Last Updated: December 24, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 12°C - 24°C . Becoming sunny.

Parenting Christmas rituals bond families

Christmas tree

IT IS the traditions families adopt around this time of the year that children get so much out of, according to research and the experts.

United Kingdom Mum lets girls be killers' penpals

hand writing

A BRITISH mum under fire for encouraging her young daughters to write letters to murderers in prison says it teaches them about forgiveness.

United States Hands-off dads 'an outdated myth'

dad with baby

THE detached dad, turning up his nose at nappies and too busy to bathe, dress and play with his kids is mostly a myth.

New report Childcare staff bogged in paperwork

Childcare staff bogged in paperwork

CHILDCARE workers are spending four hours a week filling out paperwork instead of playing with children, a government report reveals.

Boys to men: Welcome to the school for blokes

Boys to men: Welcome to the school for blokes

WORRIED boys are growing up in "men deserts". To fix this problem, this school is teaching young blokes everything from the right way to ask a girl out to how to shave.

Adoption Stars cheer Abbott adoption plan

Stars cheer Abbott adoption plan

PRIME Minister Tony Abbott announces his intention to make adoption easier by slashing waiting times and costs.

The Vatican Pope backs public breastfeeding

Pope Francis

POPE Francis has continued to surprise after revealing he supports mums nursing their babies in public.

'Hot mum' contest pits mothers against daughters

'Hot mum' contest pits mothers aga...

THE search is on for China's 'hottest mum'. Hordes of women are sending in selfies with their daughters. But can you tell who is the mother?

Colouring page: Santa on his sleigh

Get ready, he's on his way. One more sleep to go! Hang up a pretty portrait to greet him when he slides down the chimney!

Get crafty: Hand print christmas tree

Making a hand print Christmas tree will have the kids painting up a storm.

Get active: Gift wrap relay race

Who doesn't love gifts and what kids don't get excited by the idea of a relay race to get those gifts?

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Police slam silly Billie over car selfie

Police slam silly Billie over car selfie

UPDATE: POLICE have slammed Geelong Cats footballer Billie Smedts for taking a "selfie" while behind the wheel.

CEO's pay package shrinks, still earns US$34.3m

CEO's pay package shrinks, still earns US...

DISNEY CEO Bob Iger's pay package shrank 7 per cent for 2013, despite the entertainment company's strong financial performance during the year.


Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

MELBOURNE'S purge of senior staff cost the club more than $1.8 million, with the Dees racking up $3.1 million in losses.

Why you can't remember faces

Why you can't remember...

IF you struggle to remember faces, your genes could be to blame, new research has found.