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mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday September 07, 2014 22:10 byIlan S.
The 50-day war on Gaza ended, after Israel begged for a ceasefire and yielded to major demands from Hamas (some kept in secret even from Israeli government ministers). A majority of Israelis admit that Israel did not win the war but with difficulty admit that Hamas had the upper hand. Ministers passed two weeks ago a classified Cabinet document containing a proposal to place an international force in Gaza, which may mean the end of Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the opening of the Ghetto... and may be a precedent to what could be the end of the occupation of the West Bank). In Israel, the "radical" left is back to "normal"... though many more activists are contemplating joining the comrades who had already lost hope and emigrated. It seems the international pressures of the imperial powers and the advances of the boycott movement are bringing the end of the 1967 occupation sooner than expected. read full story / add a comment
iberia / history of anarchism / review Friday September 05, 2014 17:49 byEdward McKenna
A review of Agustin Guillamon's "Ready for Revolution" on the Spanish anarchist defence committees, assessing its relevance to today's revolutionaries. read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / movimiento anarquista / comunicado de prensa Monday September 01, 2014 08:31 byTaller Libertario Alfredo López
Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English] read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Monday September 01, 2014 08:12 byTALLER LIBERTARIO ALFREDO LÓPEZ
Hace unos días en la primera semana de agosto los medios de fabricación masiva de opiniones en Cuba, en manos de la Seguridad del Estado, el Buró Político, y los Departamento Ideológico del MINFAR y el MININT, nos han regalado un nuevo capítulo de la historia de sus hazañas laborales, en el combate directo a las operaciones de subversión del gobierno yanqui. read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / anarchist movement / press release Monday September 01, 2014 08:10 byTaller Libertario Alfredo Lopez
For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia / opinione / analisi Wednesday August 27, 2014 23:35 byDonato Romito
Nel 2001-2002 l'Argentina andò in default. Bancarotta. Tutti ricordiamo l'ira popolare, le manifestazioni del "cacelorazo", i mercati di quartiere con moneta libera e di libero scambio, l'esperienza delle "fabricas recuperadas" ed autogestite. Crogiuolo di rinascita anche del movimento libertario organizzato. Magari ricordiamo pure l'ira dei non pochi investitori italiani, mica solo quelli milionari, mal consigliati dalle banche, mobilitarsi per avere il rimborso dei bond argentini da loro acquistati per pura speculazione. Dopo il default, l'Argentina ha ristrutturato il suo debito per 191 mld di dollari, dilazionando le scadenze dei bond al 2005 e 2010, senza ricorrere alle draculesche politiche di austerity del FMI. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday August 25, 2014 18:11 byIlan S.
La guerra di Israele su Gaza intendeva indebolire Hamas ma renderlo indipendente dall'Autorità in Cisgiordania. Un mese e mezzo è passato ed Israele non riesce a fermare il lancio di razzi di Hamas su Israele. Hamas ha chiesto ad alta voce la rimozione dell'assedio ed il primo ministro israeliano non ha avuto l'appoggio necessario dalla sua coalizione per il necessario compromesso. Per diminuire le perdite e per salvare la faccia Israele con il sostegno degli USA stanno ora delegando la questione a quel Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU di cui Israele non si è curato per molti anni. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday August 24, 2014 14:09 byIlan S.
The war Israel started with the Hamas was intended to keep it weaker but independent of the west bank authority. A month and a half and Israel cannot stop the Hamas firing of rockets on Israel. The Hamas raised its demand about the lifting of the siege (closer) and the Israeli prime minister failed go get the support of his coalition for the needed compromise. To diminish the losses and to save face Israel with US backing are passing the decision to the UN security council the Israeli ruling elite evaded successfully so many years. The mounting economic pressures create cracks in the Israeli ruling elite and even the populist coalition party head - the foreign minister, start to promote the end of the 1967 occupation. And the joint popular grass root struggle continue - within Israel at the Arkib Bedouins as focus, Bil'in, Ma'asara, Neby Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, South Hebron Hills. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday August 21, 2014 23:28 byfederación Anarquista uruguaya
La historia se repite. Aquí una vez como horror sangriento y otra con algo más de lo mismo. Ya hemos hecho puntualizaciones y dado nuestra opinión, bastante semejante a la de hoy, en oportunidades muy parecidas. El tema de fondo sigue siendo el mismo. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / emperyalizm / savaş / opinion/analysis Wednesday August 20, 2014 02:16 byIlan S.
Mısır’ın inatla üstüne düşeni yapmaması –Gazze ablukasını hafifletmemesi- ve Hamas’ın ablukayı ciddi oranda azaltan bir anlaşma yapılmadıkça silah bırakmayı reddetmesi nedeniyle hava saldırıları yetersiz kalan İsrail, kara saldırısına geçti.

[English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday August 15, 2014 20:55 byPaulB
The US special forces finally sent to Mount Sinjar in Northern Iraq to assess a mission to rescue the threatened Yezidis this morning [Thursday 14 August], reported that most of the displaced population had already been rescued in the previous days. What is not being widely reported is the identity of the Kurdish forces who secured the northern side of the mountain and opened a safe passage for the threatened Yezidi civilians, through the Syrian territory they control to Dohuk in the north of the Kurdish Autonomous region in Iraq.

Embarrassingly for the US, arriving on its white charger to save the day, only to discover they are far too late, the saviours of the Yezidis are the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and their Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) allies. The PKK are officially on the US and EU “terrorist” lists and the autonomous Syrian region defended by the YPG is subject to blockade by ISIS to the South and West, Turkey to the North and the corrupt Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) regime in Kurdish Northern Iraq to the East. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday August 15, 2014 17:03 byIlan S.
Israele aveva iniziato il suo attacco a Gaza per sabotare il compromesso tra Hamas e l'Autorità Palestinese e per restaurare un governo indipendente di un indebolito Hamas sulla Striscia di Gaza. Il compromesso di Hamas doveva essere una risposta al blocco egiziano finalizzato a smantellare Hamas stesso. Il fallito attacco israeliano porterà ad una significativa apertura del confine tra Israele e la Striscia di Gaza laddove prima dell'attacco passa lo stretto necessario in una situazione sull'orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Tuesday August 12, 2014 19:34 byIlan S.
Israel started the attack on the Hamas to sabotage the Hamas compromise with the west bank authority, and restore a weakened Hamas independent rule in the Gaza strip. Hamas compromise was a response to Egyptian closer intended to dismantle the Hamas. The failed Israeli attack will force it to contribute its share to significantly open the closer of the border between Israel and the Gaza strip which was till the attack based on the bare minimal on the margin of humanitarian catastrophe. Whatever the details of the new cease fire and arrangements, the failure of Israel vicious assault to stop the Hamas from firing rockets on Israel is a significant "game changer". The failed attack on Gaza and the continuing popular struggle in the west bank are hastening the international pressures to end the occupation of the West bank and the closer of the Gaza strip. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / documento politico Friday August 08, 2014 13:27 byRelations internationales CGA
Dobbiamo fermare questa violenza coloniale, il più presto possibile, le umiliazioni quotidiane, gli espropri, la strategia di isolamento del popolo palestinese e il suo confinamento in una enorme prigione a cielo aperto. Dobbiamo fermare lo strangolamento quotidiano di una popolazione intera punita collettivamente in nome di una presunta "lotta contro il terrorismo". Noi sosteniamo la lotta palestinese ad alta voce per la loro dignità di esseri umani, la libertà di movimento e di insediamento, contro i posti di blocco e contro una politica di espropriazione e di blocco economico che mira a mettere in ginocchio tutta la popolazione. [Français] read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / migration / racisme / déclaration de principes Thursday August 07, 2014 09:34 byRelations internationales de la CGA
L'idéologie raciste progresse globalement dans la société française. L'antisémitisme, que certainEs ont considéré à tort comme résiduel et en voie de disparition en France suite à la seconde guere mondiale, retrouve une audience de masse ces dernières années. Pour la première fois en France depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des enfants ont été assassinés parce que juifs, à Ozar Hatorah, à Toulouse. Des synagogues ou des commerces juifs sont attaquées, des cimetières et lieux communautaires vandalisés. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / déclaration de principes Thursday August 07, 2014 09:24 byRelations internationales CGA
Il faut faire cesser ces violences coloniales au plus vite, les humiliations quotidiennes, les expropriations, la stratégie d'isolement de la population palestinienne et son enfermement dans une immense prison à ciel ouvert. Il faut arrêter l'asphyxie quotidienne de toute une population punie collectivement au nom d'une prétendue "lutte contre le terrorisme". Nous soutenons haut et fort la lutte des PalestinienNEs pour leur dignité d'êtres humains, pour la liberté de circulation et d'installation, contre les check-points et contre une politique d'expropriation et de blocus économique qui vise à mettre à genou une population entière. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday August 06, 2014 17:07 byIlan S.
Le lotte unitarie nelle solite località di Bil'in, Ni'lin, Ma'sara, Sheikh Jarrah, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, le colline a ovest di Hebron, svoltesi nel weekend ed in settimana, si sono focalizzate sulla guerra a Gaza e sugli aspetti più evidenti dell'occupazione. Ad oggi, sembra che Israele abbia fallito l'obiettivo di insediare a Gaza un governo di Hamas indipendente ma indebolito, dato che le atrocità commesse su Gaza non sono riuscite a suscitare una pressione internazionale sufficiente a spingere l'Egitto ad allentare l'assedio su Gaza. Pare che tra Hamas e l'Autorità Palestinese in Cisgiordania verrà rinnovato quel patto che Israele ha così strenuamente cercato di sabotare. [English] read full story / add a comment
frança / bélgica / luxemburgo / migração / racismo / opinião / análise Tuesday August 05, 2014 08:06 byBerckman
I – Compreender a dinâmica antissemita para melhor a combater;
II – “Conspiração sionista-illuminatis”, o “reaparecimento” da conspiração “judaico e franco maçon”;
III – O impasse do legitimismo institucional nas instituições comunitárias;
IV - O impasse da opnião sionista;
V – A opção revolucionária: a única via para barrar o antissemitismo.

Na rua, na internet, no trabalho: o antissemitismo cresce. Pela primeira vez, na França, após a segunda guerra mundial, as crianças são assassinadas por serem judias, como em Ozar Hatorah e Toulouse. As sinagogas são atacadas, os cemitérios e as escolas comunitárias são vandalizadas. As pessoas são agredidas, insultadas, por serem judias ou por serem parecidos com tais. A propósito do crescimento na internet: a velha podridão da “conspiração judaíco mundial” reaparece e se propaga em grande velocidade pelos textos e vídeos... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday August 03, 2014 21:09 byIlan S.
The joint struggles in the locations of regular weekly activities of Bil'in, Ni'lin, Ma'sara, Sheikh Jarrah, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Western Hills of Hebron, in the weekend actions and some in between, have focused on the war on Gaza as the more obvious aspect of the occupation. Today, it seems Israel has failed to establish a weakened but independent power in the Gaza Strip - mainly because the atrocities by Israel have failed to recruit international pressure on Egypt to open the siege of Gaza enough. It seems there will be a revival of the accord between Hamas and the West Bank Palestinian Authority that Israel has invested so much effort into sabotaging. It is not clear yet what the the details will be and how the latest Israeli atrocities will influence pressure from the imperial powers on Israel to end the 1967 occupation. Latest news: Israel has started to retreat its forces from the Gaza Strip with no resolution and with rockets still being fired on Israel. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Saturday August 02, 2014 14:14 byIlan S.
Gia prima dell'attuale attacco, la guerra era stata iniziata dal blocco egiziano sulla Striscia di Gaza, con l'intento di far cadere il governo di Hamas in quanto organizzazione facente parte del movimento dei Fratelli Musulmani. [English] [Türkçe] read full story / add a comment

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Issue #3 of the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

Front page

The experiment of West Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) has proved that people can make changes

[Chile] EL FTEM promueve una serie de “jornadas de debate sindical”

Ukraine: Interview with a Donetsk anarchist

The present confrontation between the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine and the indigenous working people

Prisões e mais criminalização marcam o final da Copa do Mundo no Brasil

An Anarchist Response to a Trotskyist Attack: Review of “An Introduction to Marxism and Anarchism” by Alan Woods (2011)

هەڵوێستی سەربەخۆی جەماوەر لە نێوان داعش و &

Contra a Copa e a Repressão: Somente a Luta e Organização!

Nota Pública de soldariedade e denúncia

Üzüntümüz Öfkemizin Tohumudur

Uruguay, ante la represión y el abuso policial

To vote or not to vote: Should it be a question?

Mayday: Building A New Workers Movement

Anarchist and international solidarity against Russian State repression

Argentina: Atentado y Amenazas contra militantes sociales de la FOB en Rosario, Santa Fe

Réponses anarchistes à la crise écologique

50 оттенков коричневого

A verdadeira face da violência!

The Battle for Burgos

Face à l’antisémitisme, pour l’autodéfense

Reflexiones en torno a los libertarios en Chile y la participación electoral

Mandela, the ANC and the 1994 Breakthrough: Anarchist / syndicalist reflections

Melissa Sepúlveda "Uno de los desafíos más importantes es mostrarnos como una alternativa real"

On Sectarianism

Wed 10 Sep, 06:24

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presxsanarquistaslibertad366.jpg imageDepuis l’Europe : Solidarité avec les prisonnier-e-s anarchistes emprisonnés à Mexico 03:19 Tue 09 Sep by Commission international 0 comments

Août 2014

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continues with lower intensity: last Friday only 3 Israelis cam... 22:10 Sun 07 Sep by Ilan S. 0 comments

The 50-day war on Gaza ended, after Israel begged for a ceasefire and yielded to major demands from Hamas (some kept in secret even from Israeli government ministers). A majority of Israelis admit that Israel did not win the war but with difficulty admit that Hamas had the upper hand. Ministers passed two weeks ago a classified Cabinet document containing a proposal to place an international force in Gaza, which may mean the end of Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the opening of the Ghetto... and may be a precedent to what could be the end of the occupation of the West Bank). In Israel, the "radical" left is back to "normal"... though many more activists are contemplating joining the comrades who had already lost hope and emigrated. It seems the international pressures of the imperial powers and the advances of the boycott movement are bringing the end of the 1967 occupation sooner than expected.

pegasus_large_t_1301_106228890_0_3.jpg imageAppoggio alle 595 operaie delle pulizie 17:30 Sat 06 Sep by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

La Rete europea del Sindacalismo alternativo e di Base manifesta il suo appoggio alle 595 operaie delle pulizie del Ministero delle Finanze greco di Atene che furono licenziate il 17 settembre del 2013 per mettere il servizio di pulizia nelle mani delle aziende esterne private.

pegasus_large_t_1301_106228890_0_2.jpg imageSolidaridad con las 595 trabajadoras 17:27 Sat 06 Sep by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

La Red Europea de Sindicatos Alternativos y de Base manifiesta su apoyo y solidaridad con las 595 trabajadoras de limpieza del ministerio de Finanzas griego que fueron despedidas el 17 de septiembre de 2013 para poner el servicio de limpieza a disposición de los subcontratistas privados.

pegasus_large_t_1301_106228890_0_1.jpg imageSolidarity with 595 cleaning workers 17:24 Sat 06 Sep by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

The European Network of Alternative and Base Unions expresses its support and solidarity with 595 cleaning workers of the Greek Finance Ministry who were dismissed on September 17 2013 to put the cleaning service in the hands of private subcontractors.

pegasus_large_t_1301_106228890_0.jpg imageΑλληλεγγύη στις 595 κ^... 17:21 Sat 06 Sep by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

Το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Εναλλακτικών Συνδικάτων και Συνδικάτων Βάσης εκφράζει την υποστήριξη και την αλληλεγγύη του στις 595 καθαρίστριες του ελληνικού υπουργείου Οικονομικών που απολύθηκαν στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 για να παραδοθεί η υπηρεσία σε ιδιώτες υπεργολάβους.

orbituaryofousilawrencezitha.gif imageOrbituary of Ousi Lawrence Zitha 16:03 Mon 01 Sep by Nobyhle Dube 0 comments

Comrade Lawrence was born on 7 July 1969 in Kliptown before moving to Ceza in KwaZulu-Natal. He attended Ceza Primary and Nghunghunyone Secondary, matriculating in 1986 with exemption (excellent at that time).

textPor la Federación Anarquista del Caribe 08:31 Mon 01 Sep by Taller Libertario Alfredo López 0 comments

Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English]

textFor The Caribbean Anarchist Federation 08:10 Mon 01 Sep by Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez 0 comments

For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano]

arton59514e0ec_1.jpg imageSolidarietà internazionale a* Zapatist@s di fronte alla controrivoluzione in Chiapas 15:18 Sun 31 Aug by commission international 0 comments

Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN

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imageKhutsong: Pre-emptive “crime-stopping” leads to police brutality Sep 09 by Bongani Maponyane 0 comments

Khutsong has not been at peace, facing a high police deployment, supposedly to combat crime. The government was adamant about cleaning up the streets in Khutsong. This followed certain brutal crimes.

imageSketch of the life of Liu Shifu (Sifo, or Sifu), Chinese anarchist-communist, 1884-1915. Sep 08 by Lucien van der Walt 0 comments

Sketch of the life of Liu Shifu (Sifo, or Sifu), Chinese anarchist-communist, 1884-1915.
First published as SIFU: A CHINESE REVOLUTIONIST 1884-1915 by H.E. Shaw, in "Esperanto Journal of the People," from Mother Earth volume 10, number 8, October 1915

imageMarina Silva y el lulismo que solo pierde frente a sí mismo o a su disidencia Sep 06 by BrunoL 0 comments

Bruno Lima Rocha*

La muerte del ex gobernador de Pernambuco y candidato a presidente por el PSB, Eduardo Campos, ocurrida el 13 de agosto alteró el escenario electoral brasilero. Hasta su fallecimiento en un desastre aéreo en la ciudad de Santos, en el litoral del Estado de San Pablo, la presencia de su candidata a vicepresidenta, la ex ministra del Medio Ambiente de Lula, Marina Silva, era una mezcla de discreción con un poco de compromiso. Durante una semana circuló la especulación en torno a las opciones de la mesa Ejecutiva Nacional de los herederos políticos de Miguel Arraes, si los caciques del PSB arriesgarían una chance de victoria electoral que puede convertirse en una rotunda derrota política. Por lo visto las esperanzas de las urnas y el pacto de compromiso político ondearon “la mosca azul” para Roberto Amaral, Beto Albuquerque, Luiza Erundina y compañía. Le va a tocar al diputado federal y ex secretario de Olivio Dutray y Tarso Genro (en los gobiernos estadales de Río Grande del Sur) Beto Albuquerque el papel de asegurar la alianza del compromiso político y además frenar la idiosincrasia de la “estrella” acreana (natural del estado de Acre, donde vivía Chico Mendes) disidente del PT.

imageSergio, llevado a la muerte por la autoridad y la discriminación Sep 06 by Unión Libertaria Estudiantil 0 comments

El 5 de Agosto de 2014 muere Sergio Urrego, un joven de 16 años que no resistió la persecución, discriminación y el rechazo por parte de las directivas del colegio Gimnasio Castillo Campestre. El rechazo se debía a que Sergio llevaba una relación amorosa con una persona de su mismo sexo. Nuestro amigo, como acto político, decidió lanzarse de la terraza del Centro Comercial Titán Plaza, falleciendo el día siguiente.

imageThe Khutsong Tragedy Sep 04 by Lucky Sumione 0 comments

Residents in Khutsong location were neglected by the police many times, and that is why they ended up taking the law into their own hands in late 2013.

more >>

imageDepuis l’Europe : Solidarité avec les prisonnier-e-s anarchistes emprisonnés à Mexico Sep 09 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Août 2014

imageOrbituary of Ousi Lawrence Zitha Sep 01 Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 0 comments

Comrade Lawrence was born on 7 July 1969 in Kliptown before moving to Ceza in KwaZulu-Natal. He attended Ceza Primary and Nghunghunyone Secondary, matriculating in 1986 with exemption (excellent at that time).

textPor la Federación Anarquista del Caribe Sep 01 0 comments

Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English]

textFor The Caribbean Anarchist Federation Sep 01 0 comments

For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano]

imageSolidarietà internazionale a* Zapatist@s di fronte alla controrivoluzione in Chiapas Aug 31 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN

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