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  • NEWSLINE AT NOON Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine...26:03
  • Toronto Ice Storm Aftermath - Dec 22 2013 (GoPro 2013)...2:04
  • Egypt Names Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group...1:27
  • Religious Specials - Pope Francis Christmas Speech 2013...28:28
  • Turkey: AK Party in turmoil after ministers resign...0:56
  • Pope Francis: Nursing homes for priests and sisters, sanctua...3:52
  • North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un...1:12
  • Pope Francis celebrates first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter's Basilica...1:09
  • North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays tribute to dad and Grandad...1:04
  • Mass Riots In Egypt After Bomb Attacks...2:21
  • Massacres and executions in South Sudan as UN seeks to boost peacekeeping force...1:22
  • Fears of escalating violence in South Sudan - live guest...4:52
  • Greenpeace Protest Britons Released On Bail...0:36
add video playlist NEWSLINE AT NOON 12:00 (THIS IS THE TRANSCRIPT FOR ARIRANG NEWS THAT AIRED ON 26 Dec 2013- 12:00 KST.) Title: Headlines Coming up on this Thursday edition of Newsline at Noon,... in an unexpected sign the months-long political impasse could be drawing to an end, Korea's ruling and main opposition parties agree to pass key bills at next week's general Assembly session, including ones for the 2014 budget and spy agency reforms. The state-run rail operator KORAIL says it will hire 6-hundred-60 new workers as train services in the nation remain below 80 percent of normal levels on the 18th day of the strike. The head of KORAIL will visit a temple in Seoul later today, hoping to meet a union leader holed up inside. Plus,... Egypt's military-backed interim government intensifies its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring the group a terrorist organization. These stories and more on Newsline at Noon. ed: mark Title: 12 Newsline Title Title: Opening Thanks for joining us. You're watching Newsline at Noon. I'm Choi You-sun in Seoul. Good to have you with us,.... I'm Mark Broome. Title: Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine We start with some news just coming in... In a move that caught almost everyone off guard,... Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid a visit to the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo on Thursday morning. NHK and other Japanese media outlets are reporting that Abe visited the highly controversial shrine on the first anniversary of his taking office as prime minister. It is the first visit to the shrine by a sitting prime minister since Junichiro Koizumi visited the shrine to mark the end of World War II in 2006. The shrine honors convicted war criminals along with Japan's war dead. The visit will almost certainly escalate the already tense relations with Seoul and Beijing, who see it as a symbol of Tokyo's unrepentance of its war wrongdoings. Title: Rival parties give last minute push to pass 2014 budget, NIS reform plan before year's end Let's start at the National Assembly, where Korea's rival political parties are engaged in a last minute push to pass next year's budget bill and a spy agency reform bill... before the end of the year. This follows the surprise agreement reached between the ruling and main opposition parties on Christmas Day. Kim Yeon-ji starts us off. The ruling and opposition party leaders of the special parliamentary committee to reform the National Intelligence Service met Thursday... to hash out the details of a reform plan for the spy agency. On Wednesday, the floor leaders of the ruling Saenuri Party and main opposition Democratic Party agreed to pass next year's budget bill... along with a NIS reform plan... next Monday. The 340-billion-U.S. dollar budget plan for 2014, drawn up by the government in September,... has been stuck in the legislature amid a deadlock between the rival parties over allegations... the spy agency tried to sway public opinion in favor of now President Park Geun-hye ahead of last year's presidential election. The Christmas Day deal, however, did not include an agreement over other key bills. The Saenuri Party demanded the main opposition party help pass bills aimed at facilitating foreign investment and tourism in the country. President Park urged policymakers earlier this month... to pass these bills, saying they are necessary to revive the sluggish economy and give momentum to the gradual recovery. The Democratic Party, however, called for prohibiting efforts to privatize the state-run rail operator, KORAIL,... and writing such a ban into law. The 76-hundred member railroad union has been striking for nearly three weeks, the longest rail strike in Korean history, to protest the government's attempt to set up a subsidiary company to run a new high-speed train line from southeast of Seoul, to the southern port city of Busan. The railroad union says the move is part of the government's plan to eventually privatize national rail services... but the government stresses it has no intention of doing so. Although the rival parties failed to reach a consensus over these issues Wednesday, they did agree to continue discussing these bills at respective standing committees. As for next year's budget bill, the rival parties have cleared about two-thirds of 1-hundred-20 government business projects, mostly to do with job creation and creative economy. Kim Yeon-ji, Arirang News.


Title: Headlines

 Coming up on this Thursday edition of Newsline at Noon,... in an unexpected sign the months-long political impasse could be drawing to an end, Korea\'s ruling and main opposition parties agree to pass key bills at next week\'s general Assembly session, including ones for the 2014 budget and spy agency reforms.

 The state-run rail operator KORAIL says it will hire 6-hundred-60 new workers as train services in the nation remain below 80 percent of normal levels on the 18th day of the strike. The head of KORAIL will visit a temple in Seoul later today, hoping to meet a union leader holed up inside.

 Plus,... Egypt\'s military-backed interim government intensifies its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring the group a terrorist organization. These stories and more on Newsline at Noon.

 ed: mark

Title: 12 Newsline Title

Title: Opening

 Thanks for joining us. You\'re watching Newsline at Noon.
 I\'m Choi You-sun in Seoul.
 Good to have you with us,.... I\'m Mark Broome. 

Title: Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine

 We start with some news just coming in...
 In a move that caught almost everyone off guard,... Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid a visit to the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo on Thursday morning. 
 NHK and other Japanese media outlets are reporting that Abe visited the highly controversial shrine on the first anniversary of his taking office as prime minister.
 It is the first visit to the shrine by a sitting prime minister since Junichiro Koizumi visited the shrine to mark the end of World War II in 2006.
 The shrine honors convicted war criminals along with Japan\'s war dead.
 The visit will almost certainly escalate the already tense relations with Seoul and Beijing, who see it as a symbol of Tokyo\'s unrepentance of its war wrongdoings. 

Title: Rival parties give last minute push to pass 2014 budget, NIS reform plan before year\'s end

 Let\'s start at the National Assembly, where Korea\'s rival political parties are engaged in a last minute push to pass next year\'s budget bill and a spy agency reform bill... before the end of the year.
 This follows the surprise agreement reached between the ruling and main opposition parties on Christmas Day.
 Kim Yeon-ji starts us off. The ruling and opposition party leaders of the special parliamentary committee to reform the National Intelligence Service met Thursday... to hash out the details of a reform plan for the spy agency.
 On Wednesday, the floor leaders of the ruling Saenuri Party and main opposition Democratic Party agreed to pass next year\'s budget bill... along with a NIS reform plan... next Monday.
 The 340-billion-U.S. dollar budget plan for 2014, drawn up by the government in September,... has been stuck in the legislature amid a deadlock between the rival parties over allegations... the spy agency tried to sway public opinion in favor of now President Park Geun-hye ahead of last year\'s presidential election.
 The Christmas Day deal, however, did not include an agreement over other key bills.
 The Saenuri Party demanded the main opposition party help pass bills aimed at facilitating foreign investment and tourism in the country.
 President Park urged policymakers earlier this month... to pass these bills, saying they are necessary to revive the sluggish economy and give momentum to the gradual recovery.
 The Democratic Party, however, called for prohibiting efforts to privatize the state-run rail operator, KORAIL,... and writing such a ban into law.
 The 76-hundred member railroad union has been striking for nearly three weeks, the longest rail strike in Korean history, to protest the government\'s attempt to set up a subsidiary company to run a new high-speed train line from southeast of Seoul, to the southern port city of Busan.
 The railroad union says the move is part of the government\'s plan to eventually privatize national rail services... but the government stresses it has no intention of doing so.
 Although the rival parties failed to reach a consensus over these issues Wednesday, they did agree to continue discussing these bills at respective standing committees.
 As for next year\'s budget bill, the rival parties have cleared about two-thirds of 1-hundred-20 government business projects, mostly to do with job creation and creative economy.
 Kim Yeon-ji, Arirang News.
NEWSLINE AT NOON Abe ex­pect­ed to visit war-linked Ya­suku­ni Shrine
Freezing rain lasting all night with temps around -1C caused damage throughout all of the GTA. Fallen Trees, damaged houses and cars, power outages. Power is predicted to be out for 3 days. Bummer. 
Toronto, Ontario. December 21 22 2013.
Toron­to Ice Storm Af­ter­math - Dec 22 2013 (GoPro 2013)
Egypt\'s military-backed interim government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization Wednesday, intensifying its campaign of arrests, and tightening the noose on the group\'s network of charities and businesses. (Dec. 25)
Egypt Names Mus­lim Broth­er­hood a Ter­ror­ist Group
Christmas 2013
Re­li­gious Spe­cials - Pope Fran­cis Christ­mas Speech 2013
Turkey\'s government suffered a shock twin resignation on Christmas Day with the economy and...

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Turkey\'s government suffered a shock twin resignation on Christmas Day with the economy and interior ministers both quitting under a cloud of scandal.

Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammar Guler had both previously offered their resignations on Sunday, and on Tuesday President Abdullah Gul called for light to be shone on a number of corruption allegations.

The ministers became entangled after the arrests of their sons on December 17, along with a number of other suspects accused of taking or organising bribes.

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Turkey: AK Party in tur­moil after min­is­ters re­sign
Apostolic life is joy, noted the Pope in his homily at morning mass. \
Pope Fran­cis: Nurs­ing homes for priests and sis­ters, sanc­tua
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North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un\'s uncle, calling the leader\'s former mentor a traitor. The official news agency KCNA said Jang Song Thaek tried to seize power and overthrow the state. The announcement came days after Jang- long considered the country\'s second in command - was removed from all his posts because of a long list of allegations, including corruption, drug use, gambling and womanising. Report by Ashley Fudge.

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Anchorman\'s Steve Carell interrupts Daybreak weather update:
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Mandela memorial sign language interpreter branded a \
North Korea ex­e­cutes uncle of lead­er Kim Jong Un
Pope Francis has celebrated his first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter\'s in the Vatican. 

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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Pope Francis has celebrated his first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter\'s in the Vatican. 

He was assisted by more than 300 cardinals, bishops and priests. 

Around ten thousand people packed the basilica, and hundreds of others watched outside. 

In his homily, Pope Francis urged people to lead humble lives.

Pope Fran­cis cel­e­brates first Christ­mas Eve mid­night mass at St Peter's Basil­i­ca
Subscribe to ITN News: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has paid tribute to the country\'s former leaders, marking the 68th anniversary ...Kim Jong Un is not the president of North Korea. That title belongs — eternally, the government says — to his late grandfather Kim Il Sung, the nation\'s founder. But the younger Kim has picked up a slew of big titles in the seven months since he became the country\'s leader. Here\'s the list: —Marshal of the Democratic People\'s Republic of Korea (North Korea\'s official name): Kim was granted the title in a meeting of top government, military and Workers\' Party officials on July 17. The decision was made a day after the surprise announcement of the dismissal of the army chief. Kim previously was promoted to four-star general in September 2010. First chairman of the National Defense Commission: North Korea\'s Supreme People\'s Assembly elected Kim to the post in a special parliamentary session April 13. It also made his father, late leader Kim Jong Il, the commission\'s \
North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays trib­ute to dad and Grandad
There have been riots in the Egyptian city of Mansoura after the bombing of a police station that killed 14 people.

Police said on Tuesday three bombs had been planted before the explosion at the police station, two of which went off at almost at the same time. The third one, found in a car nearby, was defused.

They warned that the death toll from the bombing, which injured 150, could rise because more people might be trapped in the building.

Al Jazeera\'s Mohamed Fahmy, reporting from Cairo, said Ansar Beit al-Makdis, an armed group active in the Sinai peninsula, had claimed responsibility for bombing.

The group, which is also known as Ansar Jerusalem, posted their statement on the Internet, Fahmy said.

Despite the group\'s claim, there were anti-riots in Mansoura on Tuesday afternoon.

Hundreds of people attacked shops and businesses and set two vans reportedly owned by the Muslim Brotherhood on fire, according to Al Jazeera\'s Mahmoud Sobky, reporting from Mansoura.

The blast had prompted a cabinet statement declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation, although officials did not directly accuse the group of staging the attack.

The Brotherhood, which is already outlawed, condemned the bombing as \
Mass Riots In Egypt After Bomb At­tacks
Evidence is emerging of mass ethnic killings amid the deepening conflict in South Sudan.

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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Evidence is emerging of mass ethnic killings amid the deepening conflict in South Sudan.

The United Nations says a grave containing 75 bodies has been found and other eyewitness accounts speak of hundreds being shot by security forces.

For the first time since World War II, Japan has provided ammunition to another country, supplying South Korean peacekeepers in South Sudan.

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wants almost to double the size of its 7,000-strong peacekeeping force in the African country.

Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations, said: \
Mas­sacres and ex­e­cu­tions in South Sudan as UN seeks to boost peace­keep­ing force
Light­ing The Christ­mas Tree - Beth­le­hem 2013
Al Jazeera talks to Amadou Sy, senior fellow with the Africa Growth initiative at the Brookings Institution, about fears of escalating violence as peace efforts appear to be stalling with South Sudan\'s government poised to attack rebels.
Fears of es­ca­lat­ing vi­o­lence in South Sudan - live guest
Freed Greenpeace activist Frank Hewetson told The News it was a really good feeling to learn he would be leaving Russia after his charges were dropped and .

Greenpeace Protest: Britons Released On Bail Activist Alexandra Harris and journalist Kieron Bryan speak of their relief and the group\'s Anthony Perrett is a.

American Greenpeace ship captain bailed by Russian court The American captain of a Greenpeace ship who along with a number of other activists was arrested fo.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers her annual Christmas message to the peoples of the Commonwealth. Follow and subscribe the Earth News Channel on ; htt.

Home performed by Phillip Phillips and co-written by Drew Pearson and Greg Holden. In a world seemingly a little mad sometimes, you are not powerless to ch.
Green­peace Protest Britons Re­leased On Bail
At least 18 people, including four children, have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain. A number of peopl.

Italy Devastating Cyclone Cleopatra Apocalyptic Storm Kills 17 . ‎ Traduzir esta página 12 horas atrás - Italy Deva. Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly s.

Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding At least 14 people have been killed after a cyclone, accompanied by heavy rains, tore through the .

At least 18 people have been killed after a powerful cyclone hit the the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people are reported missing after rivers bur.

Italian authorities have declared a state of emergency in Sardinia after a cyclone struck the. euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe .

At least 18 people, including four children, have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain. A number of peopl.

ROME (AP) — The Mediterranean island of Sardinia, prized by the jet-set for its white sand beaches and crystal-clear seas, was a flood-ravaged mud bath Tuesd.

Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly storm and floods A state of emergency has been declared after at least 18 people were killed by a cyclone on the Itali.

PLEASE CLICK COMMERCIALS--LÜTFEN REKLAMLARA TIKLAYIN At least 18 people have been killed after a powerful cyclone hit the the Italian island of Sardinia over.

Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly storm and floods A state of emergency has been declared after at least 18 people were killed by a cyclone on the Itali.

Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding At least 14 people have been killed after a cyclone, accompanied by heavy rains, tore through the .

Cyclone Cleopatra At Least 18 Killed By Storm In Sardinia Italy Declares State Of Emergency 17 Dead After Cyclone Cleopatra Floods Sardinia, Italy EXCLUSIVE .

EXCLUSIVE ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra 18 Killed In Sardinia Venice Storm Floods RAW VIDEO EXCLUSIVE ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra 18 Killed In Sardinia Venice Storm Fl.

Clean-up operations underway in parts of Sardinia ravaged by deadly Cyclone Cleopatra Full Story: The Sardinian town of Olbia is among the areas worst-hit by.

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Flash floods have killed at least 17 people on the Italian island of Sardinia. The torrential rain and high winds of cyclone Cleopatra caused rivers to break.

[Full Footage] Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding.

At least 16 people have been killed in flooding prompted by a cyclone and heavy rain that swept through the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people ar.

At least 18 people have been killed in flooding prompted by a cyclone and heavy rain that lashed the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people are repor.

Mai vista una città sottacqua..disperazione tra gli abitanti..nubifragio..situazione drammatica.

The first funerals are taking place on Wednesday of those killed by a cyclone and severe flooding on Sardinia. The holiday island, usually known for its whit.

Flood waters sweep away bridges, wash away streets and kill several people on the Italian island of Sardinia. Nearby Cyclone Cleopatra is to blame for the dr.

19 November 2013 At least 18 people have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain.
[EX­CLU­SIVE] FULL ITALY Cy­clone Cleopa­tra : 18 Killed In Sar­dinia, Venice Storm & Floods (R

updated 26 Dec 2013; published 26 Dec 2013
NEWSLINE AT NOON Abe ex­pect­ed to visit war-linked Ya­suku­ni Shrine
South China Morning Post 26 Dec 2013, Nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went to Tokyo’s controversial Yasukuni war shrine on Thursday morning, in a move certain to roil troubled relations with Japan’s Asian neighbours. The visit came exactly one year after he took power and is expected to further inflame already-tense relations with China and South Korea, both of which are...
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updated 22 Dec 2013; published 22 Dec 2013
Toron­to Ice Storm Af­ter­math - Dec 22 2013 (GoPro 2013)
BBC News 26 Dec 2013, More than 500,000 households in the north-eastern US and the south-eastern Canada are still without electricity after last weekend's severe ice storm. Utility crews are working round-the-clock, but warn that some homes could...
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updated 25 Dec 2013; published 25 Dec 2013
Egypt Names Mus­lim Broth­er­hood a Ter­ror­ist Group
Reuters 25 Dec 2013, CAIRO (Reuters) - The Egyptian government intensified its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday, formally listing the group as a terrorist organization after accusing it of carrying out a suicide bomb attack on a police station that killed 16 people. The Brotherhood condemned the attack on Tuesday in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura,...
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updated 25 Dec 2013; published 25 Dec 2013
Re­li­gious Spe­cials - Pope Fran­cis Christ­mas Speech 2013
Voa News 25 Dec 2013, Pope Francis has called for peace in South Sudan and other troubled nations around the world in his first Christmas Day address. The 77-year-old Argentine pontiff spoke to tens of thousands of people Wednesday in St. Peter&aposs; Square, celebrating one of the holiest days on the Christian...
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updated 25 Dec 2013; published 25 Dec 2013
Turkey: AK Party in tur­moil after min­is­ters re­sign
New Straits/Business Times 25 Dec 2013, ANKARA: Two Turkish ministers stepped down Wednesday, the first heads to roll over a massive graft probe that has presented Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the biggest challenge to his 11 years in power. Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammer Guler announced their resignations just hours after Erdogan returned from a...
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updated 19 Oct 2013; published 19 Oct 2013
Pope Fran­cis: Nurs­ing homes for priests and sis­ters, sanc­tua 25 Dec 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. There was no better time for Pope Francis to recount a story about public breastfeeding than during this season of faith and conscience. In a recent interview he tells of seeing a mother standing behind the public barriers at the Vatican, holding a baby who started to cry. Pope Francis said to her,...
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updated 13 Dec 2013; published 13 Dec 2013
North Korea ex­e­cutes uncle of lead­er Kim Jong Un
Al Jazeera 25 Dec 2013, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has warned war could break out "without any prior notice" and urged his military to bolster its combat readiness, state media reported. The call on Wednesday comes one day after a US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University report said that satellite imagery suggested that the North might have begun producing fuel...
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updated 25 Dec 2013; published 25 Dec 2013
Pope Fran­cis cel­e­brates first Christ­mas Eve mid­night mass at St Peter's Basil­i­ca
DNA India 25 Dec 2013, Pope Francis, celebrating his first Christmas as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, on Tuesday urged people to shun pride and selfishness and open up their hearts to God and their fellow man. Francis, who last March became the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, celebrated a solemn Christmas Eve Mass for some 10,000 people...
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updated 26 Dec 2013; published 26 Dec 2013
North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays trib­ute to dad and Grandad
South China Morning Post 25 Dec 2013, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has urged the country's military to bolster its combat readiness, saying a war could break out "without any prior notice", state media reported Wednesday. The call comes at a time of heightened tension on the Korean Peninsula...
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updated 25 Dec 2013; published 25 Dec 2013
Mass Riots In Egypt After Bomb At­tacks
Al Jazeera 25 Dec 2013, There have been riots in the Egyptian city of Mansoura, after the bombing of a police station that killed 14 people. Police said on Tuesday three bombs had been planted before the explosion at the police station, two of which went off at almost at the same time. The third one, found in a car nearby, was defused. They warned that the death toll from...
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updated 24 Dec 2013; published 24 Dec 2013
Mas­sacres and ex­e­cu­tions in South Sudan as UN seeks to boost peace­keep­ing force
South China Morning Post 25 Dec 2013, The U.N. Security Council approved plans on Tuesday to almost double the number of peacekeepers in South Sudan in an effort to protect civilians as reports of mass graves fueled fears of a worsening of ethnic bloodletting in the world's newest state. The 15-member council unanimously authorized a plan by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to boost...
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updated 01 Dec 2013; published 01 Dec 2013
Light­ing The Christ­mas Tree - Beth­le­hem 2013
Fresno Bee 25 Dec 2013, BETHLEHEM, West Bank — Thousands of Christian pilgrims from around the world packed the West Bank town of Bethlehem for Christmas Eve celebrations on Tuesday, bringing warm holiday cheer to the biblical birthplace of Jesus on a cool, clear night. The heavy turnout, its highest in years, helped lift spirits in Bethlehem as leaders expressed...
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updated 23 Dec 2013; published 23 Dec 2013
Fears of es­ca­lat­ing vi­o­lence in South Sudan - live guest
Al Jazeera 24 Dec 2013, South Sudan's army has said it will investigate reports of mass graves discovered by the United Nations as the army prepares to retake rebel-held Bor and Bentiu. "If anyone has found mass graves we will be willing to investigate it," Colonel Philip Aguer, the army spokesman, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday. "I have not heard about it, some criminals...
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updated 26 Dec 2013; published 26 Dec 2013
Green­peace Protest Britons Re­leased On Bail
The New York Times 24 Dec 2013, ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — One of the activists detained in Russia's Arctic has been granted amnesty, Greenpeace said on Tuesday. The 30 crew members aboard a Greenpeace ship were detained at a Russian oil rig in September and were held for two months before they were released last month. But the 26 non-Russian crew members have not been allowed to...
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Japan’s Abe visits controversial Yasukuni war shrine
Full Article South China Morning Post
26 Dec 2013

Nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went to Tokyo’s controversial Yasukuni war shrine on Thursday morning, in a move certain to roil troubled relations with Japan’s Asian neighbours. The visit came exactly one year after he took power and is expected to further inflame already-tense relations with China and South Korea, both of which are... Abe War Ii Shrine
Japan’s Abe visits controversial Yasukuni war shrine
photo: AP / Koji Sasahara

Mass power cuts continue in US and Canada after storm
Full Article BBC News
26 Dec 2013

More than 500,000 households in the north-eastern US and the south-eastern Canada are still without electricity after last weekend's severe ice storm. Utility crews are working round-the-clock, but warn that some homes could... Weather Storm - Canada Storms - Us
Snow-covered Lake Michigan is seen Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2013, in Chicago. Two bursts of light snow are likely to total 1 to 2 inches area-wide, making this the snowiest Christmas in the Chicago area since 2002 when 2 inches fell.
photo: AP / Nam Y. Huh

Egypt designates Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group
Full Article Reuters
25 Dec 2013

CAIRO (Reuters) - The Egyptian government intensified its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday, formally listing the group as a terrorist organization after accusing it of carrying out a suicide bomb attack on a police station that killed 16 people. The Brotherhood condemned the attack on Tuesday in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura,... Spring Brotherhood
An Egyptian policeman guards the scene of an explosion at a police headquarters building that killed at least a dozen people, wounded more than 100, and left scores buried under the rubble, in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura, 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Ahmed Ashraf

Pope Calls for Peace in South Sudan, Syria
Full Article Voa News
25 Dec 2013

Pope Francis has called for peace in South Sudan and other troubled nations around the world in his first Christmas Day address. The 77-year-old Argentine pontiff spoke to tens of thousands of people Wednesday in St. Peter&aposs; Square, celebrating one of the holiest days on the Christian... In Bethlehem Aid - Syria Francis Speech
Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the City and to the World) message from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia

Two Turkey ministers resign over graft probe
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
25 Dec 2013

ANKARA: Two Turkish ministers stepped down Wednesday, the first heads to roll over a massive graft probe that has presented Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the biggest challenge to his 11 years in power. Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammer Guler announced their resignations just hours after Erdogan returned from a... Bayraktar Tayyip Erdogan Corruption
Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan, left, Education Minister Nabi Avci, center, and Interior Minister Muammer Guler arrive for a ceremony in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Burhan Ozbilici

Pope Francis and Politics of Public Breastfeeding
Full Article
25 Dec 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. There was no better time for Pope Francis to recount a story about public breastfeeding than during this season of faith and conscience. In a recent interview he tells of seeing a mother standing behind the public barriers at the Vatican, holding a baby who started to cry. Pope Francis said to her,... Rights Francis Breastfeeding
Pope Francis holds a baby as he arrives for his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Kim tells N Korean army to ready for combat
Full Article Al Jazeera
25 Dec 2013

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has warned war could break out "without any prior notice" and urged his military to bolster its combat readiness, state media reported. The call on Wednesday comes one day after a US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University report said that satellite imagery suggested that the North might have begun producing fuel... Jong Un Korea Weapons
File - In this photo taken on April 15, 2012, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, right, speaks with Vice Marshal Choe Ryong Hae during a mass military parade in Kim Il Sung Square to celebrate the centenary of the birth of his grandfather, national founder Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, North Korea.
photo: AP / Kyodo News

At first Christmas as pope, Francis urges openness to God
Full Article DNA India
25 Dec 2013

Pope Francis, celebrating his first Christmas as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, on Tuesday urged people to shun pride and selfishness and open up their hearts to God and their fellow man. Francis, who last March became the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, celebrated a solemn Christmas Eve Mass for some 10,000 people... Eve In Vatican Francis
Pope Francis celebrates the Christmas Eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia

Kim urges North Korea military to bolster combat readiness
Full Article South China Morning Post
25 Dec 2013

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has urged the country's military to bolster its combat readiness, saying a war could break out "without any prior notice", state media reported Wednesday. The call comes at a time of heightened tension on the Korean Peninsula... Jong-un War Korean Nuclear Test
In this Sunday, March 31, 2013 photo released by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and distributed in Tokyo Monday, April 1, 2013 by the Korea News Service, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives a speech during a plenary meeting of the central committee of the ruling Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea.
photo: AP / KCNA via KNS

Rioting after deadly Egypt bombing
Full Article Al Jazeera
25 Dec 2013

There have been riots in the Egyptian city of Mansoura, after the bombing of a police station that killed 14 people. Police said on Tuesday three bombs had been planted before the explosion at the police station, two of which went off at almost at the same time. The third one, found in a car nearby, was defused. They warned that the death toll from... Protest Supporters Brotherhood
Egyptian riot police clash with anti-government activists in Cairo, Egypt.
photo: AP / Ben Curtis

UN sends more Peacekeepers to South Sudan as violence spreads
Full Article South China Morning Post
25 Dec 2013

The U.N. Security Council approved plans on Tuesday to almost double the number of peacekeepers in South Sudan in an effort to protect civilians as reports of mass graves fueled fears of a worsening of ethnic bloodletting in the world's newest state. The 15-member council unanimously authorized a plan by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to boost... Sudan Internal Conflict Peacekeepers In South Sudan
In this photo taken Monday, Dec. 23, 2013 and released by the World Food Programme (WFP), displaced women carry boxes of food assistance on their heads as they walk past a WFP truck in the U.N. compound where they have sought shelter in Juba, South Sudan.
photo: AP / WFP, George Fominyen

Crowds throng Bethlehem for Christmas
Full Article Fresno Bee
25 Dec 2013

BETHLEHEM, West Bank — Thousands of Christian pilgrims from around the world packed the West Bank town of Bethlehem for Christmas Eve celebrations on Tuesday, bringing warm holiday cheer to the biblical birthplace of Jesus on a cool, clear night. The heavy turnout, its highest in years, helped lift spirits in Bethlehem as leaders expressed... - Christmas Eve Of Jesus Pilgrims
Christian worshippers visit the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Majdi Mohammed

S Sudan to 'investigate' mass graves reports
Full Article Al Jazeera
24 Dec 2013

South Sudan's army has said it will investigate reports of mass graves discovered by the United Nations as the army prepares to retake rebel-held Bor and Bentiu. "If anyone has found mass graves we will be willing to investigate it," Colonel Philip Aguer, the army spokesman, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday. "I have not heard about it, some criminals... Rights Sudan Nations
Up to 13,000 South Sudanese civilians have sought refuge at the UN compounds in Juba, fleeing fighting between members of the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) that broke out in Juba on the night of 15 December.
photo: UN / Julio Brathwaite

Russia Closes Criminal Case of Greenpeace Activist
Full Article The New York Times
24 Dec 2013

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — One of the activists detained in Russia's Arctic has been granted amnesty, Greenpeace said on Tuesday. The 30 crew members aboard a Greenpeace ship were detained at a Russian oil rig in September and were held for two months before they were released last month. But the 26 non-Russian crew members have not been allowed to... Sunrise Ship Activists Amnesty
From left: Greenpeace International activists Camila Speziale of Argentina, Phiip Ball of the United Kingdom and Sini Saarela of Finland pose during their meeting with residents of St.Petersburg, Russia, Monday, Dec. 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Dmitry Lovetsky

Serena Williams Named AP's 'Athlete Of The Year' For Third Time
Full Article Business Insider
26 Dec 2013

See Also Serena Williams easily wins 2013 AP Female Athlete of Year honors; adds to '02, '09 AP awards Serena Williams likes to make one thing clear: She is never satisfied, no matter how many matches and tournaments she wins. Driven as ever, Williams won plenty this year. She went 78-4 with 11 titles, including at the French Open and U.S. Open,... Of The Year Williams
Day 13 of the Sony Open Women's Final Maria Sharapova (RUS) vs Serena Williams (USA) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 30, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

2nd Test: India have a great chance to create history
Full Article The Times of India
26 Dec 2013

There is a touch of preposterousness to the recent alchemy of the Kingsmead pitch. Once considered the fastest in the country, the pitch has shred all its devilry in the recent times. Some now call it the slowest wicket in South Africa. The fast bowlers have, sure, done here well but the spinners have also performed as well in Durban if not better....
Indian tricolor flag hosting on the occasion of Independence Day of India.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

1st ODI: West Indies elect to bowl against New Zealand
Full Article The Times of India
26 Dec 2013

AUCKLAND: West Indies captain Dwayne Bravo won the toss and chose to bowl on Thursday in the first of five limited-overs internationals against New Zealand. Scorecard Bravo said the possibility of rain later in the day at Eden Park motivated his decision. "It's a very small ground so we fancy our chances to restrict the New Zealand batters to as...
West Indies' Dwayne Bravo bats during the fourth One-Day International cricket match against England, at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, Sunday, March 29, 2009.
photo: AP / Thalia Codrington

Mourinho calls Arsenal 'boring'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Dec 2013

Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has labelled Arsenal boring for failing to score at home in a defence of his side's tactics in Monday's goalless draw at the Emirates Stadium. Ever the pragmatist, Mourinho set up his side defensively and Chelsea were booed off the pitch after claiming a point, to chants of 'Boring, boring Chelsea'. It was a recycling...
Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho from Portugal speaks during a press conference in Madrid, Monday April 29, 2013. Real Madrid will play during a Champions League semifinal second leg soccer match against Borussia Dortmund on Tuesday.
photo: AP / Paul White

Delhi lose to Punjab as Viru, Gauti play poor shots on Day 4
Full Article The Times of India
25 Dec 2013

NEW DELHI: Gautam Gambhir and Virender Sehwag couldn't stand up and be counted when it mattered the most as Punjab recorded one of the most inspiring victories in recent times beating Delhi by 98 runs in a Ranji Trophy group league game to keep their quarterfinal hopes alive. Chasing a target of 327, Delhi were all out for 228 on the final day with...
Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag walks with his gear to join a practice session ahead of the second test cricket match against West Indies in Kolkata, India, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011. India leads the series 1-0.
photo: AP / Bikas Das

Tendulkar the master of 2013
Full Article Independent online (SA)
25 Dec 2013

Sachin Tendulkar finally retired in 2013 but the outpouring of emotion at the end of his illustrious career could not disguise cricket's ongoing struggle to combat the menace of spot-fixing. At the age of 40 and following his 200th Test, Tendulkar, bowed out last month with more than 34,000 international runs to his name, plus most of cricket's...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Steyn perturbed by criticism from South African fans
Full Article Dawn
25 Dec 2013

CAPE TOWN: South Africa fast bowler Dale Steyn was left distressed after being heavily criticised by his own fans for opting against chasing victory in the drawn first Test against India, the team’s vice-captain A.B. de Villiers said. The hosts finished eight runs short of a world record target of 458 as they cautiously played out the final three...
South Africa's Dale Steyn gestures during a practice session in Nagpur, India, Thursday, March 10, 2011. South Africa will play against India in ICC Cricket World Cup league match on March 12.
photo: AP / Gemunu Amarasinghe

Petrova to miss Australian Open
Full Article Dawn
25 Dec 2013

MOSCOW: Russian tennis star Nadia Petrova has pulled out of January’s Australian Open following the death in a car accident of her...
Nadia Petrova from Russia returns the ball during her match against Serena Williams from US at the Madrid Open Tennis Tournament in Madrid, on Wednesday, May 12, 2010.
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

Kanye West sued over song sample
Full Article Canberra Times
26 Dec 2013

Legal trouble ... West at last year's Big Day Out. Photo: Edwina Pickles Kanye West is being sued by a former child star whose voice is featured in a sample on West’s hit song, Bound 2.  Ricky Spicer was 12 years old when he recorded Bound with his... West Bound 2
Kanye West  Kanye West GOOD MUSIC Showcase SXSW 2011
photo: Creative Commons / David Wolf

Demi Lovato to marry Valderrama?
Full Article Newstrack India
26 Dec 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Dec 26 (IANS) Singer Demi Lovato and boyfriend actor Wilmer Valderrama are reportedly planning to enter wedlock. Valderrama, 33, purchased a...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Marilyn Manson announces only UK festival gig
Full Article Music News
26 Dec 2013

The self-proclaimed 'God of F**k' has been confirmed as the headline act for Alt-Fest ' Saturday 16th August 2014. This will be the band's only UK Festival Performance. 10 albums down, 3 Grammy nominations, a... Manson Festival
Marilyn Manson performing at 2009's Quart Festival
photo: Creative Commons / Rockman

Justin Bieber Tweets He’s Officially Retiring, A Look At Why
Full Article The Inquisitr
25 Dec 2013

The singer’s first bombshell was encored by two further tweets apparently explaining the teen star’s decision to walk away from one of the biggest careers in recent pop music history, and offer some solace to his massive fan base. Many fans couldn’t initially decide whether the 19-year-old was pranking them or really was bowing...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Justin Bieber Is 'Officially Retiring' But Will Be Here 'Forever'
Full Article Huffington Post
25 Dec 2013

Justin Bieber's Christmas gift to his fans? Some confusion. On Christmas Eve, Bieber sent out three tweets to his nearly 48 million followers: the first announced his intent to retire, while the second and third contradicted the initial missive. My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) December 25, 2013 The media...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Christina Aguilera Tweets She Is "Working on Something Special” in the Studio
Full Article E! Online
25 Dec 2013

Xtina, don't be such a tease! Christina Aguilera posted a picture on Twitter today that should make her fans feel like all their Christmas dreams have come true. "Working on something special…Happy Holidays to all!!" The Voice coach captioned next to a...
Christina Aguilera
photo: Creative Commons / Daviddavid00

Miley: I speak for a generation
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
24 Dec 2013

Miley Cyrus doesn't want to be thought of as a role model, but says she is the voice of a generation. The Wrecking Ball singer shed her Disney star image over the past year, orchestrating some of the most talked about performances of 2013. But the 21-year-old star isn't consciously trying to shock, and confesses that she isn't comfortable with...
Miley Cyrus - Wonder World Tour - Party in the U.S.A. 2
photo: Creative Commons / calmdownlove

`Red bikini` clad Mariah Carey walks dog in snow Home
Full Article The Siasat Daily
23 Dec 2013

Washington, December 23: Mariah Carey took her dog for a walk in the Aspen snow, wearing only a blazing red bikini. The 43-year-old singer shared the photo on Instagram with a caption saying that it’s just a tradition, Us magazine reported. In another picture, the Grammy...
Mariah Carey @ 2010 Academy Awards
photo: Public Domain / Tm

Stiller’s ‘Walter Mitty’ is quiet, sweet and ever-so-slight
Full Article Buffalo News
26 Dec 2013

James Thurber’s whimsical short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” was about a bored, unassuming married man who escapes his humdrum life through wildly adventurous fantasies in which he becomes a war hero, a test pilot and the like. He avoids the boredom of errands and life’s routine that way. In Ben...
Owen Wilson, Amy Adams, and Ben Stiller at a panel promoting Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. cropped
photo: Creative Commons / cranberries

‘Wolf’ a greed joy ride for Leonardo DiCaprio
Full Article Boston Herald
26 Dec 2013

NEW YORK — Limping with a cane, Leonardo DiCaprio takes the few steps to the dais at the Mandarin-Oriental Hotel slowly. “I sprained my ankle on a floorboard. Nothing as exciting as maybe you’d hoped it would be,” DiCaprio, 39, said with a smile. His appearance here is a big contrast to his exuberant tour de force as Jordan...
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio waves for photographers during a press conference of "Inception" in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, July 21, 2010.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

Kidman: I can identify with Kelly
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Dec 2013

Nicole Kidman has revealed that she can relate to Grace Kelly quite easily. The Hollywood star portrays the US actress-turned-princess, whose life changed when she married Prince Rainier III of Monaco, in Olivier Dahan's film, and she admitted that spending life in the public gaze is something she can identify with. The 46-year-old told Empire:...
Nicole Kidman Deriv
photo: Creative Commons / Rita Molnar

Ferrell confesses Harrison thrills
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Dec 2013

Will Ferrell has confessed he was terrified working with Harrison Ford on Anchorman 2. The funnyman returns as newsreader Ron Burgundy in the new film, which sees the Indiana Jones star play lead anchor Mark Tannen, who summons Ron to his office for a good talking to. Will revealed: "The fact Harrison Ford's inches away from your face is both...
Will Ferrell LF adjusted
photo: Creative Commons / derivative work: Tabercil (talk)

Big B congratulates Abhishek on 'Dhoom 3' success
Full Article The Siasat Daily
25 Dec 2013

December 24: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan praised his son, actor Abhishek Bachchan for his success at the box office with his latest film 'Dhoom 3'. The film, which is the third offing from the 'Dhoom' franchise, saw the 37-year-old Junior B reprise the role of a cop. "'Dhoom 3' weekend collection all India is Rs 107...
Bollywood actors Abhishek Bachchan, left, Aishwarya Rai and Amitabh Bachchan      (bb2)
photo: AP / Gautam Singh

With five releases in 2013, Sonakshi Sinha on a mission to set a new record?
Full Article DNA India
25 Dec 2013

Sonakshi Sinha is the B-Town actress with maximum film releases in 2013. The 26-year-old, who debuted in 2010, has done more films — 12 — than actresses who entered Bollywood before her. She has acquired the reputation of being one of the workaholics, like Akshay Kumar, with whom she has done three films (and three cameo songs). The 12...
Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinha  during the promotion of film � LOOTERA � in Kolkata on Saturday, 22 June 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Richards denies keeping Sheen away from kids
Full Article Newstrack India
24 Dec 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Dec 25 (IANS) Actress Denise Richards has denied reports that she has banned her ex-husband Charlie Sheen from spending Christmas with their kids. The 42-year-old took to microblogging website Twitter Monday to reply to a fan's query...
Charlie Sheen and his wife Denise Richards arrive at CBS's 75th anniversary celebration on Nov. 2, 2003, in New York
photo: AP / Louis Lanzano

Britney Spears talks about sex in `I Am Britney Jean`
Full Article The Siasat Daily
24 Dec 2013

Washington, December 24: Britney Spears has opened up about her sex life in her upcoming documentary ‘I am Britney Jean’. The 32-year-old singer said that she loves sex, and thinks that it is great, People Magazine reported. However, the ‘Toxic’ hitmaker stated that she...
Singer Britney Spears performs during her "Britney 2001 Tour" in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2001. The tour ends Dec. 19th in Miami, Fla.
photo: AP / E.J. Flynn

JDU, JVM-P will cooperate for 2014 polls: Nitish
Full Article The Siasat Daily
26 Dec 2013

Patna, December 25: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who recently forged an alliance with Jharkhand Vikas Morch Prajatantrik (JVM-P) chief Babu Lal Marandi, on Wednesday said the Janata Dal United (JDU) and the JVM-P will work in cooperation for the upcoming 2014 general elections. On Tuesday, in a meeting held at JDU leader K.C. Tyagi’s house,...
National Democratic Alliance leader Nitish Kumar waves to supporters on his arrival, at the Patna airport, India, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2005. The opposition National Democratic Alliance won a crushing victory over the Rashtriya Janata Dal that had governed the impoverished and often lawless eastern Indian state of Bihar for 15 years by exploiting bitter caste divisions.
photo: AP / Prashant Ravi

Stocks outshine gold, silver with better returns in 2013
Full Article The Siasat Daily
25 Dec 2013

New Delhi, December 25: It was a year of stocks shining bright when it comes to adding to the investors' wealth, and the glitter of gold and silver fading for the second straight year in 2013. Measured by benchmark index Sensex, stock market has generated a positive return of about 9 per cent for investors in 2013, while gold prices fell by about...
Gold and silver jewelries
photo: WN / Rubielyn Bunag

Tumbling gold prices and growing consumer confidence have Americans flocking to jewellers' counters.
Full Article Independent online (SA)
25 Dec 2013

New York - Tumbling gold prices, growing consumer confidence and aggressive discounting by retailers have Americans flocking to jewellers' counters this holiday shopping season. The US gold jewellery industry is on track for its highest sales for the fourth quarter since 2010 and its first annual increase in gold sales in more than a decade,...
Gold - Precious metal
photo: WN / Rubielyn Bunag

Yuan seen falling in next 2 years
Full Article China Daily
25 Dec 2013

The yuan may be more likely to depreciate than appreciate in the next two years amid China's economic growth and financial reforms, Shen Minggao, head of China research at Citibank, said at a news...
Coins and banknotes of the Chinese yuan are set up together with a U.S. dollar during a photo illustration opportunity taken in Fuyang, central China's Anhui province, in this November 27, 2006, file photo.
photo: AP / EyePress, FILE

Atal Bihari Vajpayee turns 89 today
Full Article Newstrack India
25 Dec 2013

Tweet New Delhi, Dec 25 (ANI): Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee turned 89 today. Regarded as one of the pillars of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Vajpayee has been a stalwart in the Indian political arena for over...
Former prime minister and leader of main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party Atal Bihari Vajpayee looks on at his residence in New Delhi, India, Sunday, July 15, 2007. Vajpayee Sunday handed over a holy Chadar, or sheet cloth, to be offered at the mausoleum of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti for the annual Urs celebration in Ajmer.
photo: AP / Gurinder Osan

Garcetti nominee for Westside planning panel withdraws name
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
25 Dec 2013

One of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's picks to serve on an influential Westside planning commission has quietly dropped her bid for the post after an outcry from neighborhood activists. Jaime Lee, chief executive of Los Angeles-based Jamison Realty, had been selected to serve on the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission, a five-member panel...
Los Angeles Mayoral candidate Eric Garcetti speaks during a election night rally on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 in the Hollywood area Los Angels. Garcetti faced Wendy Greuel in a mayoral runoff.
photo: AP / Chris Carlson

Bachelet position on Mapuche people in Chile scrutinized ahead of second term
Full Article The Miami Herald
25 Dec 2013

ERCILLA, Chile -- As President-elect Michelle Bachelet prepares to take office in March, her previous government’s policies toward the country’s indigenous groups and her recent pledges on the campaign trail are being increasingly scrutinized. Among the center-left leader’s many pledges is recognition of indigenous groups...
Chile's President Michelle Bachelet gestures after touring a supermarket where troops and volunteers are packing food to earthquake survives in Concepcion, Chile, Thursday, March 4, 2010.
photo: AP / Ivan Pisarenko

Sprint is reportedly in final stages of acquiring T-Mobile
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
25 Dec 2013

Sprint Nextel Corp.'s Japanese parent company, SoftBank Corp., is reportedly close to acquiring rival T-Mobile from German communications company Deutsche Telekom in a deal that is expected to be worth more than $19 billion. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Sprint was interested in T-Mobile, but Japan's Nikkei news service...
Softbank yokohama the diamond
photo: Creative Commons / puamelia

NEWSLINE AT NOON Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine
NEWSLINE AT NOON Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:03
  • Updated: 26 Dec 2013
NEWSLINE AT NOON 12:00 (THIS IS THE TRANSCRIPT FOR ARIRANG NEWS THAT AIRED ON 26 Dec 2013- 12:00 KST.) Title: Headlines Coming up on this Thursday edition of Newsline at Noon,... in an unexpected sign the months-long political impasse could be drawing to an end, Korea's ruling and main opposition parties agree to pass key bills at next week's general Assembly session, including ones for the 2014 budget and spy agency reforms. The state-run rail operator KORAIL says it will hire 6-hundred-60 new workers as train services in the nation remain below 80 percent of normal levels on the 18th day of the strike. The head of KORAIL will visit a temple in Seoul later today, hoping to meet a union leader holed up inside. Plus,... Egypt's military-backed interim government intensifies its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring the group a terrorist organization. These stories and more on Newsline at Noon. ed: mark Title: 12 Newsline Title Title: Opening Thanks for joining us. You're watching Newsline at Noon. I'm Choi You-sun in Seoul. Good to have you with us,.... I'm Mark Broome. Title: Abe expected to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine We start with some news just coming in... In a move that caught almost everyone off guard,... Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid a visit to the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo on Thursday morning. NHK and other Japanese media outlets are reporting that Abe visited the highly controversial shrine on the first anniversary of his taking office as prime minister. It is the first visit to the shrine by a sitting prime minister since Junichiro Koizumi visited the shrine to mark the end of World War II in 2006. The shrine honors convicted war criminals along with Japan's war dead. The visit will almost certainly escalate the already tense relations with Seoul and Beijing, who see it as a symbol of Tokyo's unrepentance of its war wrongdoings. Title: Rival parties give last minute push to pass 2014 budget, NIS reform plan before year's end Let's start at the National Assembly, where Korea's rival political parties are engaged in a last minute push to pass next year's budget bill and a spy agency reform bill... before the end of the year. This follows the surprise agreement reached between the ruling and main opposition parties on Christmas Day. Kim Yeon-ji starts us off. The ruling and opposition party leaders of the special parliamentary committee to reform the National Intelligence Service met Thursday... to hash out the details of a reform plan for the spy agency. On Wednesday, the floor leaders of the ruling Saenuri Party and main opposition Democratic Party agreed to pass next year's budget bill... along with a NIS reform plan... next Monday. The 340-billion-U.S. dollar budget plan for 2014, drawn up by the government in September,... has been stuck in the legislature amid a deadlock between the rival parties over allegations... the spy agency tried to sway public opinion in favor of now President Park Geun-hye ahead of last year's presidential election. The Christmas Day deal, however, did not include an agreement over other key bills. The Saenuri Party demanded the main opposition party help pass bills aimed at facilitating foreign investment and tourism in the country. President Park urged policymakers earlier this month... to pass these bills, saying they are necessary to revive the sluggish economy and give momentum to the gradual recovery. The Democratic Party, however, called for prohibiting efforts to privatize the state-run rail operator, KORAIL,... and writing such a ban into law. The 76-hundred member railroad union has been striking for nearly three weeks, the longest rail strike in Korean history, to protest the government's attempt to set up a subsidiary company to run a new high-speed train line from southeast of Seoul, to the southern port city of Busan. The railroad union says the move is part of the government's plan to eventually privatize national rail services... but the government stresses it has no intention of doing so. Although the rival parties failed to reach a consensus over these issues Wednesday, they did agree to continue discussing these bills at respective standing committees. As for next year's budget bill, the rival parties have cleared about two-thirds of 1-hundred-20 government business projects, mostly to do with job creation and creative economy. Kim Yeon-ji, Arirang News.
  • published: 26 Dec 2013
  • views: 12

Toronto Ice Storm Aftermath - Dec 22 2013 (GoPro 2013)
Toronto Ice Storm Aftermath - Dec 22 2013 (GoPro 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Updated: 22 Dec 2013
Freezing rain lasting all night with temps around -1C caused damage throughout all of the GTA. Fallen Trees, damaged houses and cars, power outages. Power is predicted to be out for 3 days. Bummer. Toronto, Ontario. December 21 22 2013.
  • published: 22 Dec 2013
  • views: 19471

Egypt Names Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group
Egypt Names Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2013
Egypt's military-backed interim government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization Wednesday, intensifying its campaign of arrests, and tightening the noose on the group's network of charities and businesses. (Dec. 25)
  • published: 25 Dec 2013
  • views: 1344

Religious Specials - Pope Francis Christmas Speech 2013
Religious Specials - Pope Francis Christmas Speech 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:28
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2013
Christmas 2013
  • published: 25 Dec 2013
  • views: 2181

Turkey: AK Party in turmoil after ministers resign
Turkey: AK Party in turmoil after ministers resign
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2013
Turkey's government suffered a shock twin resignation on Christmas Day with the economy and... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Turkey's government suffered a shock twin resignation on Christmas Day with the economy and interior ministers both quitting under a cloud of scandal. Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammar Guler had both previously offered their resignations on Sunday, and on Tuesday President Abdullah Gul called for light to be shone on a number of corruption allegations. The ministers became entangled after the arrests of their sons on December 17, along with a number of other suspects accused of taking or organising bribes. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 25 Dec 2013
  • views: 114

Pope Francis: Nursing homes for priests and sisters, sanctua
Pope Francis: Nursing homes for priests and sisters, sanctua
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:52
  • Updated: 19 Oct 2013
Apostolic life is joy, noted the Pope in his homily at morning mass. "The Apostle has a joyful and enthusiastic beginning, enthusiastic with God within, no? But he is not spared the sunset. And it does me good to think of the Apostle's sunset... Three icons come to mind: Moses, John the Baptist and Paul. Moses is the one who is head of the People of God, courageous; he fought against the enemies and even fought with God to save the people: strong! And in the end, he is alone on Mount Nebo, looking at the Promise but unable to enter there. He could not enter into the Promise. John the Baptist, in his last days, was not spared anguish. This is the sunset of the Apostle: alone, abandoned and betrayed. He o ...
  • published: 19 Oct 2013
  • views: 2396,_sanctua

North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 13 Dec 2013
Subscribe to ITN News: North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un's uncle, calling the leader's former mentor a traitor. The official news agency KCNA said Jang Song Thaek tried to seize power and overthrow the state. The announcement came days after Jang- long considered the country's second in command - was removed from all his posts because of a long list of allegations, including corruption, drug use, gambling and womanising. Report by Ashley Fudge. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+: More stories from ITN: Nelson Mandela memorial signer gives radio interview: Anchorman's Steve Carell interrupts Daybreak weather update: 40-year-old foetus found inside elderly woman: Mandela memorial sign language interpreter branded a "fake": Ancient lake on Mars evidence of life? RARE HANDSHAKE- President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro: South African president booed before Mandela memorial speech: Violent fight breaks out at Brazilian football match: Lenin statue torn down and smashed with hammers in Ukraine: A gingerbread house you can actually live in? Check it out: Nelson Mandela dies at 95: A tribute to the South African leader- Nelson Mandela's very first television interview: Inspiring moment a man is rescued three days after his boat sank: CCTV captures the moment Paul Walker's car burst into flames: Nigella Lawson admits taking cocaine: Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Biggest Videos of All Time: See 2012's Most Watched Videos:
  • published: 13 Dec 2013
  • views: 50156

Pope Francis celebrates first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter's Basilica
Pope Francis celebrates first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter's Basilica
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:09
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2013
Pope Francis has celebrated his first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter's in the Vatican. ... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Pope Francis has celebrated his first Christmas Eve midnight mass at St Peter's in the Vatican. He was assisted by more than 300 cardinals, bishops and priests. Around ten thousand people packed the basilica, and hundreds of others watched outside. In his homily, Pope Francis urged people to lead humble lives. "If our heart is closed, if we are dominated by pride, deceit, and the constant pursuit of self interest, then darkness falls within and around us," he said. In a break with tradition, Pope Francis himself performed a task usually given to an aide. He carried a figurine of the baby Jesus to the altar at the start of the mass. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 25 Dec 2013
  • views: 1442's_Basilica

North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays tribute to dad and Grandad
North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays tribute to dad and Grandad
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 26 Dec 2013
Subscribe to ITN News: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has paid tribute to the country's former leaders, marking the 68th anniversary ...Kim Jong Un is not the president of North Korea. That title belongs — eternally, the government says — to his late grandfather Kim Il Sung, the nation's founder. But the younger Kim has picked up a slew of big titles in the seven months since he became the country's leader. Here's the list: —Marshal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea's official name): Kim was granted the title in a meeting of top government, military and Workers' Party officials on July 17. The decision was made a day after the surprise announcement of the dismissal of the army chief. Kim previously was promoted to four-star general in September 2010. First chairman of the National Defense Commission: North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly elected Kim to the post in a special parliamentary session April 13. It also made his father, late leader Kim Jong Il, the commission's "chairman for eternity." —First secretary of the Workers' Party: Kim was awarded the newly created post at a special party conference on April 11. His father was granted the posthumous title of "eternal general secretary." North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays tribute to dad and Grandad More news in @newsdailyplanet Subsribe North Korean leader Kim Jong-un pays respect to his predecessors, marking the 68th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has paid tribute to the country's former leaders, marking the 68th anniversary of the communist nation's ruling party. The North's state-run television channel KRT showed video of Kim and high-ranking officials visiting the Kumsusan Place of the Sun, where the embalmed bodies of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung and former leader Kim Jong-il lie in state. In the video, a wreath was laid before the statues of the two former leaders. Kim Jong-un also looked around the room where his grandfather's articles are on display. North Korea's Kim Jong-un pays tribute to dad and Grandad Subcribe follow us TWITTER @newsdailyplanet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un pays respect to his predecessors, marking the 68th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea. North Korea's Kim Jong un pays tribute to dad and grandfather North Korea's Kim Jong un pays tribute to dad and grandfather Subscribe to ITN News: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has paid tribute to the country's former leaders, marking the 68th anniversary of the communist nation's ruling party. The North's state-run television channel KRT showed video of Kim and high-ranking officials visiting the Kumsusan Place of the Sun, where the embalmed bodies of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung and former leader Kim Jong-il lie in state. In the video, a wreath was laid before the statues of the two former leaders. Kim Jong-un also looked around the room where his grandfather's articles are on display. Report by Mark Morris. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit our homepage: More stories from ITN: New York cafe pranked by horror film crew: Veteran wingsuit jumper dies in horrible accident: CCTV- Masked men set fire to Maldvies TV Station: Out-of-control monster truck kills at least eight: Not dead after all? Extinct rhino caught on camera: Store clerk uses machete to fight off armed robber: 'World's most spectacular' fireworks light up Sydney: Tens of thousands of Chinese tourists overcrowd attractions: CUTE AND RARE: White lion cubs go on display in South Korea: Man shares his bungalow with a crocodile: Muhammed Ali makes rare public appearance with family: Firefighters battle giant hornets in China after dozens killed: Dramtic Capitol Hill car chase caught on camera: Northern Lights: Aurora Borealis puts on mesmerising show: Shocking CCTV: Cyclist narrowly avoids being hit by train: Cowabunga, dude! Amazing video of dogs surfing: Plane drops $1 million in suspected drug money over small town: President Obama speaks about US federal government shutdown: First look at destruction inside Westgate Mall after Kenya attack: Wow! Jeb Corliss performs flying dagger through 4-metre wide valley: Graphic images: Aftermath of Pakistan bomb blast: Kenyan mall attack: Hero speaks of horror inside: Man has new nose grown out of at
  • published: 26 Dec 2013
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Mass Riots In Egypt After Bomb Attacks
Mass Riots In Egypt After Bomb Attacks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2013
There have been riots in the Egyptian city of Mansoura after the bombing of a police station that killed 14 people. Police said on Tuesday three bombs had been planted before the explosion at the police station, two of which went off at almost at the same time. The third one, found in a car nearby, was defused. They warned that the death toll from the bombing, which injured 150, could rise because more people might be trapped in the building. Al Jazeera's Mohamed Fahmy, reporting from Cairo, said Ansar Beit al-Makdis, an armed group active in the Sinai peninsula, had claimed responsibility for bombing. The group, which is also known as Ansar Jerusalem, posted their statement on the Internet, Fahmy said. Despite the group's claim, there were anti-riots in Mansoura on Tuesday afternoon. Hundreds of people attacked shops and businesses and set two vans reportedly owned by the Muslim Brotherhood on fire, according to Al Jazeera's Mahmoud Sobky, reporting from Mansoura. The blast had prompted a cabinet statement declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation, although officials did not directly accuse the group of staging the attack. The Brotherhood, which is already outlawed, condemned the bombing as "an attack on the unity of the Egyptian people". Thousands attend funeral Adly Mansour, Egypt's interim president, has declared three days of mourning and thousands attended a mass funeral in Mansoura, north of Cairo, on Tuesday. Mohamed Ibrahim, Egypt's interior minister, visited victims in the hospital where he promised that the January referendum would go ahead. "The security plans have been made and what happened will not affect the referendum process because it has its own comprehensive security plan," Ibrahim said. He said four people had been arrested after admitting their involvement in the attack. "The attacks are an attempt to create a diversion and to terrorise people because of the referendum," he said. "But I want to reassure people that there is a plan in place, in co-operation with the armed forces to protect all of the election centres at the highest level." Sections of the five storey building in the Nile Delta city has collapsed after the blast and police evacuated surrounding buildings.
  • published: 25 Dec 2013
  • views: 5

Massacres and executions in South Sudan as UN seeks to boost peacekeeping force
Massacres and executions in South Sudan as UN seeks to boost peacekeeping force
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:22
  • Updated: 24 Dec 2013
Evidence is emerging of mass ethnic killings amid the deepening conflict in South Sudan. ... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Evidence is emerging of mass ethnic killings amid the deepening conflict in South Sudan. The United Nations says a grave containing 75 bodies has been found and other eyewitness accounts speak of hundreds being shot by security forces. For the first time since World War II, Japan has provided ammunition to another country, supplying South Korean peacekeepers in South Sudan. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wants almost to double the size of its 7,000-strong peacekeeping force in the African country. Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations, said: "To immediately address the dire situation, the Secretary General has requested the security Council to authorise an additional 5,000 peacekeepers for UNMISS (United Nations Mission in South Sudan) and the United States is one of many council members, in fact all council members, that fully supports this proposal - to ensure that the mission has the assets and resources that it needs to fulfil its mandate." The ambassador added that as long as South Sudan's president and rebel leader remained at loggerheads, innocent people were being killed on nothing other than ethnic grounds. President Salva Kiir, a Dinka, and his Nuer former deputy Riek Machar have both indicated they are ready to talk. A government official, however, said South Sudan would not meet Machar's demand that detained opposition leaders be released. Meanwhile on the ground, the conflict between Dinka and Nuer groups has intensified. At Bor in Jonglei state, thousands are seeking protection at a UN compound and in churches. In the country overall it is thought the number killed may vastly exceed the official figure of 500. According to the UN's humanitarian coordinator, there are probably more than 100,000 internal refugees. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 24 Dec 2013
  • views: 1421

Lighting The Christmas Tree - Bethlehem 2013
Lighting The Christmas Tree - Bethlehem 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:09
  • Updated: 01 Dec 2013
  • published: 01 Dec 2013
  • views: 784

Fears of escalating violence in South Sudan - live guest
Fears of escalating violence in South Sudan - live guest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:52
  • Updated: 23 Dec 2013
Al Jazeera talks to Amadou Sy, senior fellow with the Africa Growth initiative at the Brookings Institution, about fears of escalating violence as peace efforts appear to be stalling with South Sudan's government poised to attack rebels.
  • published: 23 Dec 2013
  • views: 1621

Greenpeace Protest Britons Released On Bail
Greenpeace Protest Britons Released On Bail
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:36
  • Updated: 26 Dec 2013
Freed Greenpeace activist Frank Hewetson told The News it was a really good feeling to learn he would be leaving Russia after his charges were dropped and . Greenpeace Protest: Britons Released On Bail Activist Alexandra Harris and journalist Kieron Bryan speak of their relief and the group's Anthony Perrett is a. American Greenpeace ship captain bailed by Russian court The American captain of a Greenpeace ship who along with a number of other activists was arrested fo. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers her annual Christmas message to the peoples of the Commonwealth. Follow and subscribe the Earth News Channel on ; htt. Home performed by Phillip Phillips and co-written by Drew Pearson and Greg Holden. In a world seemingly a little mad sometimes, you are not powerless to ch.
  • published: 26 Dec 2013
  • views: 0

[EXCLUSIVE] FULL ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra : 18 Killed In Sardinia, Venice Storm & Floods (R
[EXCLUSIVE] FULL ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra : 18 Killed In Sardinia, Venice Storm & Floods (R
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:19
  • Updated: 26 Dec 2013
At least 18 people, including four children, have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain. A number of peopl. Italy Devastating Cyclone Cleopatra Apocalyptic Storm Kills 17 . ‎ Traduzir esta página 12 horas atrás - Italy Deva. Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly s. Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding At least 14 people have been killed after a cyclone, accompanied by heavy rains, tore through the . At least 18 people have been killed after a powerful cyclone hit the the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people are reported missing after rivers bur. Italian authorities have declared a state of emergency in Sardinia after a cyclone struck the. euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe . At least 18 people, including four children, have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain. A number of peopl. ROME (AP) — The Mediterranean island of Sardinia, prized by the jet-set for its white sand beaches and crystal-clear seas, was a flood-ravaged mud bath Tuesd. Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly storm and floods A state of emergency has been declared after at least 18 people were killed by a cyclone on the Itali. PLEASE CLICK COMMERCIALS--LÜTFEN REKLAMLARA TIKLAYIN At least 18 people have been killed after a powerful cyclone hit the the Italian island of Sardinia over. Sardinia cyclone_ island hit by deadly storm and floods A state of emergency has been declared after at least 18 people were killed by a cyclone on the Itali. Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding At least 14 people have been killed after a cyclone, accompanied by heavy rains, tore through the . Cyclone Cleopatra At Least 18 Killed By Storm In Sardinia Italy Declares State Of Emergency 17 Dead After Cyclone Cleopatra Floods Sardinia, Italy EXCLUSIVE . EXCLUSIVE ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra 18 Killed In Sardinia Venice Storm Floods RAW VIDEO EXCLUSIVE ITALY Cyclone Cleopatra 18 Killed In Sardinia Venice Storm Fl. Clean-up operations underway in parts of Sardinia ravaged by deadly Cyclone Cleopatra Full Story: The Sardinian town of Olbia is among the areas worst-hit by. Lots of fun for you and your family, enjoy and share our channel Un sacco di divertimento per voi e la vostra famiglia, godere e condividere il nostro canale. Flash floods have killed at least 17 people on the Italian island of Sardinia. The torrential rain and high winds of cyclone Cleopatra caused rivers to break. [Full Footage] Dozens Dead as Sardinia hit by deadly cyclone and flooding. At least 16 people have been killed in flooding prompted by a cyclone and heavy rain that swept through the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people ar. At least 18 people have been killed in flooding prompted by a cyclone and heavy rain that lashed the Italian island of Sardinia. A number of people are repor. Mai vista una città sottacqua..disperazione tra gli abitanti..nubifragio..situazione drammatica. The first funerals are taking place on Wednesday of those killed by a cyclone and severe flooding on Sardinia. The holiday island, usually known for its whit. Flood waters sweep away bridges, wash away streets and kill several people on the Italian island of Sardinia. Nearby Cyclone Cleopatra is to blame for the dr. 19 November 2013 At least 18 people have been killed in flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia after a cyclone and heavy rain.
  • published: 26 Dec 2013
  • views: 0 EXCLUSIVE _FULL_ITALY_Cyclone_Cleopatra__18_Killed_In_Sardinia,_Venice_Storm_Floods_R

French troops stand watch as African Union peacekeepers from Burundi secure an area where residents had been threatened by ex-rebels, in the Fouh neighborhood of Bangui, Central African Republic, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2013. Director of European police cooperation group Europol Rob Wainwright of Britain elaborates on the details of arrests linked to a global child abuse ring during a TV interview after a press conference in The Hague, Wednesday, March 16, 2011. Police say they have arrested 184 suspects in a global investigation into a Dutch-based international pedophile ring involved in abusing dozens of children in more than 30 countries. The Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and Textiles, Shri Anand Sharma addressing at the inauguration of the India Engineering Sourcing Show, 2013, in Mumbai on March 14, 2013. FILE- In this Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1997 file photo Mikhail Kalashnikov shows a model of his world-famous AK-47 assault rifle at home in the Ural Mountain city of Izhevsk, 1000 km (625 miles) east of Moscow, Russia. Kalashnikov, whose work as a weapons designer for the Soviet Union is immortalized in the name of the world’s most popular firearm, died Monday at the age of 94 in a hospital of the city of Izhevsk where he lived. The AK-47 has been favored by guerrillas, terrorists and the soldiers of many armies. An estimated 100 million guns are spread worldwide.

ALTERNATIVE CROP TO EDB101 - Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez arrives to a local hospital, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday, Oct. 7, 2013. Los Angeles Dodgers General Manager Ned Colletti talks with Hanley Ramirez before a game against the Baltimore Orioles at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on April 20, 2013 in Baltimore, MD. File - Hassan Rouhani in Mashhad, Iran. Child - Boy - Toddler -  Food - Book - Eating - Reading

Enrique Pena Nieto speaks during an interview with The Associated Press at the Los Pinos presidential residence in Mexico City, Monday, Dec. 10, 2012. Pena Nieto says he'll mount a "real fight" against production and trafficking of marijuana, despite its legalization in two U.S. states. Clint Dempsey, captain of the U.S. National Soccer Team, is introduced as the newest member of the Seattle Sounders FC MLS soccer team, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013, prior to a match between the Sounders and FC Dallas in Seattle. Dempsey previously played for Tottenham Hotspur in the English Premier League. Young girl taking photos with her cellular phone before starting the match that ended Uruguay 0 Brazil 4 for Worldcup Southafrica 2010 Qualifiers, Centenario Stadium, Montevideo, Uruguay, 06th June 2009 Unnamed giant Dicynodont from Late Late Triassic of Poland

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, adjusts his glasses as he speaks during a joint press conference with his Italian counterpart Emma Bonino in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2013. Iran’s foreign minister is urging the world powers to avoid “trouble-making” issues as expert-level talks continue over its nuclear program. Members of the public look on at the main memorial stone in memory of the victims of the Pan Am flight 103 bombing in the garden of remembrance at Dryfesdale Cemetery, near Lockerbie, Scotland, Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013. In this photo released by the Iraqi Government, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, speaks to the press in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2009. Samsung Galaxy S4 mini Frontside

The President of Cuba, Raul Castro speaks during the 50th anniversary celebration of the Cuban Revolution at the main plaza in Santiago, Cuba, Thursday Jan. 1, 2009. Fifty years after triumphant armed rebels took power, Cuba celebrated the revolution's anniversary Thursday with toned-down festivities following a trio of devastating hurricanes and under the enduring public absence of an ailing Fidel Castro. The coach of the U.S. national soccer team Jurgen Klinsmann addresses the media at the King Baudouin stadium in Brussels, Monday Sept. 5, 2011. On Tuesday, the U.S. national soccer team plays a friendly match against Belgium. Cuba's President Raul Castro speaks during celebrations marking Cuba’s Revolution Day in Guantanamo, Cuba, Thursday, July 26, 2012.  Cannabis is a genus of flowering plant - Marijuana - Cannabis(drug) - is about marijuana, hashish and related drugs - hires - wn/aruna

Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra pauses as she talks to media after attending a Cabinet meeting, in Bangkok, Thailand , Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013. Shinawatra said Tuesday she would not resign ahead of national elections set for Feb. 2, despite opposition demands she step down as the caretaker head of government. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 The tails of Qantas planes are lined up at Sydney Airport in Sydney, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011. St. Kilda Pier & Kiosk, Melbourne, Australia
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I don't expect very much from Santa Claus these days. I mean, he's been a disappointment over the years. My desires are few--power, money, and fame, that sort of thing--but he's...
The Washington Times
WASHINGTON, December 25, 2013 — Today, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In America, we refer to it as Christmas. In Greece it is referred to...

President Barack Obama speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 14, 2013
WASHINGTON — A measure that President Barack Obama is considering as a way to curb the National Security Agency’s mass storage of phone data is already facing resistance — not only from the intelligence community but also from privacy advocates, the...
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster
Pope Francis is driven through the crowd during his general audience, in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Wednesday, March 27, 2013.
VATICAN CITYPope Francis offered Christmas wishes yesterday for a better world, praying for protection for Christians under attack, battered women and trafficked children, peace in the Middle East and Africa, and dignity for refugees fleeing...
photo: AP / Andrew Medichini
Holocaust survivors reunite with the woman who cared for them after the war
She was born Martha. But in the years after World War II, at an ivy-covered manse in the English town of Lingfield, the children under her care called her “Manna.” Perhaps the little ones found “Martha” too difficult to...
photo: UN / Evan Schneider
Android phone - HTC smartphone
It hasn’t taken long for Google to strike back in the latest patent world war. GigaOM reports that Google this week has filed a lawsuit against Rockstar, a consortium backed by Apple, Microsoft and BlackBerry that has filed lawsuits against Google,...
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba
A photograph made available on November 17, 2012. Showing a view of Rafah City in the southern Gaza Strip during anticipation in Israeli shelling in Rafah city on November 17, 2012. Israel continues to hold off on a ground campaign into the Gaza Strip even as it widens the scope of airstrikes. Israeli military aircraft attacked two buildings used by both Hamas and foreign media outlets on Sunday.Photo by Ahmed Deeb / WN
GAZA CITY, Gaza StripIsraeli air and ground forces launched a series of attacks Tuesday on targets across the Gaza Strip, killing a young girl and wounding 10 in response to the deadly shooting of an Israeli civilian by a Palestinian sniper. It...
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb
100713-G-5030M-002-- GULF OF MEXICO --  The Q4000 flares off oil and gas Tuesday as Coast Guard Cutter Resolute approaches the "City at Sea" at the site of the BP oil spill Tuesday. The Resolute is serving as search-and-rescue, plane, and hurricane guard for the largest oil spill response in U.S. history. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class John Masson. (940490) ( )
A US judge tonight rejected BP's argument that a multibillion-dollar settlement over the company's massive 2010 Gulf oil spill should not compensate businesses if they cannot directly trace their losses to the spill. District Judge Carl Barbier said...
photo: US Coastguard / Petty Officer 1st Class John Masson.
In this photo released by Brazil's Presidency, Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff inspects flood damage from an helicopter in Espirito Santo, Brazil, Tuesday, Dec.24, 2013. Civil defense officials say floods and mudslides caused by heavy rains have killed at least 20 people and forced more than 40,000 to leave their homes in southeastern Brazil.
Brasília, December 24: Brazil President Dilma Rousseff on Tuesday flew over the flood-hit southeastern state of Espirito Santo, where at least eight people have died in days of torrential rain. Rousseff said two helicopters and army trucks would be...
photo: AP / Roberto Stuckert Brazil's Presidency, ho