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Palestine-Israel, The cold wave and the snow could not stop the joint struggle

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | community struggles | news report author Tuesday December 17, 2013 00:29author by Ilan S. - AAtW, ainfos Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

In spite of the unusual cold whether and snow, Friday demonstrations against the occupation and suppression and settlers infringements continued. Israelis failed to arrive to Qaddum but were there morally, Ni'ilin, and Bil'in were easier to arrive and so was Sheikh Jarakh where activists from the west Jerusalem waded the heavy snow. The struggle of the Bedouins and supporters against their transfer caused the freezing of the Prawer plan law continue focused on the efforts to release the 13 demonstrators in Hura two weeks ago still not released from jail. The struggle against the concentration camps for the African refugees took a turning point when about 150 of them defied the cold whether and started a 200 kilometer march to the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem with activists make efforts to give logistic support. In solidarity with them Bedouin activist from Arakib village (already destroyed more than 50 times decided to join the marchers. [Italiano]

Prawer plan

It seems that the mighty Israeli elite which is carelessly gambling with the future of passive masses get cold feet when signs of resistance start to appear. The initiators of the Prawer plan of transferring tens of thousands of Bedouins were a bully when it was just the resistance of the village of Arakib... but lost all bravado when a mass demo in Hura signaled a mass resistance alarm... and they temporarily took down the suggested law needed to apply it.

Two weeks since the demo in Hura and still not all arrested been released.

Palestinian-Bedouin and Israeli-Jewish activists gathered in front of the Beersheba courthouse to protest the ongoing detention of 13 protesters, including 5 minors, who have been in jail since the anti-Prawer day of rage on 30.11. Among the protesters was also Sheikh Sayah al-Tori from al-'Araqib, who was recently released from detention following his insistence to keep on living on his lands, which the state intends to expropriate. While protesters stood outside calling for the release of the Prawer detainees, inside a bail hearing was held for an Israeli-Jewish activist who was arrested on the 30.11 day of rage and has been incarcerated ever since. In a previous discussion, the state's attorney rejected the proposed guarantors, arguing that they participated in the same demonstration and that they share the same ideological stance. This, although the proposed guarantors identified as employed by NGOs that promote nonviolence.
Haim Schwarczenberg

The march of the refugees

They have nothing to lose but their chains
In act of civil disobedience, 150 Sudanese refugees walk out of Israeli 'open prison'. 150 Sudanese asylum seekers are currently making their way to Jerusalem, from an 'open prison' in Israel's south, to protest their continued detention without trial and demand recognition as refugees. The group first marched to Be'er Sheva, where they spent the night in the city's bus station. Activists were there to bring them food and blankets as they braved near-freezing temperatures. For more on the march: (Photo by Activestills)

Bil'in - Friday 13-12-13

A small demo due to the freezing whether - 4 from Tel Aviv and about 20 of the village. We arrived at the gate in the wall and confronted few soldiers. After they threatened us with detaining, they compromised and retreated behind the gate and we left that location - to converge at the Abu Lamun wood. The disappointed soldiers showered us with tear gas till we returned to the village.
Haitham Al Khatib


Dec 13, 2013
Odai Qaddomi

Sheikh Jarrah weekly demonstration 13.12.2013.
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
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