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Non-aggression pact between Germany and Turkey. This is our reward for not mopping up Syria quickly. From now on the Turkish press will be turned against us, and this will have its effect on the Arab peoples.

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The British entered Syria this morning.

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Now that the evacuation of Crete is completed, there is talk of 20,000 men having been removed. Obviously, therefore, they must have begun clearing out long before this was admitted in the press, and the ships sunk were probably lost in that operation. Total losses will presumably be about 10,000 men, 7 warships (3 cruisers, 4 destroyers), [1] probably some merchant ships as well, a good many AA guns, and a few tanks and aeroplanes. And all this for absolutely nothing…The newspapers criticise more boldly than they have ever done hitherto. One of the Australian papers says openly that it is no use trying to defend Cyprus unless we are taking action against Syria. No sign of this, apparently. Reports this morning that the Germans have already landed armoured units at Latakia.[2] Together with this, vague hints that the British “may” invade Syria. Within a few days it may be too late, if it is not six months too late already.

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News from Crete ostensibly fairly good, but a note of pessimism visible everywhere under the surface. No news at all from Syria or Irak, and that is the worst indication. Darlan announces that he is not going to hand over the French fleet. More punches will be pulled, no doubt, on the strength of this palpable lie.

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Irak, Syria, Morocco, Spain, Darlan, Stalin, Raschid Ali, Franco – sensation of utter helplessness.[1] If there is a wrong thing to do, it will be done, infallibly. One has come to believe in that as if it were a law of nature.

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The other night examined the crowds sheltering in Chancery Lane, Oxford Circus and Baker Street stations.  Not all Jews, but, I think, a higher proportion of Jews than one would normally see in a crowd of this size.  What is bad about Jews is that they are not only conspicuous, but go out of their way to make themselves so.  A fearful Jewish woman, a regular comic-paper cartoon of a Jewess, fought her way off the train at Oxford Circus, landing blows on anyone who stood in her way.  It took me back to old days on the Paris Métro.

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