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Communications Workers

We are members of the Industrial Workers of the World who work in the communications industry. Our organization is open to All workers engaged in postal, courier, telephone, telegraph, radio, television, satellite communication, and computer operation, including programming, and networking.

Our goal is to build unity between all workers who work in the communications industry, regardless of our occupation, seniority, card level, union membership, or what other unions we belong to. We aim to assist and complement other unions efforts to defend workers' rights, to take action where they can't due to anti-union laws, to organize the unorganized, to educate workers as to their rights, and to forge new ground for organized labor.

Despite the hype of the "telecommunications revolution" this so-called "revolution" has been nothing of the sort for workers in the communications industry, because the employers continue to treat workers as slaves. The solution to this problem is obvious: abolition of wage slavery and one big union.

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