- published: 13 Jun 2010
- views: 62850
- author: noname1209
Neil Kinnock - 'That Speech'
Neil Kinnock's famous speech to the Labour Party Conference, Bournemouth, October 1985....
published: 13 Jun 2010
author: noname1209
Neil Kinnock - 'That Speech'
Neil Kinnock - 'That Speech'
Neil Kinnock's famous speech to the Labour Party Conference, Bournemouth, October 1985.- published: 13 Jun 2010
- views: 62850
- author: noname1209
1992 04 10 George Galloway BBC Election Results
thanks to summerday123 for spotting this clip in which George Galloway talks about the 199...
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: couchtripper
1992 04 10 George Galloway BBC Election Results
1992 04 10 George Galloway BBC Election Results
thanks to summerday123 for spotting this clip in which George Galloway talks about the 1992 election result and its effect on Neil Kinnock and Scotland http:...- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 1389
- author: couchtripper
Neil Kinnock on Labour prospects (23May10)
Welsh windbag Neil Kinnock talks about the prospects for Labour after their loss of the ge...
published: 24 May 2010
author: liarpoliticians
Neil Kinnock on Labour prospects (23May10)
Neil Kinnock on Labour prospects (23May10)
Welsh windbag Neil Kinnock talks about the prospects for Labour after their loss of the general election. Recorded from BBC's Politics Show, 23 May 2010.- published: 24 May 2010
- views: 406
- author: liarpoliticians
The Anthony Clare Interviews - Neil Kinnock
This week Anthony interviews one time Labour leader Neil Kinnock, and talks about his role...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: STVPeople
The Anthony Clare Interviews - Neil Kinnock
The Anthony Clare Interviews - Neil Kinnock
This week Anthony interviews one time Labour leader Neil Kinnock, and talks about his role in politics, as well as being a European Union commissioner.- published: 11 Aug 2010
- views: 1233
- author: STVPeople
Oratory Aneurin Bevin, Neil Kinnock and William Hague
published: 13 May 2009
author: Politicsmatters
Oratory Aneurin Bevin, Neil Kinnock and William Hague
Oratory Aneurin Bevin, Neil Kinnock and William Hague
- published: 13 May 2009
- views: 12191
- author: Politicsmatters
Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning 1983 general election (10June1983)
Labour MP Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning the 1983 general election, and the party poss...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: liarpoliticians
Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning 1983 general election (10June1983)
Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning 1983 general election (10June1983)
Labour MP Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning the 1983 general election, and the party possibly going for a new leader (which it did). Recorded from BBC Parli...- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 2808
- author: liarpoliticians
Kinnock Political Broadcast for the British Labour Party
Kinnock Political Broadcast for the British Labour Party, Directed by Hugh Hudson....
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: HudsonFilmLtd
Kinnock Political Broadcast for the British Labour Party
Kinnock Political Broadcast for the British Labour Party
Kinnock Political Broadcast for the British Labour Party, Directed by Hugh Hudson.- published: 17 Jan 2012
- views: 504
- author: HudsonFilmLtd
UK General Election 1992 - Neil "We're Alright" Kinnock at the 1992 Sheffield Rally
That infamous speech. Did the percieved over-confidence cost them the election?...
published: 30 Oct 2009
author: MrElectionist
UK General Election 1992 - Neil "We're Alright" Kinnock at the 1992 Sheffield Rally
UK General Election 1992 - Neil "We're Alright" Kinnock at the 1992 Sheffield Rally
That infamous speech. Did the percieved over-confidence cost them the election?- published: 30 Oct 2009
- views: 56588
- author: MrElectionist
Margaret Thatcher VS Roy Hattersley.wmv
roy hattersley fills in for neil kinnock at pmqs....
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: thatcheritescot
Margaret Thatcher VS Roy Hattersley.wmv
Margaret Thatcher VS Roy Hattersley.wmv
roy hattersley fills in for neil kinnock at pmqs.- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 20569
- author: thatcheritescot
Neil Kinnock gets his bum wet
Neil Kinnock makes a fool of himself as usual....
published: 25 Oct 2007
author: mistermucky17
Neil Kinnock gets his bum wet
Neil Kinnock gets his bum wet
Neil Kinnock makes a fool of himself as usual.- published: 25 Oct 2007
- views: 49039
- author: mistermucky17
margaret thatcher on neil kinnock
maggie tells us about neil kinnock....
published: 19 Aug 2009
author: thatcheritescot
margaret thatcher on neil kinnock
margaret thatcher on neil kinnock
maggie tells us about neil kinnock.- published: 19 Aug 2009
- views: 24024
- author: thatcheritescot
The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops
The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops izle, The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops vi...
published: 03 Dec 2013
The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops
The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops
The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops izle, The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops video, The Wonderful World of Dissocia Vox Pops hd Labour MP Neil Kinnock on Labour not winning the 1983 general election, and the party possibly going for a new leader (which it did). Recorded from BBC Parli... Audience reactions to Anthony Neilson's production of The Wonderful World of Dissocia. Red Ken Livingslime says a line right after the 1983 general election that Labour should heed in 2013, but they don't. You CAN'T borrow your way out of an ec... Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher. Margaret Thatchers re-election and landslide victory was a personal triumph. She had performed the unusual feat of winning re-election, despite the mass unem... This week Anthony interviews one time Labour leader Neil Kinnock, and talks about his role in politics, as well as being a European Union commissioner. In this clip, Lord Kinnock discusses Labour's electoral chances at the forthcoming general election and draws parallels with the 1992 British general election. The Alliance won 25.4% of the national vote in the 1983 general election, compared to Labour's 27.6%. Only 23 Alliance Members of Parliament (MPs) were elect... You may not agree with everything Neil Kinnock said but he was a great speaker, leagues ahead of how politicians orate now in modern Britain. This is his tro... Owen Gerard Carron (born February 1953) is an Irish republican activist and the former Member of Parliament (MP) for Fermanagh and South Tyrone. Carron was B... 1983 Election (ITN) - Part 5. This is the final part of these uploads. The source video is a four hour VHS tape. I made this during the weekend of the labour conference which elected Ed Miliband to leader. Flash sucks, so excuse the badly-synced audio and video. neil Kinnock at the Granby Halls Election 1887. vice-president of ASLEF's inspirational speech on bringing the railways back into public ownership. Our arguments are right... Absolutely...!!! Recorded January - March 2012 *The General Labour Strike And Friends* Presented by Miguel Sanchez & Co. On the 8/4/13 youtube removed another 10000 of Alan Watt hits off this channel. please visit - john majors first time answering pmqs. look carefully and see mrs thatcher on the back benches! Lib Dem conference Clegg on Labour and Conservatives.- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 1
thatcher vs kinnock on ambulance workers
kinnock once again shows his true nature....
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: thatcheritescot
thatcher vs kinnock on ambulance workers
thatcher vs kinnock on ambulance workers
kinnock once again shows his true nature.- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 3599
- author: thatcheritescot
Senator Joe Biden "borrows" a speech from British politician Neil Kinnock....
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: blastforth
Senator Joe Biden "borrows" a speech from British politician Neil Kinnock.- published: 21 Sep 2008
- views: 16265
- author: blastforth
Vimeo results:
An interview with Lord Neil Kinnock
The Inauguration of Professor Sir Martin Evans as the 22nd President of Cardiff University...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: Cardiff University
An interview with Lord Neil Kinnock
The Inauguration of Professor Sir Martin Evans as the 22nd President of Cardiff University took place at a special ceremony (23 November), which also recognised the outstanding contribution of Lord Neil Kinnock as president (1998-2009).
motorcycle display team - lbc radio
title: motorcycle display team
client: lbc
director: neil coxhill
producer: rachel kinnock...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: neil coxhill
motorcycle display team - lbc radio
title: motorcycle display team
client: lbc
director: neil coxhill
producer: rachel kinnock & cindy burnay
production company: r.s.a
dop: joe dyer
editor: rachael spam
agency: vccp
creatives: peter and paul
Where Words Prevail (Excerpt, 2005)
Where Words Prevail explores the widely acclaimed work of Cicely Berry, Voice Director of ...
published: 10 Jun 2010
author: Sojourner Media
Where Words Prevail (Excerpt, 2005)
Where Words Prevail explores the widely acclaimed work of Cicely Berry, Voice Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC). Her voice techniques are invaluable to actors and directors who are performing classical plays in today’s theater. From rehearsals at the RSC in Stratford-on-Avon, to workshops and Master Classes in Seoul, New York, Moscow and the slums of Rio de Janeiro, her work is documented in diverse languages, producing new understanding in the power of voice, language and communications. Her influence has extended into other areas as well, including film and politics. Having coached prominent politicians on effective public speaking, Berry asserts that the political sound byte is now “destroying democratic debate.”
Now more than ever, Berry’s vision for exciting people with language is antidotal to the deterioration of voice, language and communication, which is becoming increasingly prevalent the world over.
The program runs 57 minutes. Participants in the film include Adrian Noble, Andrew Wade, Edward Bond, Emily Watson, Greg Hicks, Helen Hunt, Jatinda Verma, Michael Attenborough, Neil Kinnock, Sam West, Steven Pimlott and Zoe Waites. Sponsored by WGBH, nationally aired on PBS.
Correva l'Anno "Dall'Old al New Labour di Tony Blair"
Grande documentario con immagini di repertorio e un giovanissimo Tony Blair! Ripeto il con...
published: 21 Dec 2010
author: Tore
Correva l'Anno "Dall'Old al New Labour di Tony Blair"
Grande documentario con immagini di repertorio e un giovanissimo Tony Blair! Ripeto il concetto già espresso: Mieli prende un granchio clamoroso: 4 SCONFITTE CONSECUTIVE e 18 ANNI DI OPPOSIZIONE(1979-1997), il Labour DOVEVA CAMBIARE E RIVEDERE NECESSARIAMENTE LE SUE POLITICHE perchè la Gran Bretagna e l'economia erano cambiati in questo periodo.La maggior parte della popolazione ormai lavora nel terziario e nel settore dei servizi.
La tradizionale working class (ceto operaio) non era più sufficiente da sola per vincere, la Middle England (la classe media) è il VERO AGO della bilancia che decide le elezioni.
Molto bravi nella ricostruzione storica sono il giornalista Paolo Filo Della Torre e lo storico John Rentoul
Passaggi chiave del documentario:
1)Il Winter of Discontent (che segnerà le menti dell'elettorato per 18 lunghi anni) 2)La disastrosa sconfitta del 1983 dove un notevole peso è stato giocato dalla spaccatura del partito Laburista con l'uscita dell'Alleanza socialdemocratica che fece disperdere una marea di voti
3)L'elezione a Leader dell' Opposizione del MODERNIZZATORE NEIL KINNOCK che ebbe la grande intelligenza di far largo ad una nuova generazione, è con Kinnock che iniziò il lungo e travagliato processo di nascita del New Labour
4)IL DURISSIMO SCONTRO fra la Thatcher e i Sindacati,il leggendario sciopero dei minatori (durato 1 anno di seguito!)toccanti a proposito sono le parole di un operaio "Mia moglie mi ha detto:George, non tornare al lavoro.Se dobbiamo mangiare erba,io mangerò erba con te ma almeno non ci vergogneremo come gli altri che hanno abbandonato lo sciopero e i sindacati".Nacquero Sindacati ad hoc filogovernativi con l'obbiettivo di dividere il fronte. 5) La COCENTE SCONFITTA del 1992.Dopo una grave crisi economica e con la disoccupazione alle stelle tutti i sondaggi e addirittura anche i primi exit poll della notte elettorale assegnavano la vittoria ai Laburisti poi invece... 6) 16 settembre 1992 Black Wednesday(mercoledì nero) che sancisce la fuoriscita della sterlina dallo SME.Questo decreta anche LA FINE della affidabilità dei Conservatori in campo economico agli occhi degli elettori. 7)LA LEZIONE AMERICANA DI BLAIR E BROWN PRESSO LO STAFF DI CLINTON 8)IL ROVINOSO DUALISMO Blair-Brown.
Brown è stato un GRANDE Ministro delle Finanze,suo il merito del LUNGO BOOM ECONOMICO DELLA COOL BRITANNIA ma essere Primo Ministro implica anche altre doti come la leadership e la comunicazione di cui Blair era maestro.Brown è stato un pessimo comunicatore.
Bisogna ricordare inoltre che Blair ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nel definitivo processo di pace nell'Irlanda del Nord, è PROFONDAMENTE INGIUSTO ricordarlo solamente per la guerra in Irak voluta Bush.Per non parlare inoltre del suo impegno nella tragedia delle epurazioni etniche dei balcani.Il documentario arriva fino al 2001 ma nel 2005 il Labour e Blair ottengono UNA STORICA TERZA VITTORIA CONSECUTIVA (MAI successo nella storia del partito Laburista) e se ci fosse stato ancora Blair al posto dell'impacciato Brown chissà come sarebbero finite le elezioni del maggio scorso...
Youtube results:
Neil Kinnock, falling endlessly into the sea
A tone poem based on the biblical fall of Neil Kinnock....
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: themanwhofellasleep
Neil Kinnock, falling endlessly into the sea
Neil Kinnock, falling endlessly into the sea
A tone poem based on the biblical fall of Neil Kinnock.- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 6413
- author: themanwhofellasleep
1987GenElec: Neil Kinnock recreminations on Labour losing election (09Jun12)
Neil Kinnock has his recriminations on Labour losing the 1987 General Election. General El...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: liarpoliticians
1987GenElec: Neil Kinnock recreminations on Labour losing election (09Jun12)
1987GenElec: Neil Kinnock recreminations on Labour losing election (09Jun12)
Neil Kinnock has his recriminations on Labour losing the 1987 General Election. General Election held on 11 June 1987. Recorded from BBC Parliament, 09 June ...- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 513
- author: liarpoliticians
Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher
Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher....
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: iconic
Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher
Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher
Neil Kinnock giving his Election speech about life under Thatcher.- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 12559
- author: iconic
Election Call: Neil Kinnock 070492
Election Call: Neil Kinnock BBC Radio 4 Broadcast 7 April 1992 Presenter: Jonathan Dimbleb...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: jbj712
Election Call: Neil Kinnock 070492
Election Call: Neil Kinnock 070492
Election Call: Neil Kinnock BBC Radio 4 Broadcast 7 April 1992 Presenter: Jonathan Dimbleby Producer: Nick Utechin.- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 115
- author: jbj712