Last Updated: December 25, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 13°C - 31°C . Mainly sunny.

Beveridge on Friday A welcome side-effect

A welcome side-effect
LIKE all good Doctors, Ben Bernanke has written a prescription that will suit his patient - the United States.

In the Black No price on lice relief

No price on lice relief
FEW inventions have a greater in-built demand than a single-dose treatment for head lice.

John Beveridge Adding alcohol to the mix

Adding alcohol to the mix
IT is truly astounding when you think of it that Australians love drinking beer but they don't own any of their own major beer brands.

John Beveridge Future looks bright for pet health

Future looks bright for pet health
PET owners are happy to shell out money to make their companion happy and healthy. This makes Nexvet one of the most anticipated company floats.

John Beveridge Hockey ready to take Grinch role

Hockey ready to take Grinch role
IS Treasurer Joe Hockey going to be the Grinch who stole Christmas or will he be a slimmed-down version of Santa himself?

Mother of all writedowns

Mother of all writedowns
IN THE BLACK: ONE thing this week has demonstrated is that governments in general should be kept far away from dabbling in business.

John Beveridge The positive side of breaking up

The positive side of breaking up
BREAKING up might be hard to do but it can also be profitable. The urge to demerge worked out well for Brambles shareholders.

John Beveridge Rip of Band-Aid and QBE back to size

Rip of Band-Aid and QBE back to size
IF there is one thing the sharemarket copes well with, it is disappointment. But people don't deal with it quite as well.

Qantas prepares for turbulence

Qantas prepares for turbulence
QANTAS chief Alan Joyce made a very bumpy landing yesterday after announcing the cutting of 1000 jobs and slashing costs by $2 billion.

Shopping behemoth's Bond villain feel

Shopping behemoth's Bond vill...
BILLIONAIRE Frank Lowy should be very careful about picking up and stroking any white cats.

John Beveridge Navigating the future over Pilbara

Navigating the future over Pilbara
POLITICS demands that any Rio Tinto presentation gives equal time to copper, aluminium and iron ore, with some honourable mentions for other minerals.

John Beveridge Malaria med versus dysfunction

Malaria med versus dysfunction
WHICH medicine would you rather market - a malaria treatment for children that could save millions or a faster treatment for erectile dysfunction?

John Beveridge Market floats idea of year-end high

Market floats idea of year-end high
THE Australian sharemarket faces an acid test of its recent strength this week as two big floats get off the ground.

Business Programmed growing with Australia

Programmed growing with Australia
WITH only a slight hint of hubris, Programmed chief executive Chris Sutherland declares: "If Australia grows, we grow.''

John Beveridge Hopes rise as miner utters 'P' word

Hopes rise as miner utters ...
DUAL purpose pollster/miner Gary Morgan certainly had the rapt attention of about 60 shareholders at the Haoma Mining meeting.

John Beveridge Moat key to deterring company raiders

Moat key to deterring company raiders
IN medieval times, the moat was one of the best ways to defend a castle. And a moat is still a common term brokers use to assess companies.

John Beveridge Debt needs a radical change

Debt needs a radical change
DEBT is enduring and hard to get free from, which is why the Grattan Institute's report on balancing budgets makes for challenging reading.

Beveridge on Friday Dollar afloat on choppy waters

John Beveridge
RESERVE Bank governor Glenn Stevens is undoubtedly right to celebrate the 30 years since the Australian dollar was floated.

In the Black Property trusts back but be cautious

John Beveridge
THE takeover battle between GPT Group and Dexus for Commonwealth Property Office has served to reignite some interest in the property trust sector.

John Beveridge Takeovers signal a market recovery

Takeovers signal a market recovery
THERE are two very good indicators that the Australian market is getting its mojo back.

John Beveridge Cheese wars look to finally mature

Cheese wars look to finally mature
IT has been a slow motion battle for Warrnambool Cheese & Butter so far but the cows are really closing in on the milking shed now.

John Beveridge Tug of war as central banks preach

Tug of war as central banks preach
THERE is an international tug of war over the Australian dollar and it looks like we are beginning to lose traction.

Beveridge on Friday Cheese wars are extra tasty

Cheese wars are extra tasty
YOU have to get up early to beat a dairy farmer - and Bega Cheese's final bid for Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory shows just how crafy they can be.

Retail Brookes not scared of Amazon

Bernie Brookes
MYER chief Bernie Brookes says he is not afraid of Amazon, arguing “bricks and clicks” remains the most attractive shopping experience.

John Beveridge Nothing wrong with fiscal bonding

Nothing wrong with fiscal bonding
ONE of the most striking blind spots in Australian investing is the lack of discussion around bonds.

John Beveridge Some skin off Clinuvel's nose

Some skin off Clinuvel's nose
CALL it some sort of an adjustment but Clinuvel's target date to release its skin pigmentation drug has slipped somewhat.

John Beveridge Takeover bid on Hockey's shoulders

Takeover bid on Hockey's shoulders
POLITICS and business are always uneasy bedfellows, and this week GrainCorp shareholders will get a progress report on the takeover of their ­company.

Beveridge on Friday Super winds shift again

Super winds shift again
IT'S spring again and almost like clockwork the winds of change are blowing through the superannuation system.

John Beveridge Buck each way could bring RBA winner

Buck each way could bring RBA winner
IF you believe Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens, the Aussie dollar is too high and, at some stage in the future, will be "materially lower''.

John Beveridge Banks surge for the line

Banks surge for the line
WELL, all the big bank data is in now, the analysts can crunch their profit models and hopefully get their computers to spit out a winner.

Christmas, New Year's survival guide

Christmas Rush at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CLOSURES and altered timetables will mean it's not business as usual for services over the Christmas and New Year period.

Branson to boycott anti-gay Uganda

Sir Richard Branson

RICHARD Branson has urged companies to boycott Uganda over a draconian anti-homosexuality bill passed by its parliament last week.

Rocker united with homeless mate

Rocker united with homeless mate

A TV reporter interviewed a homeless man in the US who said he used to be in Carlos Santana's band. What happened next was truly heartwarming.


Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

MELBOURNE'S purge of senior staff cost the club more than $1.8 million, with the Dees racking up $3.1 million in losses.

The 25 must-know Christmas facts

The 25 must-know Christmas facts

THINK you know all there is to know about the festive season? From sexy Santas to stocking stuffers, we bring you the 25 fun facts of Christmas.