My Turn new 7" available on 23.12.2013
Release show_AN Club.


We don't need your friends 7"
Straight & Alert | Ugly & Proud | Life To Live

'I don't need you friends, I better stay alone
I don't want your booze, I don't want your line, keep your shit away from me
You think I'm a loser? Well, let's see who will win
Your company is no use, so get lost you fucking clown'

The times are hard and crucial. 'Sick society sickens me' (quoting a My Turn lyric). 
I guess it's about time to get back to some more drastic actions and fuck the endless theoretical rhetorics.
Raw Justice are militant and if militancy is the only way to overcome all this shit surrounding us, then I am going for it...
So, this is a young band coming from Nantes, western France, consisting of ex and current members of bands like No Solution, Black Page and Regarde Les Hommes Tomber. 
Their first 7" was released sometime before summer and includes 6 songs (that's around 7 minutes) of pissed off, no frills hardcore fucking music. If you are into the current trend of fast yet angry, tough yet heavy, American hardcore and bands like The Rival Mob, Noose, Boston Strangler and the likes, then this shit is for you motherfucker. Forget the limited edition, sold out via pre-orders records that the top notch snobbish hardcore bands release and watch out for these French weirdos.
If you like Floorpunch, this is for you, as well.
Songs about the stupid use of booze and pills, the work / unemployment ethics, the internet prophets and the raw justice that we are, while you are just a pathetic victim that we'll smash you down in the ground the next time you talk shit about us.
Fuck off and listen to this 7".



Screaming Victims

Faithreat are back with a bang!
4 years after their first full length and 1,5 years after the release of their great 7" entitled 'Thrashing with the stars', it was about time for new material from the band that redefined the crossover / thrash genre in Greece.  
The new, self-titled, album includes 9 songs & an intro of thrashier than ever heavy music. The hardcore / punk aspect has been put aside and this time Faithreat delve deeper into the Bay Area sound of the 80s being influenced by bands like Exodus & Death Angel. There's a strong touch of Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, D.R.I. and the thrash period of Agnostic Front, as well, since the band never forget their punk roots.
The artwork of the record is fucking amazing and the vinyl is 180gr heavy, playing in 45RPM. 
All in all, it's a great record that every thrash / crossover fan should get.
To be honest, I'd prefer it if there was a bigger dose of hardcore / punk in it and the vocals weren't that clean, but this is just my personal opinion and doesn't mean at all that Faithreat's full length isn't one of the best records that got released in Greece the last year or so.
Get it now!



Demo '13

Lifewreck is a rare type of poison produced in the most well hidden basements of the underground community in Athens. It is widely used by the elite of the scene (fuck hardcore, fuck punk; the scene is the scene) and sometimes can be lethal. Lifewreck can wreck your life in 12 minutes and this is more than just an achievement because it took me more than 30 years to wreck mine. I should have met these people much earlier I guess. You can imagine how I feel now.
Lifewreck claim to be 100% antifascist, hardcore & powerviolence but, to be honest, I don't care for any of the aforementioned labels. I don't care about any labels at all. This is passionate and comes straight from the heart, I can assure you about this. And this is what matters the most for me.
And last but not least...
The Lifewreck members are some of my best friends and if you ever dare to even touch them, I will cut your throat and bury you dead six feet under the underground. Period.



7.11.2013 | Hardcore / Punk Party @ Μπάτε Σκύλοι, Σαλόνικα
8.11.2013 | My Turn, In Betrayed Silence, Groteska, The Coreys, Zero Tolerance @ TEI, Σέρρες
9.11.2013 | My Turn, Zero Tolerance, Big Bad Wolves @ Αμφιθέατρο Παλιάς Νομικής, Κομοτηνή


'The Dawn Chorus' LP

'We are sailing under black flags
With a thousand of regrets'

Despite Everything is definitely the most hard-working and undoubtedly one of the best punk rock bands in the greek scene, since their inception in 2009. 
They have toured Europe countless times and they have even made it to The States twice. Moreover, their back catalogue includes 2 great 7"s, a 10" split with In-Sane from Slovenia and a 7" split with Unfun from Canada. To sum it up, Despite Everything is THE BAND you all should check out if you are interested in today's worldwide punk rock / melodic hardcore scene.
So, 'The Dawn Chorus' was just released and it's free for everyone to listen and download (donations are more than welcome, though) via the band's website. 
The record includes 13 songs (you have already -probably- listened to some of them during DE's live shows) of full of passion and emotions modern melodic punk / hardcore, in the vein of bands like The Flatliners, Astpai, Dead To Me and the likes. There's also a Propagandhi influence, in my opinion, and this can't be wrong because as far as I know Despite Everything are huge fans of the aforementioned band.
All in all, this record is so fucking fresh and alive that gave the kiss of life to this dying blog. If this is not enough for you, I don't care. It's definitely more than enough for me.

'I dreamt I was a house of fire
But I woke up in the back of the van
Each mile takes me away from home
Each gallon burns faster than a wildfire'



Α night full of punk rock, hardcore,
oi!, ska, r'n'r and psychobilly tunes.
Τετάρτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013, στις 23.00.
Redrum Bar | Βάρναλη 2-4, Χαλάνδρι
DJ set by Άρης Ομίχλη / The Vagabonds 77
& Αποστόλης My Turn / World's Appreciated Kitsch.


New reviews coming anytime soon.
It's fucking time to turn this blog active again...


demo '13

'Nothing to prove, no reason to hide
The numbers never mattered, 'cause it's what's inside'

It's been a while since we last updated this blog with a review and that's a shame, I know, but time is limited nowadays and besides that FB is absorbing every inch of creativity. 
Thanks to my good friend Ilias that gave me the boost last night, here we are again with a new review, presenting the first demo of No Thanks, a great straight edge hardcore band from Oklahoma city.
To be honest, it's been months since I last got stoked with a new youth crew band but No Thanks' demo was a surprise for me! 5 songs + an intro of amazing old school late 80s / mid 90s youth crew in the vein of Youth Of Today, Chain Of Strength and Ten Yard Fight, plus lyrics that keep the straight edge flame alive.
2-step parts, fast breaks and sing alongs; you know the deal and you definitely don't need more!
The demo is available through the band's band camp and you can all download and listen to it for free. Have in mind that the band was formed just a couple of months ago and they haven't played any shows yet, so you better hype them now that it's early!





After 26 months of countless hardcore / punk DJ sets at the best bar downtown, 
a.k.a. Gingko Biloba, we are coming to an end. 
The last hardcore party EVER is taking place this 
Wednesday, 29.5.2013, around 22.00.
See you all there. 
Thanks for the memories.

*poster by Jerboa Illustrations*


'Rather be in hell' MCD
Perspective Records

Running Out is a brand new hardcore band from Brabant, Holland. This is the home town of euro hardcore legends No Turning Back. They've been together around 2 years now, having played shows mainly in Belgium and Holland. My good friend Mike, who is also singing in A Strength Within, just released their first EP via his great label Perspective Records (home for bands like Ashes, 18 Miles and of course ASW; check also the great compilation 'This Is Belgium' they've released).
'Rather be in hell' includes 5 songs of modern angry yet pissed off hardcore music in the vein of Backtrack, Expire and Trapped Under Ice with a touch of Rotting Out.
You know the deal I guess... Heavy guitar riffs, super tight rhythm section, aggressive vocals and groovy tunes that will make you mosh like there's no tomorrow. 
I'm really stoked that the european hardcore scene is going strong and bigger every day. Embrace the underground bands, support Perspective Records and get the Running Out CD. Hopefully it'll be available in Greece via Uprising Hardcore Distro anytime soon.



demo 2012

I miss the good ol' days when I had spare time to write reviews regularly in this blog. This blog occupied much of my free time back in time with a minimum amount of reviews per month being 10. 
Talking about good ol' days... Good Old Days was one great band from Poland that I had the honor to release a 3-way split CD including them, along with Austria's Bounz The Ball and Straight Opposition from Italy. I even booked a show for them in the missed but not forgotten Street Attack squat in Thessaloniki back in May 2008.
So, when their bassist Wiktor sent me a message in FB half an hour or so ago introducing me to his new band called Wounded Knee (feat. Dispel The Crowd ex-members, as well) and offering me to  review their debut demo, I knew I had to do it ASAP; immediately.
So here we are... The feeling of stealing some time from work in order to do things you love is unbeatable... So the last moments before my daily routine ends are dedicated to Wounded Knee!
Their demo includes 4 songs of great NYHC influenced hardcore with that strong European touch we all dig. If you are into Agnostic Front and Madball you'll definitely like this. But if you are into modern stuff like No Turning Back, Cornered and Backtrack, you'll like this, too.
Just give it a listen. Give it a try. The underground hardcore scene is overwhelmed with little hardcore diamonds; let's seek for them and forget the mainstream bullshit.
Reviews are great, by the way. See you soon.



This week is HOT.
Tuesday 16/4 Gingko Biloba Hardcore
Saturday 20/4 Brutality Over Athens Fest at AN Club
Tuesday 23/4 Trio Comple live at Zero
powered by World's Appreciated Kitsch Collective


World's Appreciated Kitsch
online sampler 2013

-Spread the word-



Love is love // Return to dust LP / CD
Deathwish Inc.

Code Orange Kids is a bunch of youngsters coming from Pittsburgh, PA, with the only aim to deliver chaotic hardcore / metal to the world. This is their 2nd full length album, and they have also released a demo, a tape and a split 7" with Full Of Hell, a band that they often tour with.
So to get things straight, with an average age of 19 years old, Code Orange Kids became the new hype just after they left high school and Deathwish Inc. picked them up. And they are one of the few bands out there that they fucking deserve this kind of hype.
Their new album is a masterpiece of Converge-ish hardcore, strongly influenced of the Deathwish stuff. But the weird thing is that Code Orange Kids do not fall in any genre, they just create theirs, using violent breaks, sharp guitars, peaceful soundscapes and aggressive female / male vocals. 
Love is love // Return to dust includes 10 songs of non-conforming art and uncompromising poetry. If you are a fan of Converge, Rise & Fall, and maybe Unbroken, you should get this immediately and offer yourself the new thing that is so much influenced by the aforementioned but on the contrary so unique that cannot be compared to anything.
Code Orange Kids tour Europe along with Full Of Hell this summer. Watch out for them.



'Future history' 7"
Shield | Angry Chuck | Destiny | Lockjaw | No Reason

We are going a bit slow with the reviews and that's due to extremely lack of time and major involvement in a bunch of other projects right now. But we never leave this blog to starve and every now & then that we get a good record, we are here to present it to you...
So, for those we remember, Antillectual played in Greece 3 shows in the end of 2011, incl. Positively Positive Hardcore Fest 5 in Athens, a show in Volos and a secret show. Those that attended the shows already know that Antillectual is probably the best political melodic punk rock band that The Netherlands have to offer nowadays. They are active since early 00s and they have already released 3 LPs and 2 7"s, meanwhile they are preparing their 4th LP to be unleashed anytime in 2013.
'Future history' is their latest 7" that the post officer brought to me a week or so ago. The record comes in eye-catching solid orange vinyl, feat. OK artwork and a download coupon.
I was surprised to realize that the band has mellowed down so much comparing to their earlier releases. 3 out of 4 of the songs of this record are very soft, more pop than punk rock; nothing to do with the melodic hardcore / punk harshness of their earlier material.
That's not bad at all since the band still maintains its passion and intensity, plus the importance of politics. You hardly even meet any bands of this style caring about politics... Antillectual deal with topics like sexism, girls' participation in the scene, racism, neoliberalism and the whole crisis thing. 
Fans of Hot Water Music, Rise Against, The Menzingers and Propagandhi should check them out.

shieldrecordings.com - noreasonrecords.com
destiny-tourbooking.com - lockjawrecords.co.uk - angrychuckrecords.com


Socially disabled 12"
Street Survival Records

'not from the right place, not with the right face. trying to do what it takes not to sink. avoiding to get eaten up and away by my harassing demons inside. my own shadow taking hold of me, becoming my best enemy. blinding me into a silence nightmare, a mutism i couldn't fight. forcing a fake apathy to everyone not to see how weak i have become, for hyenas not to come. used to know what i wanted, used to be passionate, used to make no compromise. used to know what i wanted, used to be passionate, used to live as a free soul. it's not hard to pretend you are. all the words i didn't get back then make so much sense all of a sudden, i still hate crowds and everyone in. but if you look deep into my eyes you can see through the lies, that i'm not a fucking bad guy that your hate should run dry. forcing a fake apathy for everyone not see how weak i have become, for hyenas not to come. used to know what i wanted, used to be passionate, used to make no compromise. used to know what i wanted, used to be passionate, used to live as a free soul. don't wait for me. struggling against the ghosts of what could have been, of what should have been, i'm done with the fighting.'

The first demo of DIG was released back in 2010 and the cover was featuring a picture of Notorious B.I.G. That was already a reason to make me dive deeper into the band's profile. The record cover of their first 12" was also intriguing. An X-ed hand tying the shoelaces of a pair of Nike sneakers. I always hated to see pictures / covers featuring commercial 'straight edge' related symbols and i find it a bit silly to make you record seem like a multinational company's advertisement. But that X on the hand was really huge. Reminded me of the 90s.
So, DIG is a great heavy hardcore band from Paris, France. And I can definitely say that I dig their music and the negative yet honest attitude towards society and the world in general. 
They are releasing a split 7" with Poland's Reality Check anytime soon.
If you are into bands like No Turning Back and Cornered, check them out for sure. 



Ratel Records

'I know I'll wind up cold and dead
On a sidewalk curb with a broken head
But my friends are here for me
We stick together till our dying days'

When I first got into hardcore I strongly believed that this music is simply not just music. It was the friendship, the unity and the respect parts of this movement that made me fall in love with hardcore. It was the intension to change the world and there was only one way to achieve this; unity.
After almost 12 years I still ask my self if it's worth doing this. If hardcore is still about friendship and unity, when all I see around me is backstabbers and fake friends that care only for themselves and just to have fun. I still wonder who's gonna be by my side when I am in need. 
One thing's for sure. Hardcore will be there for me. Or at least my idealism of hardcore. 
DEATHROW is an amazing hardcore band from Warsaw, Poland, and they seem to care about friendship, they seem to care about common goals, and last but not least they seem to care about having fun at the end of the day. If you like your hardcore tight, tough (not tough guy) and heavy, you should listen to this record. 6 songs in the vein of Cro-Mags, Maximum Penalty, Warzone, No Turning Back and Agnostic Front (obviously not the metal period), that will make you keep spinning this record on and on. 
Poland is definitely the ideal place for hardcore in 2013.

