Last Updated: December 25, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 13°C - 31°C . Mainly sunny.

Backpackers flock to Jesus' home town

NAZARETH, the childhood home of Christ, has become a bourgeoning backpacker destination, offering hiking, history and hommus.

Escape Claus: Santa's Outback journey

SANTA made sure he made it to of Australia's remotest places early this year, travelling and carolling with Ricki-Lee Coulter.

How to become a career traveller

PACK your bags! Here are 10 top jobs that will have you travelling the world - and some of them might surprise you.

Weirdest silly season travel tales

Weirdest silly season travel tales

TRAVELLING toys, hotel guests sampling the chandeliers and fart-stopping cushions ... the silly season of travel has started.

Christmas celebrations Krampus, KFC and other weird traditions

Krampus, KFC and other weird traditions

FORGET the beach and a BBQ or even turkey and all the trimmings - Christmas customs around the world range from the creepy to a little bit cheeky.

Not so merry Xmas at Brindabella

Not so merry Xmas at Brindabella

NEARLY all staff at troubled regional carrier Brindabella Airlines have been told they're out of a job just two days before Christmas.

Are you too dumb, drunk or pregnant?

Are you too dumb, drunk or pregnant?

HOLIDAYMAKERS beware: Before you go, make sure you check the top five reasons your travel insurance claims could be rejected.

Pacific Fair revamp fly-through

Video simulation of the proposed Pacific Fair shopping centre refurbishment in Broadbeach.


Change your name to win? Ja!

German airline Lufthansa asked Swedish customers to change their name to Heidi Klaus (a mash-up of common German names) to win a bizarre competition.


Park life Top five thrill-seeking caravan parks

Who says a caravanning and camping should only be about relaxation? Here are five caravan parks where adventure awaits.

Weekend Escape Beer battle brews Tassie best cellar

WHETHER it's at Hobart's oldest attractions or one of its newest, the Apple Isle is the scene of big things brewing.

Travel Deals

Luxury deals from Mekong or Myanmar

VISIT Cambodia or Myanmar, tour Iceland, see the Monaco Grand Prix and more with this week's best cruise deals.

When ship happens, it's no cruisy job

HE'S been cruising around the globe for more than two decades, but this ship captain still gets a buzz out of life at sea.

Escape Claus: Santa's Outback journey

SANTA made sure he made it to of Australia's remotest places early this year, travelling and carolling with Ricki-Lee Coulter.

Top five thrill-seeking caravan parks

Who says a caravanning and camping should only be about relaxation? Here are five caravan parks where adventure awaits.

Backpackers flock to Jesus' home town

NAZARETH, the childhood home of Christ, has become a bourgeoning backpacker destination, offering hiking, history and hommus.

Krampus, KFC and other weird traditions

FORGET the beach and a BBQ or even turkey and all the trimmings - Christmas customs around the world range from the creepy to a little bit cheeky.

Death gives life to big travel trend

FROM Amy Winehouse to Bruce Lee, pilgrimages to stars' final resting places are more popular than ever. Take a tour of big-name graves.

Luxury deals from Mekong or Myanmar

VISIT Cambodia or Myanmar, tour Iceland, see the Monaco Grand Prix and more with this week's best cruise deals.

Christmas, New Year's survival guide

Christmas Rush at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CLOSURES and altered timetables will mean it's not business as usual for services over the Christmas and New Year period.

Branson to boycott anti-gay Uganda

Sir Richard Branson

RICHARD Branson has urged companies to boycott Uganda over a draconian anti-homosexuality bill passed by its parliament last week.

Now it's time to target Monty

Now it's time to target...

STEVE Smith is promising England spinner Monty Panesar the same treatment as Graeme Swann in the Boxing Day Test.

Rocker united with homeless mate

Rocker united with homeless mate

A TV reporter interviewed a homeless man in the US who said he used to be in Carlos Santana's band. What happened next was truly heartwarming.


Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

MELBOURNE'S purge of senior staff cost the club more than $1.8 million, with the Dees racking up $3.1 million in losses.

Jesus's race? Not black and white


FOR two thousand years, he has been worshipped and adored. And yet nobody really knows the face of Jesus.