Last Updated: December 21, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 15°C - 23°C . Shower or two.

Unplug Forget FOMO, 2014's all about JOMO


FORGET the fear of missing out. In 2014, trend watcher JWT thinks JOMO - the joy of missing out - will take deeper root in the mainstream.

United States Subway fall man to keep guide dog

Blind Man Subway Fall

A BLIND man will get to keep the ageing guide dog that fell onto the subway tracks with him after donations poured after their amazing escape.

You won't believe the small animal that did this

You won't believe the small animal tha...

A WOMAN'S fight with a small furry beast has become an internet hit after security footage showed it leaping onto a woman's head and giving her this terrifying face injury.

United States Man dangles dog out window

Dog dangled from balcony

A MAN has been caught dangling his dog by its leash out of his apartment's second floor balcony because he didn't want to go outside in the rain.

Christmas Gifts Pets as presents 'not a bad idea'

dog and pet and present and gift

ANIMAL activists have long warned about giving pets as presents but now a US animal welfare group says fears of them being returned are unfounded.

Dogs Study shows size of fight in the dog

Small dog

SMALL dogs are more likely to be aggressive and prone to mount people in what researchers believe is an equivalent of short man syndrome.

Japan Man stole $200,000 to feed 121 cats

Maru Japanese cat

A JAPANESE man went on a year-long burglary spree, making off cash and jewels worth $205,000 to feed 121 cats a gourmet diet.

The world's wackiest homemade Christmas trees

The world's wackiest homemade Christ...

IF YOU haven't bought a Christmas tree this year, never fear. You could always use these 14 weird and wonderful homemade Christmas tree ideas.

Plant guide: Poinsettias

Poinsettias are a often a great Christmas decorating idea, but more so in the northern hemisphere than here.

How to make kids' Christmas ornaments

Make memorable Christmas decorations with the kids this year.

Plant guide: Lavender

Lavender is a herb many of us love, but did you know it is also one of the most powerful herbs of all time?

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Dark times following a fast crowd

Dark times following a fast crowd

ROBYN Lindholm, who was this week charged with being an accessory to murder, knew how to get a male's attention.

BlackBerry posts $5b quarterly loss

Earns BlackBerry

BLACKBERRY is reporting a massive $US4.4 billion ($5 billion) loss in the third quarter and 56 per cent drop in revenue.

Pujara knocks ton to stun South Africa


CHETESHWAR Pujara and Virat Kohli batted India into a position of dominance on the third day of the first Test against South Africa.

Sisters cleared of Nigella fraud

Nigella Lawson

TV COOK Nigella Lawson's reputation has taken a battering after a jury found two former PAs to the celebrity not guilty of fraud.


Bombers hunt for new footy boss

Bombers hunt for new footy boss

ESSENDON will search for a new football boss after Danny Corocoran told the club he will not return after his AFL ban ends in February.

Forget FOMO, 2014's all about JOMO


FORGET the fear of missing out. In 2014, trend watcher JWT thinks JOMO - the joy of missing out - will take deeper root in the mainstream.