- published: 05 Aug 2011
- views: 1405904

Parrot AR.Drone iPad Controlled Remote Control Aircraft Test Flight Demo Linus Tech Tips
OMG. So cool....
published: 05 Aug 2011
Parrot AR.Drone iPad Controlled Remote Control Aircraft Test Flight Demo Linus Tech Tips
Parrot AR.Drone iPad Controlled Remote Control Aircraft Test Flight Demo Linus Tech Tips
http://ncix.com/vendors.php/4460/Parrot-Inc/ OMG. So cool.- published: 05 Aug 2011
- views: 1405904

Air Force Bugbot Nano Drone Technology
Air Force Bugbots Nano Drone video gives a peak inside what nano-drone technology the Fede...
published: 12 Apr 2013
Air Force Bugbot Nano Drone Technology
Air Force Bugbot Nano Drone Technology
Air Force Bugbots Nano Drone video gives a peak inside what nano-drone technology the Federal Government is currently implementing within the united states m...- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 380749
- author: YIRMASTER

Shotgun vs Drone - UAV Torture Test by Game of Drones
Game of Drones - Aerial Combat Design & Engineering http://www.GameofDrones.biz http://www...
published: 16 Aug 2013
author: Marque Cornblatt
Shotgun vs Drone - UAV Torture Test by Game of Drones
Shotgun vs Drone - UAV Torture Test by Game of Drones
Game of Drones - Aerial Combat Design & Engineering http://www.GameofDrones.biz http://www.facebook.com/GameofDronesCA http://www.twitter.com/GameofDronesCA ...- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 309
- author: Marque Cornblatt

DRONE - EP 1 of 4
WATCH EVERY EPISODE HERE! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6BF5DAE7D4915461 Episodes...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: The YOMYOMF Network
DRONE - EP 1 of 4
DRONE - EP 1 of 4
WATCH EVERY EPISODE HERE! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6BF5DAE7D4915461 Episodes to air Thursdays at 8:00 PM EST Created & Directed by Robert Glick...- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 262666
- author: The YOMYOMF Network

Drone On: the Future of UAV Over the US
From military weapons expos in Jordan to idyllic SoCal beaches, we caught up with some of ...
published: 05 Dec 2012
author: MotherboardTV
Drone On: the Future of UAV Over the US
Drone On: the Future of UAV Over the US
From military weapons expos in Jordan to idyllic SoCal beaches, we caught up with some of those who are building and selling unmanned aerial vehicles all ove...- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 385766
- author: MotherboardTV

U.S. Dominance in Drone Technology
Stratfor Military Analyst Paul Floyd examines drone proliferation around the globe and exp...
published: 28 May 2013
author: STRATFORvideo
U.S. Dominance in Drone Technology
U.S. Dominance in Drone Technology
Stratfor Military Analyst Paul Floyd examines drone proliferation around the globe and explains the technology's constraints and potential. For more analysis...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 9464
- author: STRATFORvideo

UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars - teaser trailer
The teaser trailer for director Robert Greenwald's highly anticipated upcoming film, UNMAN...
published: 09 Oct 2013
UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars - teaser trailer
UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars - teaser trailer
The teaser trailer for director Robert Greenwald's highly anticipated upcoming film, UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars. For a limited time, the documentary will be available to stream online. Sign up today to get your link to see the film for FREE: http://www.AmericasDroneWars.com/- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 289

Predator Drones
The future of warfare lies within what looks like an overgrown toy airplane. Watch as we d...
published: 26 Jul 2006
author: kzoMedia
Predator Drones
Predator Drones
The future of warfare lies within what looks like an overgrown toy airplane. Watch as we dissect the Predator system, from the Ground Control Station in Las ...- published: 26 Jul 2006
- views: 575672
- author: kzoMedia

The Intruder Q7 Aerial surveillance drone revealed
http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product/intruderq7/ This is the new OFM Intruder Q7 FPV Quad...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: alishanmao
The Intruder Q7 Aerial surveillance drone revealed
The Intruder Q7 Aerial surveillance drone revealed
http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product/intruderq7/ This is the new OFM Intruder Q7 FPV Quadcopter. I have played very long with various power combos and elect...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 43927
- author: alishanmao

FPV Paris La Défense Flight - TV INTOX JT France 2 - Ultralight Drone GoPro 3 Black PCB Only
On apprend rien à personne quand on dit que la télé diffuse de fausses informations sans v...
published: 27 May 2013
author: serveurperso
FPV Paris La Défense Flight - TV INTOX JT France 2 - Ultralight Drone GoPro 3 Black PCB Only
FPV Paris La Défense Flight - TV INTOX JT France 2 - Ultralight Drone GoPro 3 Black PCB Only
On apprend rien à personne quand on dit que la télé diffuse de fausses informations sans vérifier ses sources:) JT France 2 31/07/13 38mn30 = INTOX. Paris, L...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 116968
- author: serveurperso

Germany Halts Drone Purchase Over Ethical Questions
Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
'Like' Alex o...
published: 16 Nov 2013
Germany Halts Drone Purchase Over Ethical Questions
Germany Halts Drone Purchase Over Ethical Questions
Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones 'Like' Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEme... http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ http://www.prisonplanet.tv **NEW ITEM**[[SURVIVAL SHIELD-NASCENT IODINE]] http://www.infowarsshop.com/-Infowars-Life_c_79.html Retail Price $49.95-Your Price $29.95* Your Savings $20.00 [[START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE]] **Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date. http://infowarshealth.com/ [[PREPAREDNESS PRODUCTS]] NEW ITEMS** **EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE THE COLLAPSE** http://www.infowarsshop.com/-Preparedness-Products_c_55.html [[INFOWARS MAGAZINE]] NOVEMBER ISSUE** http://www.infowarsshop.com/-Infowars-Magazine_c_65.html- published: 16 Nov 2013
- views: 6093

Attack of the Drones - USA
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/63442/short-films/attac...
published: 23 Apr 2012
Attack of the Drones - USA
Attack of the Drones - USA
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/63442/short-films/attack-of-the-drones.html They can move together in swarms, build towers, dance, throw and catch, assess targets and soon will even make their own decisions. Both in war and at home, drones are developing fast and gaining control. The screens at a US air force base lock onto a civilian car driving along a road in New Mexico. "We don't simulate or actually engage them, it is just training to follow a moving target." The question, "with their permission?" is met with an embarrassed pause and the faltering reply, "we're just following them with a camera". Rapidly becoming acceptable practice, increasingly police are also using drones to survey civilian areas for criminals. The US air force are now training more 'desk pilots' than traditional pilots, raising concerns that war is becoming "just a big computer game", allowing pilots to kill a few Taliban fighters and then go home for dinner. Nathan Wessler, a civil rights lawyer, strongly argues that the US using drones to kill targets in countries like Yemen despite not being in a state of war with them could lead to serious repercussions. "It is really a dangerous precedent. The technology of drones is not that complicated and there are dozens of nations developing it." And these robots are advancing. Future drones will be able to independently find targets and decide to attack. As Iran lays its hands on a US spy drone, which experts in this report argue they are "perfectly capable of copying", has an uncontrolled new arms race already begun? April 2012- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 1274276

2013 WTC Drone/Military Plane Attack Proof (Illuminati false flag) New Witnesses
Even if you don't believe the video footage shows it was a military plane, the engine that...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Xendrius
2013 WTC Drone/Military Plane Attack Proof (Illuminati false flag) New Witnesses
2013 WTC Drone/Military Plane Attack Proof (Illuminati false flag) New Witnesses
Even if you don't believe the video footage shows it was a military plane, the engine that flew out from the supposed flight 175 crash was a CFM56, no UA 767...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 1018326
- author: Xendrius

Rise of the Machines - USA
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=64311 Most people ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Journeyman Pictures
Rise of the Machines - USA
Rise of the Machines - USA
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=64311 Most people see drones as a controversial weapon prowling over foreign battlegr...- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 421774
- author: Journeyman Pictures
Youtube results:

Israel shows off new drone technology
The future of warfare is here and is center stage in the skies of the Middle East. CNN's S...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: CNN
Israel shows off new drone technology
Israel shows off new drone technology
The future of warfare is here and is center stage in the skies of the Middle East. CNN's Sara Sidner reports. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube chan...- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 142107
- author: CNN

Custom made drone over La Défense, Paris Europe's largest business district
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: newindianews1
Custom made drone over La Défense, Paris Europe's largest business district
Custom made drone over La Défense, Paris Europe's largest business district
- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 46
- author: newindianews1

DRONE STRIKES: Top Secret Confessions of a Drone Pilot
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the top secret confessions of a dr...
published: 12 Nov 2013
DRONE STRIKES: Top Secret Confessions of a Drone Pilot
DRONE STRIKES: Top Secret Confessions of a Drone Pilot
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the top secret confessions of a drone pilot. http://www.amtvmedia.com/re-direct-war-crimes-top-secret-confessions-of-a-drone-pilot/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreeneWaveTV Twitter: https://twitter.com/GreeneWave Donate: http://www.amtvmedia.com/donate/ Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com/ [SPONSOR] + Get Logbooks for Guns, the #1 Logbook for Guns, PERIOD. It's perfect for gun dealers, collectors and firearm enthusiasts alike! http://www.amtvmedia.com/re-direct-war-crimes-top-secret-confessions-of-a-drone-pilot/ Buy online now or order by phone at 1-855-GUN-BOOK! [T-SHIRT LINK!!!] + Get a Sons of Liberty Tee - buy online now! http://www.amtvmedia.com/redirect-shocking-google-nanobots-to-live-inside-you/ ++ Christopher Greene favorite tee 'You can not defend the first amendment. Without the Second. T-Shirt' - buy online now! http://www.amtvmedia.com/second-amendment-tshirt/ [DONATE] **Donate $5 / month or more to alternative media http://www.amtvmedia.com/donate/ SUBSCRIBE to AMTV on YouTube for daily updates on the news and politics from Christopher Greene and the AMTV Crew! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=cgreene34 'Hard-hitting and in your face!' [SOCIAL] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GreeneWaveTV My Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreeneWave Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107455227743332595314/107455227743332595314/posts Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/amtvmedia/ Get a text when our shows are uploaded: http://motube.us/cgreene34 Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com Blog: http://www.greenewave.com Gear: http://www.cafepress.com/amtvgear Weekly Newsletter: http://www.greenewave.com/newsletter/ Donate Link: http://www.amtvmedia.com/donate/ [SOURCES] GQ Magazine: Confessions of a Drone Warrior http://www.gq.com/news-politics/big-issues/201311/drone-uav-pilot-assassination?currentPage=1 Obama brag, in new book: I'm 'really good at killing people' with drones http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/nov/4/obama-brag-new-book-im-really-good-killing-drones/#ixzz2kRqYGMma [MEDIA KIT] Advertise on AMTV: http://www.amtvmedia.com/advertise/ Download Media Kit: http://www.greenewave.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/AMTV-Media-Kit.pdf [CREDITS] Copyright 2013 © AMTV 2013™ All rights reserved. Powered by Wave Enterprises, LLC. http://amtvmedia.com/ http://www.greenewave.com/ FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#107- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 4227

RC ADVENTURES - Flying RC DRONE - Parrot AR 2.0 - An iPAD Controlled Wi-Fi Camera Quad Copter
http://www.RCSparks.com - Lot's of controversy about Flying Camera Drones & Weapon Drones ...
published: 29 May 2013
author: djmedic2008
RC ADVENTURES - Flying RC DRONE - Parrot AR 2.0 - An iPAD Controlled Wi-Fi Camera Quad Copter
RC ADVENTURES - Flying RC DRONE - Parrot AR 2.0 - An iPAD Controlled Wi-Fi Camera Quad Copter
http://www.RCSparks.com - Lot's of controversy about Flying Camera Drones & Weapon Drones lately.. I wonder what this will do to our RC Flying Hobby. Well - ...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 60900
- author: djmedic2008