- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 36852
- author: Welcome to Yorkshire

Yorkshire - When are you coming?
Premiered at our annual conference Y 12 on 28th March 2012....
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: Welcome to Yorkshire
Yorkshire - When are you coming?
Yorkshire - When are you coming?
Premiered at our annual conference Y 12 on 28th March 2012.- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 36852
- author: Welcome to Yorkshire

Programa Este bicho é o bicho - Yorkshire Terrier NOVO
A atração do programa Este bicho é o bicho desta vez é o Yorkshire Terrier. O programa foi...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: lu katahira
Programa Este bicho é o bicho - Yorkshire Terrier NOVO
Programa Este bicho é o bicho - Yorkshire Terrier NOVO
A atração do programa Este bicho é o bicho desta vez é o Yorkshire Terrier. O programa foi gravado no Canil Yumi, com a criadora Gisele Guerra. O programa é ...- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 19582
- author: lu katahira

Grand Départ 2014 - Made in Yorkshire
It is official: The world's greatest cycle race - the Tour de France - will start in the w...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Grand Départ 2014 - Made in Yorkshire
Grand Départ 2014 - Made in Yorkshire
It is official: The world's greatest cycle race - the Tour de France - will start in the world's greatest county on 5th & 6th July 2014 bringing millions of fans to the Yorkshire roadside to cheer on the champions of the sport. This short film will give you a small idea of what to expect during these two special days. http://letour.yorkshire.com- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 20438

Yorkshire inteligente memorizou seus brinquedos - Vicky Nina - Yorkshire Terrier
Com apenas 6 meses, Vicky Nina, memorizou 8 brinquedos. Escuta o que é pedido e vai buscar...
published: 04 Aug 2010
author: Luciana Nishikawa
Yorkshire inteligente memorizou seus brinquedos - Vicky Nina - Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire inteligente memorizou seus brinquedos - Vicky Nina - Yorkshire Terrier
Com apenas 6 meses, Vicky Nina, memorizou 8 brinquedos. Escuta o que é pedido e vai buscar. No percurso, erra, se distrai, mas volta a dar atenção pra mamãe....- published: 04 Aug 2010
- views: 469599
- author: Luciana Nishikawa

The Yorkshire Accent | AlyBongo
It's Yorkshire Day! This is a video in which I exploit my Leeds, Yorkshire accent for your...
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: GoAlybongo
The Yorkshire Accent | AlyBongo
The Yorkshire Accent | AlyBongo
It's Yorkshire Day! This is a video in which I exploit my Leeds, Yorkshire accent for your entertainment by saying words, answering questions and reading a p...- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 111676
- author: GoAlybongo

Yorkshire Dialect
From the BBC's "The Story of English." Please keep comments on topic—anything related to t...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: Guitcad1
Yorkshire Dialect
Yorkshire Dialect
From the BBC's "The Story of English." Please keep comments on topic—anything related to the history of the English language, regional dialects, accents, liv...- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 179241
- author: Guitcad1

Yorkshire Zulu Funny Spoof | Channelbee
Yorkshire Films Present... Zulu....
published: 06 Aug 2008
author: ChannelBeeTV
Yorkshire Zulu Funny Spoof | Channelbee
Yorkshire Zulu Funny Spoof | Channelbee
Yorkshire Films Present... Zulu.- published: 06 Aug 2008
- views: 165666
- author: ChannelBeeTV

michael mcintyre yorkshire accent
A clip from michael mcintyre's comedy roadshow where he gives his take on the yorkshire ac...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: WilsonVTi
michael mcintyre yorkshire accent
michael mcintyre yorkshire accent
A clip from michael mcintyre's comedy roadshow where he gives his take on the yorkshire accent. Copyright BBC and no infringment intended.- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 510451
- author: WilsonVTi

Teaching Americans The Yorkshire Accent | Alyybongo
Teaching all my American friends the Yorkshire accent and dialect. Sponsor me to raise mon...
published: 18 May 2013
author: GoAlybongo
Teaching Americans The Yorkshire Accent | Alyybongo
Teaching Americans The Yorkshire Accent | Alyybongo
Teaching all my American friends the Yorkshire accent and dialect. Sponsor me to raise money for people Living Below the Line! Donate to my page! https://www...- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 10727
- author: GoAlybongo

interview with millen eve - true yorkshire accent!
My niece Millen was just three years old at the time I filmed this video clip several year...
published: 15 Jun 2007
author: leew63
interview with millen eve - true yorkshire accent!
interview with millen eve - true yorkshire accent!
My niece Millen was just three years old at the time I filmed this video clip several years ago. There was no script or preparation. It was completely sponta...- published: 15 Jun 2007
- views: 1229197
- author: leew63

Banho Yorkshire
aprenda o modo correto de dar banho no seu Yorkshire....
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: CanilLittleHairy
Banho Yorkshire
Banho Yorkshire
aprenda o modo correto de dar banho no seu Yorkshire.- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 4878
- author: CanilLittleHairy

published: 18 Feb 2012
author: PelaPel TV
ENTRETENER, INFORMAR, COMPARTIR - SIGUENOS EN FACEBOOK PelaPel TV. Es un canal de video dedicado a la formación, promoción y difusión de la peluquería canina...- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 164539
- author: PelaPel TV

Yorkshire Airlines
the latest budget airline....
published: 23 Sep 2006
author: riponpotter
Yorkshire Airlines
Yorkshire Airlines
the latest budget airline.- published: 23 Sep 2006
- views: 1209872
- author: riponpotter
Youtube results:

The Tea Song - by Yorkshire Tea
For more tea fun: http://www.twitter.com/YorkshireTea
& follow us on Facebook: http://www....
published: 23 Oct 2013
The Tea Song - by Yorkshire Tea
The Tea Song - by Yorkshire Tea
For more tea fun: http://www.twitter.com/YorkshireTea & follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/YorkshireTea In celebration of our love of a proper brew, we made a song full of facts about how tea can benefit you in your everyday life. We filmed it in a field and many of our team braved the cold to be in the video. (Thankfully, we had plenty of hot tea to hand.) http://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 13846

Escuela de perros Cómo son los perros de raza Yorkshire Terrier
Pablo Hernández es etólogo veterinario. Para entendernos mejor, Pablo es "psicólogo de per...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: canaldecasa
Escuela de perros Cómo son los perros de raza Yorkshire Terrier
Escuela de perros Cómo son los perros de raza Yorkshire Terrier
Pablo Hernández es etólogo veterinario. Para entendernos mejor, Pablo es "psicólogo de perros". Con él vamos a aprender a conocer mejor a nuestros perros, su...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 2347
- author: canaldecasa

Educating Yorkshire's Mushy P find his voice in the video clip that made Twitter cry
You'll cry, you'll cheer - watch as Mushy finds his voice in Educating Yorkshire's final s...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Educating Yorkshire's Mushy P find his voice in the video clip that made Twitter cry
Educating Yorkshire's Mushy P find his voice in the video clip that made Twitter cry
You'll cry, you'll cheer - watch as Mushy finds his voice in Educating Yorkshire's final show Pupil with a lifelong stutter tells his classmates and teachers: 'Thank you for helping me speak It's not often you have a little cry and then punch the air while cheering a 16-year-old and his scruffy teacher. But this clip from the final Educating Yorkshire is guaranteed to make you do exactly that. If you want a life-affirming experience that makes your whole day a rosier, happier place, watch English teacher Mr Burton as he helps pupil Musharaf Asghar overcome a lifelong crippling stutter. Preparing for a crucial GCSE test in which he has to speak aloud, Mr Burton listens to 'Mushy' struggle and then says "It's only cos I watched The King's Speech recently, and one of the things he does, he's similar to you he just can't get the words out. "But he makes him listen to some music and do it again, have you got your phone with you? Use mine and I'll play you some awful music." Mushy pops in the headphones, and tries again, and as the words start pouring out of him Mr Burton's face is a picture of pure joy. To find out about Mr Burton's emotional reaction as he watched the show back again on Channel 4 last night, click on the link. At the end of year assembly a teacher tells the pupils how when he arrived at the school Mushy could barely talk, was badly bullied, and had just a 34 per cent attendance record. Now he's a prefect and Mushy has something he'd like to say, she tells them. With that, Mushy - with his headphones on - makes a moving speech thanking staff and his fellow pupils for helping him find his voice. The teachers are crying, the kids are crying, and he gets a rightly deserved standing ovation. It's the most heartwarming and inspiring thing you'll see all year. Guarantee You'll ,cry, you'll, cheer, - watch, as, Mushy, finds, his, voice, in, Educating, Yorkshire's, final ,show,Watch ,Educating ,Yorkshire's, Mushy, P ,find ,his ,voice, in, the, video, clip ,that, made, Twitter, cry- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 25130

Parto de Yorkshire Terrrier
Parto de Yorkshire Terrier. Jesús Montero Coramonte....
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: Coramonte Yorkshire Terrier
Parto de Yorkshire Terrrier
Parto de Yorkshire Terrrier
Parto de Yorkshire Terrier. Jesús Montero Coramonte.- published: 30 Nov 2009
- views: 55440
- author: Coramonte Yorkshire Terrier