- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 4
DEATH Of NELSON MANDELA: Dies At Age 95, Iconic Leader and ex president of South Africa Former South African President Nelson Mandela died Thursday at 95. Mandela was viewed as a hero to people around the world, and the biggest leader of the anti-apartheid movement. His health was failing over the last few months, as he suffered from a recurring lung infection. Mandela was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. RT's Meghan Lopez and Paula Slier bring us the latest details of this breaking news. With the passing of Nelson Mandela, along with the start of a mourning process both in South Africa and further afield, comes the launch of one of the country's biggest ever staged events as it gears up to bury the beloved father of the Rainbow Nation. The farewell to Nelson Mandela will be an event like no other -- a major organisational challenge posed to people each dealing with the deeply personal loss of a man everyone called "Tata", father. The series of engagements to honour the Nobel Peace Prize winner are expected to be held over a period of roughly 10 days and between them will see the participation of hundreds of thousands of people. Heads of state and dignitaries from around the world are expected to fly in -- among them potentially Barack Obama, the Pope, the Queen, David Cameron, the Dalai Lama and former US president Bill Clinton. Adding their own sparkle with be a phalanx of celebrities who each took pride in calling Mr Mandela a friend: U2 frontman Bono, singer Annie Lennox, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, talk show host Oprah Winfrey and supermodel Naomi Campbell. Any attempt to elicit information from government officials about the official plans that will follow Mr Mandela's passing have drawn the sharp accusation that the enquirer is "unAfrican". But judging from the plans leaking from public officials and the national broadcaster which will lead coverage for the past few years, the arrangements remained fluid until the end. Following President Jacob Zuma's announcement of the news of Mr Mandela's passing, his body is thought to have been taken to Pretoria's main military hospital. READ MORE AT: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/nelson-mandela/10499692/Nelson-Mandela-funeral-what-happens-now.html TAGS: Airport, Nazi, World, Government, Planetary, Tyranny, NWO, Global, Obama, Rockafella, CIA, Director, China, Fascist, Order, Social, Decline, Major, Political, Dynasty, Reelection, Socialism, Collectivism, Conservatism, Economic,Nelson,Mandela,95,Hero,Coke,Heath,Ex,President,South,Africa,Beloved,Apartheid,Troubled,Divided,Land,Prison,Revenge,Worldwide,Icon,Lung,Infection,Hospital,Life,Troubled,Freedom,Reconciliation,Polished,Image,Nobel,Peace,Prize,Black,White,Radical,Rights,Violence,Necessary,Political,Movement,Authority,Congress,Armed,Struggled,Colleges,Dennis,Goldberg,Arms,Government,Legitimacy,Support,Terrorist,Community,Margret,Thatcher,ANC,Washington,Obama,Database,Lawyer,Political,Climate,Soviet,Union,World,Leader,West,Wikileaks,Lebanon,Trial,Accused,Benjamin,Franklin,Principle,Opinion,, Foreign, Banks, London, Corporate, Family, Media, Anti, Free, market, Monopoly, Constitutional, Libertarian, Peace, Bailout, Patriot, Act, Population, Monuments, Texas, Oil, Company, Berlin, Wall, Garbage, Al-queda, Gun-owners, Infowars, Destruction, Agenda, Euthanasia, Soft, Kill, program, eugenics, Biological, Warfare, cancer, murder, David, Icke, Alex, Jones, New, World, Order, NWO, Illuminati, Conspiracy, Truth, Propaganda, Brain, Washing, WW3, wwiii, Globalist, Elite, Takeover, Gerald, Celente, Max, Keiser, Financial, Economic, Crisis, Freedom, Economy, Tyranny, 9/11, 911, FBI, CIA, Zion, Zionism, Zionist, Rothschild, Royal, Family, Tsiyonuttimes, 2013, US, USA, America, Paul, Ryan, Barack, Michelle, Obama, Mitt, Romney, Joe, Biden, President, Election, Democrat, Republican, Forward, Change, foreign, Policy, Politics, Reelection, Government, Tea, Party, George, Bush, Bill, Hilary, Clinton, shocking,