Last updated: December 25, 2013

Weather: Sydney 19°C - 24°C . Rain developing.

Christmas exchange rate backs cash

ECONOMISTS hate Christmas; and not just because of the plunge in personal productivity that occurs this time each year (hello couch!).

What's up with Bill Shorten?

What's up with Bill Sh...

MOVING out of government has changed Bill Shorten in the eyes of many, writes Malcolm Farr.

Who do you trust, your GP or the TV?

Who do you trust, your GP or the TV?

THE fall out over cholesterol has proved we're more willing to trust a television program than the advice of our own doctor.

Fear of foreigners holding us back

Fear of foreigners holding us back

THE Abbott government has just proved with GrainCorp there ain't no national interest like political self interest.

Manual cars: superior or old hat?

Manual cars: superior or old hat?

PAUL Pottinger says autos rule, but Tory Maguire says you're not really driving if you're not driving a manual.

Clarke, Warner disgrace Baggy Green

Clarke, Warner disgrace Baggy Green

FORMER Test cricketer Bruce Francis slams today's "overpaid, ungrateful, overindulged" players.

No plain sailing for new PM

No plain sailing for new PM

OPINION: Eleven weeks in and it's clear an Abbott transformation will be hard slog.

Broken arm sledge is just cricket

Broken arm sledge is just cricket

THERE's a line in sledging that Clarke didn't cross - on the other side of that line are racism and other players' mothers.

ABC salary critics need reality check

ABC salary critics need reality check

OPINION: Top ABC talent earn a fraction of stars on Channels 7, Nine and Ten

Dissolving our hatred into Ashes

Dissolving our hatred into Ashes

OPINION: We do not hate the Poms. Come on - we just don't. Rivalries are fine but hatred favours nobody.

Even the ABC pays women less

Even the ABC pays women less

THE national broadcaster's HR department must be bracing for some uncomfortable talks with some of its female stars today.

Morrison's secrecy extreme

Morrison's secrecy extreme

OPINION: The Government's determination to block information on asylum seeker is about to reach peak absurdity.

Bachelor strips dignity from women

Bachelor strips dignity from women

GREAT news, girls! You can use that degree you attained after doing so well at school to snag yourself a cardboard boyfriend.

The 10 worst kids TV characters

The 10 worst kids TV characters

NORMAN Price, the Little Princess, even Thomas the Tank Engine: the TV characters kids love but parents hate.

Ignoring your own health is selfish

Ignoring your own health is selfish

IT's not possible in 2013 in Australia that a woman doesn't know about breast cancer and its detection and treatment.

NSW burned by penny-pinching

NSW burned by penny-pinching

OFFICIALS fear NSW bushfire victims will have less chance of rebuilding than Victorian and Tasmanian households.

The little pig leading our kids astray

The little pig leading our kids astray

OPINION: She's about to sell out the Opera House and has a global following of millions but Peppa Pig needs a major attitude adjustment.

Not only sailors should be sacked

Not only sailors should be sacked

OPINION: In the same way military authority flows down the ranks, surely responsibility must flow back up the ranks again.

Australia's Next Top Stigma

Australia's Next Top Stigma

ALMOST half of us will experience mental health issues. And no, it's not something to "aspire" to, but openness is.

Why they had to kill Verema

Why they had to kill Verema

AN injured racehorse with this sort of injury literally dies in front of your eyes if attempts are made to keep it alive, writes racing editor Ray Thomas.

Back yourself to get a better deal

Back yourself to get a better deal

FORGET the horses, there's only one clear winner this Spring racing season. Our big banks. All four have galloped home with record profits.

Misogyny still alive in the workplace

Misogyny still alive in the workplace

PENNY Palmer has never heard of Julia Gillard's misogyny speech and is living proof that sexual bullying in the workplace is alive today.

Not all bikers are created equal

Not all bikers are created equal

OPINION: New QLD laws to combat criminal bikie gangs have led to harassment of innocent recreational bikers.

How far is too far for child safety?

How far is too far for child safety?

SHOULD there be a witness to nappy changing at childcare? Is it OK to door knock neighbours to check potential employees?

Putin: Magnificent or monster

Putin: Magnificent or monster

OPINION: It's hard to know if the Russian president is lacking self-awareness or just couldn't give a toss.

PR the Catholic Church can't buy

PR the Catholic Church can't buy

OPINION: Pope Francis has already been cast as the hope of the side for the image of the Church. This can only help.

Gaga and Miley: same thing?

Gaga and Miley: same thing?

OPINION: Lady Gaga sells hope through her songs and belief through her clothes. Miley is just selling her soul.

Bob Carr, manipulative to the end

Bob Carr, manipulative to the end

OPINION: Carr's timing, as NSW is consumed with raging bushfires, looks cynical. But then, so was his time in politics.

Imagine Tony's toast at this wedding

Imagine Tony's toast at this wedding

OPINION: His sister's wedding could be a little awkward for our PM if he races to the High Court to block gay marriage.

Women breadwinners no disaster

Women breadwinners no disaster

OPINION: It's like the genders are a footy team and everyone wants a winner when we should all be dreaming of a draw.

Queensland's new bikie laws absurd

Queensland's new bikie laws absurd

THE days of police consorting squads and selective law making have been revived by QLD's alarmist bikie campaign.

Sour grapes show Labor not united

Sour grapes show Labor not united

EVERYONE hates it when they miss out on a job. Anna Burke put that on full display yesterday when she was shafted from a position on the Labor frontbench.

Sad search for Maddie a lonely task

Madeleine McCann

COMMENT: After six and a half years, the global search for Madeleine McCann last night came down to a 40-minute TV appeal.

Memo to Labor from Churchill

Memo to Labor from Churchill

OPINION: Already there is dissatisfaction within the ALP on the methodology used to elect Bill Shorten.

Let's not lionise Chopper

Let's not lionise Chopper

OPINION: Let's put Chopper to rest without pretending he was a 20th-Century Ned Kelly.

We need clarity on pollie perks

We need clarity on pollie perks

OPINION: Only a tiny number of MPs have set out to diddle the public purse on expenses, and most of them have been caught.

Clive's titanic arrival in politics

Clive's titanic arrival in politics

CLIVE Palmer's party has a balance of power and, like America's Tea Party, has become a popular political force overnight, writes Paul Toohey.

Buddy's pay about more than dollars

Buddy's pay about more than dollars

IT's a powerful thing that an indigenous man has won the highest contract ever paid to an Australian team sportsman.

Sugar rush not so sweet

Sugar rush not so sweet

OPINION: Sugar is not just bad for our health, it's also bad for the communities around the world that have been forced off their land without compensation