic Odyssey Public Domain From Archive.org.- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 3106
- author: HumanSpaceGoat

Proceso de recolección y consumo de peyote
Unos amigos nos invitaron a acampar y a probar peyote en el desierto de San Luis Potosí. F...
published: 28 Mar 2008
author: nicogranada
Proceso de recolección y consumo de peyote
Proceso de recolección y consumo de peyote
Unos amigos nos invitaron a acampar y a probar peyote en el desierto de San Luis Potosí. Fue un viaje muy agradable y en companía de personas excelentes. La ...- published: 28 Mar 2008
- views: 203302
- author: nicogranada

Sacred Peyote
Short documentary film about the use of peyote and persecution of members within the Nativ...
published: 27 Apr 2007
author: Bryce Jarrett
Sacred Peyote
Sacred Peyote
Short documentary film about the use of peyote and persecution of members within the Native American Church.- published: 27 Apr 2007
- views: 172541
- author: Bryce Jarrett

Huichol Peyote Pilgrimage
Last of the Medicine Men, BBC 2000....
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: TheRapeOfJustice
Huichol Peyote Pilgrimage
Huichol Peyote Pilgrimage
Last of the Medicine Men, BBC 2000.- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 2910
- author: TheRapeOfJustice

Mexico's peyote casts mind-bending spell on tourists
Every year tourists from all over the world go to the Wirikuta desert, a place in the cent...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: AFP
Mexico's peyote casts mind-bending spell on tourists
Mexico's peyote casts mind-bending spell on tourists
Every year tourists from all over the world go to the Wirikuta desert, a place in the centre of Mexico considered magical by the Huichols indigenous people. ...- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 302
- author: AFP

Del Peyote al LSD, Una odisea psicodélica (Full Documental)
" El botánico Richard Evans Schultes fue un auténtico Indiana Jones cuyos descubrimientos ...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: Eduardo Rodriguez
Del Peyote al LSD, Una odisea psicodélica (Full Documental)
Del Peyote al LSD, Una odisea psicodélica (Full Documental)
" El botánico Richard Evans Schultes fue un auténtico Indiana Jones cuyos descubrimientos de plantas alucinógenas sentaron las bases de los psicodélicos años...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 12443
- author: Eduardo Rodriguez

Cactus Ceremony with San Pedro and Peyote Cactus / How to make San Pedro Tea www.cactusmagic.com
Order now at www.cactusmagic.com -If all politicians in the world tried this wonderful pla...
published: 28 May 2013
author: Steven Luch
Cactus Ceremony with San Pedro and Peyote Cactus / How to make San Pedro Tea www.cactusmagic.com
Cactus Ceremony with San Pedro and Peyote Cactus / How to make San Pedro Tea www.cactusmagic.com
Order now at www.cactusmagic.com -If all politicians in the world tried this wonderful plant (peyote), perhaps we could realistically have world harmony and ...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 514
- author: Steven Luch

John Safran vs Peyote Church of God
John Safran vs God Episode 4. John Safran discovers the Peyote Church of God and attempts ...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: markisillmatic .
John Safran vs Peyote Church of God
John Safran vs Peyote Church of God
John Safran vs God Episode 4. John Safran discovers the Peyote Church of God and attempts to see if it is the right religion.- published: 16 Mar 2012
- views: 4576
- author: markisillmatic .

How to Flat Odd-Count Peyote Stitch
http://www.beadaholique.com/yt - Learn how to flat odd-count peyote stitch in this bead we...
published: 15 May 2012
author: Beadaholique
How to Flat Odd-Count Peyote Stitch
How to Flat Odd-Count Peyote Stitch
http://www.beadaholique.com/yt - Learn how to flat odd-count peyote stitch in this bead weaving tutorial. This stitch is a bit more work then even count peyo...- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 45607
- author: Beadaholique

Peyote: I Wish We All Could Be Members of the Native American Church
Peyote: I Wish We All Could Be Members of the Native American Church by http://www.neuroso...
published: 09 Jul 2011
author: NeuroSoup
Peyote: I Wish We All Could Be Members of the Native American Church
Peyote: I Wish We All Could Be Members of the Native American Church
Peyote: I Wish We All Could Be Members of the Native American Church by http://www.neurosoup.com In 1994, it became legal in the United States for Native Ame...- published: 09 Jul 2011
- views: 33986
- author: NeuroSoup

LSD, Shrooms, And Peyote Are Perfectly Safe, Do Them All You Want
A recent study has quasi-concluded that ...
published: 20 Aug 2013
LSD, Shrooms, And Peyote Are Perfectly Safe, Do Them All You Want
LSD, Shrooms, And Peyote Are Perfectly Safe, Do Them All You Want
GET OUR AWESOME NEW POSTER! http://bit.ly/13GPNM4 A recent study has quasi-concluded that certain drugs are not linked to mental health problems, but what's one study alongside that burnout you remember from college? Exactly. Our Sources: http://bit.ly/164dA4J More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com or check out: http://youtube.com/sourcefed for our 5 daily videos or anything else we've ever done. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefed Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/SourceFedPosters P.O. Box address: Attn: SourceFed 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805 The @SourceFed Hosts: @elliottcmorgan @joebereta Music: @ronaldjenkees @Hagemeister- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 301

Psychedelic Mescaline: Last Of The Medicine Men Peyote 1
as title says....
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: dmthead2012
Psychedelic Mescaline: Last Of The Medicine Men Peyote 1
Psychedelic Mescaline: Last Of The Medicine Men Peyote 1
as title says.- published: 21 Feb 2011
- views: 7820
- author: dmthead2012

PEYOTE - Offizieller Trailer (HD)
Ein Film von Omar Flores Sarabia.
Mehr Infos: http://bit.ly/1eYn5Nz
Seit Wochen kehrt Pab...
published: 20 Sep 2013
PEYOTE - Offizieller Trailer (HD)
PEYOTE - Offizieller Trailer (HD)
Ein Film von Omar Flores Sarabia. Mehr Infos: http://bit.ly/1eYn5Nz Seit Wochen kehrt Pablo nach der Schule immer wieder an jenen Ort zurück, an dem er zum ersten Mal den kernigen Möchtegernmacho Marco entdeckt hat. Fasziniert von dem ausgesprochen coolen ''Guapo'', beginnt er ihn heimlich zu filmen. Daraufhin ergreift dieser die Initiative und verführt den schüchternen Teenager zu einem abenteuerlichen Trip ins mexikanische Outback. Eine Reise, die Pablos Leben für immer verändern wird - seine Ansichten, seine Stärken und seine Sexualität. Omar Flores Sarabia erschafft mit nur wenig Geld, dafür um so mehr Kreativität und Einfühlungsvermögen, ein fiebriges Roadmovie-Juwel, dass durch seine Unkompliziertheit, aber vor allem seine Ehrlichkeit und die unglaublichen Sympathie für seine beiden großartigen Hauptdarsteller mitreißt. Ausdrucksstark, authentisch und sexy. Spielfilm, Romantik-Drama, Produktionsland: Mexiko Darsteller: Joe Diazzi, Carlos Luque Drehbuch: Sabdyel Almazán, Omar Flores Sarabia; Kamera: Sabdyel Almazán; Schnitt: Omar Flores Sarabia; Musik: José Antonio Parga; Produzent: Omar Flores Sarabia; Ausführender Produzent: Ulises Castillo; Assoziierte Produzenten: Juan Manuel Ramírez, Ulises Castillo, Sabdyel Almazán Label/Studio: PRO-FUN MEDIA / http://www.pro-fun.de/- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 178

Don Peyote movie trailer
Warren Allman is an unemployed stoner who finally finds a purpose in life after an unpleas...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Don Peyote movie trailer
Don Peyote movie trailer
Warren Allman is an unemployed stoner who finally finds a purpose in life after an unpleasant encounter with a homeless man preaching the end is near. Fueled by vivid apocalyptic dreams, Warren becomes obsessed with 2012 doomsday theories and decides to make a documentary on the subject while his fiancé is busy planning their wedding...- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 3
Vimeo results:

Power Animal - Dear My Body
Special Thanks to Christina Shoto and Circa 77 for putting together the ...
published: 05 May 2011
author: Jordan Smith
Power Animal - Dear My Body
Special Thanks to Christina Shoto and Circa 77 for putting together the wardrobe for this video.
Stream the entire album here!
From the album "People Songs"
Power Animal is now releasing their full length album on a new charitable organization / label "Human Kindness Overflowing". Human Kindness overflowing was created by Paul North (Sunnybrook) and Keith Hampson's (Power Animal).
Power Animal's next Ep "Exorcism" will be a %100 charitable split release with Get Off The Coast's cassette imprint Crash Symbols http://crashsymbols.tumblr.com/ which will feature remixes by Botany, Spirituals, Melting Season, Truman Peyote and Golden Ages.

DDR / Tanklar ve Yığınlar
DDR'nin ilk albümü "agitprop"dan ilk klip Tanklar ve Yığınlar!
Ülkemizin dikkat çeken a...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: Peyote Müzik
DDR / Tanklar ve Yığınlar
DDR'nin ilk albümü "agitprop"dan ilk klip Tanklar ve Yığınlar!
Ülkemizin dikkat çeken alternatif gruplarından DDR’nin geçtiğimiz Haziran ayında Peyote Müzik’ten yayımlanan albümleri “agitprop“tan ilk klip Tanklar ve Yığınlar şarkısına çekildi.
Tanklar ve Yığınlar, siyaset, militarizm ve demokrasi üzerine bir parça. Bu nedenle günlük siyasetin ayrılmaz bir parçası olan duvarlar, bina yüzeyleri, klibin geçeceği mekan olarak düşünüldü. Çünkü yasal ve yasa dışı her siyasi hareket, duvarları kitlelerle iletişim ve propaganda aracı olarak kullanır. Duvarlara afişler yapıştırılır, sloganlar yazılır, şablon resimler basılır, grafitiler yapılır. DDR de bu parça için duvarlardaki yerini aldı.
Klip için 15 gün senaryo ve storyboard çalışması yapıldı. 6 haftada, stencil şeklinde yaklaşık 100 sahne animasyon çizildi ve bilgisayarda canlandırıldı. DDR grubunun çekimleri Peyote’de gerçekleştirildi. Her grup üyesinin görüntüleri, bilgisayarda tek tek stencil haline getirildi, şablon resim efekti verildi.
1200’e yakın bina ve duvar fotoğrafı çekildi. İstanbul’un 15 farklı bölgesinden klibe mekan olabilecek evler, binalar, mahalleler görüntülendi.
Klibin senaryosunu, animasyonlarını, fotoğraflamasını, yönetmenliğini Tan Cemal Genç yaptı. Yardımcı animatörlüğünü Tuncay Paksoy gerçekleştirdi. Fotoğraf çekimine Peyote ekibi ve fotoğrafçı Tunç Mestçi yardımcı oldu.
Daha fazla bilgi ve iletişim için:
Kamerhatun Caddesi, Kameriye Sokak, No:4 Beyoğlu/ İstanbul
Tel: 0212 251 43 98 - peyotemuzik@peyote.com.tr

Peyote Ocak
Peyote Ocak 2011 Zemin Kat Programı...
published: 03 Jan 2011
author: Peyote Müzik
Peyote Ocak
Peyote Ocak 2011 Zemin Kat Programı

En Defensa de Wirikuta y la Sierra de Catorce
WIRIKUTA es el lugar sagrado a donde se dirige el pueblo Wixarika cuando peregrina para re...
published: 08 Mar 2011
author: venado mestizo
En Defensa de Wirikuta y la Sierra de Catorce
WIRIKUTA es el lugar sagrado a donde se dirige el pueblo Wixarika cuando peregrina para recolectar el hikuri (peyote) y dejar ofrendas. Se encuentra en el altiplano ubicado en San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas. Este territorio tiene una superficie de 140 212 hectáreas (1 402.12 km2) y abarca parte de los municipios de Villa de Ramos, Charcas, Villa de Guadalupe, Matehuala, Villa de la Paz y Catorce.
Comprende la planicie y la Sierra de Catorce, es un lugar de incalculable riqueza cultural, espiritual y natural que se manifiesta de manera particular en cada zona. Wirikuta es parte de la Red Mundial de Sitios Sagrados Naturales (UNESCO 1988) y está en la lista tentativa para ser Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de la Humanidad. Es Reserva Ecológica, Área Natural protegida y sujeta a conservación ecológica: Reserva Natural y Cultural de Wirikuta.
Actualmente Wirikuta y la Sierra de Catorce se encuentra amenazada por la actividad minera tóxica y devastadora.
Youtube results:

Beading Basics-Peyote Stitch
To view the next video in this series click: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/12887 Terri Gab...
published: 14 Feb 2009
author: MonkeySee
Beading Basics-Peyote Stitch
Beading Basics-Peyote Stitch
To view the next video in this series click: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/12887 Terri Gable of Studio Baboo demonstrates beading basics. She includes severa...- published: 14 Feb 2009
- views: 134578
- author: MonkeySee

Last Of The Medicine Men - Peyote (Part 2 of 2) by Benedict Allen
An investigation into the dramatic and mysterious world of the Huichol of Mexico -- where ...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: gabrielmachado
Last Of The Medicine Men - Peyote (Part 2 of 2) by Benedict Allen
Last Of The Medicine Men - Peyote (Part 2 of 2) by Benedict Allen
An investigation into the dramatic and mysterious world of the Huichol of Mexico -- where perhaps the most traditional community of North America gave Benedi...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 298
- author: gabrielmachado

Bill Hicks Rare Clip Indians and Peyote Chicago 1990
Bill Hicks Rare comedy Chicago 1990. Bill shares his views on peyote and Indians....
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: ifiwantto
Bill Hicks Rare Clip Indians and Peyote Chicago 1990
Bill Hicks Rare Clip Indians and Peyote Chicago 1990
Bill Hicks Rare comedy Chicago 1990. Bill shares his views on peyote and Indians.- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 4315
- author: ifiwantto

Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians - Trailer
release scheduled in 4Q 2013 *** HUICHOLES: THE LAST PEYOTE GUARDIANS is a story about the...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: Huicholes Peyote Guardians
Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians - Trailer
Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians - Trailer
release scheduled in 4Q 2013 *** HUICHOLES: THE LAST PEYOTE GUARDIANS is a story about the mystical Wixárika People, one of the last pre-Hispanic alive c...- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 32793
- author: Huicholes Peyote Guardians