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Close NFL Games of 2012
NFL Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect
NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games
Best NFL Sound FX Moments Of  Season 2012- 2013
NFL Fantasy Files Compilation
Examining the NFL's Nonprofit Status
NFL Top 10 | Defenses |
NFL TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1
NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos


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Close NFL Games of 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:53
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Close NFL Games of 2012

Here are some tight finishes to some NFL regular season games. I know there are others, but these are the ones I remember watching myself. If you have anymor... NFL Games of 2012
NFL Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:59
  • Updated: 21 Aug 2013

NFL Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect

Kick it. Punt it. Boom goes the dynamite it. Get these guys on SportsCenter! FEATURED MUSIC: Make a Move by Royal Tailor Snag y...
  • published: 01 Jul 2013
  • views: 2126963
  • author: Dude Perfect Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect
NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:31
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013

NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games

No tenemos derechos para estos videos NFL mejor 10 NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 169 Top 10 Bad Weather Games
Best NFL Sound FX Moments Of  Season 2012- 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:36
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Best NFL Sound FX Moments Of Season 2012- 2013

Raider Zahos has gone through all the NFL's Sound FX videos and has put together the best sounds of the 2012-2013 NFL Season. The result is just as good as B... NFL Sound FX Moments Of Season 2012- 2013
NFL Fantasy Files Compilation
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:25
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

NFL Fantasy Files Compilation "Pick me"

This is a compilation of the best NFL Fantasy Player Files. Each video contains a different NFL player doing a cool move whether its passing, catching, or ki...
  • published: 20 Feb 2013
  • views: 124122
  • author: BiolusTX Fantasy Files Compilation "Pick me"
Examining the NFL's Nonprofit Status
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:32
  • Updated: 28 Nov 2013

Examining the NFL's Nonprofit Status

Since 1966, the National Football League has been considered a nonprofit entity, exempted from paying federal and state income taxes as part of the 501(c)(6) tax code. Meanwhile, executive salaries, such as that of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, are upwards of $30 million. So how did such a tax status come about and does it hold up today? RT correspondent Meghan Lopez reports. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
  • published: 28 Nov 2013
  • views: 2481 the NFL's Nonprofit Status
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:45
  • Updated: 07 Sep 2013

MADDEN 25-Amazing Game-MUST WATCH "MADDEN NFL 25" Steelers Vs. 49ers Online Gameplay Ranked

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  • published: 07 Sep 2013
  • views: 8133 25-Amazing Game-MUST WATCH "MADDEN NFL 25" Steelers Vs. 49ers Online Gameplay Ranked
NFL Top 10 | Defenses |
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:21
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2013

NFL Top 10 | Defenses |

  • published: 15 Sep 2013
  • views: 2129 Top 10 | Defenses |
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:49
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2013

"THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL

So THAT'S what they were saying... Like on Facebook! Follow on Twitter!
  • published: 15 Jan 2013
  • views: 39366857"THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL
NFL TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:33
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

NFL TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1

Want more NFL Tour? Let me know in the Comments! ☆ Enjoy the video? Subscribe Here! ✤ NFL Tour Playlist - ☆ Check... TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1
NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:41
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013

NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls

No tenemos derechos para estos videos NFL mejor 10 NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 5652 Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:15
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos

Alec Baldwin opens up the NFL Honors Ceremony at the expense of some of the biggest names in the National Football League.'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos
NFL Top 10 | Football Myths |
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:35
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013

NFL Top 10 | Football Myths |

  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 29 Top 10 | Football Myths |
NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:27
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013

NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players

NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 4 Top 10 Undrafted Players
  • Close NFL Games of 2012
    Close NFL Games of 2012
  • NFL Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect
    NFL Kicking Edition | Dude Perfect
  • NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games
    NFL Top 10 Bad Weather Games
  • Best NFL Sound FX Moments Of  Season 2012- 2013
    Best NFL Sound FX Moments Of Season 2012- 2013
  • NFL Fantasy Files Compilation
    NFL Fantasy Files Compilation "Pick me"
  • Examining the NFL's Nonprofit Status
    Examining the NFL's Nonprofit Status
  • MADDEN 25-Amazing Game-MUST WATCH
    MADDEN 25-Amazing Game-MUST WATCH "MADDEN NFL 25" Steelers Vs. 49ers Online Gameplay Ranked
  • NFL Top 10 | Defenses |
    NFL Top 10 | Defenses |
  • 2:49
    "THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL
  • NFL TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1
    NFL TOUR - Cordarrelle Patterson: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CONTROL) - Part 1
  • NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
    NFL Top 10 Gutsiest Calls
  • 'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos
    'NFL Honors' Alec Baldwin's opening monologue - NFL Videos
  • NFL Top 10 | Football Myths |
    NFL Top 10 | Football Myths |
  • NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players
    NFL Top 10 Undrafted Players

Close NFL Games of 2012

Here are some tight finishes to some NFL regular season games. I know there are others, but these are the ones I remember watching myself. If you have anymor...

Close NFL Games of 2012
Here are some tight fin­ish­es to some NFL reg­u­lar sea­son games. I know there are oth­ers, bu...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2013
au­thor: Rebel Trem­ble
NFL Kick­ing Edi­tion | Dude Per­fect
Kick it. Punt it. Boom goes the dy­na­mite it. Get these guys on Sports­Cen­ter! http://clickt...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2013
au­thor: Dude Per­fect
NFL Top 10 Bad Weath­er Games
No ten­emos dere­chos para estos videos NFL mejor 10 NFL Top 10 Bad Weath­er Games NFL Top ...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2013
Best NFL Sound FX Mo­ments Of Sea­son 2012- 2013
Raider Zahos has gone through all the NFL's Sound FX videos and has put to­geth­er the best ...
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2013
NFL Fan­ta­sy Files Com­pi­la­tion "Pick me"
This is a com­pi­la­tion of the best NFL Fan­ta­sy Play­er Files. Each video con­tains a dif­fer­en...
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2013
au­thor: Bi­o­lusTX
Ex­am­in­ing the NFL's Non­prof­it Sta­tus
Since 1966, the Na­tion­al Foot­ball League has been con­sid­ered a non­prof­it en­ti­ty, ex­empt­ed ...
pub­lished: 28 Nov 2013
MAD­DEN 25-Amaz­ing Game-MUST WATCH "MAD­DEN NFL 25" Steel­ers Vs. 49ers On­line Game­play Ranked
mad­den 25 game­play,mad­den 25,nfl,foot­ball,mad­den 2014,mad­den 25,mad­den2014,mad­den 2014 gam...
pub­lished: 07 Sep 2013
NFL Top 10 | De­fens­es |
pub­lished: 15 Sep 2013
"THE NFL : A Bad Lip Read­ing" — A Bad Lip Read­ing of the NFL
So THAT'S what they were say­ing... Like on Face­book! http://​www.​facebook.​com/​badlipreading...​
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2013
NFL TOUR - Cor­dar­relle Pat­ter­son: Tour Mode (THIS GAME IS OUT OF CON­TROL) - Part 1
Want more NFL Tour? Let me know in the Com­ments! ☆ Enjoy the video? Sub­scribe Here! http:/...
pub­lished: 07 May 2013
NFL Top 10 Gut­si­est Calls
No ten­emos dere­chos para estos videos NFL mejor 10 NFL Top 10 Gut­si­est Calls NFL Top 10 ...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2013
'NFL Hon­ors' Alec Bald­win's open­ing mono­logue - NFL Videos
Alec Bald­win opens up the NFL Hon­ors Cer­e­mo­ny at the ex­pense of some of the biggest names ...
pub­lished: 04 Feb 2013
NFL Top 10 | Foot­ball Myths |
pub­lished: 12 Sep 2013
NFL Top 10 Un­draft­ed Play­ers
NFL Top 10 Un­draft­ed Play­ers NFL Top 10 Un­draft­ed Play­ers NFL Top 10 Un­draft­ed Play­ers N...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2013
Youtube results:
The Best NFL Catch­es!
pub­lished: 06 Jan 2013
NFL Pick me
Aw­some !!!...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2012
au­thor: Kim Nora
In­side the con­trol room: turn­ing NFL foot­ball into prime­time tele­vi­sion
The NFL's most ex­cit­ing game isn't played on the field. It hap­pens be­hind the scenes, as h...
pub­lished: 25 Nov 2013
NFL Top 10 Come­backs
No ten­emos dere­chos para estos videos NFL mejor 10 NFL Top 10 Come­backs NFL Top 10 Comeb...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2013
photo: USAF
Seals dot the view of the Antarctic landscape of Australia's Scott Base, Antarctica. Shot during Operation DEEP FREEZE.
Edit The New York Times
19 Dec 2013
BEIJING — Burgeoning scientific power China is starting construction on its fourth Antarctic research base to enhance work on climate change and other fields. State media on Thursday say Taishan Station is being built about 500 kilometers (310 miles) inland. It will be staffed by as many as 20 people during the Antarctic summer from December to March ... Watch. Vows . Celebrating home ... Impersonating Karzai.  . Inside ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras
File - Samantha Power, United States Permanent Representative to the UN, briefs correspondents following the Security Council’s closed-door session on the Syrian chemical weapons programme
Edit Voa News
19 Dec 2013
Margaret Besheer. UNITED NATIONS — U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power has arrived in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, where she is to meet with government officials and civil society leaders about the fighting that has created a large and growing humanitarian crisis.   ...   ... And only with this disarmament do we think that that violence can come to an end,” said Powers.   ...   ...   ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
photo: AP / /Saurabh Das
Supporters of right wing Rashtrawadi Shivsena, or nationalist soldiers of Shiva, walk with people representing U.S. President Barack Obama near the U.S Embassy to protest against the alleged mistreatment of New York based Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade, in New Delhi, India, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013. The Indian diplomat said she faced repeated "handcuffing, stripping and cavity searches" following her arrest in New York City on visa fraud charges in a case that has infuriated the government in New Delhi. One of the persons representing Obama is naked to protest against the alleged stripping of the diplomat.
Edit Al Jazeera
19 Dec 2013
India has alleged that the recent arrest of one of its top diplomats in the US was part of a conspiracy, a charge that has gained momentum with the emergence of new facts surrounding the incident threatening bilateral ties between the two global powers ... The diplomat also faces allegations of filing wrong information in the visa approval form of Richards ... This triggered the series of events leading to the diplomat’s arrest ...  ....(size: 3.7Kb)

Edit Denver Post
20 Dec 2013
Times Square will be converted to a Super Bowl plaza in advance of the NFL championship ... Forty Ate, which takes its name from the 48th edition of the NFL championship game that will be held Feb ... 27 through game day inside the Renaissance New York Times Square Hotel, according to Mary Pat Augenthaler, vice president of events for the NFL....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Newsday
20 Dec 2013
The NFL said Thursday that plans for Super Bowl Boulevard, which is being billed as the marquee event for fans during the week leading up to Super Bowl XLVIII at MetLife Stadium on Feb ... It is a free event for the public and the NFL said it will be open "snow or shine." ... Current and former NFL players will sign free autographs from noon-5 p.m ... NFL to expand Super Bowl Boulevard 14 m ago Foo Fighters playing N.Y....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit STL Today
20 Dec 2013
Since the pro football season began in September, 30 of the 31 most-watched TV programs in the nation have been NFL games ... And, to what probably is a surprise to many fans, prime time isn’t the best time for the NFL ... Underscoring the impact of the NFL is that late Sunday afternoons outside of the football season often are dead zones on TV, often occupied by reruns and infomercials ... The Nielsen Co., NFL ....(size: 6.1Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Dec 2013
New Orleans Saints quarterback and tight end  rank in the top 10 of NFL All-Stars in balloting for the 2014 Pro Bowl with one week left to vote, the NFL announced Wednesday ... He's ranked second in the NFL in completions, completion percentage, yardage, touchdown passes, fourth in third down passer rating (101.1) and seventh in passer rating ... 26, just three days prior to an exciting slate of Week 17 NFL games....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Buffalo News
20 Dec 2013
The NFL says it will oppose any effort to drop the blackout rule that deprives sports fans of televised games, even as those fans – and non-fans – dig deep in their pockets to help teams build palaces meant to attract wealthy ticket buyers. It’s a losing argument, and the NFL needs to concede ... The NFL has already delivered its comment....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit STL Today
20 Dec 2013
Since the pro football season began in September, 30 of the 31 most-watched TV programs in the nation have been NFL games ... And, to what probably is a surprise to many fans, prime time isn’t the best time for the NFL ... 5 25.1 Source • The Nielsen Co., NFL ... Underscoring the impact of the NFL is that late Sunday afternoons outside of the football season often are dead zones on TV, often occupied by reruns and infomercials....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Chicago Tribune
20 Dec 2013
spread).<img width='1' height='1' src='http.//' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a ......(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit New York Post Online
20 Dec 2013
Before the season began, Rex Ryan crowed his Jets defense would be among the NFL’s best, among the top five in the league ... In every one of the past eight seasons — the first four as the Ravens’ defensive coordinator and the last four as the Jets’ head coach — Ryan’s defenses have never finished worse than eighth in the NFL, that coming last year ... “This is the NFL....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Dec 2013
Chick left the Riders to chase the NFL dream after a 2009 season in which he was named the CFL's top defensive player. He ended up going from the Colts to the Jacksonville Jaguars and was starting to make an impact with the team before suffering a season-ending injury in 2012 that resulted in him never getting back to an NFL active roster ... "I had a good opportunity in the NFL, but that opportunity ended....(size: 4.3Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
20 Dec 2013
Manning threw career-high five interceptions last week against Seattle and has NFL-high 25 interceptions to match career high ... S Antrel Rolle had interception last week, has season-high six this season, tied for NFL lead ... QB Matthew Stafford has NFL-high 12 turnovers since Week 11, three more than Manning and New York Jets QB Geno Smith during five-game stretch....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Dec 2013
Sunday NFL Countdown ... Sunday NFL Countdown host Chris Berman and analysts Cris Carter, Mike Ditka, Tom Jackson and Keyshawn Johnson, will preview the NFL games on Sunday, Dec ... The program will include ESPN senior fantasy sports analyst Matthew Berry providing fantasy football updates and insight, and NFL insiders Chris Mortensen and Adam Schefter reporting the day's news from across the league ... NFL Matchup....(size: 9.5Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
20 Dec 2013
And while anyone who has ever been in an NFL locker room will tell you that it's hardly usual for football players to speak gushing, over-the-top (and borderline amusing) platitudes about a teammate — all you have to do is watch NFL Network's excellent top 100 series for proof — something about this felt ... That's the highest in NFL history, even higher than this guy's^....(size: 6.7Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Dec 2013
-- For Texans Interim Head Coach Wade Phillips, making sense of Houston's 12-game losing streak - in the midst of a season where the Texans rank fourth in the NFL in total defense and are on the verge of cracking the top-10 in total offense - remains a bit of a mystery.  ... "I mean, gee, you're 11th in offense and fourth in defense in the NFL and you don't win any games....(size: 6.3Kb)

The National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional American football in the United States, and is considered the top professional American football league globally. It was formed by eleven teams in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, with the league changing its name to the National Football League in 1922. The league currently consists of thirty-two teams from the United States. The league is divided evenly into two conferences – the American Football Conference (AFC) and National Football Conference (NFC), and each conference has four divisions that have four teams each, for a total of 16 teams in each conference. The NFL is an unincorporated 501(c)(6) association, a federal nonprofit designation, comprising its 32 teams.

The regular season is a seventeen-week schedule during which each team plays sixteen games and has one bye week. The season currently starts on the Thursday night in the first full week of September and runs weekly to late December or early January. At the end of each regular season, six teams from each conference (at least one from each division) play in the NFL playoffs, a twelve-team single-elimination tournament that culminates with the championship game, known as the Super Bowl. This game is held at a pre-selected site which is usually a city that hosts an NFL team.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Cordarrelle Patterson
Tennessee VolunteersNo. 84
Wide Receiver Junior
Major: Arts and Sciences
Date of birth: (1991-03-17) March 17, 1991 (age 21)
Place of birth: Rock Hill, South Carolina
Height: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Weight: 205 lb (93 kg)
Career history
High school: Rock Hill (SC) Northwestern
Career highlights and awards
  • 2× NJCAA All-American (2010, 2011)
  • All-SEC first team (2012)
Stats at

Cordarrelle Patterson (pronounced CORE-dare-uhl; born March 17, 1991) is an American football wide receiver.

Patterson spent one season at the University of Tennessee before declaring for the 2013 NFL Draft. Prior to UT, Patterson attended Northwestern High School in Rock Hill, South Carolina, where he was a teammate of current Volunteers quarterback Justin Worley.

He spent the 2009 season at North Carolina Tech Christian Academy, but did not play football. In 2010, he transferred to Hutchinson Community College in Hutchinson, Kansas and was a two-time NJCAA All-American.[1]


College career[link]

Patterson was a highly-touted recruit in 2012 coming out of Hutchinson CC. Rated as a 5-star prospect by 247Sports and the top JUCO player in the country, Patterson received scholarship offers upper-tier Division I programs.[2] He ultimately chose to attend Tennessee over Auburn, Georgia, Ole Miss and others. Patterson cited his relationship with the UT coaches and quarterbacks as his main reason for choosing the Vols.[3]

Playing just one season with the Vols, Patterson made an immediate impact with his athletic ability and offensive versatility. Primarily a wide receiver, he also excelled as a kick returner, punt return and all-purpose back. He scored at least 1 touchdown via reception, rush, kick return and punt return, with 10 total touchdowns in 12 games.[4]

JUCO statistics[link]

Year Team GP Rushing Receiving Kick/Punt Returns
Att Yds TD Avg Avg/G Rec Yds TD Avg Avg/G No. Kick Yds Punt Yds TD
2010 Hutchinson CC[5] 11 7 19 0 2.7 1.7 52 908 9 17.5 82.5 21 398 247 3
2011 Hutchinson CC[6] 12 32 379 6 11.8 31.6 61 924 15 15.1 77.0 10 482 0 3
Total 23 39 398 6 10.2 17.3 113 1832 24 16.2 79.6 31 880 247 6

Division I statistics[link]

Year Team GP Rushing Receiving Punt Returns Kick Returns
Att Yds TD Avg Long Avg/G Rec Yds TD Avg Long Avg/G No. Yds Avg TD Long No. Yds Avg TD Long
2012 Tennessee[7] 12 25 308 3 12.3 67 25.7 46 778 5 16.9 58 64.8 4 101 25.3 1 81 25 671 26.8 1 98
Total 12 25 308 3 12.3 67 25.7 46 778 5 16.9 58 64.8 4 101 25.3 1 81 25 671 26.8 1 98

Professional career[link]

NFL Draft[link]

On January 9th, 2013, Patterson—along with college teammates Tyler Bray, Justin Hunter and Darrington Sentimore—announced his intention to leave college early and declare for the 2013 NFL Draft.[8]


External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Alexander Rae "Alec" Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor who has appeared on film, stage, and television.

Baldwin first gained recognition through television for his work, for two seasons (6 and 7), on the soap opera Knots Landing, in the role of Joshua Rush. He has since played both leading and supporting roles in films such as Beetlejuice (1988), The Hunt for Red October (1990), The Marrying Man (1991), The Shadow (1994), Notting Hill (1999), The Aviator (2004) and The Departed (2006). His performance in the 2003 film The Cooler garnered him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Since 2006 he has starred as Jack Donaghy on the NBC sitcom 30 Rock, receiving critical acclaim for his performance and winning two Emmy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards for his work on the show, making him the male performer with most SAG Awards ever.

He is the eldest of the Baldwin brothers working in Hollywood.

Baldwin was born on Long Island, New York, the son of Carolyn Newcomb (née Martineau) and Alexander Rae Baldwin, Jr., a high school history/social studies teacher and football coach. Baldwin was raised in a Roman Catholic family of Irish, English, and French descent. He has three younger brothers, Daniel, William, and Stephen, who also became actors. Baldwin has two sisters, Beth Baldwin Keuchler (born 1955), and Jane Baldwin Sasso (born 1965).[citation needed]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Color so warm
As the summer sun goes down
You are there you are there
Walls broken down
My soul cries out for you
You're aware you're aware
Whispers in the night
Calling my name I feel the light
On me now I hear you
Whispers in the night
Pieces of this dream
Don't fit as they would seem
But you care I know you care
And through it all
I know your love
Is a constant stream
Seeking places in our hearts
Whispers in the night
Calling my name I feel the light
On me now I hear you
Whispers in the night
When I don't hear a sound
I cry hysterically
I loosen from my ground
And think pathetically
Because the voice I long
to hear is yours
Colors so warm
As the summer sun invades
You are there you are there
Words you spoke in the night
Sustain me through the day
You are there you are there
Whispers in the night

Dust from the desert road
Settles on the plain
It looks just the same
As a road traveled before
And there in the distance
Sits a man I've seen before
He's just to hard to ignore
And He slowly speaks to me
OOOh I can feel the warmth
When I look inside deep inside
your fire eyes
OOOh I can see the rage
Through a burning love
deep inside your fire eyes
Show me your world
Hidden within yourself
Knowledge on the shelf
Can't compare to what you know
Give me your peaces
Ask me what you will
I'm eager to tell
Of all you've done for me
He said scream
Then reach out and touch the sky
Where all things try
And dreams melt into one
He said cry
When you face the night alone
And find that black stone
Which slowly replaced your heart

Soon maybe quicker then soon
There will come a day
Where the dawn is like night
And the heat of the Sun
Will make us wish it would go away
Think real think hard
Do we just surrender
To the conscience of the few
Think hope think about forever
Do we just surrender
To a world we never knew
OOOh for the love of the big dollar
The sea rages
As it gives up it's precious treasure
And the sky has opened wide
Leaving us no places to hide
Think real think hard
Do we just surrender
To the conscience of the few
Think hope think about forever
Do we just surrender
To a world we never knew

Paint a picture
of the western shore
This faith within me
Like the sea you
just can't ignore
The wind surrounds me
Like the spirit from above
It will toss and turn me
And shape me into a
tower of love
Oh men of power who
rocks the boulevard
Work until the hour
where life's end
means a new reward
Paint a picture
Of the eastern skyline
The sun, the moon, and the stars
Which gave us all the sign
Oh men of power who
rocks the boulevard
Work until the hour
where life's end
means a new reward
One big sky, one big hope
Two forgotten memories
Own dark question
one bright truth
His answer's for you and me.

Sweet rising sun
There's a distant rain
There's a healing hand
And it wipes the shame
There's a constant love
And it fills complete
Wit a heart full and yearning
I could only believe
I live for the day
When I feel the red fire
of love
I live for the reign
Deep in my heart
I live for the truth
That I hear within
I'd die for the love
Deep in my heart
Sweet rising sun
There's a hole in our hearts
Here's a fragile soul
That's been torn apart
But the sweet breathe
of air
From a Savior true
Leaves me wanting nothing
Leaves me only wanting you

Remember you, remember me when you were young,
Now you've gone your way; hope you make it back someday,
Someday is never, someday might be so cruel,
Just make it this day,
Come on back to what you always knew.
Story, it's a story,
We're a story,
Story of how it all began,
Story, it's a story,
We're a story,
Story of how it all began.
How long can you hold out? How long can you wait?
Some say it's destiny, others say it might be fate,
The love's forever, the hope is for the world,
Let's make it this day,
Go on back to what you always knew.
Story, it's a story,
We're a story,
A story of how it all began,
Story, it's a story,
We're a story,
Story of how it all began.
All began, all began.
Story, it's a story,
We're a story,
Story of how it all began,
Story, a little bit of story,
We're a story, yeah,
Story of how it all began, all began.
Story, (story, yeah)
Story, (it's a story)
Story, (we're a story)
Story, (story)
Story, (it's a story)
Story, (we're a story)
Story, (story, yeah)
Story, (it's a story, yeah)
Story, (we're a story)

Hearing inside
Your heart whispers the truth
He's playing your song
And it's playing for you
I've been in love
And I've been around
I've seen hearts die
Without making a sound
Towing the line
Nearing the end
You reach out reach out
Reach out again
Aren't we all winners
In this crowded old world
And once in a while
You go running home
Aren't we all singers
Always singing the blues
And once in a while
You go running home
Always our light
He's always leading us home
So why do we hide
From the love He has shown
I've been in love
And I've been around
I've seen hearts die
Without making a sound
Towing the line
Nearing the end
You reach out reach out
Reach out again

If I say to you, "Live life and be free," If I say to you, "Just believe in me," If we walk these fields of dreams together, Just know I am here, always and forever.
Please know I won't go, You're always a friend of mine, Right on time to show me the way.
Fire, fire, There's fire in the house tonight, Fire, fire, Holy fire in the house, yeah, Fire, fire, There's fire in the house tonight, Fire, yeah, Fire in the house.
If we hold onto what is not there, Stretch out arms out to touch the air. If we call the name and shout out loud, Flowers fall and gently touch the ground.
Please know I won't go, You're always a friend of mine, Right on time to show me the way, Show me the way. Come on, show me the way.
Fire, fire, There's fire in the house tonight, (fire in the house) Fire, fire, Holy fire in the house, (cover me with your...) Fire, fire, There's fire in the house tonight, (can you feel it?) Fire, yeah, Fire in the house.
Fire, fire, There's fire in the house tonight, (fire in the house) Fire, fire, Holy fire in the house, Fire, fire, Fire in the house tonight, Fire, Fire in the house.

We don't always see eye to eye, We don't always feel the same way, Trapped inside this empty room, waiting to hear from me, Just settle down and listen deep inside, yeah.
Hope always feeds the heart, This world where I live has only you and I.
Don't you run, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run away.
My body has been broke in two, Only if you believe it's true, I'm a bridge between you and my father, Let me in your empty room, then you will hear from me, Just settle down and listen deep inside, yeah.
Hope always feeds the heart, yeah, This world where I live has only you and I.
Don't you run, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run away.
Don't you run, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run, Don't you run away, Don't you run, Don't you run away.

In me and in you the colours bleed true, Though hearts beat red, my love has been so dead for so long, for so long, I need someone like you, whose colour is the bright blue sky, 'Cause I've had enough of this loveless world I'm in, yeah.
I know the colour of love and I've found where it's been, The colour is red, You know I'm so in love with you, yeah.
Colours surround me, spinning around me, winding me into a heart of gold, Telling me where I've been, that I'm in colour world once again, once again, I need someone like you, whose colour is the bright, white light, yes, And I might shed a tear when you're near, if I hear...hear you coming close.
I know the colour of love and I've found where it's been, The colour is red, You know I'm so in love with you, yeah, I've found the colour of love - do you know where it's been? The colour is red, You know I'm so in love with you, with you.
Colour of love, Colour of love, Colour of love.
Oh, no, no.
I know the colour of love and I've found where it's been, The colour is red, You know I'm so in love with you, with you - check it out, I've found the colour of love - do you know where it's been? The colour is red, You know I'm so in love with you, with you.
Here we go, come on.

Don't wait, just go around me, I'll wait as they cry constantly, yeah.
Touch the fire that's burning red, Can you hear what the man said? Hold the fear in your hand, He's coming close, he understands.
Give to me life that's torn and I'll be missionary, If you care like I do, you'll be missionary too.
Over here, over there - can you see they're everywhere? Grab a home on the street - I don't mind, if you keep it neat, Touch the fire that's burning red, Can you hear what the man said? Hold the fear in your hand, He's coming close, he understands.
Give to me life that's torn and I'll be missionary, If you care like I do, you'll be missionary, Touch the fire burning red when you're missionary, A liquid Earth can't keep me, no, from missionary, yeah.
Give to me life that's torn and I'll be missionary, If you care like I do, you'll be missionary, Touch the fire burning red when you're missionary, A liquid Earth can't keep me from missionary. (yeah, oh)

Hands of love reach out for hands that reach out for love always, Lord of mercy, gently hurt me, Heal me with your eyes of love forever.
Right in the middle, right in the middle, I was on my own and then you walked right in the middle of my heart this time, Right in the middle, yeah, right in the middle, We're on our own until you walk right in the middle of our hearts.
Show me who you really are, Honesty is all I have, but I'll give it to you, yeah, And it's you that I have wanted, you I've been looking for, And now that I have you, Lord, I want you so much more, so much more.
Right in the middle, right in the middle, yeah, I was on my own and then you walked right in the middle of my heart this time, Right in the middle, yeah, right in the middle, We're on our own until you walk right in the middle of our hearts, oh yeah.
And I want you, always need you, yeah, You know I hear you everywhere, And I want you, yeah, always need you, I want to hear you everywhere.

(I love you.) (Is this a joke?) (I love you very much.) (Am I losing my mind?) (Doh!)
I've danced this world, seen the faces, There's hard luck, there are lonely places, Love's a dream, a fantasy scene played out between you and me, What is true? What is real? It's in your heart, and you want to feel, Feel the love, just like me, yeah, Open up and be free.
I know your love is higher than I've ever been.
Can we break through the fire? And let's talk about love, Can we touch pure desire? And let's talk about love, Let's talk about love.
I've had it once, I've had it twice now, You know, I think I've even had it three times maybe, Baby, times are changing, Love is not what it used to be, This other love is pure and it's free, What is true? What is real? It's in your heart, and you want to feel, Feel the love, just like me, yeah, Open up and be free.
I know your love is higher than I've ever been.
Can we break through the fire? And let's talk about love, Can we touch pure desire? And let's talk about love, Break through the fire, And let's talk about love, Can we touch pure desire? And let's talk about love, Let's talk about love, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's talk about love, Let's talk about love, Let's talk about love, Talk about love, Let's talk about love.

Come to me, I really don't know that I need you, I won't mind when I feel that your love has rescued me, Don't you know I could have a heart of gold if you'd just talk to me? Talk to me, t-t-t-talk to me, talk to me.
I have cried many years; now life's changed by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door, I have tried many years; now life's rearranged by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door.
Time to go, Time to realise that it's not just you and me, Time to fight, time to win, Together we can take the war, Take the war, take the war, Don't you know they can have hearts of gold if we'd just talk to them? Talk to them, t-t-t-t-talk to them, yeah.
I have cried many tears; now that's changed by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door, I have tried many years; now life's rearranged by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door.
I have cried many tears; now that's changed by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door, I have tried many years; now life's rearranged by the stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door.
Stranger at the front, Stranger at the front door. Stranger at the front, Stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front, Stranger at the front door. Stranger at the front, Stranger at the front door, Stranger at the front door.
Stranger at the front door.

Hope is at the door and you let her wait, Now she's gone away, to chose, Win or lose - only you can say.
Oh, when you gonna live in the bright light?
Live right and walk true, If only you knew the bad, bad place, Give love patiently, Soon we'll see what's in the bad, bad place.
Dream a silly dream, Does it mean that we're here forever? Faith that's gone astray, Any day I'll find you home again.
Oh, when you gonna walk in the bright light?
Live right and walk true, If only you knew the bad, bad place, Give love patiently, Soon we'll see what's in the bad, bad place.
In the bad place, Come on.
Live right and walk true, If only you knew the bad, bad place, Give love patiently, Soon we'll see what's in the bad, bad place.
The bad place, The bad place, What's in the bad, bad place? The bad place, The bad place, What's in the bad, bad place?

It seems so far from here, but I know that it's real, Unlike a dream, this place is so very clear, Your hope of love is in my mind, High and low - can I find you anywhere? Your sweet hands of love have reached out to me.
Heaven's on my mind, I've left it all behind, And I'll wait for you, 'cause Heaven's on my mind, Heaven's on my mind, Nothing more to find, And I'll wait for you 'cause Heaven's on my mind.
I know you're close to here, You're just something I could feel, Many times I'm so close to tears, but hopes of love are in my mind, High and low - can I find you anywhere? Your sweet hands of love have reached out to me, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Heaven's on my mind, I've left it all behind, And I'll wait for you, 'cause Heaven's on my mind, Heaven's on my mind, Nothing more to find, And I'll wait for you 'cause Heaven's on my mind.
Heaven's on my mind, I've left this world behind, And I'll wait for you, 'cause Heaven's on my mind, Heaven's on my mind, Nothing more to find, And I'll wait for you 'cause Heaven's on my mind.

I fight the war in a dark hole
Lonely place dying souls
The war is hate anger is king
Watch me win hear freedom ring
So many ways to reach into a love
That in so many ways I fought
to stay above
OOOh It won't ever fade away
OOOh will I live to see the day
when you
Give me love Give me love
Give me love Give me love
I've known the truth and the way
The sky is white this world is gray
One thing's clear there's no mistake
Love is free It's yours to take
So many ways to reach into a love
That in so many ways I fought
to stay above
OOOh It won't ever fade away
OOOh will I live to see the day
when you
Give me love Give me love
Give me love Give me love

I met this lonely stranger
Asked him where are you going?
He said I'm looking for some danger
Well you can find it anywhere
But who will come and
save you from yourself
When you've had all
that you can take
I know someone who paid
the price
He said lay it on me
Lay it on me
Lay it on me
When your heart is
hanging low
Lay it on me
Come in and let me
share this thing
This thing I call happiness
It only happens from within
And once you've had it all
make sense
Cause who will come and save
us from ourselves
When we've had all
that you can take
I know someone who paid
the price
He said lay it on me

Can you see the reign
Kings of the king in another age
Can you hear the voice
Voice of the spirit call
Will you hear the noise
As thousands in a praise fall
See the wide road calling
out for me Oh no
Walk the narrow road
I can hear you when you try,
hear you cry
I need you Oh God
you're everything to me
I need you deep inside
give me hope take my pride
I need you love from above
God I need you
I need you deep inside
give me hope always my guide
If you speak the word of truth
Power and glory like you never knew
Clean you'll be free inside
Peace no need to run and hide
Per chorus
chorus repeat

[Novel singing (Skillz) {Novel}]
They don't flow, (uh) {laughing} they don't flow (yeh)
{yo, uh} like they used to do yo
No they don't, they don't flow
{yo} quite the same {they don't flow} (yeh yeh)
No the game, ain't the same, as it used to be
(it ain't the same no more)
No they don't, {yo} they don't flow
{yo} quite the same {check it}
(listen, Novel talk to 'em)
[Novel (Novel signing)]
DJ's run this exclusive, new shit, acoustic, who's this?
Novel, niggaz I get in 'em like some loose lips
Rappers wanna bang me like blue chips confuse it
A r'n'b nigga from a nigga that makes music
Amuse it, any competition with their two cents
And i've really only ever had about two cents way from i'm too bent
Sick of y'all rapping bout your two clips
Bragging bout your few chips
I've had it upto here with your nuisance
N it's funny how time flies (funny how time flies)
All of these players and (all of these wise guys)
None of y'all spitting it, and (none of y'all got nice)
What silly y'all spiffin (but the rest of y'all bye bye)
I shift y'all withdrawals, rip you with my quick jaw
Nuttin baby just shit start pitfall for rappers that are pissed off
None o' y'all should get pissed on, that's in my bitch song
When I come through it's like a million niggaz from Islam
They don't flow, they don't flow like they used to do
No they don't, they don't flow, quite the same
No the game, ain't the same, as it used to be
No they don't, they don't flow, quite the same
They don't flow, they don't flow like they used to do
No they don't, they don't flow, quite the same
Yeh, yeh, uh, Skillz!
It's plain to see, this shit ain't what it used to be (uh-uh)
I'm the same emcee so y'all better get used to me
I breathe hip hop dawg, i'm the root in the tree
And when the game's on the line i'ma shoot the three (c'mon)
Cos if you missed it first time, then soon you'll see
A separate breed, but i'm what you'd call a true emcee
N' I don't wanna hear them lies about who you be
You be cryin' n lyin' about what you gon' do to me (yeh whatever man)
N it's a lotta y'all eatin, n it's thanks to that (what)
You rappin gangsta, but I was told gangsta's don't rap (no)
All I ever hear, is the heat y'all spark
What happened to the days when we did it free in the park (yo)
Yo, yo
I seen these cats up on their interviews
No you ain't spit it dude, get a clue
They talk it live, but when I rhyme then I get ridiculed
Don't be so critical, you quite the fool, you pittyful
It's more than gin n juice when I bust it like an inner-tool
We used to hark it out, talk about straight up flows
No cars, no shoes just rip up shows
And we seem to forget about who we be
No S-K-I's no double L-Z's
N I don't wanna harm you (I don't wanna harm you)
The next time you come around somebody better warn you
The cowards better beware (Cowards better beware)
See you at a cipher rhyme (You really shouldn't be here)

So beautiful you are
I would never take for granted
Much more than a star
See you're like a planet
And thats where I would be
It brings me pleasure
Im all in your world
And it dont get no better (no)
Never knew love like this
I used to be so cold
To everyone woman I met
But girl you broke the mold
Yea I get so weak
Whenever she speaks
She's all that I need
So much more, more, more
I could spend all of my time trying to get know ya
Wanna Love you the rest of my life
F**k it just get to hold ya
And baby no I dont mind I do anything to show ya
If it makes you happy (If it makes you happy)
Would that make you happy? (Would that make you happy?
no no yeah)
See your so shakespearian
Like a text book low
Its like the whole experience
Everytime that we touch
Time and time again
I try not to pretend
How sick that I get
Butterflies in my stomach
Girl don't let go
What you do to me is
Watching my soul
Like a point from Cupid's arrow
I get so upset
When were not together
Girl a storm could set
We will make it through the weather
I could spend all of my time trying to get know ya
Wanna love you the rest of my life
F**k it just get to hold ya
And baby no I dont mind I do anything to show ya
If it makes you happy (If it makes you happy)
Would that make you happy? (Would that make you happy?
yeah yeah)
Your my lady, I give all my love to you
Your my baby, Theres nothing that I wont do
Girl you make me, Crazy when I'm without you
I'm lost, I'm lost
Your my lady, I give all my love to you
Your my baby, Theres nothing that I wont do
Girl you make me, Crazy when I'm without you
Im lost, Im lost, I'm lost, I'm looost
Chorus x2:
I could spend all of my time trying to get know ya
Wanna love you the rest of my life
F**k it just get to hold ya
And baby no I dont mind I do anything to show ya
If it makes you happy (If it makes you happy x2)
Would that make you happy? (Girl that makes you happy

all around me are familiar faces
worn out places
worn out faces
bright and early for the daily races
going nowhere, going nowhere
their tears are filling up their glasses
no expression, no expression
hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
no tomorrow, no tomorrow...
feels like all we know is money
find it kind of sad
conditions we are living in
the poverty is bad
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
when people wanna hurt you
it's a very, very
mad world
mad world (Oh Yeah Yeah)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Yeah Yeah Ya Ya Ya Uh Huh)...
children waitin' for the day they feel good
happy birthday, happy birthday
and to feel the way that every child should
speak and listen
speak and listen...
went to school and I was very nervous
no one knew me, no one knew me
hello teacher, tell me, what's my lesson?
look right through me, look right through me
but all this talk of money
i find it kind of sad (I Find It Kind of Sad)
conditions we are living in
the poverty is bad
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
when people wanna kill you
it's a very, very
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)...
yo, one straight level's all we got
but there's nothin' left
police be takin' shot
everybody that
children on the block
papa working at ?
mama doing a lot
but economy's in a tangle
put the peace and equality
all we goin' the same
now we started brutality
people lookin' for change
haters lookin' for blame
ten of these lookin' the same
here's the hope for humanity
'less the plan is humane...
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
mad world (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)...
Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo
it's crazy right now
it's a really really really bad world
Uh uh uh uh uh
you're gonna die out there
i said it's a mad world Oh
oh oh

[Verse 1: Novel]
I am, reverends' future black president.
I'm what you see rollin' every day through your resident
Windows tinted, young and relentless
To the cops, I'm a suspect that fits the description
But I am, not a hoodlum, I'm not an abuser
I'm sort of a connoisseur slash entrepreneur.
I've seen a lot of people grow, some went, some came
Rappers are next-generation shit but I am change.
At the age of 21 they said I'd be non-existent,
It's that, or pleading the trial or being convicted.
I guess since I'm alive then I beat the statistics
Y'all can all kiss my ass when I am rich.
I'm the sun, I'm light,
I'm much more than your bling or the shine off your ice
I'm as, free as a spirit, I'm as fly as a bird
I'm whatever I wanna be as long as I am heard
Cause I am...
I am I am I am
Eternal to the light I am I am
I'm a product of the ghetto, my father's boy,
A brother to my sister, my mother's pride and joy, I am
I am I am I am
The king of all knights I am I am
I'm the blade of the knife, that slaughtered the lamb
The greatest sacrifice, the son of Abraham
[Verse 2: Talib Kweli]
I am C-E-O, H-N-I-C
B-K-M-C, Talib Kweli
My name roll off the tongue like L-M-N-O-P
See I am at touch, you can I'm me.
I'm not nobody's toy, I'm not nobody's boy
I am someone's man, I am someone's joy
I am the voice, I am the truth
I am the choice, I am the proof.
Like my man from the D
Gon' stand on my feet
I am the branch, from the family tree
A baby to the leaves, carriers of the seeds
To carry on the name, to make a man complete.
De La Soul said I am a beat
I'm not a dream, I'm not a fantasy
Right here in the flesh,
I am out of this world, I am something else
I am something lived, I am something felt.

Your just so beautiful it makes me cry
You always get your way girl every time
It breaks my heart we had to say goodbye
I just can't let you fuck with my mind
My tears are bullets and my eyes a loaded gun
I never thought I'd be the one to run from love
Just can't lose it when it all comes push to shove
I just can't let you fuck with my mind
The things you say how was I to know babe yea
The things you did were unforgivable yea yea
And all this time I was here for ya late yea
Your just so beautiful it makes me cry
You always get your way girl every time
It breaks my heart we had to say goodbye
I just can't let you fuck with my mind
My tears are bullets and my eyes a loaded gun
I never thought I'd be the one to run from love.
You just can't lose it when it all comes push to shove
I just can't let you fuck with my mind.
The things you say how was I to know babe yea.
The things you did were unforgivable yea yea.
And all this time I was here for you late yea
Your just so beautiful it make me wanna cry
You always get your way girl every time.
It breaks my heart we had to say goodbye.
I just can't let you fuck with my mind
My tears are bullets and my eyes are loaded guns
I never thought I'd be the one to run from love.
You just can't lose it when it all comes push to shove.
I just can't let you fuck with my mind.
Baby girl I gave you my love
And after all the things we've been through
You say it wasn't enough
Girl I gave you my trust
Say there's nothing left no regrets
I just gotta let it be yea.
Your just so beautiful it makes me wanna
You always get your way girl every single time
It breaks my heart we had to say goodbye
I just can't let you fuck with my mind.
My tears are bullets and my eyes are loaded guns
I never thought I'd be the one to run from love
You just can't lose it when it all comes push to shove

Please excuse me but I got to ask
Are you only being nice
Because you want something
My fairy tale arrow pierces
Be careful how you respond
'Cause you'd not end up in this song
I never gave you an encouragement
And it's doing me in
Doing me in
Doing me in
Doing me in
The more you try to erase me
The more, the more
The more that I appear
Oh the more, the more
The more you try the eraser
The more, the more
The more that you appear
You know the answer so why do you ask
I am only being nice
Because I want someone, something
You're like a kitten with a ball of yarn
And it's doing me in
Doing me in
Doing me in
Doing me in
The more you try to erase me
The more, the more
The more that I appear
Oh the more, the more
The more I try to erase you
The more, the more
The more that you appear
No, you're wrong, you're wrong
You're wrong, you're wrong
You're wrong, you're wrong

[Lloyd Banks:]
Ya'll know who this is
Lloyd Banks
G Unit
Lloyd Banks
[Verse 1: Novel]
Watermelons, Coconuts
Red squeezed juice drippin' nigga what what?
What I got to for a nigga like me to touch ya?
Body bangin' from head to toe she ain't blush much
Got me so small got her toes done
Cherry Red, Cinnamon she like no one
I ever met before
Didn't sweat me no
[Chorus: Novel]
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour
You see her on the streets doin' something to me
I need peach fuzz
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour
You see her on the streets doin' something to me
[Verse 2: Novel]
Yeah peach fuzz no steel rubbin' on the hairs of my chinny chin chin
Its such a taste make me smile
While I could crush grapes turn it into fine wine
You the greatest my one and only
I done some shit you got to understand my story
Rub on ya navel
Then freak off on the table
Then I could go past your navel
[Chorus: Novel]
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour
You see her on the streets doin' something to me
I need peach fuzz
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour
You see her on the streets doin' something to me
[Bridge: Novel]
Yo its down down down
Down down down down
I'm going down down down
Down down down
[Verse 3: Lloyd Banks]
Any special attention that god gave
But I ain't kissin' no lips that open up side ways
I ain't tryin' to knock ya strategy
You will not be mad at me
Ya old ass cell couldn't top my battery
You know we keep them dutchs stuffed up fast
But if you deep sea diving you can't puff puff pass
I know the tongue song got women fooled
I only jump head first in the swimming pool
Lloyd Banks
[Verse 4:]
You gotta know that this is a pacifical thing
Its critical man
Cause if she goin' down then she givin' me brain
And we push the seat back in the Caddy
Shes packin' the fatty
We practically at it
We at it cause Kat's a fanatic
In fact its sporadic
And don't get it twisted I eat 'till its numb
I eat 'till ya cum
My tongue'll have you speakin' in tongues
I eat it at the bay or the beach
And they all weak
See I could give it
[Chorus: Novel]
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour
You see her on the streets doin' something to me
I need peach fuzz
I need peach fuzz
Especially sweet not sour

Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why.
Why can't we live together?
Tell me why, tell me why.
Why can't we live together?
Everybody wants to live together.
Why can't we be together?
No more war, no more war, no more war...
Just a little peace.
No more war, no more war.
All we want is some peace in this world.
Everybody wants to live together.
Why can't we be together?
No matter, no matter what colour.
You are still my brother.
I said no matter, no matter what colour.
You are still my brother.
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together?
Everybody wants to live.
Everybody's got to be together.
Everybody wants to live.
Everybody's going to be together.
Everybody's got to be together.
Everybody wants to be together.
I said no matter, no matter what colour.
You're still my brother.
I said no matter, no matter what colour.
You're still my brother.
Everybody wants to live together.
Why can't we be together?
Gotta live together...

(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Beat is gettin' stronger
Beat is gettin' longer too-oo-oo
Music's soundin' good to me
But I wanna, said I wanna
I wanna take you higher
Yeah, let me take you higher
Baby, baby, let me light your fire
Ooo yeah, little bit higher
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Beat is nitty-gritty
Music's in your city too-oo-oo
Music's gettin' good to me
But now don't ya, I said don't ya
Don't ya wanna get higher
Yeah, don't ya wanna get higher
Baby, baby, let me light your fire
Ooo ha, little bit higher
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Come on baby (higher!)
Don't ya wanna get high (higher!)
Ooo yeah! (higher!)
Light your fire (fire!)
Come on daddy (higher!)
A little bit higher (higher!)
I wanna (higher!)
Said I wanna light your fire (fire!)
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Beat is here to make you mo-ove
Music's here to help ya groo-oo-oove
Music's soundin' good to me
But take your places
I'm gonna take you higher (higher!)
Yeah, baby (higher!)
Gonna take ya higher (higher!)
Ooo yeah (higher!)
Little bit higher (higher!)
C'mon daddy (higher!)
A little bit (higher!)

Sittin` here together, baby we`re all alone
Now I can tell ya, girl, you turn me on
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
Bring out the lovin`, lovin` desire, baby
You got the match, oh that lights the fire
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
Mama-mama, mama-mama
Mama-mama, mama-mama
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high
Mama-mama, mama-mama
Mama-mama, mama-mama
I get lifted, I get lifted up hi-high - hi-high

Think I'll go back home
Think I'll go back home
Think I'll go back home
Back where I belong
Think I'll go back home
Nothin' for me here
Nothin' for me here, child, no there ain't
Nothin' for me here
People trapped by fear
And you can't get near
Lived with you I felt
Lived with you I felt, child
Lived with you I felt
I was by myself
I was someone else
Babe, come home with me
Babe, come home with me now
Babe, come home with me
And I'll make you see
Yes, I'm gonna set you free
When I woke up this morning
I found that I was alone, yeah
Till I called your number
They told me there's no one home again
Baby, what does it mean?

Waterfall, nothing can harm me at all,
my worries seem so very small
with my waterfall.
I can see my rainbow calling me
through the mystery
of my waterfall.
Some people say day-dreaming's
for the lazy minded fools
with nothing else to do.
So let them laugh, laugh at me,
so just as long as I have you
to see me through,
I have nothing to lose 'long as I have you.
Waterfall, don't ever choose your ways.
Come with me for a million days,
