- published: 10 Apr 2010
- views: 5936764
- author: akiyuky

LEGO GBC 20 modules 【レゴ】 玉ころがしをつくってみた
20 GBC modules built by me. 4 modules(screw,sweeper,shovel,pump) based on Philo's . The mo...
published: 10 Apr 2010
author: akiyuky
LEGO GBC 20 modules 【レゴ】 玉ころがしをつくってみた
LEGO GBC 20 modules 【レゴ】 玉ころがしをつくってみた
20 GBC modules built by me. 4 modules(screw,sweeper,shovel,pump) based on Philo's . The module at 5:24 based on Isogawa's. The pneumatic module at 7:00 using...- published: 10 Apr 2010
- views: 5936764
- author: akiyuky

The Pieces Fit by Module
From the album Imagineering by Module. Animation: Matt Pitt. DOP: Marty Williams. For more...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: loopcrew
The Pieces Fit by Module
The Pieces Fit by Module
From the album Imagineering by Module. Animation: Matt Pitt. DOP: Marty Williams. For more info visit http://loop.co.nz/artists/module iTunes - http://tinyur...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 3535
- author: loopcrew

LEGO GBC module : Ball Factory ver.2
I added some improvements to the ball factory module, because the former module didn't sup...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: akiyuky
LEGO GBC module : Ball Factory ver.2
LEGO GBC module : Ball Factory ver.2
I added some improvements to the ball factory module, because the former module didn't support 1.0 balls/s.This new module can carry at 1.3 balls/s. All mech...- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 792411
- author: akiyuky

Das Modul - Computerliebe
Das Modul - Computerliebe....
published: 03 Aug 2007
author: dasmodulmania
Das Modul - Computerliebe
Das Modul - Computerliebe
Das Modul - Computerliebe.- published: 03 Aug 2007
- views: 1563408
- author: dasmodulmania

What is a Bypass Module?
A brief overview of what a bypass module is and if you will need one when you try to insta...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: auxionhost
What is a Bypass Module?
What is a Bypass Module?
A brief overview of what a bypass module is and if you will need one when you try to install your remote car starter.- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 71815
- author: auxionhost

Moon Machines (2008): The Lunar Module
If you see a comment that denies reality, please send me a message with the YouTube-userna...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: rsa008
Moon Machines (2008): The Lunar Module
Moon Machines (2008): The Lunar Module
If you see a comment that denies reality, please send me a message with the YouTube-username. The user will be BLOCKED. The Apollo Lunar Module (LM), also kn...- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 30209
- author: rsa008

Module 1: What is Supply Chain Management? (ASU-WPC-SCM)
Part 1 of 12 - This module introduces viewers to the field of supply chain management. It ...
published: 06 Apr 2010
author: W. P. Carey School of Business
Module 1: What is Supply Chain Management? (ASU-WPC-SCM)
Module 1: What is Supply Chain Management? (ASU-WPC-SCM)
Part 1 of 12 - This module introduces viewers to the field of supply chain management. It describes the complex supply chain of a simple product, a bottle of...- published: 06 Apr 2010
- views: 431612
- author: W. P. Carey School of Business

Driver CPC Module 4
The Initial Driver CPC requires candidates to pass the Module 4 examination. It's a practi...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Sean Pargeter
Driver CPC Module 4
Driver CPC Module 4
The Initial Driver CPC requires candidates to pass the Module 4 examination. It's a practical test based on what an HGV driver does whilst not driving. This ...- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 4317
- author: Sean Pargeter

HobbyKing Daily - HK Sound Module System
HobbyKing Plug N Play Aircraft Engine Sound Module System http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyki...
published: 28 May 2013
author: HobbyKing Live
HobbyKing Daily - HK Sound Module System
HobbyKing Daily - HK Sound Module System
HobbyKing Plug N Play Aircraft Engine Sound Module System http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__37318__HobbyKing_Plug_N_Play_Aircraft_Engine_Sound_Modul...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 11196
- author: HobbyKing Live

Walkthrough of the Star Citizen Hangar Module with Asytra (Constellation, Deluxe Hangar)
A full walkthrough of the first build of the Star Citizen hangar app, featuring the Conste...
published: 30 Aug 2013
Walkthrough of the Star Citizen Hangar Module with Asytra (Constellation, Deluxe Hangar)
Walkthrough of the Star Citizen Hangar Module with Asytra (Constellation, Deluxe Hangar)
A full walkthrough of the first build of the Star Citizen hangar app, featuring the Constellation class known as the Hell's Belle with commentary by her captain, Aeryn "Vixen" Valeris. First video in a series of Star Citizen content! To pledge for Star Citizen and experience the hangar app yourself, visit: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 8954

Official DSA motorcycle test: module one (1 of 6)
The official DSA step-by-step demonstration of the module 1 motorcycle test. This footage ...
published: 11 Apr 2012
author: dsagov
Official DSA motorcycle test: module one (1 of 6)
Official DSA motorcycle test: module one (1 of 6)
The official DSA step-by-step demonstration of the module 1 motorcycle test. This footage shows a standard off-road layout of the motorcycling manoeuvring ar...- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 113598
- author: dsagov

Moon Machines (2008): The Command Module
If you see a comment that denies reality, please send me a message with the YouTube-userna...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: rsa008
Moon Machines (2008): The Command Module
Moon Machines (2008): The Command Module
If you see a comment that denies reality, please send me a message with the YouTube-username. The user will be BLOCKED. The Command/Service Module (CSM) was ...- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 28776
- author: rsa008

XDA Xposed Tuesday - Wanam Module
You may have already heard of the package installer program known as Xposed framework. In ...
published: 29 Oct 2013
XDA Xposed Tuesday - Wanam Module
XDA Xposed Tuesday - Wanam Module
You may have already heard of the package installer program known as Xposed framework. In fact XDA Developer TV recently talked about the Xposed Framework in an Android Basics 101 video. The great thing about Xposed framework is you can cherry pick from the available Xposed modules what you want. The real question is how do you know what modules are worth your time? Well we are here to help. In this episode of XDA Xposed Tuesday, XDA Developer TV Producer TK reviews Wanam Module. XDA Recognized Developer wanam complied a bunch of TouchWiz tweaks in this Xposed Module. TK shows off the module, its use, functionality and talks about his thoughts of the application. So check out this app review. XDA Portal: http://www.xda-developers.com XDA Forums: http://forum.xda-developers.com XDA TV: http://www.xda.tv/ Xposed Links: http://www.xda-developers.com/android/say-goodbye-to-custom-stock-roms-and-hello-to-xposed-framework/ http://www.xda-developers.com/android/app-development-xposed-framework-for-android-xda-developer-tv/ Wanam Links: http://www.xda-developers.com/android/wanam-xposed-brings-many-tweaks-to-stock-samsung-roms/ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2383484 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ma.wanam.xposed XDA Developer TV Links: http://www.xda-developers.com/android/app-development-xposed-framework-for-android-xda-developer-tv/ http://www.xda-developers.com/android/android-basics-101-understanding-xposed-framework-xda-developer-tv/ Check out TK's YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQN7NhtBqADmNaRA3yc_mAQ TK's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tkdsl8655 TK's Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/110326437669491373599/posts TK's Website: http://www.BaayTa.com (Under Construction) Check Out XDA on Social Media. Twitter: https://twitter.com/xdadevelopers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xda.developers Google+: https://plus.google.com/+xda- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 3423
Vimeo results:

This is a small animation i did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the graphical...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: Ion
This is a small animation i did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the graphical possibilities of representing the idea of the SPHERE, always thinking in searching Gestalt and form. Its all done in 3d, but i was more interested in the graphical interest, flatten the surfaces, and only two colors, why more.The most difficult was to achieve the transitions between the different type of representation of the sphere, the morphing and metamorphosing.
For the description of the project, all these frames plus the frames from the scenes that weren't included, visit - http://www.behance.net/gallery/Spherikal/3565597
It was all done in Cinema 4d R13, all with the Mograph module. Comositing and post in After Effects
Sound : Brand X Music

I drift, half awake, half asleep. Moving through the city I recall but have never been to....
published: 24 Oct 2009
author: mustardcuffins
I drift, half awake, half asleep. Moving through the city I recall but have never been to.
"Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality, of engendering dreams" Ivan Chtcheglov
This film was made using a digital stills camera to create a stop motion animation.
This video is an evolution of an earlier work/technique called Still Moving
I think the shot of the Barbican tower is my favourite (its the shot shown in the thumbnail)
This was shot hand held no motion control rigs etc.

Eye of the Beholder
Featuring an array of scenes from the North American landscape, EYE OF THE BEHOLDER is a s...
published: 16 Aug 2013
author: The Upthink Lab
Eye of the Beholder
Featuring an array of scenes from the North American landscape, EYE OF THE BEHOLDER is a short film that encourages the viewer to shed previous conceptions and ideas about the world, and to return to a place of wonderment and awe.
Shot on location in the High Sierra Nevada, Canadian Rockies and Southern Appalachians.
BTS: http://blog.planet5d.com/2013/09/exclusive-bts-combining-magic-lantern-raw-video-with-timelapse-on-eye-of-the-beholder/
This short film is dedicated to a close Urquhart family friend, Gene Piazza, for his inspiring strength to fight against the odds.
Cinematography & Direction by Doug Urquhart (http://upthink.tv)
Original Words by Meghan J. Ward (http://meghanjoyward.com)
Original Music by Michael Wynne (http://michaelwynne.net)
Additional Musical Collaboration with Matthew Smith
Audio Post Production Services provided by http://MWPro.net
Narrated by Brian Bremer (http://imdb.com/name/nm0107068/)
Original text inspired by the writer's daughter, Mistaya Joy, and Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose".
Special thanks to:
Karen Urquhart
, Guy Thorsby
, Erik Huber, Paul Zizka, Doris Doster & the
USFS - Nantahala Ranger District
, The McClure Family,
The Urquhart Family,
Wendall Beason, Maggie Caldwell, Mike Posehn, Brian @ http://emotimo.com, Chris Pritchard, Yosemite Steve, Oscar and Julie @ http://aperturent.com, Jay & Chris @ http://dynamicperception.com, Fred Beal, Andy Hendrix
Shot with Canon 5D3 (Magic Lantern Raw video module), 6D, 7D, T3i (solar-powered camera) and Rebel 400D (solar-powered camera). Samyang Cine Primes (14mm, 24mm, 85mm), Canon 14mm, 17-55 EF-S and 10-22 EF-S, Timelapsecontroller.com
For footage licensing inquires: http://upthink.tv/contact/
If you enjoy this short film, you might also like our previous award-winning release, Mountains in Motion: The Canadian Rockies.
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Location Listing:
00:10 - Small pond nestled below a cliff on the southern edge of Minaret Lake. High Sierra, CA + 00:21 - Sunset view from the summit of Mt Craig in Pisgah National Forest. Black Mtns. North Carolina. + 00:30 - Lassen Volcano reflected in Lake Helen. Lassen NP, CA + 00:34 - Multi-directional clouds soar while crepuscular rays radiate above a morning inversion blanketing the town of Franklin, NC. Shot from the Albert Mtn Fire Tower, located directly on the AT. Nantahala National Forest. + 00:39 - Sunset at Minaret Lake, Ansel Adams Wilderness + 00:43 - Our home galaxy illuminates a devastated area (wind damage) along the John Muir trail. CA + 00:55 - Sunrise at Minaret Lake. High Sierras, CA + 01:03 - Big Sur coast. CA + 01:07 - Evening light on McWay Falls. Big Sur, CA + 01:11 - McArthur-Burney Falls, road to Shasta, CA + 01:15 - Winter at Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada + 01:19 - Full moon above Nantahala National Forest. Albert Mtn Summit + 01:23 - The Milky Way shines over the dancing maritime fog layer. Big Sur / Lucia, CA + 01:32 - White Oak tree atop Lookout Mountain, GA. Summer to Winter + 01:37 - White Oak, Lookout Mountain, GA. Winter. + 01:43 - Apple orchard, winter, Franklin, NC + 01:50 - Yamnuska Mtn, Winter, Front range, Canadian Rockies + 01:55 - Morning light on the Minarets. Minaret Lake, High Sierras, CA + 02:00 - Morning light on the redwoods of Pfeiffer State Park. Big Sur, CA + 02:06 - Australian tree fern + 02:07 - Winter moonlight above Bow Lake. Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada + 02:10 - Autumn colors at Sweetwater Creek State park. Atlanta, Georgia + 02:14 - Albert Mountain Summit - Summer to winter, fall foliage change. Nantahala National Forest + 02:23 -+ Full moon and fall colors at Lake Nantahala. Nantahala National Forest, NC + 02:27 - Nantahala River, NC + 02:32 - Sunset with Crepuscular rays illuminating the Appalachian Trail. Cheoah Bald Summit. Nantahala National Forest, NC + 02:39 - Afternoon at Cecile Lake. High Sierras, CA + 02:43 - The Galactic core illuminates the outlet stream / pond at Minaret Lake. High Sierras, CA + 02:46 - Evening light at Pfeiffer beach. Big Sur, CA + 02:51 - Sunset above the Pacific. Coastal Ridge - Santa Lucia Mountains, Big Sur, CA + 02:55 - Our home galaxy blazes above the dancing maritime fog layer. Big Sur / Lucia, CA
"Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much. Language consists of five basic sounds produced by the vocal cords. They are the vowels a, e, i, o, u. The other sounds are consonants produced by air pressure: s, f, g, and so forth. Do you believe some combination of such basic sounds could ever explain who you are, or the ultimate purpose of the universe, or even what a tree or stone is in its depth?" - Eckhart Tolle

Modul / Zhestkov.com
Written and Directed by: Zhestkov
published: 04 Jun 2009
author: Zhestkov
Modul / Zhestkov.com
Written and Directed by: Zhestkov
Youtube results:

Star Citizen - Hangar Module Alpha - Origin 300i & Aurora EX
After hours of trying I downloaded and got to play with the beautifully designed models in...
published: 30 Aug 2013
Star Citizen - Hangar Module Alpha - Origin 300i & Aurora EX
Star Citizen - Hangar Module Alpha - Origin 300i & Aurora EX
After hours of trying I downloaded and got to play with the beautifully designed models in the hangar, not much more to do right now, there are bugs and glitches, but this is an alpha, and I hope the game grows from here. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 39967

Master the Lightroom 5 Print Module
Join photographer and Canson...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Master the Lightroom 5 Print Module
Master the Lightroom 5 Print Module
http://bit.ly/bheventspace http://www.robertrodriguezjr.com/ Join photographer and Canson Infinity ambassador Robert Rodriguez Jr as he explains and shows how you can harness the power of the Lightroom 5 Print module to create fine art prints. He'll cover soft proofing, print layouts and templates, paper selection, and all the optimum settings that can help you make great prints in Lightroom 5. As an experienced print maker, Robert will share his expertise and experiences making and selling his own fine art prints in galleries and art shows, as well as which papers he uses and why. He'll also demonstrate his printing workflow using Lightroom 5.- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 666

Drupal 7 Module Development Basics - Daily Dose of Drupal 16
In this episode you will learn the very basics of Drupal 7 module development. From the in...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: Shane Thomas
Drupal 7 Module Development Basics - Daily Dose of Drupal 16
Drupal 7 Module Development Basics - Daily Dose of Drupal 16
In this episode you will learn the very basics of Drupal 7 module development. From the info file, Drupal hooks, and the module file, this is a crash course ...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 4491
- author: Shane Thomas

Roland INTEGRA-7 SuperNATURAL Sound Module Demo - Sweetwater Sound
http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Integra7 Scott Tibbs from Roland demonstrates the I...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: SweetwaterSound
Roland INTEGRA-7 SuperNATURAL Sound Module Demo - Sweetwater Sound
Roland INTEGRA-7 SuperNATURAL Sound Module Demo - Sweetwater Sound
http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Integra7 Scott Tibbs from Roland demonstrates the Integra-7 sound module, which boasts over 5000 sounds and Roland's ...- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 30533
- author: SweetwaterSound