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The Germans made good progress, covering huge distances without encountering significant opposition.

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A Vickers machine gun team 'in action' near El Alamein, 17 July 1942.

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German panzer III tank with burning British lorry.

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A Grant tank in the Western Desert, 17 February 1942.

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Rommel in conversation with Major General Boettcher, North Africa, January 1942.

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Panzer IV tanks in the snow of the Eastern Front at the end of 1941, in the intense cold engines had to be kept running almost continuously.

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There had been high hopes for the new Stuart 'Honey' tanks when they arrived in the desert in August 1941

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A British tank passes a burning German during Operation Crusader, November 1941.

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Captain Philip Gardner after recovering from sustained wounds whilst rescuing a fellow soldier in the desert.

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Campbell at his investiture with the Victoria Cross by the Commander in Chief, General Sir Claude Auchinleck. Campbell was awarded the VC for his action at Sidi Rezergh, 21 - 22 November 1941.

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The heavy armour of the Russian KV1 tank was more than a match for any German tank at the time.

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The Czech built 38(t) tank advancing through a Russian village during the early part of Operation Barbarossa

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Several of the papers are growing very restive because we are not doing more to help the U.S.S.R. I do not know whether any action, other than air-raids, is really intended, but if nothing is attempted, quite apart from the military and political consequences this may have, it is a disquieting symptom. For if we can’t make a land offensive now, when the Germans have 150 divisions busy in Russia, when the devil shall we be able to? I hear no rumours whatever about movements of troops, so apparently no expedition is being prepared at any rate from England. [1] The only new development is the beginning of Beaverbrook’s big drive for tanks, similar to his drive for planes last year. But this can’t bear fruit for some months, and where these tanks are to be used there is no hint. I can’t believe they want them for use against a German invasion. If the Germans were in a position to bring large numbers of armoured units here, i.e. if they had complete command of the sea and air, we should have lost the war already.

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No real news of the Russo-German campaign. Extravagant claims by both sides, all through the week, about the number of enemy tanks, etc., destroyed. All one can really believe in is captures of towns, etc., and the German claims so far are not large. They have taken Lemberg and appear to have occupied Lithuania, and claim also to have by-passed Minsk, though the Russians claim that their advance has been stopped. At any rate there has been no break-through. Everyone already over-optimistic. “The Germans have bitten off more than they can chew. If Hitler doesn’t break through in the next week he is finished”, etc., etc. Few people reflect that the Germans are good soldiers and would not have undertaken this campaign without weighing the chances beforehand. More sober estimates put it thus: “If by October there is still a Russian army in being and fighting against Hitler, he is done for, probably this winter.” Uncertain what to make of the Russian government’s action in confiscating all private wirelesses. It is capable of several explanations.

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The German 88mm anti-aircraft gun became notorious when used as an anti tank gun. In prepared positions when it was well dug in it was very difficult to hit.

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German paratroopers go forward over the rocky terrain in the blazing heat on Crete 1941

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A German Mk IV tank, its turret blown off by a 25-pounder during the battle within Tobruk on the 14th April.

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Italian M13 Tanks in the Libyan Desert, pictured later in 1941

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Infantry from the 6th Australian Division move forward during the assault on Tobruk

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British artillery gun firing in the desert

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