
Ibn Sina (performed by Roger Worrod)
An interview with Avicenna (Ibn Sina), a thousand years ago. 5 questions, 5 answers. GB St...
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: Roger Worrod
Ibn Sina (performed by Roger Worrod)
Ibn Sina (performed by Roger Worrod)
An interview with Avicenna (Ibn Sina), a thousand years ago. 5 questions, 5 answers. GB Studions, Switzerland. Actor: Roger Worrod.- published: 19 Feb 2009
- views: 25662
- author: Roger Worrod

Avicenna's Metaphysics
Peter Adamson discusses Avicenna's metaphysics....
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Gottfried Leibniz
Avicenna's Metaphysics
Avicenna's Metaphysics
Peter Adamson discusses Avicenna's metaphysics.- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 1297
- author: Gottfried Leibniz

Peter Adamson discusses the philosophy of Avicenna. Melvyn Bragg discusses the Persian Isl...
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: Gottfried Leibniz
Peter Adamson discusses the philosophy of Avicenna. Melvyn Bragg discusses the Persian Islamic philosopher Avicenna. With Peter Adamson, Nader El-Bizri and A...- published: 11 Dec 2011
- views: 6189
- author: Gottfried Leibniz

Avicenna's Floating Man Argument
Peter Adamson explains the thought experiment of Avicenna known as the 'floating man.'...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: Gottfried Leibniz
Avicenna's Floating Man Argument
Avicenna's Floating Man Argument
Peter Adamson explains the thought experiment of Avicenna known as the 'floating man.'- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 703
- author: Gottfried Leibniz

Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 1 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
ابو علی سینا اندیشمند، فیلسوف، پزشک و دانشمند بزرگ خراسانی - ایرانی که در جهان غرب به نام(...
published: 26 Jun 2011
author: Tara Farhid
Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 1 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 1 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
ابو علی سینا اندیشمند، فیلسوف، پزشک و دانشمند بزرگ خراسانی - ایرانی که در جهان غرب به نام(Avicenna) و با لقب "امیر پزشکان" شناخته شده است، در یکم شهریور ماه ...- published: 26 Jun 2011
- views: 6867
- author: Tara Farhid

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) The Father of Modern Medicine.wmv
A video project in partial fulfillment for the Islamic Knowledge and Sciences course, done...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: ajwer
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) The Father of Modern Medicine.wmv
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) The Father of Modern Medicine.wmv
A video project in partial fulfillment for the Islamic Knowledge and Sciences course, done by students from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. Narrator: Ixat Ske...- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 2513
- author: ajwer

Avicenna - Impostor, Philosopher, Healer
Avicenna was a brilliant polymath and healer who lived in the East from 980-1037. He bundl...
published: 19 May 2009
author: DrGull1888
Avicenna - Impostor, Philosopher, Healer
Avicenna - Impostor, Philosopher, Healer
Avicenna was a brilliant polymath and healer who lived in the East from 980-1037. He bundled the knowledge of his time and wrote 450 tractates. His "Book of ...- published: 19 May 2009
- views: 14307
- author: DrGull1888

Awesome Dude of the Week - Avicenna
this is the first Awesome Dude of the Week. The sound and editing leave much to be desired...
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: ianm1121
Awesome Dude of the Week - Avicenna
Awesome Dude of the Week - Avicenna
this is the first Awesome Dude of the Week. The sound and editing leave much to be desired, but whatever behind the scenes info and notes and stuff here: htt...- published: 25 Jun 2009
- views: 6666
- author: ianm1121

Abu Ali al-Hussein Ibn Sina famous with the name of Avicenna, was born in Persia in the 98...
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Camillo Di Cicco
Abu Ali al-Hussein Ibn Sina famous with the name of Avicenna, was born in Persia in the 980 to Afshana, near Bukhara, Uzbekistan.- published: 29 Dec 2008
- views: 12167
- author: Camillo Di Cicco

UNBOXED: Avicenna's Floating Man & Descartes' Deceiving Demon
While many Intro Philosophy classes cover Descartes' Deceiving Demon thought experiment, f...
published: 05 Dec 2013
UNBOXED: Avicenna's Floating Man & Descartes' Deceiving Demon
UNBOXED: Avicenna's Floating Man & Descartes' Deceiving Demon
While many Intro Philosophy classes cover Descartes' Deceiving Demon thought experiment, few cover Avicenna's Floating Man thought experiment, which is remarkably similar 600 years earlier. Avicenna was one of the greatest and most famous philosophers and doctors of his day. His name, Ibn Sina in Arabic, was Latinized as his works were read by many in Europe before and during the Renaissance and European Enlightenment. His Canon of Medicine was used as a textbook in Europe until the 1700s, based on experimentation and clinical trials, fusing Persian, Greek, Indian and other traditions of medicine together. He was also a pioneer of equations and propositional algebra, which would be developed later by Descartes into his Cartesian coordinates and by Newton and Leibniz into Calculus. In his floating man thought experiment, Avicenna, who worked with anesthetics like opium in public hospitals, asks us to imagine that we are slowly unable to feel our feet, then body, then sight and sensation, then memory and imagination. What is the last thing left that is ourselves? Avicenna argues that consciousness, our awareness, is the last thing and the most essential part of ourselves. If we are conscious, we can be said to exist, even if we forget who we are or cannot distinguish ourselves from anything else. In his Discourse on Method, Descartes lays out his remarkably similar Deceiving Demon thought experiment. Descartes says that it seems certain that he is sitting by the fire writing, but he can doubt this and believe that he is simply dreaming. This is similar to Zhuangzi, the ancient Chinese Daoist, who after dreaming he was a butterfly supposed that he might now be a butterfly dreaming that he is a man named Zhuangzi. Descartes says that he can imagine a deceiving demon is creating a false world, like a dream, such that Descartes is not actually Descartes or sitting by a fire. However, there is one thing that the demon cannot be deceiving Descartes about, if that is his real name, and that is his consciousness. Thus, Descartes famously concludes, "I think therefore I am". Where does the deceiving demon of Descartes come from? The Cathars, Gnostic Manichaean Christians persecuted in France in the 1400s, believed that this world is a lie ruled by Satan, much like the shadows on the wall of Plato's Cave. The Catholic Church denounced this as heresy, arguing that God ruled the world and spoke through the Church. Descartes, the first modern European philosopher, argues that we can trust the dogmas of the Church and the discoveries of science, as our world is not simply a lie as Gnostics claim. He argues this based on the same conclusion that Avicenna reached, though Avicenna uses anesthetics rather than a demon. There is a good possibility that Descartes was influenced by Avicenna, though few consider the incredible impact of the Islamic golden age on the European Enlightenment.- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 8

ABU ALI IBNI SINO http://www.facebook.com/Avicenna.IbnSina
http://www.facebook.com/Avicenna.IbnSina Tajik Persian Таджикистан Точикистон Тожикистон T...
published: 05 Feb 2011
author: tojdor1
ABU ALI IBNI SINO http://www.facebook.com/Avicenna.IbnSina
ABU ALI IBNI SINO http://www.facebook.com/Avicenna.IbnSina
http://www.facebook.com/Avicenna.IbnSina Tajik Persian Таджикистан Точикистон Тожикистон Tajikistan.- published: 05 Feb 2011
- views: 9783
- author: tojdor1

Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 6 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
ابو علی سینا اندیشمند، فیلسوف، پزشک و دانشمند بزرگ خراسانی - ایرانی که در جهان غرب به نام(...
published: 23 Sep 2011
author: Tara Farhid
Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 6 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
Iranian Series, Avicenna - Part 6 (سریال ایرانی بوعلی سینا)
ابو علی سینا اندیشمند، فیلسوف، پزشک و دانشمند بزرگ خراسانی - ایرانی که در جهان غرب به نام(Avicenna) و با لقب "امیر پزشکان" شناخته شده است، در یکم شهریور ماه ...- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 4177
- author: Tara Farhid
Vimeo results:

Yasmin Hani + Sha'arin Razali - Short Film
A short film of two love birds, Yasmin Hani and Sha'arin Razali. A story about similaritie...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: Avicenna Studio
Yasmin Hani + Sha'arin Razali - Short Film
A short film of two love birds, Yasmin Hani and Sha'arin Razali. A story about similarities and difference (yes it is singular), and why they like to spend time with each other. This short film was shown during their reception at Duchess Place on 21st Oct 2011.
Directed by Fairuz Ismail
Script by Yasmin Hani & Sha'arin
Cameras by Ramadhan, Miki, Fairuz
Produced by Avicenna Studio

SDE: Yiu Lin & Azlan
Set on Casabrina Villa, Bentong, this wedding is truly a breathtaking experience. Yiu Lin,...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: Manggis
SDE: Yiu Lin & Azlan
Set on Casabrina Villa, Bentong, this wedding is truly a breathtaking experience. Yiu Lin, founder of shoes, shoes, shoes and KLutched wed Malaysia No 1 squash player, Azlan Iskandar. Same Day edit of gate crash, tea ceremony and akad nikah showing at the dinner reception on the same day. Kudos to the team who work hard to capture the best moment of this beautiful couple. Girls, you got to check out Yiu Lin's shoes spread for her big day! As what shoes, shoes, shoes tagline is ' you can never have enough'. Absolutely true!
Cameraworks: Fauzee Nasir, Fairuz Ismail, Wan Sharizie
Crew: Amad
Helicam: Rosli Mohamed, Gayat by CST Production
SDE Editor: Nazura Rahime

Yasmin Hani + Sha'arin - Solemnization
The solemnization of Yasmin Hani and Sha'arin Razali at Duchess Place, Kuala Lumpur. This ...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: Avicenna Studio
Yasmin Hani + Sha'arin - Solemnization
The solemnization of Yasmin Hani and Sha'arin Razali at Duchess Place, Kuala Lumpur. This Same Day Edit video was produced in less than 3 hours, in order to be shown at the reception later at night.

rebello - a short film by chetan raghuram
A 8 year old boy finds himself alone and vulnerable in the city. Escaping his abusive moth...
published: 28 Apr 2010
author: Chetan Raghuram
rebello - a short film by chetan raghuram
A 8 year old boy finds himself alone and vulnerable in the city. Escaping his abusive mother and a world of poverty, he’s faced with problems that just might be more troublesome than what he’s running from.
Release Date:
March 14th 2009, Philippines.
World Premiere : August 9 2009
Shot on Location in Cebu, Philippines.
Starring:Lloyd Vergara, Kisha Palermo, Theresa Palermo.
Written, Produced and Directed by : Chetan Raghuram
Officially Selected and Screened in:
1) 5th HollyShorts Film Festival, Hollywood, CA - Aug 9/2009
2) 9th International Student Film Festival, Pisek, Czech Republic - Oct 9/2009
3) 7th Asiana International Short Film Festival, Korea - Nov 6th and Nov 8th, 2009.
4)21st Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival - August 19th to 27th, 2010, São Paulo,Brazil.
5) 4th Marketplace of Creative Arts - Bandung, Indonesia 14-15 April 2012
6) Around the World in 80 SHORTS - Selected for exhibition at the Showcase "Around the world in 80 shorts", presented by a partner of São Paulo International Short Film Festival, the SESC - SP in its unit of São José dos Campos, in São Paulo, Brazil. 2012
Screened in Suchitra Film Society of Bangalore, India, by Girish Kasarvalli, one of the pioneers of the Parallel Cinema in India. May 2009.
1) Best Thesis Film, March 2009 - International Academy of Film and Televsion(Philippines)
2) Vladana Terčová Award, October 2009 (Vladana Terčová prize is always given to movies that:
-show human mental strength
-show humanity
-have "the good" as a main topic
simply: movies that show problems of this world, man kind and try to help.) - International Student Film Festival of Pisek(Czech Republic)
Ext Links:
-iMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1467044/
-Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/rebello/73952634571?v=wall&ref;=ts
Executive Producers: Raghuram Srinivasarao and Bhagirathi Hegde.
Assistant Director and BTS Photographer: Taiwo Badejo.
Co Producer: Ignacio Tan.
Director of Photography and Editor: Sujay Dahake.
Translators: Iman Mora & Juan.
Co-editors: Paco Raterta, Johan Bosma and Chetan.
Comments and Critiques are appreciated :)
Officially NOT SELECTED in:
2)Singapore International Short Film Festival.
7)Short Shorts Japan.
8)Intl Short Film Festival Winterthur, Switszerland.
9)Cinefondation Cannes.
10)Oberhausen Intl Short Film Festival, Germany.
11)Filmfest Dresden.
Youtube results:

Avicenna, Persian Polymath (TV Shows Part 4 ) سریال ابن سینا دانشمند ایرانی
ابوعلی حسین بن عبدالله بن سینا، مشهور به ابوعلی سینا و ابن سینا و پور سینا (زادهٔ ۳۵۹ ه. ش...
published: 19 Aug 2013
Avicenna, Persian Polymath (TV Shows Part 4 ) سریال ابن سینا دانشمند ایرانی
Avicenna, Persian Polymath (TV Shows Part 4 ) سریال ابن سینا دانشمند ایرانی
ابوعلی حسین بن عبدالله بن سینا، مشهور به ابوعلی سینا و ابن سینا و پور سینا (زادهٔ ۳۵۹ ه. ش در بخارا -درگذشتهٔ ۲ تیر ۴۱۶ در همدان، ۹۸۰-۱۰۳۷ میلادی، پزشک و دانشمند و از مشهورترین و تاثیرگذارترینِ فیلسوفان ایران است Avicenna, was a Persian polymath, who wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. In particular, 150 of his surviving treatises concentrate on philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 14

Avicenna - The Black Swan
Debut Single (demo) for Avicenna. Debut EP entitled Phenomena coming Summer 2013. Play in ...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: AvicennaTO
Avicenna - The Black Swan
Avicenna - The Black Swan
Debut Single (demo) for Avicenna. Debut EP entitled Phenomena coming Summer 2013. Play in 720p+ HD for better quality! Available for free download at Avicenn...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 2122
- author: AvicennaTO

Avicenna on the Moon ابن سینا درماه
Avicenna (980 -- 1037 AD), was a Persian doctor and philosopher, who wrote almost 450 trea...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: rezasadree
Avicenna on the Moon ابن سینا درماه
Avicenna on the Moon ابن سینا درماه
Avicenna (980 -- 1037 AD), was a Persian doctor and philosopher, who wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects. A crater on the moon is named af...- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 557
- author: rezasadree

Avicenna Jagakarsa 2k13
a short film of Avicenna Jagakarsa 2k13's journey of the true friendship, hardwork, tears ...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: Anggi Andini
Avicenna Jagakarsa 2k13
Avicenna Jagakarsa 2k13
a short film of Avicenna Jagakarsa 2k13's journey of the true friendship, hardwork, tears and joy.. Happy Graduation guys. May Allah's always bless us in eve...- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 154
- author: Anggi Andini