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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
Andrómeda: el Estado profundo en Colombia Mauricio García 2:42am F9
The state of the union is …unequal Mike Harris 5:00am F8
«Πειρατές του Εντελβάις» ισ 12:47am F7
Catatumbo: que Santos renuncie a la violencia para hacer política La Opinión 11:02pm F6
2014: los dilemas de la izquierda colombiana ante la profundización de la guerra sucia Noticias UNO 7:50pm F6
Lo que no dice el artículo del Washington Post (I Parte) Alberto Pinzón 6:22pm F6
Santos, ¿hasta cuándo la mamadera de gallo? Alfredo Molano 11:47pm F2
The Battle for Burgos trish watson 4:02am F1
Struggling to Win - Anarchists Building Popular Power in Chile - NYC tour Mike Harris 10:24pm J30
Revista "Socialismo Libertário" num. 2 CAB 1:37am J30
Ukrainian anarchist dispels myths surrounding Euromaidan protests and warns of fascist influence Vic 2:36am J29
Αναρχισμός και ατομική τρομοκρατία @ 5:11am J27
Face à l’antisémitisme, pour l’autodéfense BErckman 3:31am J27
Lotte sociali e Poder Popular in Brasile FdCA Fano/Pesar 9:46pm J25
¿En qué quedamos? ¿Las FARC-EP van ganando o perdiendo? Timoleón Jiméne 4:14pm J25
Should Anarchists Raise a Program of Demands? Red and Black A 3:46pm J23
El loco Ordóñez y las llaves de la paz Fredy Julián Co 11:19pm J20
Riflessioni sui libertari e la partecipazione elettorale in Cile il 7:18pm J11
La sombra de la Colosa sobre Cajamarca, Tolima: Megaminería, el nuevo delirio del Dorado Tatiana Acevedo 5:35am J11
The Marxist Paradox: An Anarchist Critique Wayne Price 5:55am J10
Some reflections on libertarians in Chile and electoral participation Larry Gambone 2:09am J10
Reflexiones en torno a los libertarios en Chile y la participación electoral Larry Gambone 2:03am J10
Chomsky as Chávez’s Clown Sagar 1:21pm J4
Chavez vs. Mandela: Why did the media scorn one and mourn the other? Puzzled 6:54am D29
"Struggling to Win: Anarchists Building Popular Power in Chile" ( Limited US Tour) Syndicalist 6:09am D29
Tareas del Anarquismo social chileno. Lo “libertario” como espacio de disputa. Apolítico y ana 10:47am D21
Anarchism/Syndicalism as Vision, Strategy, Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy Jan Makandal 5:24am D21
¡Ni con Petro ni con Ordóñez! Antonio Caballe 8:41pm D17
“(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndicalist Canon Lucien van der 4:57am D15
Review of Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber Red and Black A 1:25am D15
Are Republican “Libertarians” Anarchists? voluntaryistonl 9:57pm D14
Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle is facing high escalation in all fronts Anarchist 3:15pm D14
Nelson Mandela Red and Black A 3:05pm D14
“Los que más queremos que pare esta guerra somos nosotros” Laura Villa 2:15am D13
What is the ANC and Where is the Left in South Africa? Michael 3:53pm D12
Declaración del FAO ante la coyuntura electoral chilena y el quiebre en el movimiento libertario felatio 6:31am D7

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