In 14th century BC vassals sent from Egypt to Canaan were described as Rabisu or senior Rabisu meaning commissioner or high commissioner respectively.
In Akkadian mythology Rabisu ("the vagabond") or possibly Rabasa is an evil vampiric spirit or demon that is always menacing the entrance to the houses and hiding in dark corners, lurking to attack people. It is said that pure sea salt can ban them as the salt represents incorruptible life (salt preserves, and life was first born from the sea). In Hell, they live in the Desert of Anguish, attacking newly arrived souls as they travel down the Road of Bone to the City of the Dead.
The book The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Theophilus G. Pinches describes the Rabisu as being "the seizer" which is "regarded as a spirit which lay in wait to pounce upon his prey". Chapter 4 of Genesis lines 6 and 7 reads:
or in Genesis 4:7:
The New American Bible among others believes that "Demon lurking" which in Hebrew means "the croucher" is similar to the word Rabisu. Therefore, it is possible that this displays a continued tradition in the emerging culture of the Hebrews.
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up
I'm gonna laugh, you're so stuck up
You're so dumb, you think you know what you're doing
What a joke, now you're ruined
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up
I'm gonna laugh, you're so stuck up
You're so dumb, you think you know what you're doing
What a joke, now you're ruined
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up