- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 14969
- author: EnlighteningChannel

Gnosis - Supernatural Astrology | Documentary
This documentary explores the devices humans have developed to understand mystifying pheno...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: EnlighteningChannel
Gnosis - Supernatural Astrology | Documentary
Gnosis - Supernatural Astrology | Documentary
This documentary explores the devices humans have developed to understand mystifying phenomenon and make sense of the universe. Astrology -- used for centuri...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 14969
- author: EnlighteningChannel

Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 1 [Brave Archer Films®]
A seminar by Santos Bonacci entitled 'The Ancient Theology, Astrology ' (Part 1) For quest...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: BraveArcherFilms
Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 1 [Brave Archer Films®]
Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 1 [Brave Archer Films®]
A seminar by Santos Bonacci entitled 'The Ancient Theology, Astrology ' (Part 1) For questions on the content of this seminar, please contact Mr. Bonacci dir...- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 10250
- author: BraveArcherFilms

Curse of Scorpio & Aquarius zodiac signs in Vedic Astrology
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com
Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html
published: 01 Nov 2013
Curse of Scorpio & Aquarius zodiac signs in Vedic Astrology
Curse of Scorpio & Aquarius zodiac signs in Vedic Astrology
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html First, if you want to know if any of your divisional charts have these two signs as ascendants then check out this link to get your full astrological report http://www.astrologykrs.com Scorpio and Aquarius are known as karmic signs because both are co-ruled by Rahu and ketu along with Mars and Saturn. Saturn is fear and anxiety and Rahu is also fear and anxiety but of a illusionary kind. Mars is army and conquer while Ketu is someone that has already conquered things in life. Whenever you have a Scorpio ascendant or Aquarius ascendant either in the main birth chart or divisional charts, it usually shows a karmic payback that needs to be paid in this life. Aquarius is about giving up things and donating things while Scorpio is about dealing with death like scenarios. Scorpio is dealing with more about health issues and Aquarius about issues of society. Rahu and Ketu represents what we have accomplished and what we need to accomplish in this life and with those two come the two signs of what we need to give up and what we need to take the responsibility off. Scorpio and Aquarius karmic back logged signs is very much a true statement. These videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. These programs are to educate everyone on the importance and accuracy of astrology why it still matters. Astrology is not so easy to understand and it's not that difficult to master. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Vedic Astrology is not more about psychological reading but actual physical reading that also shows your exact timing of events like marriage, children, career, graduation, accidents, illness etc. This entire channel is hosted by me alone, Kapiel Raaj. Growing up with an uncle who was a Vedic Astrologer himself made it very easy for me to dive into the ocean of astrology and discover many secrets which I share with you on KRSchannel, the fastest growing astrology channel on you tube. When some wants to know what planet in what house does what, or what planet in what sign does what, this is the channel they come to. I do not make regular weekly horoscope because unless your horoscope is present in front of me, giving you a general weekly horoscope is as good as suicide of astrology. It's no longer predictive science. In my channel you will find videos that will never be outdated and will always apply to you alone. This astrology channel is like a encyclopedia of astrology. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. I take also do Celebrities horoscope with parody, combining my two passion of acting and astrology together which has become a hit on Youtube. I also do skits of zodiac sign compatibility which again is entertainment and education at the same time. This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you. What I bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of India.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 5203

The Astrology of November 2013 - Finally
A month we have been waiting for a long time. The tide turns in favor of common sense and ...
published: 22 Oct 2013
The Astrology of November 2013 - Finally
The Astrology of November 2013 - Finally
A month we have been waiting for a long time. The tide turns in favor of common sense and common decency on a practical, day-to-day level.- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 7283

Ancient Astrology: The Lost Books of Bhrigu
Describes how a young American, David Lane, visited the Bhrigu Samhita in Hoshiarpur in th...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: neuralsurfer
Ancient Astrology: The Lost Books of Bhrigu
Ancient Astrology: The Lost Books of Bhrigu
Describes how a young American, David Lane, visited the Bhrigu Samhita in Hoshiarpur in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. This library is alleged to ...- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 2397
- author: neuralsurfer

Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: November 25 2013 Saturn and Mercury Conjunct Scorpio
LIVE Classes: http://www.inclusiveastrology.com/collections/frontpage/products/live-webina...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: November 25 2013 Saturn and Mercury Conjunct Scorpio
Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: November 25 2013 Saturn and Mercury Conjunct Scorpio
LIVE Classes: http://www.inclusiveastrology.com/collections/frontpage/products/live-webinar-classes Webinar: http://www.inclusiveastrology.com/collections/frontpage/products/november-webinar-2013-karmic-shado Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: November 25 2013 Saturn and Mercury Conjunct Scorpio From beyond the dimensions of time and space, a King rises from the past and has come back from the future, to brighten up the dawning of a new age on Earth. Using his charm, ancient tool bag and positive energy, the Leo King reclaims his throne and sets on his quest to lead the new world into illuminating its individual and collective consciousness. The Leo King's quest takes him on a journey of brightening up the world with his music, astrology and inspirational speeches in order to change your life and bring you into spiritual ecstasy. Check out my new astrology readings! Book an astrology reading at my store. http://www.inclusiveastrology.com When you purchase a reading from Inclusive Astrology, be prepared to have your soul rocked! The reading will consist of David going through your natal chart and using his spiritual channel to interpret what is happening in your life, what he sees in your future and will answer your questions regarding love, work, your spiritual journey and more! David's channel is very sharp and will pick up on the energy you are going through and more importantly, he will guide you using the message spirit wants to direct you in. David uses state of the art chart systems and will run all astrology charts that are used in today's advanced chart programs. David will give you a deep and advanced look into spirit that you have never had access to before! David has been reading charts and souls professionally for over 5 years and has been featured as the top astrologer in America on Yahoo!, E! Television, ABC, MTV, Style Network, National Enquirer, People Magazine and Reality Weekly! Reading will be done via a phone call to a number provided or on skype. The reading will be recorded on an mp3 and will be delivered as soon as possible. http://www.theleoking.com http://www.david-palmer.com http://www.starhearts.com http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3926465/ http://dj.beatport.com/djdavidpalmer http://inclusiveastrology.com http://twitter.com/theleokingdom http://soundcloud.com/djdavidpalmer http://www.modelmayhem.com/palmer Inclusive Astrology sets to Illuminate the Collective Consciousness http://www.inclusiveastrology.com Follow us on twitter! @InclusiveAstro @theleokingdom David is an esoteric astrologer.- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 622

Supernatural Astrology - Paranormal Documentary
Supernatural Astrology - Paranormal Documentar...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Supernatural Astrology - Paranormal Documentary
Supernatural Astrology - Paranormal Documentary
http://www.medyumcini.com/TaraTheAstrologer Supernatural Astrology - Paranormal Documentary supernatural astrology horoscope zodiac signs horoscopes scorpio horoscope cancer horoscope libra horoscope free tarot reading horoscope compatibility horoscope signs astrology signs numerology zodiac love horoscope astrological signs free horoscope astro tarot reading chinese horoscope monthly horoscope free daily horoscope horoscope for today daily love horoscope horoskop free psychic reading astrology.com astrology compatibility chinese astrology astrology chart- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 21

Astrology Forecast for November 20, 2013
Let the drums roll and the trumpets play,
In celebration of this glorious day.
For I have ...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Astrology Forecast for November 20, 2013
Astrology Forecast for November 20, 2013
Let the drums roll and the trumpets play, In celebration of this glorious day. For I have arisen from the depths of my being, To join in the song all nature is singing! Oops... a little to close to the camera! Anyway, it is the message that counts and the message is one of "Oh Yeah!" Pop those cookies in the oven and get back out there to the party! We've all been tried and tested and challenged to follow (or create!) that recipe. We've gathered our ingredients and mixed it all up and it has been hot in the kitchen! This week it is time to let the oven work the magic that we have so painstakingly worked for...... let go, get outa town, and go wild for a change (hopefully not haha!)!- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 301

Astrology Forecast for November 13, 2013
Like an insect trapped in a spider's web
I only have so much time.
The value and meaning o...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Astrology Forecast for November 13, 2013
Astrology Forecast for November 13, 2013
Like an insect trapped in a spider's web I only have so much time. The value and meaning of my life, Death urges me to find. You don't know what you can do until you do it. You don't know how much you can give until you give it. The list goes on and on. This full Moon coming up in Taurus will give us all a chance to see just how great we are by opening, surrendering, giving, and receiving on and from the deepest places in ourselves. The stakes are high and the rewards can be great..... I remember an old boss of mine once said, "We are going to spend a lot of money, and we are going to make a lot of money." This is a time to place as much of yourself as you dare into the game of Life on Earth. Don't hold back and if you are others will help you discover why haha!- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 20230

Should I fear Sadi-Sati(Sade Sati) in Vedic Astrology
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com
Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html
published: 15 Nov 2013
Should I fear Sadi-Sati(Sade Sati) in Vedic Astrology
Should I fear Sadi-Sati(Sade Sati) in Vedic Astrology
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html ARUDHA LAGNA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V76wjPN9kDM These videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. These programs are to educate everyone on the importance and accuracy of astrology why it still matters. Astrology is not so easy to understand and it's not that difficult to master. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Vedic Astrology is not more about psychological reading but actual physical reading that also shows your exact timing of events like marriage, children, career, graduation, accidents, illness etc. This entire channel is hosted by me alone, Kapiel Raaj. Growing up with an uncle who was a Vedic Astrologer himself made it very easy for me to dive into the ocean of astrology and discover many secrets which I share with you on KRSchannel, the fastest growing astrology channel on you tube. When some wants to know what planet in what house does what, or what planet in what sign does what, this is the channel they come to. I do not make regular weekly horoscope because unless your horoscope is present in front of me, giving you a general weekly horoscope is as good as suicide of astrology. It's no longer predictive science. In my channel you will find videos that will never be outdated and will always apply to you alone. This astrology channel is like a encyclopedia of astrology. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. I take also do Celebrities horoscope with parody, combining my two passion of acting and astrology together which has become a hit on Youtube. I also do skits of zodiac sign compatibility which again is entertainment and education at the same time. This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you. What I bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of India.- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 2885

The KRS Astrology show # 10 Your Q & A
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com
Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html
published: 23 Nov 2013
The KRS Astrology show # 10 Your Q & A
The KRS Astrology show # 10 Your Q & A
CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.com Book link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html These videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. These programs are to educate everyone on the importance and accuracy of astrology why it still matters. Astrology is not so easy to understand and it's not that difficult to master. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Vedic Astrology is not more about psychological reading but actual physical reading that also shows your exact timing of events like marriage, children, career, graduation, accidents, illness etc. This entire channel is hosted by me alone, Kapiel Raaj. Growing up with an uncle who was a Vedic Astrologer himself made it very easy for me to dive into the ocean of astrology and discover many secrets which I share with you on KRSchannel, the fastest growing astrology channel on you tube. When some wants to know what planet in what house does what, or what planet in what sign does what, this is the channel they come to. I do not make regular weekly horoscope because unless your horoscope is present in front of me, giving you a general weekly horoscope is as good as suicide of astrology. It's no longer predictive science. In my channel you will find videos that will never be outdated and will always apply to you alone. This astrology channel is like a encyclopedia of astrology. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. I take also do Celebrities horoscope with parody, combining my two passion of acting and astrology together which has become a hit on Youtube. I also do skits of zodiac sign compatibility which again is entertainment and education at the same time. This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you. What I bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of India.- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 1037

What is Astrology?
Is astrology the same as the newspaper horoscope? Or is it something more. This video show...
published: 08 Sep 2010
author: KeplerCollege
What is Astrology?
What is Astrology?
Is astrology the same as the newspaper horoscope? Or is it something more. This video show how different astrologers describe astrology and explores the diff...- published: 08 Sep 2010
- views: 42796
- author: KeplerCollege

Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: October 24 2013 Pleiadian Horoscope Mt Shasta
Register for Nov Webinar! http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E959D782814C3A
Channeled from Mt...
published: 24 Oct 2013
Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: October 24 2013 Pleiadian Horoscope Mt Shasta
Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: October 24 2013 Pleiadian Horoscope Mt Shasta
Register for Nov Webinar! http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E959D782814C3A Channeled from Mt Shasta, CA. From beyond the dimensions of time and space, a King rises from the past and has come back from the future, to brighten up the dawning of a new age on Earth. Using his charm, ancient tool bag and positive energy, the Leo King reclaims his throne and sets on his quest to lead the new world into illuminating its individual and collective consciousness. The Leo King's quest takes him on a journey of brightening up the world with his music, astrology and inspirational speeches in order to change your life and bring you into spiritual ecstasy. Check out my new astrology readings! Book an astrology reading at my store. http://www.inclusiveastrology.com When you purchase a reading from Inclusive Astrology, be prepared to have your soul rocked! The reading will consist of David going through your natal chart and using his spiritual channel to interpret what is happening in your life, what he sees in your future and will answer your questions regarding love, work, your spiritual journey and more! David's channel is very sharp and will pick up on the energy you are going through and more importantly, he will guide you using the message spirit wants to direct you in. David uses state of the art chart systems and will run all astrology charts that are used in today's advanced chart programs. David will give you a deep and advanced look into spirit that you have never had access to before! David has been reading charts and souls professionally for over 5 years and has been featured as the top astrologer in America on Yahoo!, E! Television, ABC, MTV, Style Network, National Enquirer, People Magazine and Reality Weekly! Reading will be done via a phone call to a number provided or on skype. The reading will be recorded on an mp3 and will be delivered as soon as possible. http://www.theleoking.com http://www.david-palmer.com http://www.starhearts.com http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3926465/ http://dj.beatport.com/djdavidpalmer http://inclusiveastrology.com http://twitter.com/theleokingdom http://soundcloud.com/djdavidpalmer http://www.modelmayhem.com/palmer Inclusive Astrology sets to Illuminate the Collective Consciousness http://www.inclusiveastrology.com Follow us on twitter! @InclusiveAstro @theleokingdom David is an esoteric astrologer.- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 3644

Weekend Astrology Horoscope: November 1-3 2013 Solar Eclipse In Scorpio Conjunct Saturn
SATURDAY! Nov Webinar SIGNUP! http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E959D782814C3A
Weekend Astro...
published: 01 Nov 2013
Weekend Astrology Horoscope: November 1-3 2013 Solar Eclipse In Scorpio Conjunct Saturn
Weekend Astrology Horoscope: November 1-3 2013 Solar Eclipse In Scorpio Conjunct Saturn
SATURDAY! Nov Webinar SIGNUP! http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E959D782814C3A Weekend Astrology Horoscope: November 1-3 2013 Solar Eclipse In Scorpio Conjunct Saturn From beyond the dimensions of time and space, a King rises from the past and has come back from the future, to brighten up the dawning of a new age on Earth. Using his charm, ancient tool bag and positive energy, the Leo King reclaims his throne and sets on his quest to lead the new world into illuminating its individual and collective consciousness. The Leo King's quest takes him on a journey of brightening up the world with his music, astrology and inspirational speeches in order to change your life and bring you into spiritual ecstasy. Check out my new astrology readings! Book an astrology reading at my store. http://www.inclusiveastrology.com When you purchase a reading from Inclusive Astrology, be prepared to have your soul rocked! The reading will consist of David going through your natal chart and using his spiritual channel to interpret what is happening in your life, what he sees in your future and will answer your questions regarding love, work, your spiritual journey and more! David's channel is very sharp and will pick up on the energy you are going through and more importantly, he will guide you using the message spirit wants to direct you in. David uses state of the art chart systems and will run all astrology charts that are used in today's advanced chart programs. David will give you a deep and advanced look into spirit that you have never had access to before! David has been reading charts and souls professionally for over 5 years and has been featured as the top astrologer in America on Yahoo!, E! Television, ABC, MTV, Style Network, National Enquirer, People Magazine and Reality Weekly! Reading will be done via a phone call to a number provided or on skype. The reading will be recorded on an mp3 and will be delivered as soon as possible. http://www.theleoking.com http://www.david-palmer.com http://www.starhearts.com http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3926465/ http://dj.beatport.com/djdavidpalmer http://inclusiveastrology.com http://twitter.com/theleokingdom http://soundcloud.com/djdavidpalmer http://www.modelmayhem.com/palmer Inclusive Astrology sets to Illuminate the Collective Consciousness http://www.inclusiveastrology.com Follow us on twitter! @InclusiveAstro @theleokingdom David is an esoteric astrologer.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 666
Youtube results:

Venus is your Woman in Astrology
In this involved video Ernst Wilhelm teaches the principles by which a man can look at her...
published: 30 Sep 2013
Venus is your Woman in Astrology
Venus is your Woman in Astrology
In this involved video Ernst Wilhelm teaches the principles by which a man can look at her horoscope and determine whether he will attract Mrs. Right into his life of if he will consistently attract Mrs. Wrong, and if he is attracting Mrs. Wrong - or no one at all, what he needs to do about it. This is a precise and complete instructional video that will allow you to make interpretations on your horoscope about your woman or wife. For Free Chart Calculator & Reports: http://www.vaultoftheheavens.com For Video Courses: http://www.astrology-videos.com For Books, Software & Audio Courses: http://www.vedic-astrology.net- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 926

Astrology Forecast for October 16, 2013
When I feel run over I must take command,
And lead my forces to the promised land!
Whoa! ...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Astrology Forecast for October 16, 2013
Astrology Forecast for October 16, 2013
When I feel run over I must take command, And lead my forces to the promised land! Whoa! Time to roll up the sleeves and dig in! We've got a Lunar eclipse coming Friday that may just raise the hairs up on your neck. I hate cliches but when the going gets tough the tough get going and these maybe tough times for many. The tests, trials, and tribulations serve to push us out of our comfort zones and familiar stomping grounds and reach out for the NEW. Eclipses bring weird, new, possibly upsetting energies that can take some time to integrate but don't duck and cover..... grab the horns and ride that ram....... oh yeah..... injoy.....- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 34444

"What is Astrology?" - Sadhguru
http://www.ishafoundation.org/ http://www.innerengineering.com Sadhguru discusses objects,...
published: 23 Jul 2010
author: ishafoundation
"What is Astrology?" - Sadhguru
"What is Astrology?" - Sadhguru
http://www.ishafoundation.org/ http://www.innerengineering.com Sadhguru discusses objects, forms and planets and their influence on us vibrationally. (SaO9)- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 62961
- author: ishafoundation

Jupiter T-Square Aug 8-15 2013 Week Ahead Astrology-Tarot Insights Palmer Onefeather
Jupiter T-Square Aug 8-15 2013 Week Ahead Astrology-Tarot Insights Palmer Onefeather Onefe...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: DavidPalmerAstrology
Jupiter T-Square Aug 8-15 2013 Week Ahead Astrology-Tarot Insights Palmer Onefeather
Jupiter T-Square Aug 8-15 2013 Week Ahead Astrology-Tarot Insights Palmer Onefeather
Jupiter T-Square Aug 8-15 2013 Week Ahead Astrology-Tarot Insights Palmer Onefeather Onefeather https://www.facebook.com/chris.onefeather David Palmer https:...- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 2604
- author: DavidPalmerAstrology